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List of Information System

Transaction Processing System (TPS) First transaction happens when two people make an exchange, and collecting data about it called transaction processing, so transaction processing is collecting, storing, modifying, and retrieving the transactions of an organization. Transaction system is important to answer routine questions, and it helps to conduct business such as payroll, employee record keeping or paying an employee. It's important to store the data of the transaction save and protected because transaction generally involves an exchange of money which is critical to any organization. Decision support system (DSS) Decision support system is used to model data and make quality decision based on the data , making the right decision is usually based on the quality of the data and one's ability to analyze the data , Decision Support Systems are usually computer applications with a human component. They can sift through large amounts of data and pick between the many choices and supports the non routine decision. Management Information Systems (MIS) Management information system is a system that provides information needed to manage organizations effectively. Management information systems involve three primary resources: technology, information, and people, and the most important resource is people, the information that we get supports the routine decision making in the functional areas Made for you system In this system McDonalds use modern technology to assist McDonalds operation , In this system when a customer places an order , the sandwich item will immediately appears in the computer monitor in the kitchen and a tone sound to alert the kitchen staff .
POS system "Scale of Point system"

McDonalds is very busy restaurant because many customers goes there , the first priority for McDonalds is to deliver best restaurant experience for the customers , for that McDonalds used POS system " Point of scale system " to ensure fast and accurate order , because this system is used to speed the business process, it can track massive amounts of data in seconds., With these systems, each order is instantly transmitted to several workstations throughout the facility, The cashier instantly knows what payment is due. The kitchen knows what orders are coming up, and how long a customer has been waiting.
Hyperactive Bob system

McDonalds implemented this system to let their employees when they are about to be busy , this system used computers and rooftop cameras to monitor traffic entering a restaurant's parking lot and drive-thru.

II. Data and Information History

McDonald's is a huge multi-national restaurant chain. There are 32000 restaurants all over the world that are willing to sell you a Big Mac and fries. Indeed, you would probably be hard-pushed to find a country that does not contain a few McDonald's restaurants somewhere within its borders. The company is now so big that you could be forgiven for thinking that it has always existed. But it hasn't. It was started in the first half of the 20th Century by two brothers - neither of whom was named Ronald. Richard and Maurice McDonald opened their first restaurant. In 1940 with the McDonald's Barbecue restaurant in San Bernardino, California1. What is not in dispute, however, is that both of the above were false starts. They were both the kind of American restaurant where cars park around a central hub (where the food is prepared) and it is delivered to the waiting customers by 'car hops'. In 1948 the brothers became disaffected by this style of restaurant, the pressures of a full menu, and the hassle of managing staff, and so decided to scale down the operation. They developed the idea of an 'assembly line'

whereby a reduced menu (consisting only of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries and drinks) could be cooked cheaper and quicker, which would hopefully lead to a higher turnover of customers. And so it was, on 12 December, 1948, that the new revamped McDonald's Restaurant opened, and Richard McDonald cooked the first McDonald's hamburger. During the next few years, the restaurant went from strength to strength, and the building had a slight redesign. The brothers had a slender yellow arch built at each end of the building, looping over it but not yet joined together to make the now famous 'M'.

The McDonald's chain continued to grow: In 1954: Ray Kroc was a salesman for a company that made milkshake mixers In 1960: Kroc decided that the chain could make more money if it appealed to children his by the clown Ronald McDonald is the Chief Happiness Officer (CHO) of McDonalds. In 1968 : The Big Mac was created In1973: The Egg McDuffie (the first breakfast product from McDonald's) was invented McDonald's has continued to expand into more and more countries like about 117 countries the first restaurant opening in Australia in 1971.

McDonald vision/mission
Vision: "To be the world's best quick service restaurant and to take over the global food-service industry. Mission: To provide excellent quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer feel satisfied." Value: Our values summarized in: Q, S, C & V". Provide good quality, services to customer. Have cleanliness environment when customer enjoys their meal. The value of food product makes every customer is smiling. III. What is a System? 1. System- a system means co-related components which works together for a same goal
2. A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a
set of elements (often called 'components' ) andrelationships which are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. 3. A functionally related group of elements, a network of related computer software, hardware, and data transmission devices.

IV. Importance and Benefits of Information system in the organization

Benefits of Information System

Using the information system helps McDonalds in many ways such as: McDonalds is able to identify its own strength and weakness by using the revenue reports, employees performance records etc. By identifying their strength and weakness they will able to improve their business process and operations Using information system helps McDonalds to increase productivity The effort and time is reduced by using the information system

The best system in McDonalds in our opinion we choose the POS system "Scale of Point system" because We think this system is better at McDonald's , because as we know McDonald's one of the best restaurants in each place so most people deal with their meals from McDonald's . There are many benefits of using this system such as : Time Reduction & Management using a POS system in a restaurant can save time for servers, cooks , Error Control point of sales systems in restaurants also eliminate, or at very least reduce, the rate of human error . Reduce Paperwork a POS system may include a number of automated reports for features, such as payroll, marketing tools, customer data and accounting tools, that eliminate the need for paperwork or additional systems. Faster Transactions. Using this system, the restaurant is able to keep customers and attract customers and get what they need in the easiest way.
V. what are the big issues referred in the Organization

The Customer Service Problem at McDonald's Is a Symptom of a Much Bigger Problem

posted by PAUL CONSTANT on WED, MAY 8, 2013 at 11:44 AM

Chris DeRose published an article at Business Insider addressing the fact that McDonald's is failing at customer service, with a vice president of the company openly talking about the rude or unprofessional employees" at some franchises. Here are DeRose's suggestions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create shared emotion around delivering a great customer experience. Keep simplifying work processes and rules Invest more in tools and training. Reward and recognize great service.

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