Denver First Church: Keeping in Touch..

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Denver First Church

June 28, 2009

keeping in touch...
DFC Ministerial Staff

Stephen Abbott
Young Adult & Family Pastor
Rich Cantwell
Business Administrator
Bud Curry
Hospital Chaplain
Tina Hayhurst
Student Ministries Pastor
Bob Huffaker
Interim Pastor
Scott Nauman
Pastor of Worship & Arts
Jerry Nelson
Minister of Instrumental Music
Randy Smith
Christian Education Pastor
Marvin Suyen
West Campus Pastor

DFC Church Board

John Bruneau
Bob Cheney
Curtis Clay
Glenn Domokos
Troy Edwards
Table of Contents
Vini Giannatala
Bryant Jaggers
Judy Jones 1. Tennyson Center congregation…
Gregg Moran
Gene Rakes
2. news update v. how you can
Bud Roe
i. important info... help…
Kathy Tate
Jim Webb ii. kotchadoingood vi. final word...
Ron Williams
Bonnie York iii. news from the 3. calendar of events:
board... June 28-July 4

Denver First Church iv. timely news for the

3800 E. Hampden Avenue
Englewood, CO 80113
News Update
Important info...

Dear Family and Friends of DFC,

Sunday morning’s worship service was one of those uniquely special times.
Fathers were honored throughout the service. Dr. Bob’s message “Why We Need
Fathers” challenged all fathers to become better men. It was a blessed day.
Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will
appear in Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each
for important details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the
Insight for important details regarding these upcoming events.
• Bake Out
• Evening Service
• Youth Albuquerque Mission Registration Deadline
• DFC Ladies Book Club
• Youth Arriving Home from Orlando
• Baptism
• Tennyson Center
• Support Group for Caregivers
• 4th of July
• Promise Keepers
• Hospital Chaplain
• DFC Bookstore Sale

Today’s publication will cover the following topics:

• “Kotchadoingood!”
• News from the Board
• Timely News for the Congregation
• How You Can Help
News Update

• Please check out the following letter, addressed to church leaders,

thanking DFC for the service it provides through its van ministry and van
ministry volunteers.

To: Church Leaders

I wanted to take a moment to bring to your attention the action that
members of the DFC volunteer services provide. I have been going to
church since 2003. I belonged to a smaller church and I was looking to
broaden my walk with God. I found DFC in Jan. 2009.
I love your church and it is filled with Spirit. The reason for this short note
is that in my prayers I wanted to lift up to you, as our leaders, the people
involved with your van ministry. I am 46 years old, healthy and so on, but
in Feb. 2009 I was laid off. My car was broke and I could not afford to fix
it. I came into contact with George Elliott.
George regularly picked me up so that I could praise and worship our
Father. Everyone in the van ministry should be thanked and recognized
for their difficult and many times thankless job. Please take a moment to
recognize these people in a small way in your services, if possible. They
all are a very good and dedicated part of your ministry and I just hope
that you will take a moment to show all of the church’s appreciation for
their service.
Thank you,
Rick Brown

• Kudos to Jerry Storz and to all of you who have volunteered to serve in
“Crocodile Dock,” DFC’s 2009 VBS ministry. For the first time in DFC’s
history as we know it, this summer’s VBS ministry will be completely run
by volunteers! It is designed to be a strong outreach ministry to children,
so please get the word out! Invite your neighbors, coworkers, as well as
your in-laws and outlaws! The VBS classes will happen Monday through
Friday, July 27-31, from 6:00-8:30 pm.
News Update
Recently, we informed many of those who had worked with Jerry Nelson over
the years of Jerry’s decision to retire from his position at DFC. Some of those
have sent to us their tributes to Jerry. Here is one such tribute from Michael
I believe Jerry has worked with 6 of us “short timers” in the music department. I
stayed at DFC a mere 15 years compared to Jerry’s 36. Working with Jerry
during those 15 years were some of the most fun and rewarding days of
ministry in our lives.
I met Jerry in the recording studio in Nashville for the first time in 1978. He had
arranged several of the songs on our album and was playing the piano for the
sessions. When he walked into the studio, I noticed a splint on his third finger
and I wondered how in the world Jerry would play the piano. After the first
song I quit wondering. That was the beginning of a 30 year professional and
personal relationship.
I enjoy hearing Jerry play solos, but more than that I enjoy having him
accompany Denise and me as we sing duets and solos. We have never
worked with anyone that makes it so easy. Jerry knows how to make music
making into a team effort. He knows when to lead and when to follow.
Come to think of it, that is probably how he has lasted 36 years in one place.
While there were great moments of making music in the studio late into the
nights, and hours of rehearsing, the best times were moments in worship when
we left the run sheet and let God take over. With Jerry on the piano, I knew
where ever we needed to go, he could get me there. Most times I didn’t
even have to tell him what song to go into; he would follow my lead and often
already knew where we were going. Once I gave him a title of a song in the
middle of the service that he didn’t know…I just started singing and he played
it as if we had rehearsed it.
Music was just part of what we shared. Meals, and planning sessions, and
Super Bowl parties and large conventions and weddings and funerals. I have
watched Jerry in times of sunshine as well as difficulty and sorrow and have
always seen him as a faithful man of God. Even now that we have been gone
from DFC for 8 years, we have worked together here in California on three
separate occasions as I have introduced him to my new congregation.
I know as Jerry “retires” he isn’t at the end of the song, he is only changing
Jerry, thanks for your friendship and your example.
I love you brother,
Michael Cork
News Update

• As we approach an upcoming pastoral vote in July (see the “News from

the Board,” by Vini Giannatala), it’s appropriate that we pause and
express appreciation to the Church Board of 08/09 and the Pastoral
Search Committee. The Board led us through some difficult days and
met a record-setting number of times. The Search Committee,
beginning with a list of more than 100 candidates, did yeoman’s work in
completing the task that was set before them. Through prayer,
conducting interviews, on-site observation, and other means, they
brought the principal pastoral candidate they believe God has for DFC
to the Board for recommendation. As members of DFC’s congregation,
let’s be diligent in expressing our appreciation to the individuals and
their families for the hundreds and hundreds of hours they have
contributed in service to God and to the ministries of DFC.

• Hats off—once again—to the West Campus. This past Father’s Day
Sunday, they had 134 in attendance! Rev. Marvin and Cenida Suyen,
we rejoice with you in how God is expanding His kingdom through your
dedicated service to Him!
News Update
news from the Board...
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
There are rare moments in life where you know you will look back on them
and remark that they were pivotal points. One such period in the life of our
church is upon us! The Board has considered the candidates presented by
the Search Committee, selected a candidate, interviewed that candidate,
and voted with one abstention and 14 in the affirmative to present this man of
God to our congregation with an enthusiastic endorsement!

This has been an exhaustive, prayerful, meticulous search process. And you
have been very patient. But I cannot overstate the confidence we have that
the diligence has been worth every ounce of effort invested to seek the
connection God wanted us to make. This person has been lauded by every-
one from General Superintendents to District Superintendents, professors,
co-workers and fellow pastors with whom we have discussed his merits. And,
most incredibly, the Lord had begun to speak to him about DFC even before
we approached him with the request to allow his name to be
considered! The evidence is very visible that the Spirit of God has gone
before us during this whole process.

I'm sure there are many questions in your mind at this point. And I'm certain
you would like more information and details. While we on the Board are not
in any way being coy nor are we desirous of withholding information from
you, there are still several details we cannot reveal just yet. It is our intent to
honor the candidate's wishes to protect his current congregation until we are
two weeks away from his personal visit to our congregation. This will not be
until after General Assembly, and there are a few other scheduling conflicts
we must work around as well. Please continue to grant us forbearance in
making the timing appropriate and accommodating for all involved.
News Update
news from the Board...
Meanwhile, let us continue to prepare our hearts and lives to be fertile soil for
the Holy Spirit to use. We have the opportunity for personal, intimate growth
in our relationship with Him. During these few remaining days of transition, He
will continue to speak to each of us about that of which He is passionate. We
each have a set of talents and abilities He has given us for the express
purpose of glorifying Himself. Spending time in reflection on how He has
uniquely wired me and the things and circumstances to which I am sensitive
will reveal much about His heartbeat in me.

My goal must never be Christ-likeness but an intimate relationship with the

Father through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. If I attempt to simply learn about
Jesus and mimic his actions, I miss the entire point of why Jesus became
Emmanuel. It's all about restoring us to a thriving relationship with the living
God. Let us spend each moment of each day aware of the immeasurable
gift we've been given and become so close with the Father that others can
see Him every place we go!

Serving Him Alongside of You,

Vini Giannatala
News Update
timely news for the congregation...

• Bake-Out Sunday is Sunday, June 28. Please bring your baked goods to
the breezeway for distribution. Thank you.
• Friends, circle Sunday, July 5, on your calendar. We will celebrate Amer-
ica’s Independence Day; we will worship and praise the Lord. It will be a
wonderful time of expressing gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy. Addi-
tionally, there will be a moment—about a five-minute segment—that
you will never forget. Join us, won’t you?
• Gentlemen, ages 10-100! There is a unique Wilderness Education Survival
Training (WEST) available to you on consecutive Saturdays in July (11 and
18). Please see attachment entitled “WEST” for details.
• Would you be interested in being a part of a DFC Car Club? Come to
the brainstorming session on July 26, or contact Bob Davis at Visit the hot booth Sunday!
• It’ll be here before you know it: Promise Keeper’s event – “A Time to
Honor” -- Folsom Field, July 31 - August 1. Promise-Keepers is expecting
50,000 in attendance split fairly equally between men and women.
What an unusual opportunity for us to bring family, friends, neighbors
and co-workers to this extraordinary event. Go to or go to DFC’s Men’s Booth for flyers and infor-
News Update
timely news for the congregation...

DFC Quiz Team Travels to the Sunshine State

When most kids travel to Florida, the thought of meeting Mickey Mouse and
taking a spin in the Teacups stirs excitement and anticipation. Such thoughts
are only a portion of the all that is bubbling up in our DFC Quiz Team members
because on Saturday, June 27, 2009, the DFC Quiz Team will be participating
in the World Bible Quizzing event in Orlando, Florida. Our church has six
children who have qualified to take part in this event. Our Red Level
participants (Grades 1 - 3) will be quizzing in the morning and our Blue Level
participants (Grades 4 – 6) will be quizzing in the afternoon. Please pray for
these children as they gear up and face challenging questions about the
book of Exodus. Pray that their minds will be sharp, their nerves will be calm
and that the Biblical teachings that have been embedded in their hearts will
be naturally shared with others.

The purpose of the Children’s Bible Quizzing Program is for children to develop
a solid Biblical foundation and to become immersed in God’s word. Our DFC
Quiz Team meets on Sunday afternoons during the school year and is open to
children in grades 1 – 6. The DFC team leader is Gwenda Rakes. If you would
like your child to participate in this program next fall, please know that your
child is welcome join the team.

It is exciting to know that our DFC kids have embraced the assurance that
“The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my
God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” Exodus 15:2

Susan Foster

PS: Parents who would like more detailed information about the Children’s
Bible Quizzing program can visit the following website: http://
News Update
how you can help...

• Movers needed! Sharon Cozart’s parents need help to move from

their place at Monaco & Quincy up north. Can you help on Friday -
6/26, Saturday - 6/27 or Tuesday - 6/30? If you can, please contact
Sharon at 303-933-8433.
• Additional workers are needed for help with the phenomenal VBS
program “Crocodile Dock,” July 27-31. Call the Children’s Office for
more details – 303-806-2612.
• Be in prayer for God’s blessing upon our denominational leaders,
decisions that will be made, and the business of the General
Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene in Orlando, Florida.
• Also, be in prayer for our youth and adult leaders on their mission trip
in Orlando, Florida.
Calendar of Events
June 28-July 4

Sunday, June 28: Wednesday, July 1:

8:00 am: Car Club (Hot Booth) 4:30 pm: Youth BBQ (back lawn)
8:30 am: Youth Prayer Time 5:30 pm: Rock Worship Band Sound Check
9:00 am: Sunday School (all ages) 6:30 pm: Prayer Meeting
(Community Room)
Nursery & Preschool open
Celebrate Recovery
10:30 am: Morning Worship Service
(Room 200, 202 & Cry Room)
Youth Worship Service
Nursery available
(Rock Room)
1st - 4th Grade Children’s Church Friday, July 3:
5th & 6th Grade DOGS Worship 5:00 pm: Celebrate Recovery Sponsor
Meeting (Cry Room)
12:00 pm: Refuge Small Group Unit Mtg
(GL Rooms 1, 2, 3) 6:00 pm: Celebrate Recovery
(Fellowship Hall)
2:00 pm: Growing Kids God’s Way
(Fellowship Hall) Divorce Care (Fellowship Hall/
Childcare for ages birth - 3 Community Room)
Saturday, July 4:
Childcare for ages 4 and older
(GL Room #5) Church Building Closed for Holiday
4:30 pm: Children’s Committee Meeting 7:00 am: Ladies Prayer Walk (DFC Parking
(Community Room) Lot)
6:00 pm: Traditions Service 5:30 pm: Singles 4th of July Celebration
(Diehl Chapel) (Off-site)
Monday, June 29:
9:40 am: Celebrate Recovery Sponsor
Meeting (Cry Room)
3:40 pm: Kids arrive back from Orlando
(Airtran #301 Baggage Claim)
Tuesday, June 30:
7:00 am: Men’s Bible Study
(GL Conference Room)
7:00 pm: Prophesy Bible Study - Bereans
(Fellowship Hall)

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