Value Based Questions

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Value Based Questions PhysicsXII

1. A man travelling in a car during heavy rain and thunderstorm sees a boy standing under a tree. He immediately stops his car and asks the boy to get inside the car and saves him from a possible natural calamity. Answer the following questions based on the above information: (i) What danger did the boy had while standing under the tree during the thunderstorm? (ii) How is it safer inside the car during such weather? (iii) What according to you, are the values displayed by the man to help the boy? (iv) Give another example from everyday life situations which represent display of similar values. Ans. (i) Trees often being much taller than surrounding structures, will attract lightning, and the tree can get on fire. The boy might get electrocuted. Also if the lightning strikes the tree then the tree might fall on the boy. (ii) During thunderstorms, it is safer to sit inside a car. This is because car has a metallic body that does not allow the lightning to hit the person sitting inside the car. We know that charges always reside on the surface of metal. Inside a conductor charge is zero. If lightning strikes the car during a thunderstorm, the charges will be distributed on the surface of the metal body of car. No charge will exist inside the car. Hence, the person sitting inside the car is considered safe. (iii) Helpfulness Compassion General awareness Service to others. (iv) Advising a person who is doing repair work on air condition system mains without switching off the mains. Stopping a person entering nuclear medicine ward in a hospital without proper protection or precautions.

2. Prof. Kumar conducts an interview to select a physics teacher and asks the following two questions from every candidate: (a) Why should a potentiometer be preferred over a voltmeter for measurement of emf of a cell? (b) Why should a ten-wire potentiometer be preferred over a four-wire potentiometer?

There was a strong recommendation for candidate X who could not answer many questions including the above two. However, another candidate Y did not have any recommendation but replied most of the questions correctly. Prof. Kumar recommended the selection of candidate Y ignoring completely the recommendation for the other candidate.
Value Based Questions (xx)

Answer the following questions on the basis of given information: (i) Write in your own words, the answer to the above two questions asked by Prof. Kumar. (ii) Which values are displayed by Prof. Kumar in the selection of the teacher? (iii) Suggest one activity to promote any one of the values displayed by Prof. Kumar. Ans. (i) Null point determination in a potentiometer does not require any flow of current in the circuit. Thus, there is no potential drop across the internal resistance of the cell and hence the measurement gives the exact emf of the cell. Using ten-wire potentiometer decreases the potential gradient and hence increases its sensitivity. (ii) Honesty Courage Concern for quality teaching School welfare (iii) Honesty can be inculcated through carrying out activities of discussion on casestudies, situational analysis, sharing anecdotes, historical events etc. 3. While performing an experiment on determination of unknown resistance using a meter bridge, Rahul obtained deflection in the galvanometer in the same direction even after repeated adjustments in the circuit and thus could not get any results. In order to avoid getting noticed and scolded by the teacher, he pretended having performed the experiment and copied the readings obtained by another student. Answer the following questions based on above information: (i) Write the possible reasons for getting the deflection in the galvanometer in the same direction. (ii) Which two values is Rahul violating in copying the readings from another student? (iii) What, in your opinion, should have Rahul done in the given circumstances? (i) (a) The two resistances in the gaps (P and Q) are not of comparable value. (b) Current may not be flowing in both the arms due to loose connections. (ii) Honesty, truthfulness, sincerity, desire to learn more and improve. (iii) Rahul should have sought help from teacher to know the reasons for not able to get desired results.



4. Some scientists have predicted that a global nuclear war on earth would be followed by a severe 'nuclear winter' with a divesting effect on life on earth. Answer the following questions based on above prediction: (i) What is the possible basis of this fear and prediction? (ii) Which human values are violated in the event of a nuclear war? (iii) Which values need to be promoted in humans so that such a situation of global nuclear war does not arise? (iv) Suggest two methods to promote such values.

Value Based Questions (xxi)



(i) The clouds produced by nuclear war would perhaps cover substantial parts of the sky preventing solar light from reaching many parts of the globe. This would cause a 'winter'. (ii) Love for humanity Non-violence International understanding Brotherhood (iii) Love for mankind Restraint on mis-use of nuclear weapons. Respect for sovereignty of every country. Emotional balance. (iv) Vigorous campaign for spreading awareness. Highlighting these issues and concerns in curricula in all stages. Greater focus on these concern through mass media.

5. In the famous conversation, Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian Astronaut in space, was asked by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as to how India looked from space. To which he replied Sare Jahan Se Achcha (better than the whole world). Answer the following questions based on above passage: (i) Which scientific mode of communication enabled The Prime Minister to speak to the Astronaut? (ii) Name the scientific values displayed in this anecdote. (iii) Which values are being reflected in the reply given by the astronaut? (iv) Give one more example of this scientific mode of communication in everyday life situations. Ans. (i) Radio wave communication system. (ii) Use of scientific and technological advancement in service to mankind. Human Passion for continued progress and advancement. (iii) Patriotism and love for the country Presence of mind (iv) Television Communication System. 6. A student X sitting in the last row in the class have difficulty reading the matter written on the blackboard. The teacher requests the student sitting in the front row to volunteer for exchange of seat to help X. Student Y sitting in the front row volunteers herself to exchange the seat with X. Now X was able to read the matter on blackboard clearly and Y also did not face any difficulty. The teacher also advised X to get his eyes checked-up. Answer the following questions based on the above information. (i) Which eye defect of vision X is suffering from? (ii) Which values is the teacher displaying through her actions and advice? (iii) Which values is Y displaying through volunteering? (iv) In what possible ways can X respond and reciprocate the help rendered by Y?
Value Based Questions (xxii)


(i) Myopia/Shortsightedness (ii) Concern for students Helpfulness Duty/role as a guide Counselling (iii) Empathy Helpfulness Cooperation (iv) Friendship, sharing and caring, thanks and gratefulness.

Value Based Questions (xxiii)

7. A team of eye specialists visited a village and examined number of villages for any vision defects. They observed that many villagers suffered from different defects of vision. They left and came back after a month with required medicines and equipment for treatment. The eye treatment camp continued for one week. The doctors as well as villagers were extremely happy after the event. Answer the following questions based on the above information: (i) Which values made the doctors happy? Name any two actions on your part as an individual which you can take to get similar kind of happiness in other everyday life situations. (ii) Assuming yourself to be a doctor in this event, suggest one more help or action related to eye defects to help the villagers further. Ans. (i) Empathy, service to others, concern for fellow beings. Adopting a needy individual or group and contributing towards their free education. Spreading awareness about health care. Any other. (ii) Follow-up check-up; awareness about eye-care, Free distribution of required spectacles, etc.

8. Rutherfords atomic model was a reasonably good model of structure of atom based on famous a-particle scattering experiment. However, it was subsequently modified by Neils Bohr and later on, by others. The resulting improvements in the understanding of atomic structure have greatly contributed to further scientific advancement. There are many other similar examples in scientific field when original contributors happily accept modifications in their ideas. Answer the following questions based on the above information: (i) Name the scientific values associated with above anecdotes. (ii) Give any example from your life experiences so far which reflects display of such a value by you as an individual. (iii) In what way such a personal attribute is likely to help you?



(i) Intellectual honesty, open-mindedness, ability to accept failure. (ii) Any examplessay your perception about culture and traditions, your long understanding of a physical phenomenon, etc. (iii) Improvement in thought process, better learning.

9. Two different groups calling themselves as (a) Forum for fast development and (b) Forum for environmental protection have been organising separate protests on Governments decision to build a Nuclear Reactor at a particular site. The first forum arguing in favour of Nuclear Rector for production of more electricity for development whereas the second forum was opposing it vehemently due to environmental risks and concerns. Answer the following questions based on the above information: (i) Which one of the two groups will you prefer to join? Give two reasons for your preference. (ii) Which two values are promoted through your preference? Ans. (i) Preference of the individual (Anyone of two preferences will be correctwith proper justification). First group favours prosperity and progress whereas the second group favours environmental protection and well being of the people living in the vicinity of the site. (ii) Environmental protection, well-being of and concern for life. (iii) All necessary precautionary measures for safety and smooth functioning of the Reactor may be taken. 10. Advancements in communication principles and technology has helped mankind to communicate almost instantly in any part of the globe. These advancements, however, have also shown adverse effects. Many school authorities and parents are not in favour of free and unlimited access of these electronic devices to students fearing adverse effect on their emotional and psychological health. Answer the following questions related to the information in the above passage: (i) Name any three electronic devices which are used for instant communication. (ii) Write any two adverse effects of misuse of these devises on students. (iii) Which two values are adversely affected due to misuse of these communication devices. (iv) Given one suggestion to promote/inculcate these values in school-going student. Ans. (i) Mobile phone, Fax, Internet. (ii) Excessive use of these devices and access of undecided information can pollute their thinking. Spread of wrong information through these devices can lead to misunderstanding and confusion amongst masses. (iii) Emotional Health/Psychological Health. Constructive use of time/time management. (iv) Spreading awareness about uses and misuses of technology and its adverse effects. Creating realisation of value of time in one's life with the help of anecdotes/specific examples from everyday life situations.
Value Based Questions (xxiv)

Mr. Kishan is a farmer who was staying happily in a hut made of hey and leafy roof. It is easy for him to renovate his home with new leaves every year as the good quality palm leaves he get free of cost and it is environment friendly. Most of the village people are satisfied with the same type of huts there. But one day during heavy lightning, many of the huts were burnt to ashes and people were sad and disappointed. Mr. Sekhar works in electricity department and has good knowledge of current affairs. He soon reached the spot along with his friends and pacified them and made arrangements for their comfortable stay. The very next day the team could erect many lightning conductors and few cavities of metal conductors and made awareness to the villagers about lightning and the use of things installed there. (a) What according to you, are the values displayed by Mr. Sekhar and his friends to help Mr. Kishan and the village people? (2) What is the principle behind working of a lightning conductor? Also by applying Gauss theorem show that net electric field inside the metallic cavity is zero. (2)

Suhasinis uncle, was advised by his doctor to have an MRI scan of his chest. Her uncle did not know much about the details and significance of this test. He also felt that it was too expensive and thought of postponing it.
When Suhasini learnt about her uncles problems, she immediately decided to do something about it. She took the help of her family, friends and neighbors and arranged for the cost of the test. She also told her uncle that an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan of his chest would enable the doctors to know of the condition of his heart and lungs without causing any (test related) harm to him. This test was expensive because of its set up that needed strong magnetic fields (0.5 T to 3T) and pulses of radio wave energy. Her uncle was convinced and had the required MRI scan of his chest done. The resulting information greatly helped his doctors to treat him well. Value Based Questions (xxv)

What according to you, are the values displayed by Suhasini and her (2) family, friends and neighbours to help her uncle ?
(b) Assuming that the MRI scan of her uncles chest was done by using a magnetic field of 1.0 T, find the maximum and minimum values of force that this magnetic field could exert on a proton (charge = 1.6x10) that was moving with a speed of 10m/s. State the condition under which the force has its minimum value. 2 Solution: (a) (i) Presence of mind (ii) High degree of general awareness (iii) Ability to take prompt decisions Concern for her uncle (Any two) (ii) Empathy; Helping and caring nature (b) Maximum force = qVB Minimum force = zero

Value Based Questions (xxvi)

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