Lyndon Green Junior School: What A Week!

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Lyndon Green Junior School

What a week!

Library News

Open on Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays after school. A really brilliant opportunity to come into school and share some quality time choosing books together Music Tuition If your child is interested in taking up a musical instrument, we cater for woodwind, brass and strings, then please let there teacher know and they will be invited for an audition. We DO NOT CHARGE for this extra tuition, all we ask is that you and your child are committed to it in the long term. Events next week The Life Education Caravan arrives next week for all the children. Year 5 will be going back in time when they visit the Back to Back houses in the City Centre. A true Victorian visit. Football Trials Year 6 Boys - Tuesday Year 5 & 6 Girls - Thursday. Both at Lunchtime.

Another amazing week in school, with so many events and activities taking place. Year 4s trip to Mary Ardens Farm has been categorised by the children as the best trip ever. Helped by the fact that they saw a Ferrari on the way home. A truly engaging visit to help with their new topic. Residentials Year 6 and Year 4s residential will be here before we know it. If you have not returned your consent form or your medical form, then it is essential that you do so as soon as possible. The children will not be able to attend without it. Contact Forms We are still awaiting at least 12 contact forms from the new Year 3. These must

come into school in case of an emergency. Cross Country Starts again this week. This is an opportunity for everyone in the school to join in. The only thing we ask is that you take your child to the location by a certain time. Mr. Crees co-ordinates and we have been very successful over the last few years. Look out for a letter outlining the details. Cheque Guarantee If paying by cheque, could you please ensure the long number is on the reverse. Cheques cannot be processed without it.

End of Day Routine Thankyou for being so patient with us and for taking up the changes so well. I altered the picking up points to ensure that we even the numbers out leaving each door. It helps to keep everyone safe. Year 3 At the end of the day could you wait until the Forest School session has ended

before you enter the rear of the school. Can I also please ask you to keep any little children close to you and away from the Forest School area and the Year 6 classroom windows. Both for their own safety. Attendance Whole School attendance last week was 97.88% and Class 6S won the trophy with 100%. Absolutely staggering!

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