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Passive Voice

Active Present Simple I service my car twice a year. Present Continuous I`m servicing my car now. Past Simple She wrote the reports. Past Continuous She was writing the reports. Present Perfect Simple She has written the reports. Past Perfect Simple She had written the reports. Future Simple She will write the reports. Future Perfect Simple She will have written the reports. Infinitive She has to write the reports. Model verbs She may write the reports. Passive am/is/are +pp My car is serviced twice a year. am/is/are being +pp My car is being serviced now. was/were +pp The reports were written. was/were being +pp The reports were being written. have/has been+ pp The reports have been written. had been+ pp The reports had been written. w ill be +pp The reports will be written. will have been + pp The reports will have been written. has/have to be +pp The reports have to be written. model verbs +be+pp The reports may be written

The verbs think, believe, say, report, know, expect, consider, understand, etc. are used in the following passive patterns in personal and in impersonal construvtions. active: People say that he has lost his job. passive: a) It is said (that) he has lost his job. (impersonal construction) b) He is said to have lost his job. (personal construction) active: People know that she works hard. passive: c) It is known (that) she works hard. d) She is known to work hard. active: People think he left his country last night. passive: e) It is thought (that) he left his country last night. f) He is thought to have left the country last night. Complete the sentences, as in the example. 1. It is expected that he will win the race tomorrow. He is expected to win the race tomorrow. 2. It is thought that the school has good teachers. The school . 3. It is said that she speak seven languages. She . . 4. It is believed that the missing jewellery has been found. The missing jewellery .. . 5. It is thought that she is a talented pianist. She . . 6. It is known that she is hiding somewhere in the city. She ... . 7. It is reported that the thieves has escaped from prison. The thieves . . 8. It is expected that they will give her the prize. She . . Underline the correct answer. Fire 1) swept / was swept through a furniture warehouse yesterday afternoon. Most of the stock inside 2) was damaged / damaged, but shocked workers 3) have been managed / managed to save a small amount of it. The police 4) are been investgated / are investgating the cause of the fire, but it 5) is thought / thinks that it was an accident. The shop manager 6) is being looked / is looking for another warehouse where stock can 7) keep / be kept. A lot of stock 8) has been lost / has lost, but the shop 9) will open / will be opened tomorrow as usual, said the manager. Im just glad no one 10) hurt / was hurt. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense. Wine 1) is made (make) all over the world, but no two wines evrt taste the same. Wine has three main ingredients: water, sugar and alcohol, and 2) . (come) in three colors: red, rose and white. To make wine, grapes 3) .. (grow) in vineyards. When they 4) . (be) ripe, they 5) . (harvest) and 6) .. (crush). Then, sulphur dioxide 7) . (add) to the crushed grapes, and they 8) (leave) in large barrels to ferment. During fermentation, the temperature must 9) .. (control) and air must 10). (keep out) of the barrels. When the fermentation process is finished, the wine 11) .. (extract). Then, after it 12) . (purify), it 13) (put) into bottles. Bottled wine should always 14) (store) at the right temperature and protected from light. It should also not be moved. The reason for looking after wines so carefully is that some wines not only taste better as they 15) . (become) older, but they also 16) (increase) in value.

Use of Passive voice: when the person who carries out the action is unknown,unimportant from the text. Mrs Archer`s ring was stolen from her house last night.(we don`t know who stole the ring) when the action itself us more important the person who carries out, as in news headlunes, newspaper articles, formal notices, etc. Two teenagers were seriously injured in a car accident last night. The present perfect continuous, the future continuous, the past perfect continuous, and the future perfect continuous are not normally used in passive. Changing from active into passive: We use by + agent to say who or what carries out the action. We use with + instrument/material/ingredeints to say what the agent used. e.g.. A kite was made by John.. It was made with paper, and paint. with verbs take 2 objects such as bring, tell, show, teach, hand, sell, give, offer, pay, grant, lend, feed, and owe, we can make 2 different passive sentences. Jesica showed Rod some photos. a. Rod was shown some photos by Jesica.(more usual) b. Some photos were shown to Rod by Jesica. Personal and Impersonal Construction:

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