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3.1 Relationships Between Lines

Grade/subject: 10 th grade Geometry Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.HSG -CO.A.1 Know precise definitions of angle,
circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc.

OVERVIEW: Students will access a video with notes for a lesson on parallel, perpendicular, and skew lines. Parallel planes and relationships between lines will also be discussed. Students will be asked to follow along, or download the notes from the class website. Upon conclusion, students will be required to show their understanding of the lesson by accessing photos that represent the different relationships discussed and presenting the information in a PowerPoint. LESSON OBJECTIVE: Identify relationships between lines. INSTRUCTIONS: Follow steps below and be sure to click on the links in step 1 and 3. 1. Follow this link for a video on Chapter 3 Section 1, Relationships between lines. 2. Complete the PowerPoint described in the video. 3. Refer to the Scoring Guide to ensure maximum points will be earned. Standard TF-III A. 3: Use
methods and strategies for teaching concepts and skills that support integration of research tools.

Explanation as to how Evidence you met this standard Students were asked to access the web to locate images that represent the relationships between lines. The assignment at the conclusion requires students to make decisions and choices based on the information learned in the lesson. Students were required to access information through

TF-III A. 4: Use
methods and strategies for teaching concepts and skills that support integration of problem solving/ decision-making tools.

TF-III A. 7: Use
methods for teaching concepts and skills that

support use of web-based and non web-based delivery tools.

TF-III B. 1: Use
methods and strategies for integrating technology resources that support the needs of diverse learners including adaptive or assistive technology.

links and search engines, but also were able to use images that they took themselves. Using a video format my students dfSkgUWtqdmR0MmZCTTA/edit?usp=sharing to stop the video at any point to record information or to replay the video as needed. Much of Geometry requires the student to analyze the given information and applying it to new situations. Utilizing the students computers as a tool for this offers students another type of input to reinforce the new concepts. The video included images of every new concept.

TF-III C. 1: Use
methods and facilitate strategies for teaching problemsolving principles and skills using technology resources.

TF-V C. 2:
Include video and images in your presentation

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