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JAN.'FEB., 1986

IA fki


Rutford Road. Streslham, London SW 16, England: Phone (nalional) 01-769-4563 (inlernationaf) 441-769-4563

AmerlcanOflice:P.O. 8ox3S3;Rutland. Vt. 0S701: Phone 802/773-7474; Bernard Ooty. agent andsecrelary:F. p.Miller, director



Lynn Ryals does her duty as nursery attendant at most meetings as well as teaching primary class In the Streatham Church.

Lynn Ryals, directing the ACT opening exercises. Lynn is supervisor of the 16 pupil school.

Lynn Ryals is seen at night coaching Celia for U level examinations Lynn tutored several others and leads a Monday night prayer group

Lynn Ryals drives the mini bus to picit people up for church. She
drove the bus all summer when the interns were here to Northern

England as far as Italy and back.

Lynn does her bit at the kitchen sink besides all her other duties. She is a willing worker who does not shrink from her turn at the dishes.

Lynn Ryals checking the records where student tests are stored. Lynn supervises the testing and graphs the results.

Lynn supervises the children on special outings at frequent intervals (including daily walks to the nearby common). She is shown here on a special away day with some of the students (assisted by brother Pink and Helen Bright.

THE VISIT TO AMERICA . . . Charlotte's View


family better. (I'm afraid we enjoyed those meals too well and now we're having to work off the pounds!) When we arrived Stateside we were hungry for Vermont ice cream, American

And that brings me to another, more sobering reflection. FOREIGNERS. Or more specifically, people of colour, as

pizza, steak (even hamburger in America is better than here)

and the salad bar! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the salad bars! Each time I filled my plate I was certain I'd be arrested by the management for theft! And I consumed too
much coffee whenever we ate in a restaurant because the

darker races would be called here in Great Britain. In Eng

land anyone not of European stock would be called "black." Although the English were the last to get into the slave trade, they were also the first to get out, and there was never a slave, a black slave, in England. For a hundred years England ruled much of the world, so they possibly are guilty of having a feeling of superiority over all the lands they colonized, (even the uncouth American colonies), but the English do not have
that "us and them" mentality that we find in America toward

American waitresses keep offering you refills (in England you pay for every refill); so I had to get my money's worth,
didn't I? We wanted to bring tubs of peanut butter back with us but couldn't fit them in. In England a 12 oz. jar is the biggest you can find. (English children find the idea of pea nut butter and jelly sandwiches revolting. They like plain cheese and butter, maybe tpped with cress and a slice of

one race. I have to confess that we found this very troubling

among many of our Christian brethren. Most Americans are

not even aware that they have what the English would call

We really enjoy our fellowship dinners here. Besides the

"racialist" attitudes. When we came to England we knew that we would find people here out of every country England
once ruled: Nigeria, Ghana, India, the West Indies, Pakistan, Hong Kong, etc. It grieves us when our American Christian

typical American dishes, and English roast potatoes, cauli flower cheese, brussell sprouts, etc., our church women bring foo foo (a Ghanian), curried goal (West Indian), tandoori chicken (Tamil from Sri Lanka), a delicious rice dish

brothers ask, "Do you try to win black people?" "Don't too many blacks cause the English to stay away?" The answer to the first question is: yes, we throw out the net for anyone of any colour. A hundred years ago the English took the gospel
to the Islands. Now it is the immigrants who believe and respond. Must we only win "them" in Africa? How much we miss in life by continuing to hold this "us and them" mental ity. If you had the opportunity to fellowship with a church of a

(our Filipino nurse), and in times past a woman from Hong

Kong made her own egg rolls and other Chinese dishes. God's church certainly gives us a little foretaste of the world
wide fellowship we'll have in Heaven!


by Charlotte Miller

I was not prepared for the tremendous influence of the

rich racial mixture how much you would gain when you found that you not only loved all your fellow Christians of colour, but also LIKED them. Here often Iam humbled by the
intelligence of men and women who have come here from a

foreign land, with a strange language, and a different skin colour, but who have mastered two, three, up to six lan
guages, and have made their way, through diligence and hard work. How many of us smug Americans have mastered more than our native tongue, if we've even managed to do that? We not only love our fellow Christians here, black, brown and yellow, we respect them for their commitment to Christ and His church. I pray that as Christians we may grow in this respect and truly believe that 'God is no respector of

British Pub Culture on the people here, especially on the young people. The Pub is usually a beautiful building (main tained by the breweries so they can afford to preserve them well) Tudor style, old wood and glass, good food, old world atmosphere, etc. It is the gathering place for old and young. Families take their children with them, rooms being set aside for the children. Young women meet there for a sandwich and a drink on their lunch breaks. Teenagers, as young as 15 and 16, frequent the pubs and complain because they aren't
legally served alcohol.

The Church of England has always used fermeted wine in

their communion. Indeed, in the 18Q0's, it was considered proof that a Moslem had really been converted if he drank the communion wine, because a true Moselm wouldn't drink

One of the things I have missed most since coming to

England is4he Fall foliage we thrledtHfA/efmoni. Eftgtefldhas an Autumn, not Fall, I presume because here the leaves do not fall in one, glorious display of reds, golds and bronze over a period of a week or two, but rather they drop off slowly, one by one as it were, until one day around the middle

Christians in Europe, even American missionaries, argue that if the American wants to win a Europeain to Christ he
he doesn't have the usual "American Hang-up" against alco hol! Then, it is argued, the European can relax, accept the American, and more likely be won to Christ. Many people argue that young people should be taught how to drink "sensibly". They point to the Jewish and Italian
cultures in which wine is served with meals and there is

of December one notices that the trees are mostly bare. Isay "mostly," because some leaves seem to cling to the branch until the new ones push them off in the Spring! But New England! Such glory! Our dear friends. George
and Lorraine Merrill, of Rutland, Vermont, drove us at least

100 miles around the area on a "foliage tour." Iam quite sure that George would have had to have his brakes relined after we left he squealed to a stop so often so that I could snap a picture of "that perfect tree," or "that breath-taking hillside of colour!" If you ever have the opportunity, attend the annual Fall Retreat at the Church of Christ in Rutland, Vermont, (usually the first week of October). You'll have a weekend of rich fellowship, challenging messages, and unforgettable beauty!

relatively little alcoholism. They fail to mention France, where children also learn to drink at an early age, and in an 'educated, civilized' way! Yet France has appalling alcohol problems and one of the highest rates of cirrhosis of the liver
in the world.

In Great Britain, alcoholism has doubled since 1970.

Death from cirrhosis rose by 243% among British women between 1970 and 1978. Teenage alcoholism has doubled over the past 10 years. Recent British newspaper headlines
have asked "Is Britain on the Bottle?" and "Just What Makes

a Drinker Drink?" Another headline read, "Alcohol Addiction

Everywhere we went on our recent trip we were treated like royalty. (Prince Charles and Princess Di couldn't have been treated any better than we were!) In each congregation the various families took turns having us in their homes for the evening meal. It was a grand way for us to get acquainted jwitli the families, andJorJIiem to know their jnissionary

Figures Shock" and "More Youngsters Turning to Drink; the Growth of Pub Culture." An article by a Mary Kenny in the Sunday Telegraph, (Dec. 21, 1980) states that 78% of the (British) population consider themselves part of the pubgoing culture. An overwhelming majority of the men drink beer. (The British pint contains 20 oz. and is 7% to 9% alco hol.) Half the women who drink regularly take spirits.
(Concluded Ith the next newsletter)

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Paid at Oskaloosa,
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mission sef^vice




Is published bi-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ. A Ave. W. and N. B St..





52577. Second Class Postage Paid at

Oskaloosa. IA 52577. Vol. VII. No. 1. Jan. Feb.. 1986.

8 flutford Road, SIreatham, London SW 16. England: Phone (national) 01-769-4563 (International) 441-769-4563



American OHice: P.O. Box 383; Rutland. VI. 05701; Phone 802/773-7474; Bernard Doty, agent and secretary; F. P. Miller, director


You may be aware that Ziggy Sobelewski has been my closest friend and for a long time the only source of strength
from a fellow human in London when we had no one else. At

us. He read the scriptures and assured the Sobelewski family that they were already well known to the churches in Amer ica because so many people had prayed for their decision.

that time Roman Catholic Ziggy was learning about the scriptures. Actually seven years of friendship would expire before Ziggy and Sophia would finally throw off the yoke of traditionalism to embrace with open obedience the New Test ament pJaaof salvation. Many times you.can be sure w.e felt that the final commitment was an impossible goal to arrive at.

Sophia Sobelewski being baptized.

Richard Merrill looks on as Fred gives last minute instructions to Ziggy and Sophia before baptism. Ruth Marshall Mraits at the right.




You can be sure that we feel that the Sobelewski family are worth waiting for. They have been (before their baptism
on March 10, 1986) evangelistically inclined for the church. Now that they are Christians they are deeply involved in the things of Christ. We are overjoyed. As is usual in such cases, there were many difficulties at the last minute not in the certainty of their decision but in getting the Job done. The baptistry which we ordinarily use was booked and we made ready, only to be informed at the last minute that the heater

had broken down and later that inadvertantly the water had been let out of the baptistry. After lots of thought we deter mined to fill the baptistry by hand. We exhausted other pos sibilities as well. However through mixed communications we 12 souls attending arrived at a church building which had been left by those who were only a short time before prepar ing it for us. Alan Marshall and John Conners had all gone home through the mixed plans. We tried to recover the day, which was by then growing late, through phones which are
difficult to come by in East London due to vandalism more than proximity. Plenty can be seen but few work.

Fred leads the welcome extended to Ziggy and Sophia to the fellow
ship of Rutford Road. John Conners looks on.

Sophia is actively involved in work in the church and Ziggy is already taking the special training classes offered on Tuesday nights. Please continue your prayers for this church's growth.


We have been seeking help for the ACE school and have needed two mission helpers to help Lynn Ryals on whom the
work load falls. Charlotte and Fred still direct the school and

are involved in decision making and guidance and all paper

work but want to be removed from the class room. The

school is an indirect method of evangelism and is a very real

work for the Lord but we feel that we are more effective in

direct evangelism. If we open in the Fall it will be only

because at least two mission workers volunteer to enter this

work to keep the school going. The Bermondsey Church of Christ in South London has suggested they may (subjunctive) let us rent a portion of their building for school purposes but unless we get some help we will redirect the work of Lynn Ryals in another area.

Ziggy Sobelewski is now a faithful member of the Streatham Church

FINANCES We reached a very low level with almost $15,000 in unpaid debts and obligations. A special appeal letter was received by about 180 people and churches. The response to that letter was admirable and appreciated and brought in over

of Christ and attends special training classes in Life of Christ.

Disheartened we drove back to Streatham from the Ber-

$7,000 in a few weeks after the letter was received. Hearty

thanks are due to those responding and a full accounting will be sent of these special offerings to all who sent. We actually received two gifts of $1000. As the figures show however we
have more expenses than income. Due as we have indicated

mondseyChurch with the intent to complete the baptism the next day (Sunday). On the way through West Dulwich I passed a swimming bath whose lights were on. When I went inside we found that the caretaker was disposed to help us because a group of Nigerians had just completed a baptism service in the swimming pool! Thus our worry turned to joy with the answer that God provided. The Sobelewskis were

unimpressed by the sudden turn of events because they said

they knew it was going to work out! Richard Merrill, from Rutland. Vermont, was preaching a meeting at the time with

before here, (from 1978) that the initial sending was substan tial but has been in decline (with ups and downs) ever since. Thus it seems that we have to change our situation. The building that has been our center for a number of years and related work creates expenses of about 1600 per month. Our missionary income has never met all of the expenses and various means have been used to supplement income includ

ing internships, bed and breakfast, fund raising tours etc.

Inspite of several new people and churches on our support

list recently {including the Church in Antwerp, Ohio; Kent, Washington: Crown Hill. Seattle: and a few individuals) we need to make some changes to bring our expenses in line
with projected income which as we have noted does not move above our basic present expense level. Thus if we receive a "windfall" it will be eaten up in paying the bills.

for our first summer family camp in which the following

churches are committed to cooperate. In London; Strea
tham. Clapham, Hendon and in Scotland the church of

Buckie, led by Sam Burton, and in the North Midlands the church in New Castle (Stoke) led by Delroy Brown. Also
cooperating with us will be Neville Pink and Neville Shaw as

It is within our scope to change and redirect the ministry

with hope that we may be even more effective. It means

selling the Rutford Road property and getting something

cheaper in a property close to London which will have less expense attached to it. This plan is actually in operation, the house is up for sale and we have a number of offers which we are considering. We have considered buying property that may double for Bible camps and retreats. THE BARBICAN

well as our mission family. This represents a family of churches committed to independent autonomy, (cooperation without centralization), nondenominational, (no authority
but the New Testament i.e. no headquarters), committed to

fellowship in New Testament forms in the Holy Spirit, (non"charismatic"). This may or may not be the beginning of a larger fellowship of such churches but it ought to be.


The "disciples" in East London are scheduled to attend their first service with us in what is to beourfirstattempt at a

service of worship drawing all the churches together in Lon don. We have three groups meeting as a result of our work and this first of "Fifth Sunday" meetings is described in the invitation brochure which is included following. We look for
a meeting of more than 80 people from our local works although invitations have also gone out to other people to attend. We are including the schedule for the service.
Richard Merrill and Vanessa came to minister to the Church in

WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY GREAT FELLOWSHIP NEW CHRISTIANS The Barbican Center has been chosen for the first of what

London. He brought with him his doctor (Richard has a back iniury). Robert and Jeryl Larson are shown during their London visit. They learned much about N.T. Christianity while here.

is hoped to be quadriannuai fellowship meetings. This first meeting will be held on April 6 beginning at 2:00 p.m. There will be signs in the Barbican Center pointing the way to the conference hall that has been secured for this purpose. The location is actually called the conference rooms in Frobisher
Crescent, on level 9 of the Barbican Center. The Barbican


Center, London's most impressive performing arts center, is located near St. Paul's Cathedral. There is parking on site. The purpose of the meeting is to provide fellowship for
the small churches that now exist in London. Three of the

churches {Streatham, Clapham. and Hendon) will make the meeting their main worship service that day and the Lord's supper will be central in the service. You are invited to take part in this service with its opportunity to fellowship and to
Richacd ,aod-Vanessa wi!

The meeting will be a regular worship experience but

there will be no classes for children. Thus it will be a wonder

ful opportunity to invite your friends to a meeting of Christians in a special place which they will be inclined to want to go. Let us take the opportunity that this special meeting affords and plan on atending now on April 6 and at the other four times to be announced. (Next meeting istentitivelysetforthe last Sunday in May.) Further details on finding the right rooms will be mailed to

you soon. But plan on coming now. Announce it in your church and invite your friends. What a wonderful opportu nity this will be to expose them to a larger fellowship in the best of surroundings. We know of several new disciples and newly baptized believers who are planning to attend. Don't

An independent fellowship of churches of Christ is beginning to form through cooperation in a summer camp program. Letton Hall is a mansion in mid East Anglia which we have a deposit on for the week July 26 through August 2

A very good friend of the family enjoys a moment of gospel music!.

Our friend Freckies.


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Iowa 52577

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Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577




is published bi-montfi!y by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N, 8 St.,





52577. Second Class Postage Paid at

Oskaloosa. lA 52577. Vol. VII, No. 2, March -

April, 1986,

8 Rullord Road. Strealham, London SW 16, England: Phone (national) 01-769-4563 (International) 441-769-4563

AY-JUNE, 1986

American Office: P.O. Bo* 383; Rutland. Vt. 05701: Phone 002/773-7474: Bernard Doly, agerl and secretary; F. P. Miller, director



Europe is still in need of renewal spiritually and is still the

center of intellectual influence for the Western World. If the

tide is not turned in European villages, towns, and cities, then America will follow suit in the same spiritual decline. Helping Europeans to evangelize is helping your own American church. We have a VHS video presentation outlining the need for European evangelism which lasts about 35 minutes. If you can put it to work in your church or Bible study group send us your request. I want to visit Bible Colleges this fall. I will be at the Missionary Convention in Indianapolis in July and will hope to see some of you at that time. Please contact us if you have
an interest.

Sincerely In Christ

Fred P. & Charlotte M. Miller

Church of Christ London Mission
8 Rutford Road

Streatham, London, SW16 2DH June 7, 1986 Dear Friends,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

We are soon to enter our ninth year of evangelizing in England. This basic evangelism has resulted in a few churches being started after the New Testament pattern and a few workers being raised up. There are also some institu tions getting going as a new and independent fellowship is forming. This summer there will be five churchs spread over the length of the island cooperating in a summer camp.
Our aim is to start a new church around the nucleus of four households now active in east London. We need recruits

Alan continues his training for the ministry and is proving his work as an evangelist. He now has a class of "disciples of Christ" meeting in East London on each Thursday. He has recently asked me to come to the class as a kind of mopping up of the program. Actually the people are well taught and are on the edge of the baptistry. They only rightly want to know for certain that what they are learning is well under stood by themselves as they have been long time Roman Catholics up to this point. This group of four people all
named Marshall are less than a half mile from the otherthree

adults, Peter, Dee, and Hyacynthe, whom we are teaching in Abbey wood. If you recall we had targeted this area for starting a new work about a year ago. Please pray for this simple progress being made that all those being taught
might come to fruition.

for leadership in this work. Charlotte and I want to try one new scheme. You may know that from the beginning of our ministry in the 1950's we have aimed at starting churches in spiritually destitute areas. Consequently for 21 years we labored in New England where


Influences of the charismatic movement have been a

we left a fellowship that is still growing and has some exciting

situations such as Hartford. Connecticut, and Rutland. Ver

mont. We came to London which had a reputation for being

more spiritually dead than Vermont.

In England the region of the country that has the reputa tion among evangelicals of being the most spiritually dead is Norfolk and northern Cambridgeshire. It is this area that we have been praying and fasting about for the past months. It means we need to recruit some families for a totally different mission approach. There will be very little response to door to door calling. What will be needed is for people to live in the area and become involved with the local economy and social life for at least a year to 18 months and then from the contacts and friends made we will lookforagroup of Christians to rise

problem in "Association" churches with many of the English leaders committed to "speaking in tongues" and actively subverting the movement in that direction. Excerpts follow ing are from the official publication of the "Fellowship" whose headquarters are in Birmingham. The quotations are from articles by Paul Miller (no relation) who ministers with the Erdington Church of Christ and is a student atSpringdale College and is Bible Study editor of Christian Fellowship, the official magazine of the Fellowship of Churches of Christ in
Great Britain and N. Ireland. Paul like mostother"charismat-

ics" is personable and likeable and talented but he does not

reflect New Testament teaching and is committed along with

others to "changing" the English Churches of Christ into "Charismatic" churches. As far as my own personal knowl edge goes this condi tion is tolerated or assisted or approved by ail the USA workers in the "Fellowship". in his article "Binding the Strong Man", Paul Miller de scribes a revival held in a Church of Christ which is reported having helped the church get a better grasp on the Holy Spirit to include the usual "charismatic" carryings on. In the excerpt taken from Paul Miller's Bible study you will notice he makes the usual mistake of confusing the miraculous gifts of 1 Cor. 12 with the admonition to commit your natural talents to Christ in Romans 12. Our purpose of outlining this complaint of ours is that people may know the special prob lems that are in British "Fellowship" churches and that some helpful dialog may result. The quotations are also used to point out the blatant neo-pentecostalism that is being foisted on British churches in the name of the Holy Spirit. Excerpts follow from Paul Miller: "The meetings were characterised by the gentle but pow erful presence of the Lord and on the third night this broke out into a more charismatic ministry with prophecy, tongues and word of knowledge in operation together with a height ened sense of worship. This had been preceded earlier that evening by repentence over the quenching and grieving of the Holy Spirit in the church and prayer to invite Him to move freely among His people once again.
What were the immediate results of all this? First in the

I will be spending part of this fall and early winter visiting churches and Bible Colleges with a view to recruiting workers who would be interested in virgin work in a resistant field using unorthodox evangelistic methods. Needed are
single people who will work in the churches in London which

still must have guidance. Needed are mature couples who have their own support (perhaps retired ministers) who would see the wisdom of getting acquainted with people in an English village. The town targeted is Wisbech, Cambridge

Are you interested? We can help you with visa problems and will provide housing (in London in a Christian home), and in Wisbech we will use a different scheme. We have plans to open a tea shop for the purpose of getting acquainted in the community. Would you be interested in getting involved? You can make the matter an item of prayer. You can write telling of someone interested or volunteering yourself. You can encourage people to support this new work. You can encourage people in Bible College to get involved in the summer internship of 1987 scheduled to work in London. Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. Particularly if you are a Bible College leader you can encourage us by inviting us to recruit workers in your school. If you are a retired person or know of a retired person who would like to let his light shine in England for a year please contact us. And you can pray and get your mission group to pray.

church there was a mixed reception to what God was doing.

The ministry was quite foreign to what had been experienced

in the church before and this caused some confusion, mis

understanding and fear. There clearly was a need forteach-

ing on tfie ministry of the HolySpirit and the gifts of ttne Spirit
in the church."

Excerpts following from Fred Miller: The Gifts of the Spirit in the Body: See 1 Corinthians 12.8-10,28 and Romans 12.6-8. This is not an exhaustive list of the Gifts of the Spirit, but provides us with some under

Cor 13:8. They were laid in the foundation of the church by the death of the Apostles who were the sole instruments of empowering individuals with the gifts. The complete revelation of God's will in the com pleted New Testament saw the phasing out of the gifts during the period when it (the N.T.) was being phased
in as the source of revelation.

standing of the Holy Spirit's working in the body in its

breadth and scope.

(a) Gifts of Knowledge Speaking knowledge Speaking wisdom

Discernment between spirits (b) Gifts of Power Working of miracles Gifts of healing

III. Indwelling of The Holy Spirit 1. Every baptized believer: Acts 2:38;, I Cor. 3:16 2. He indwellsustoproducethefruit of the Spirit. Ro.8:9 Gal. 5:22-25 The fruits of the Spirit are those virtues which will never "pass away". 3. If a person does not have the Holy Spiirit, regardless of his station in the church, he has not been baptized rightly and must submit to proper baptism to get the Holy Spirit. Acts 19:1-3

1. No one but the Apostles and Cornelius' were baptized

with the Holy Spirit.

(c) Gifts of Inspiration Prophecy

Various tongues

Interpretation of tongues (d) Other Gifts

Service Exhortation

2. No one received Holy Spirit gifts (except for the Apostles themselves and Cornelius' house) apart from the Apostles' physical touch. 3. All Christians (baptized in Jesus name (Acts 2:38]) have

the Holy Spirit indwelling them and His influence is spirit



4. Those today claiming "baptism of the Holy Spirit" make a

false claim.

Acts of Mercy Helpers


The following study on the Holy Spirit has been mailed to all workers in the Fellowship and to all congregations. Your

5. Those claiming to exercise power of miracles ie. speaking in foreign languages miraculously, miraculous healing, exorcisms, etc. are counterfeits who do not have the power they claim nor do they nearly approximate the
miracles of those who were acutally touched by the

prayers are invited in the direction of bringing about growth

of churches led by the Holy Spirit as His sword is used.

Apostles: whom these actually defame by their false


1. Jesus possesses the HolySpirit without measure. Jo. 3:34 2. The Apostles possess a super-ordinary measure of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8; 2:7; 8:17-20 (They had the power to
exercise miraculous Holy Spirit gifts and they could pass
them on to others,)

6. Those who teach that the Holy Spirit is moving freely again when a church exposes itself to "speaking in tonuges" or "word of knowledge" or so called "prophecies" though self deluded, are no less than FALSE TEACHERS in the
full Biblical intent of that term.

3. Those upon whom the Apostles had physically laid their hands possessed an extra-ordinary measure of the Holy Spirit. (They exercised miraculous gifts but they did not have apostolic power to pass them on.) Acts 8:5-16; 19:6
4. Christians in general (disciples who have been baptized in Jesus name Acts 2:38) possess an ordinary measure of the
Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38: Gal. 5:22-25 Another way of seeing the same facts;

According to Romans 16:17,18 they ought to be "marked

and avoided" not favored and pampered.

If you do not have the Holy Spirit then you need to be baptized correctly and then desire the sincere milk of the
word which the indwelling Spirit will use to make you growTIf

you teach others to initially receive the HolySpirit apart from

Christian baptism then you are a false teacher. THE BRITISH PUB
by Charlotte Miller

I. Baptism of The Holy Spirit

1. On the Apostles only (only Galilean men Acts 2:7 not

the mixed national men and women of the 120 disci

ples Acts 1:14,15) Itgave them authority over all gifts.

Acts 1:8: 2ff

2. House of Cornelius: happened for a divine sign to the

Jews that non Jews were to be admitted directly into
the church. Acts 10.

(Continued from the January-February 1986 issue) Historically, the picture of England at drink is compli cated, swinging between extreme drunkenness and extreme sobriety. In Henry VlM's time drunkenness was widespread,
and intoxication was common at church festivals. Crom well's men were frequently drunk as they "vandalized" the churches. In 1820, a study entitled "London Life in the 18th

3. Peter says these are the only two examples of Holy Spirit Baptism. Acts 11:15, 16, 18
M. Charismatic Gifts

1. These were received only through the laying on of

Apostles hands. The recipient could exercise the gift

at his own will but he could not pass it on to another.
Acts8:5ff: 19:1-6

Century" by Dorothy George, reported that "all the amuse ments of the working people were...connected with drinking ...every possible excitement to produce excess was con
trived, Drunkenness was a common habit." The reform came with the Victorians. More and more

2. See Romans 1:11 (there were limited gifts at Rome because no Apostles had been there yet and those

controls were imposed on the sale and distribution of liquor. The temperance movements of the Salvation Army and
Methodists imbued The respectable working classes with "a
horror of the demon drink" because the drink did bring ruin to so many families.

gifts that may have been there were exercised by

those who had been present n Pentecost or had been companions of an Apostle. Ro. 16:1,3,7 etc.)

3. Charismatic gifts were programmed to "pass away." I

(Continued in next issue)


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Iowa 52577

Oskaloosa. Iowa 52577


is published bi-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N. B St..



NOTICES TO BOX 162, OSKALOOSA, lA 52577. Second Class Postage Paid at

Oskaloosa, lA 52577. Vol. VII, No. 3, May June, 1986.






Number One Old Market, Wisbech. Cambridgeshire, England: Phone - (nalional) 01-769-4563 - (inlernaiional) 441-769-4563 American Office P O. Box 383: Rutland. VT05701: Phone - 802-773-3696: Flora Johnson, agent and secretary; F. P. Miller, director


composed of the leaders attending designated a week for the next year and selected a program committee and a camp dean, Scott Ferguson of Elgin, Scotland for next year's camp. We sent the following report:

Fred Is seen standing with Delroy Brown and Sam Burton.

Fred and Charlotte getting ready to move on.

By the time this is read the center will be moved from 8

Rutford Road. This address has served us well for seven years
and hundreds have been hosted here. Of course there are

misgivings but most of the feelings about the move are posi tive since it will mean sustaining what is already going and reaching out into a new area. It is possible that we will have to change the address here but hopefully all will work out as planned. We will have a new address for the mission center in
London which will still have room for the occasional mis

IVflost of the group attending the first Family Camp of independent

Churches of Christ and Christian Churches are seen here.

sionary visitor or Christian on his way through London. John Conners will be missionary in residence when we are not in the city. For the time being we plan to be in the

Streatham Church for services each Sunday regularly. Alan

Marshall has been set apart as the minister of the Streatham Church. As one of his many other obligations John Conners
will also assist Alan in the Streatham Church until a new work

planned for another part of the city becomes a reality. Our outreach address for personal mail to Fred and Char lotte will be; Number One Old Market, Wisbech, Cambridge shire. There are no new phone numbers as yet but our address in Vermont and phone number for our forwarding
agent is on the mast head of this newsletter and we can be contacted through Mrs. Flora Johnson who will have more perfect information about our whereabouts and how to con

tact us during and after this transition period. Her phone

number: (802) 773-3696.

Main building of Letton Hail to the rear. There are 88 rooms In the complex and 10 acres. Our young people are seen at volleyball under the usual British grey sky.

IN BARNET The work in North London, directed by Richard and Peggy Bourne, is also undergoing radical changes. Marge and Jolyn Hall are relocating to Oskaloosa, Iowa. Harold and Faye Compton are coming to the end of their two year stay. Richard has secured a good church building just north of Barnet as a meeting place. The Bournes have also recruited a
number of workers. Carrie Beth Lowe who was an intern with

the Millers last year is coming permanently to help in North London. Lynn Ryals, at present home on furlough, will return soon to room with Carrie Beth and although based in North London will help in Streatham as well. Others are joining
Richard's team as well so the work there should advance

through that work and our prayers.


Len and Elizabeth Condlyffe of Stoke on Trent were highlights at camp with much spiritual input and many gospel songs and original poetry. What a blessing.
"The Church of Christ London Mission, Fred and Charlotte


Our plans for an independent fellowship of Churches of Christ beginning to take shape in the near future was made a

reality in the Family Bible Camp held the first part of August, Assisted by Richard Bourne we stirred interest among as
many as we could and found that Sam Burton in Buckie and

Miller, directors, and the Streatham Church of Christ (Lon don) sponsored the first Family Camp of independent Chris tian Churches and Churches of Christ in England held in

Delroy Brown would cooperate with us in the camp. With

Fred Miller's initial prompting Richard Bourne did most of the promotion work and secured an absolutely beautiful

Letton Hall, Norfolk, England, held July 26 to August 2 with 56 (mostly adults) registered. There were three decisions to follow Christ in Christian baptism. Missionary offerings were
taken. The work of Steven Masood who works with Muslim

evangelism in Manchester. England, and the printing of the

location in a country mansion called Letton Hall. Delroy Brown brought the largest group of English people and Sam Burton was camp dean for the week. A camp committee

Gno Chiang translation of the Bible by Peter Sutjaibun, pres ident of Chaing Mai Bible Institute, Thailand, were compan ion projects chosen to receive the offerings shared between

Five hundred pounds {almost $750) was taken up in free will offerings. Each mission receiveda cheque inthe amount
of 250 to be used for their mission's work.


Fred Miller should leave for Australia the first week of October to preach a revival meeting in the church in Charlestown, New South Wales, Darryl Krause. minister. He has also been scheduled as a speaker on the South Pacific Christian
Convention in Tasmania.

Churches who participated in the camp and contribu tions were Church of Christ: Buckie, Scotland, Sam Burton. Minister: Boreham Woods, Herts, Richard Bourne, Minister; Streatham, London, Alan Marshall, John Conners, Ministers; and Christian Church, New Castle under Lyme, Stoke on
Trent, Delroy Brown, Minister; also present were leaders who are now in location and starting new churches: Scott Ferguson, Elgin, Scotland; Robert Caudle, Inverness, Scot

MISSIONARY CONVENTION The Missionary Convention held this year in conjunction

with the North American Christian Convention was attended and a booth by London Mission was exhibitied. Itis impossi ble to count the number of people who came by the booth
and spoke to us or indeed to remember them all. But there is an interest in fighting the fight against atheism and that interest needs to be whetted to an edge where actions will follow the interest. We still desperately need two families to join us in the work here. Several expressed an interest but no
one has followed through as yet.

land; Fred Miller, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire: and a group of interns who are scheduled to start a newChurch in Glasgow
in 1988 under Sam Burton's direction.

The week was such a wonderful success that a Family Camp is planned for next year with prospect of it being a
growing influence in evangelism in England." John Conners wrote in his weekly newsletter: "Having attended the camp at Letton Hallmyself and seen first-hand what a great success and blessing it was, this editor can not help but point out what it proves: Four
Churches of Christ from various parts of the British Isles came together to plan and participate in something that in the end was a great benefit to them all and to the cause of


We will be recruiting a team of interns for next summer

Christ. And it will be noticed that they managed to do this without any need of a denominational organization, central ized committees, or any other form of hierarchy. Churches of Christ can cooperate and fellowship with one another for the
greater glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the advancement

and visiting churches as well. Charlotte will spend a few weeks with her 88 year old mother in Philadelphia and then we hope to meet in Joplin and work our way back across the country. I will be coming into the country via the Philipines
where I hope to meet Ed Tolosaand work with churches after the meetings in Australia. My host in the Pacific Northwest will be Lee Turner of Portland. Oregon.

of His Kingdom in this country without the need for a formal organizational structure. Last week at Letton Hall proved

that centralization is notonly unscriptural, but unnecessary."


Peggy Bourne led the women in supplying very good meals which
were commended by all.

Weekly Bible Study is held in the home of Velma and Frank Ocampo In East London, members of Streatham Church. Fred's mother, 86
years oid, visiting from tJSAls seen in this picture.

We have families in Bible studies on both sides of the river

in East London. Unfortunately there is no bridge and the groups within a few short miles of each other have to go a
long ways to get to the location just across the river. We have just read that the city is finally planning a tunnel at the Woolwich area, long needed, which will be a short link between people in both areas where Frank Ocampo and family on the north side and the Marshall family on the south side could link up. Presently it is almost as easy to come to Streatham. But this ought to be an obvious location for
growth in the future as weekly Bible studies are held on both
Fred is seen teaching a class in the handsome library room of Letton

sides of the river now.


Alan Marshall has dedicated his life to full time ministry

and is now in the USA presenting the need for support of his
ministry in Streatham as we extend our influence into Cam

Thank you cooks for cooking our food. Not shown is Peggy Bourne
who did most of the work.

bridgeshire. Alan is continuing his concert ministry and has a new record as well. If he is near you take advantage of hearing him and if possible get on his support list. The Strea tham Church now provides him with 2/5 of his salary and he is attempting to raise the other 3/5 with the goal of seeing the church self supporting in 4 years.


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is published bi-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N. B St.,




NOTICES TO BOX 162, OSKALOOSA, lA 52577. Second Class Postage Paid at Oskaioosa. lA 52577. Vol. VII, No. 4, July August, 1986-

Church of Christ
T"There's ^

54New Road, Sutton Bridge, Lit)colnshire, England PE-12 Phone (Irom IheUSA) 011-44-406-350155 (wilhin England) 0406-350155 American Olfice: P.O. Sox383, Rutland, VT 05701, Phone -802-773-3696, Flora Johnson, agentand secretary: F.P. and CH. Miller, codireclors.

SEPT.-OCT., 1986


the ministry. The Charlestown Church paid for Fred's journey to Australia and back to London including a stay in the Philippines. Fred extends a hearty thank you to the Church in Charlestown for their kindness, generosity, and confidence in the London ministry.

Charlestown, New South Wales, Australia Churcli of Christ. Fred

preached in meetings for two weel<s.Christians expressed apprecia tion for the Bible messages. Good attendances and responses
marked the meeting.

These are students at Cebu Bible Seminary where Fred and Ed

Tolosa held seminars in Christian Education.

On Sunday a fellowship dinner was enjoyed by all the good brethren

at Charlestown. Australia Is a nice place.

Students at Cebu Bible Seminary hold a "Feeding Program" at which young children are fed nourishing food and the gospel is preached

(L to R) Mark Hill, Paul Melcuns, Ron Arellus, and Wayne Mclvey tried to make Fred feel at home. Fred explained how much he appre* dated the musicfrom BlackAmerica. Atthe fellowship dinner a song was sung by the brethren in as close a style to the black community
as possible to make Fred feel at home.

to them too.

Ed Tolosa hosted Fred in seminarsattheCruzada Church

of Christ in Quiapo, Manila and at Cebu Bible seminary. The

people who heard Fred expressed their need for further teaching. We need especially to pray for the troubled islands whose political future is in doubt.


Ruhiilo Gonzales, minister of theTayabas Church of Christ was host
to Fred in Tayabas section of Manila. Brother Gonzales has started

several churches and is training a number of evangelists.

Fred showed his appreciation to the brethren in Charlestown who

went out of their way to make his ministry among them enjoyable. Daryl Krause of Charleston, New South Wales invited Fred

to preach a revival meeting inAustralia. This meeting was very

successful with three baptisms and two life commitments to
Evangelists being trained by Roger Gonzales in Manila.

10th Street in NYC from which he went to Hartford to spend the summer with James Lane in inner city evangelism. Gary has written of the wonderful experiences he is having work
ing with people in Hartford.

We will have three in Bible College from Streatham this
year. Fred Jr. and Celia Miller will both be in Czark Christian College.
These are ladies in the Tayabas Church.

After Fred left the Philippines, he rejoined Charlotte in the USA (she had been spending time with her mother while

Debbie Williams will be in Boise Bible College, Boise, Idaho. We recommend the whole Williams family.

Fred was in Australia and the Philippines). They then spoke at Churches and Bible Colleges seeking helpers for next
summer. Workers are needed in London and Lincolnshire. Some have been recruited, but several more are still needed


As more sobriety was achieved, it was associated with a

to make a team of 12 people. Please write ifyou are interested in helping from June 24 to August 14, 1987.


Dear Fred,

rise in the livingstandard, since much drinking was logically associated with wretchedness and poverty. Lloyd George, during the First World War, said, "We are fighting Germany, Austria and the drink, and as far as I can see, the greatest of
these deadly enemies is drink." Effective licensing laws were imposed at that time that restricted drinking hours of public
houses, resulting in a decrease in both accidents and drunk enness among munitions workers.

Greetings in ihe WonderfulName of Jesus'.

Thisisjusi a lillle noteto express the appreciation of myselfand the elders of the Charlestown Churchof Christfor your participation in our recent "Revi val. " TheLord is continuing to blessusfrom this effortand werejoice inyour being able to come and help us. As I mentioned prior toyour coming to Australia, we couldthink of no one belterableto assist us in this "revival". It was ourfirst in 8 yearsand alsoour first "revival" sincebecoming an "independent" Christian Church-Church of ChrisL Because of our distanceii is very difficult to gel mento comeoul and share in thego.^pel. Thus we appreciate your making time lo notonly come oul and preach ai the "revival" bul also allowsomelimefor visitation and outreach and alsopreachingat our Sunday-School Anniversary. The culture of Australia isfar differentfrom that in the UnitedStates. Our three "interns"from OZARK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE have alreadyfound this out. Thus the speaker for our "revival" had to befamiliar with this culture siemingfrom English routes. Yourunderstanding of the English peopleand your leadership in "independent" Churchesof Christin Great Britainmadeyou the man wewanted. We were not disappointed. You were reallya blessing lo so
many and a help to the Restoration Movement in this "land down under "

In Edwardian Times, "although the men of the upper classes gorged themselves with food and drank themselves silly: "the women didn't drink," recalls an elderly London matron. Mary Kenny writes that the bankers and industrial ists were high-minded and industrious, imbued with the Pro testant work ethic, and "intensely aware of the appalling problems which drinking had brought about in the 18th and
19th centuries."

Theexceptional teaching you gave on the roleof women, Christian Steward

ship, The Restoration Movement Churches, The Charismatic Movement and

othersubjects helped toimprove our congregations understanding on theposi tionof the scripturesin thesematters. Wehavealreadyreceived requests for the audio and video tapes of thesemessages and will be sending them to home churches and churches aroundAustralia. New Zealand and the FijiIslands.
_. Your mini.firy wa^c tremendous blessingand wepraise Godfor your wi!-. -.
lingness lo come "down under" and share with us.

May Godcontinue tobless your ever-growing ministry in England.

With Christian Greetings.

DarrylL Krause, On behalfof the Elders and members of the Charlestown

Church of Christ.

DON SCOTT While Alan and Fred were absent this Fall, Don Scott from Eaton, Ohio stayed with the church in Streatham. Don was

Thisattitude which forbade excesses of liquor among the middle class began to change In the 1920's with the introduc tion of the cocktail, from America. Excessive drinking was not unknown at Oxford and Cambridge. Respectable work ing class attitudes of sobriety were scorned by the Oxford smart set. The wealthy student could affort to drink. His future was assured no matter how he did in his school days. But the poor boy had to be sober and purposeful. Drinking could bring disaster for him and his family. "There was a very, very narrow margin between survival andTuin in those days for the working classes." Even in the 50's, those ideas prevailed, with a jug of shandy, one jug for the entire family, being served only at Christmas dinner. (Shandy was part beer and part lemon ade.) Shandy is sold in grocery stores to anyone of any age. It
is 3% beer.

well received by the congregation and much personal

growth was realized through his presence. STAR CITY I visited at Star City, Indiana, and the church treated me

like one of the family there while I was at the Missionary Convention. Ken Broad preached an old time Gospel mes sage full of research, historical background, much Bible and deep commitment. It stirred my faith. i also visited the church that my wife and Iestablished and ministered to in Elmira, New York, spent a few days at Rutland (our Antioch) and then met Gary Williams from the London church and saw him safely to the church on East

The taboos against liquor began to break down earnestly in the 1960's with the 1961 licensing act, allowing off-licenses (liquor stores) to open during normal shopping hours. Laws in 1967 allowed supermarkets to sell drinks at cut prices, bringing the prices down. The rich and the poor equally can afford to drink. More significantly have the sex distinctions been blurred, with the really extraordinary expansion in the drinking market taking place among women. Until the mid dle 1960's respectable women didn't go into pubs alone or with girl friends. Today, young women meet their friends in wine bars and pubs normally. "Even women in their forties and fifties, who would not have habitually gone drinking when they were young" now have lunch and wine in a pub.
(CoryVmued in next issue)


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is published bi-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave, W. and N. B St.,





NOTICES TO BOX 162, OSKALOOSA, lA 52577. Second Class Postage Paid at Oskaloosa, lA 52577. Vol. VII, No. 4, Sept. Oct., 1986.

VOL. Vii NO. 6

NOV.-DEC., 1986

54New Road Sulton Bridge. Lincolnshire. England PE-12 Rione (Irom the USA) 011-44-406-350155 iwilhin England) 0406-350155
American Oflice P.O. Box383,Rutland. VT 05701. Phone-S02-773-3696. FloraJohnson,agent and secretary: F.P.and C.H. Miller, codireclors.



Rumours that a sect was likely to descend on the village have been rife since a large wooden structure was built in the

grounds of 54 New Road, sold to American evangelist Mr.

Fred Miller.

But the vicar the Rev. Frederick Harte had a simple mes

sage for his parishioners following a long conversation with

the house's new owners: "There is absolutely nothing to

Mr. Harte said: "They are the Billy Graham type of evange list that's the kind of people they are: very charming, very sincere and no threat to anyone whatsoever." Mr. Peter Debore, who sold the house, said the large shed

was mainly for storage as the Millers were moving from a

nine-bedroom to one with five.

He said neighbours had been calling him every name under the sun, but the rumours were "the biggest load of
bunkum I've ever heard".

This is the house where the interns will stay next summer. Fred &
Chariotte wili make this the center of their worit in Wisbech and

Mr. Debore said: "it's a lot of nonsense. They're charming

Sutton Bridge. They are stiii iooking for a famiiy to share the house
with them.

people and won't bother anybody.',' Mr. Miller was a religious lecturer and "nice as pie", he said. The couple were American but had already lived In
England eight years. Mr. Harte said he would disagree with Mr. Miller over

various theological points, but not a great deal more. The vicar said: "They came to my house and chatted about a lot of things for about one and a half hours. I don't really know how the rumours came about but they are com
pletely unfounded."
iU K!

The Millers are expected to move in at the end of Sep tember, said Mr. Debore. He said: "They gave me a small fortune for it. It's a very expensive house."


Seen here is the garden and back of the house which is the new
center of Fred & Chariotte's work in Lincoinshlre.

The shed in London has been moved to Sutton Bridge where it will be used to house summer workers in Sutton Bridge. It is shown in it's new location in the garden.

Pictured above is the building in Wisbech which contains the section

AMID LOCAL RUMORS The following is an article which appeared in a local British newspaper at the time of Fred and Charlotte Miller's
move to 54 New Road, Sutton Bridge House, Lincolnshire, England.

that the Millers propose using as a tearoom and outreach. The building was built in the 1700's. Wisbech isa market town of 20,000 whereas Sutton Bridge,wherethe Millers are living Isan insularlittle
town with a population of 800.


The Rev. Frederick Harte outside the Sutton Bridge House bought

by an American evangelist. He wanted his parishioners to know

there was nothing to fear.

Rumours 'Load of bunkum'

Next summer's family camp will utilize a 32 bedroomed mansion

near Chirk Castle In Wales. Richard Bourne, Fred, and Delroy Brown

Fears that a religious sect is coming to Sutton Bridge are completely unfounded, the local vicar has said.

looked over the property which will be used by seven independent

churches of Christ for family camp.


SUMMER 1987 (JUNE 24 - AUG. 14)

ifyou are interested in helping t+ie Millersreach others for
Christ and establish new churches, please consider the fol

lowing application form prayerfully & carefully.


Application Form

Summer 1987

I have read the internship schedule and guidelines. I want to be a part of this evangelistic program and will do my best to follow the schedule and keep the
guidelines. Signature: Phone:

Camp next summer will Include the indoor recreation hall seen
behind Charlotte and Mr. & Mrs. Deiroy Brown in Oswestry Wales.




Several reasons for the alarming upsurge of drinking, and the
resultant alcoholism and death from cirrhosis among women, are

City: Slate:
Parents Name; Address:


given: the advertising of liquor in women's magazines, availabilityof liquor in supermarkets, and the promotion of wine in cooking, with the "sophistication" its use implies. Inevitably it leads to the bottle or
two of wine on the table with the meal justified by some American

City: State;

Zip: Phone: You must have a sponsoring church and a letter of recommendation from eldersof that church(preacher's recommendation may be included).
Sponsoring Church:

The British are more ambivalent about drink today than ever.

While the Penguin fwledical Encyclopedia states; "There is no evi dence that emotionally stable people do themselves any harm by occasional drinking." the facts are that two-thirds of all motor acci dents are associated with drinking. 70% of crime is linked with drinking, and a host of occupations are considered particularly
vulnerable to alcoholism, as well as the young, and women. Much

City: State:
Minister Phone: ^


Can you honestly sayyou havethe Holy Spirit? Will you make an honest and sincere effort to pray every dayfor Great Britain
Internship '87?

depression among women is linked to alcohol, and while 82% of men

might recover from alcohol induced liver damage, only 30% of

women make a recovery. One alcoholic (who dares never take another drink) writes "It must be understood that there is no set reason ortime for becoming an alcoholic. It can occurto anybody, at any time, no two cases ever seem to be at all identical. I myself am completely unable to pin down either when I became addicted or

Enclose passport size photos (2) with application. Whatyearschooling have youcompleted Spring '87?
Sex: Birthday;

This Pub Culture or Pub Mentality, is one of the biggest barriers to conversion here in England! If we win someone to Christ, and he really makes a commitment, yet he is not taught or convicted on the matter of drink, he may continue to frequent the pub, each night, with the one, two, three or four drinks that usually entails. Statistics indicate that he may well become an alcoholic. And the life style will soon lead him away from the church group. Drunkards will not be in
heaven. If, on the other hand, we come out strongly with warnings

Height; Nationality: MaritalStatus: Single Going Steady Married Separated Divorced Widowed Doyouhave anyhealth problems thatwe should know about? (Fainting, epilepsy, allergies, infections, heart problems, injuries or handicaps). Explain or write

What talents do you have that can be utilized (Use a separate sheet)
1. Musical instruments you play? Can it be brought?

2. Singing ability? Solo

3. Art, lettering, layout? 4. Direct recreation and games?



and teaching, he may respond with the accusation that "You're just Americans. Americans are hung-up on abstinence." And he may
reject the gospel altogether. I wonder if Christians who allow themselves the liberty of moder

5. Experience with wood working tools? Carpentry? S.-Puppets. can-you bring them?-Of-write-skits and plays'^ 7. Can you drivea right-hand motor vehicle?^
8. I like to cook Dishwashing 9. Experience with minorities? HouseCleaning

ate drinking have considered the effect of their actions upon the weaker brother who may not be able to moderate. (Alcohol IS a poison, and it IS addictive.) Suppose an alcoholic is converted. He dare not take one drink again, the restof hislife.lsitlove that would
offer him a drink or even serve him wine at the Lord's table? "It is

good neither to eat meat, or drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth. or is offended, or is made weak." Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification."
Paul wrote, "The Cretans are liars, slow bellies, wherefore rebuke them sharply." Didn't Paul love the Cretans? Isn't a missionary sup posed to adapt to the culture? No, we are to love the people, but we do not have to love all aspects of the culture. Jeremiah warned, "The customs of this people are vain." (Jer. 10:3) Paul said, "Be not conformed...Rom. 12:2) and Jesus said, "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you..." Matt. 5:26. Peter tells us that although the Gentiles" speak against us as evildoers because of our lifestyle, they would glorify God when they saw our good works. I Pet. 2:12. We should not apologize for avoiding the "appearance of evil". "For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God?" "Take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours becomes a stumbling block to them that are weak." I Cor. 8:9. As Paul said about meat (which only offended some consciences, but never harmed the body, 1say con cerning alcoholic beverage: "Wherefore, if meat make my brother to stumble, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother (or son, or daughter) to stumble." I Cor. 8:13.

10. Positive preaching to othercultures anddenominations? 11. Haveyou taughtin VBS and Sunday School? 12. What language besides English do you speak? 13. Use of projection equipment and/or Jule Miller Cottage films?
14. Door to door calling experience?

15. Can you gothrough Scriptures answering thequestion, "Whatmust I do to

be saved?

Have you led someone to Christ?

16. Other

Parents permission if under 18^

Enclose $25.00non-refundable deposit. Room and Board, internship andground transportation fee, $1600.00 for the 8 week program is payable in London on arrival. Ifyoudonotplan to return totheUSA attheend ofthe8 week internship,
please inform us in advance.

Send application to Church of Christ London Mission

P.O. Box 383

Rutland, Vermont 05701

For direct communication write to:
Fred & Charlotte Miller
54 New Road

Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire England PE12

Make check fordeposit payable to Church of Christ London Mission.


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Paid at Oskaloosa,
Iowa 52577

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is published bi-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N. B St..
loosa. lA 52577, POSTMASTER: AD

MIBBIOW service P, Q- BOX 2427 knoxvilue, tn


NOTICES TO BOX 162, OSKALOOSA, lA 52577. Second Class Postage Paid at

Oskaloosa, lA 52577, Vol. VII, No. 6, Nov. Dec., 1986.

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