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INTRODUCTION 1. Works prcis is an important document for use by Engineer Officers working in works appointments as reference book. The prcis were being published in three volumes as follows:(a) (b) (c) Vol. I E1 Section. Vol. II E2, E4, E5 & E8 Section. Vol. III E3 Section.

2. They were last printed in year 1986 & subsequently reprinted in 1997 wherein an Errata sheet was attached giving amendments till 1997 since 1986. 3000 copies were printed for issue to the students attending various Works Procedure courses on payment as a reference material. 3. Since 1997, a number of policy changes has come in to MES which are issued as policy letters by E-in-Cs Branch & QMGs Branch for respective subjects. Hence it was felt necessary to incorporate all these policy changes before re-printing of the fresh prcis. Accordingly a Board of Officers was constituted for updating & computerizing the prcis to incorporate latest policy changes. 4. Th boardd composition was as follows :(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (g) (f) 5. Col DG Kadu HOD Mgmt Mr CPA Achari, AO Mr NH Khan, SE & Mr Ravi Sinha, SE - Overall Coordination & Guidance. - E1 Section. - E2 Section & E5 Section.

Mr K Bhavanarayana, - E3 Section. SBSO Mr UH Sakhalkar, SE & - E4 Section. Mr S K Tripathi, EE Mrs SS Kelkar, Arch Mr Sunil V Mane, SSW - E6 Section - E8 Section.

The various policy changes have been incorporated in the new prcis.

6. It was observed by the board that the present set of prcis do not have any chapters dealing with E6 Section which is considered to be very important as the section is involved right form the inception of any project till the building is taken on charge by MES. Hence the E6 portion of the prcis was prepared afresh incorporating all the necessary details including various bye-laws and planning norms etc. 7. On the grouping of various sections in existing three volumes it was felt that present grouping makes the prcis bulky & E8 being a very important section must be separated from present Vol. II. Hence the regrouping of the sections has been done as follows:(a) (b) (c) (d) Vol. I Vol. II Vol. III Vol. IV E1 Section. E2, E4, E5 & E6 Sections. E3 Section. E8 Section.

8. A word of caution to the users of these prcis these should only be used as reference material and quoting of them as authority in any official matter should be avoided. 9. We sincerely hope that this publication will prove to be a useful reference book for every one who is working in Works appointments and Users as well.

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