Mohn David FongYukChi 1997 HongKong PDF

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c/o David & Light Mohn 149 Java Road, Rm #223

North Point


Hong Kong

YEAR of the Ox... YEAR of the STATE

Mission Services Association

P.O, Box 2427

Knoxville, IN




Mission to Hong Kong and to the World '0' David and Light Mohn, Missionaries

' orwardiiig"Ag"entS!^*-"W'<

Field Address: 149 Java Road

Room #223

c/o Danny and Gail Jordan 107 Coquina Drive Cocoa, FL 32922-6913

North Point, Hong Kong

g/Fay g/Fa^- r<>2^9S^1-R4S( 9S^1-R4S0

June 1997 Issue 1

Volume i;

Of House Husbands and Domestic Engineers

Aletheia is going to school half a day, five days a week. She seems to enjoy it. Already her
Cantonese is more fluent than

related articles has greatly reduced the amount of remaining space oji our computer's old hard disk drive. But having an e-mail address and ability has also enabled us to help several brothers & sisters get some
information and iong distance communications taken care of quickly and cheaply. The Service Provider we

mine, even if her vocabulary is not as large. And of course,

every kind of cold that comes

use is a local major newspaper, which just reduced

their basic charges froTn.abouUJS$il,4QM^ month for

along accompanies her home. Christopher has passed the one

and a half year mark without any major problems. His teeth are slower coming in than Aletheia's but are

addional 5^urs. For those who wish to send

you want sohi^erythorou^and .current infoi
about HongKong, I recommend you access:

10 hours to on)yT730for 10 hours and$3!^5~1iat.each

almost all in. By close observation and judicious

introduction of new foods, we have discovered he is

note^ our address is; mohnfong@hkstandard.con:^

also allergic to pears and celery, and maybe to malt and

com. Com is a big problem because com oil is used as

a sweetener in most processed foods, including baby food! One great blessing is that the eczema on his face

http;// HK StarInternet - Home Page,html HKTA USA; Main Page,hk/ HKTDC Home Page http;// HK Standard Newspaper

has cleared up, only recurring occassionally. Christopher is nowwalking vety well, though he would rather be carried, of course. He gets very upset that he is not allowed out as often as his big sister, who gets to
go to school every morning. When I get back from escorting her, I can't get in the door until I take him out walking! He loves to go down and watch the buses at
the depot.
One new feature has been added to our lives since

If you want some other interesting addresses, drop me

an email note and I'll send you my bookmarks. If you're into studying the Church Fathers, the whole 30+

volume set is available for free downloading at Christian Ethereal Library, a site maintained by Wheaton College. A recent addition is WinHelp formatting by an Egyptian Coptic X'n. ^ On other fronts, many of you may not have
heard of the recent announcement of the formation of

August '96. While brother Ben Rees was on furlough he was kind enough to loan me his password to access his Internet account to keep the already-paid-for hours trom going to waste. Locating Web sites with photos of stars & galaxies, butterflies & moths, and Bible

the A.C.E., a group of prominent men, including the illustriuous Dr. Everett Koop. Their mission is to call for a retum among Evangelicals to their theological roots. Christianity Today's editor. Dr. Timothy George,

also an Evangelical, made plain that the theological

roots of these "Bible only" people are found in Augustine-wf?/ the Bible only. In a full-page article in the Chinese official Tibet Daily, it was stated that, "Buddhism must conform to socialism,
not socialism to Buddhism. On this

without explaining how or why that influence occurred, I filled in the blank spaces for him. I had nine students,

including our secretary, a member of Mongkok Church,

and two of Light's former coworkers from FEBC.

This summer I am teaching Revelation and

crucial question, we all must keep a very clear mind." Essentially, what this means is that the Tibetan Buddhist religious leaders must look to Beijing, and not the Dalai Lama, for governmental decision making. The article observed that Tibet's 1,787 temples outnumber the towns and cities and its
46,000 monks and nuns outnumber the middle-school

Ethical Issues, having just finished lecturing on Systematic Theology and Wisdom Literature. Light is also teachinga Discipleship Trainingclass. So, are we doing any good? According to one
student who has studied classical Chinese literature an(!

religions extensively, and has studied at several Biblr

colleges in Hong Kong, we are. Tai Chi Hung said that

what he liked about our college more than the others is the fact that we usually teach out of the Bible instead of out of some commentary about the Bible. He is a member of a group of churches in H.K. called. Peace Gospel Church, which are Evangelical. For several years we have been teaching several of their members, including some preachers and elders! As a result of

students. It also said too much money and labor was being used to build and maintain temples, instead of

being used for other [unspecified] purposes.


article also protested foreign criticisms of China's Tibetan policies, but did not mention the

1,000,000-plus Chinese "laborers" imported to work

the mines.

In a related vein. Hong Kong's Governor was criticized by Beijing for introducing a bill that would, if passed, legally define for Hong Kong what is meant by sedition, treason, etc. One supposes that Beijing felt Patton's move attempts to preempt China's right to
define these terms after June 30, 1997. Since most of Hong Kong's religious believers are not politically active, it is unlikely Beijing will feel the need to

studying with us, Tai Chi Hung has been confronting a number of leaders on the issue of what the Bible says about baptism. He recently raised the issue with a

certain famous H.K. (Ph.D.) author who became very

irate, but later apologized. Tai Chi Hung admitted that

before, he also would have reacted the same way, but is

now open to hear conflicting views without fear, being
interested only in discovering the truth. He is also considering the daunting task of translating Campbell's Christian System, which he is wading through. The college this spring suffered one too many leaks during heavy rain. The parquet flooring had a bubble-mound about a foot high due to warpage. We have replaced it with ceramic tiles for US$4400. We

impose similar restrictions on the churches and temples here. But, the issue of freedom of speech/expression is still a possible "back door" for Beijing to use to try to restrict what is proclaimed by believers, and where it can be proclaimed, and to whom.
In case any of you don't have televisions or radios

still have some leaks, but now, no more floor damage. It's great, too, for when the baptistry of the church that
meets there springs a leak or overflows! :-)

and don't read the newspaper, or else you've had your head stuck in the sand (for whatever reason), the handover of Hong Kong back to Beijing will have

occurred by the time you read this, on July 1, 1997.

With Lu Ping (China's man in charge of Macau and Hong Kong affairs) charging Governor Patton with being "a sinner for a thousand years" and Hong Kong being billed retroactively for the expenses of the "shadow" legislature China has been operating across

The copier we purchased about three years ago gave up its little lemon heart. We were planning on buying a replacement, but the Lord provided one for us. Another of Light's FEBC coworkers had a very good one they were not using in their small office, so they
gave it to us for free! It only cost us $130 for a new


We also recently received a complete '486

One of our student's contacts

SVGA computer.

the border in Shen Zhen, life should be interesting in

the near future.

upgraded their office machine and gave us their old The college now has a new secretary, the wife of

The Bible College was a little lacking for


teachers last summer. Out of all "our"

missionaries, only Light and I were not on furlough. I taught Philosophy and Christianity based on the 1980 book by

one of our former graduates, who is herself presently

about ready to graduate. They are both active in China.

Last year. Light had an interesting few weeks at

Colin Brown.

Since he only surveys the various

Western philosophies that have influenced the Church

Far East Broadcasting, where she used to work. Light's task was mostly to wxite scripts, and to proof others' scripts for any glaring errors, editing them accordingly.

She also used her knowledge of Mandarin to record scripts for broadcast. One script that crossed her desk

church to inform them of her heretical views. This led

to an interesting two hour meeting with three preachers

and several subsequent letters. Their conclusion was

declared bluntly that baptism was only a symbol and had nothing to do with our salvation. She tried to reason with the writer from scripture and was called a heretic for suggesting that remission of sins and reception of the Holy Spirit are dependent on faith, repentence and baptism into Jesus (Acts 2:38). She supplied a number of people in her office with my extensive set of notes on baptism, including the top-most Director in the company (who had paid Light a visit on the second day of the discussion). By that time the whole office was abuzz. During a chapel on the third day, the Director concluded that remission of sins could be obtained by baptism, but that baptism was
not necessary for salvation!!!

that we are not heretics, but that we maybe stress

baptism too much. However, the evidence does not support this, as three of her discipling students from the

church can testify. The preachers also never perceived their own overemphasis on faith only.
Light has been teaching Chinese language and literature, and Economic & Public Affairs at a private
High School since the end of March. In the past year I have been given the opportunity of preaching at the Sham Shui

Po branch of the Chinese Evangelical Gospel Church. (We have been attending

the Wan Chai branch.) There have already been many

questions generated about what the Bible teaches on

In a second incident, a local Chinese preacher, who is considered an expert about the Holy Spirit, was invited to write some scripts for the Bible Study program Light helped produce. This program has a
very large listening audience in China. In the first

baptism, salvation, and eternal security. We were also

invited to preach again at Macau while the missionary

there left to renew his visa.

script she found several statements that were clearly unsupported by scripture, such as the need to worship the Spirit because he is also God and, that a person receives the Spirit at the moment they believe, based on Eph 1;13 (compare Acts 2;38; ]9;l-6). When she submitted the corrected script to the preacher, he was naturally upset with her changes. However, Light had already discussed the changes with the Vice Program Director, supplying him with all the relevant scriptures. Her changes remained with only a bit of rewording.
In a final incident eariier this year. Light was

Did you know that there is a parasitic wasp so small, that it lays its eggs in the egg of butterflies? One butterfly egg can produce about 50 new wasps! Did you know that there are about 90 pyramids near Xi'an, China? The largest is TWICE as big as the Great Pyramid in Egypt, being over 980 feet tall. However, they are piled-earth in-form, like the Central
and South American pyramids. The Chinese term for

them, LING, indicates they are burial mounds. The famous grave in the area that produced all the ceramic
lifesize horses and soldiers was, however, not a mound.

asked to prepare a series of scripts for training Church

leaders in China. The first set concerned basic

Yes, our family will once-again

be returning to the States for a short time to make

salvation doctrine, starting with faith and ending with

perseverance. Every statement that was not a direct

quote from the Bible was heavily supported with scriptural references. There was no problem until time to record the script. Then, a co-worker disagreed with her statement that there are only three verses that tell plainly how we enter Christ/the Church. (Rom 6:3; 1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:27) Although she did not say S^ase ^note that their mailing address has changed, anywhere in the script that baptism is necessary for ^ough their phone number is the same. Anyone inj salvation, the co-worker made the correct logical ps^Qrida who has a spare car they can loan us for travel deduction and brought his objections to the Director. in-state, please contact our agents. It needs to be on the To make a longer story short, after a couple meetings in ^arge size, such as a wagon or van(ette), considering which Light was essentially commanded to change her ur family of four. doctrinal views, she was fired for being unwilling to admit she was wrong and the Director was right. In a Causes for Praise and Praver subsequent office chapel meeting the Director Give thanks for Light's opportunity to witness the
publically branded her a heretic and told the workers to

reports and visit old friends (and new ones). 'We expect ^o be in Canada and Illinois during September and in Florida from October through December Any churches or individuals wishing us to discuss our work and the present situation in Hong Kong and China may contact us directly, or through our agents, Danny & Gail Jordan. Their address is at the top of this letter.

have no further contact with her. They also kept her

last week's pay! In addition, the Director contacted her

truth of the scriptures at FEBC. Several fellow

workers have already altered their thinking. If the higher management can be influenced to do

likewise, this can have far reaching consequences in China, due to FEBC's broadcast range. Pray that the Spirit of Christ will open their understanding to believe what the Bible really

present low rent by 250%, to about US$770-900. That would still be less than the going rate for a

public flat of the same size (about 460 sq. ft.), but
not by much.
father dies.

The new policies would also

require our family to move out when Light's

The difference between rent and

Please keep us and the Christians of Hong Kong in your daily prayers as July 1, 1997 passes by.
Not nearly enough attention has been raised about the religious restrictions of China and how they might impact the Church in Hong Kong. Thanks to Jesus! I am no longer sensitive to onions, garlic, chives, or related species! As mentioned in the last letter, keep praying that

mortage payments would be slight-IF we can obtain a flat now through the government subsidized ownership scheme. In either case, the monthly outlay for housing will be stiff
Finances - 1997

both of us will be given enough strength and

vitality to achieve the tasks set before us. I, of

Current acct. balance, 5-15-97 Savings acct. balance, 5-15-97

$ 8,942 4.738


course, am still at home tending the small fry!

Funds on loan (approximately)

Pray for the health of our whole family.

Investment acct. funds transfer 20.000 $34.416

Pray also that Aletheia will not be too jealous of

Christopher. Pray for the conversion of Light's parents who are

* Decreased value of fund, 6-97 ( 3,265)*

Present real value of mission monies

already 70+ years old. Pray also for her brothers

and sisters, as well as my dad and sister. Please pray for Light's mother to want to give up smoking and horse racing. (Aletheia has already mimicked her smoking.) With her heart and arterial condition, smoking, and eating salty and oily foods as she does, is not good.

Donations to Chinese Christian Seminary,

'96-97, from mission fund: $6,354

* Indicates loss of monies if stocks were sold now.

Please pray for me as I begin organizing my

thoughts for a book on St. Auggie's Error.
Give thanks that we have found a suitable

Your fellowservants in Christ,

David, Light, Aletheia 8c Christopher

kindergarten for Aletheia to attend. It currently is planning to expand to include a Primary

School. That will solve the problem of where the

children will attend for the next few years. As

stated before, kindergarten will cost between

US$100-S200 per month. Pray that we will have more opportunities to

preach and teach at the CEG church in Wan

t ,-T

Chai. I am hoping they will eventually permit me to teach a Sunday School class of some sort. Please pray for the churches in Indonesia. It was reported that last year, thousands of people

stormed 11 churches, smashed the buildings and facilities, beat the preachers and roughed up
some women. More than US$60,000 was stolen

from offerings. It was not reported whether the attackers were Muslims, but this is likely, since Indonesia is a Muslim controlled country and has
a ver>' militant group of Muslims.

Please pray for us as we consider purchasing a

flat. Recent proposed changes to government subsidized housing policies and the new government's viewpoint will likely increase our

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