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Richmond College Student Government Association 2013-2014 Meeting Agenda for Wednesday, September 11, 2013 To create and

ensure the highest quality of life for Richmond College. I. Roll Call II. Call to Order III. Special Guests a. Freshmen prospective senators in attendance b. Block Crew funding request i. Requested $853.00 c. Everyones Fan Club i. Requested $3002.00 IV. Reports a. President i. Shout outs to everyone ii. Pony Express 1. 98 people took it past weekend 2. Potentially increasing trial run iii. On the Road meeting next week 1. At the Cottages iv. Breakfast with the Provost and others 1. Going to come in to talk about academic calendar soon b. VP Academic Affairs i. Addressing concerns brought up in last meetings throughout the semester ii. Going to meet with Dr. Kitchen on Friday with committee members for summer programing iii. Contacted Registrar Office about having forms online such as add/drop forms, etc. 1. Make it more convenient for students 2. Not something that can happen immediately, but can be worked on c. VP Administration i. Mentorship program 1. Cancel focus on middle school internship program 2. Focus on current mentorship programs on campus 3. When middle schools come on campus, try to integrate into their orientation ii. Working on something similar to Westhamptons Big/Little program iii. Ads for website and elections for freshmen produced by Mauricio

iv. Meet the Senators Thursday 1. Whitehurst 5-6 PM v. New feedback form on Facebook vi. Bring back Trivia Night d. VP Finance i. Met with Anthony Crenshaw 1. Sunday is deadline for re-registering organization ii. Room reservation test iii. Re-evaluating SOBAC guidelines e. VP Student Experience i. Met with Tanya Dawson & WC Rep (new head of campus programing) 1. Focus on a. Homecoming week b. Spider Mayhem f. VP Student Services i. 3 headed dragon is now back 1. Friday talked about safety improvements on campus a. Possibly implement a sign on 1000 block b. Road going up to 3 Chopt c. 2. Pitched 3 ideas to Chief McCoy a. Got all 3 changes approved ii. Chief McCoy wants thoughts from the body regarding surveillance cameras in particular areas on campus 1. X-lot 2. K-lot 3. Frat row 4. $1500 per camera g. Class Chairs i. Matt Logan 1. No formal report ii. Richuan 1. No formal report h. RC Dean i. Investiture was a success ii. It Ends Now is next Friday iii. More on White Ribbon Campaign to come


Rowdies Rundown i. Great game vs. NC State ii. Game this Saturday at 6 PM iii. Field hockey Saturday & Sunday vs. Davidson and JMU

j. l.

URVA App is now out for prizes Senator of the Week i. Mauricio Ramirez for spear-heading the ads

k. Executive Secretary

m. Open Floor i. Bring in a list of ideas into the open floor ever week and work on them and discuss progress each week ii. Pony Express 1. Looking to extend trial run iii. Join Committee meeting suggestions 1. Later time may work better to meet with them 2. More frequent meetings 3. Neutral location for both SGAs iv. Looking for more interactive way to get students to read minutes v. Complaints that Lous opens too late vi. Do people want study days? Ex. Wednesday in the middle of the week vii. Complaints from students regarding requirements for funding, club registration etc. 1. There are more requirements piled on every year 2. Is it possible to cut back? viii. Forum Magazine just opened Facebook Page 1. Next Wednesday is deadline for advertisement on magazine V. Closed business VI. Funding Requests VII. Student Concerns VIII. Adjourn meeting

The purpose of this organization shall be to address areas that are of concern to the student body, to bring about cooperation among the various student organizations, and otherwise act to promote the welfare of the student body.

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