Taitz Report 09.13.2013 Maricopa County AZ DA Did Not Receive Forensic Document Expert Report From Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo

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Orly Taitz, Esquire

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688 Copyright 2013

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz
If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption. Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only Mail donations to: the opinion of the writers and do Defend Our Freedoms not necessarily represent the Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 no means of checking the veracity Rancho Santa Margarita, CA of all the claims and allegations in 92688. the articles.
Contact Dr. Taitz at orly.taitz@gmail.com. In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411. When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. -Mahatma Gandhi

Press release: Maricopa County Arizona District Attorney responded to the request for records. They state that they did not receive any records from Sheriff Arpaio, no affidavit or any other documentation from Forensic Document Expert Reed Hayes
Posted on | September 12, 2013 | 12 Comments

Press Release

Law Offices of Orly Taitz Maricopa County Arizona District Attorney responded to the request for records. They stated that they did not receive any records from Sheriff Arpaio, no affidavit or any other documentation from Forensic Document Expert Reed Hayes On August 29, 2013 Attorney Orly Taitz submitted to William Montgomery, District Attorney of Maricopa County Arizona, a request for records. Sheriff of Maricopa County, Joe Arpaio, and Dircetor of Cold Case Posse, Mike Zullo, claimed that they have an affidavit of Reed Hayes, Forensic Document expert from Hawaii, who found that Obamas birth certificate is a 100% forgery. Taitz submitted an Arizona state request for records, seeking any and all records submitted by Sheriff Arpaio and specifically requesting to know, whether the District Attorneys office received an affidavit or declaration, or any other statement from forensic Document expert Reed Hayes in regards to Barack Obamas birth certificate. Today, on 09.12.2013 Debbie MacKenzie from public records department responded to Attorney Orly Taitz and stated that there are no such records in the District Attorneys office. This is a matter of National Security. We might be at the brink of another war, this time with Syria, which can spill into a large international military confrontation, as U.S., Russian, Chinese and Iranian ships are gathering in a small radius area in the Mediterranean with their missile launches on high alert readiness. Now, more than ever we need to know, who this man is, who is sitting in the White House, why he is using a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs, where is his allegiance and what are his long term goals. Two years ago Arizona Tea Party leader Brian Riley submitted to Sheriff Arpaio a complaint from 250 citizens of Arizona relating to all the evidence collected by attorney Taitz and other attorneys and investigators on Obamas use of fabricated IDs. For two years Arpaio and Director of Cold Case Posse Mike Zullo held fundraisers and meetings in order to raise money for the investigation. Mike Zullo and Jerome Corsi were selling books and in the beginning of this year Zullo appeared at fundraisers and on the radio stating that he has a 100% evidence of Obamas birth certificate being a forgery, he stated that he possess an affidavit from a forensic Document expert from Hawaii, Reed Hayes proving that Obamas birth certificate is a 100% forgery. As a Sheriff, Joseph Arpaio had a duty to submit this evidence to the District Attorney of Maricopa County for criminal investigation. Specifically he had a duty to submit the affidavit of Reed Hayes. According to the District Attorneys office they do not have any such records. The public is encouraged to contact Sheriff Joseph Arpaio and demand that he submit all the evidence to the District Attorney, specifically the affidavit of the forensic document expert for criminal investigation. Request for records submitted by Attorney Taitz is attached below. More information is available on OrlyTaitzESQ.com. Next hearing on one of the cases related to Obamas use of fabricated IDs is scheduled

on October 23, 2013 9am in the Fourth District Court of Appeal,

601 Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana CA.

Members of the public are asked to come to court and support Attorney Orly Taitz. More information on 7 other cases challenging Obama, currently being conducted by Attorney Taitz, is available on OrlyTaitzESQ.com. Taitz is working pro bono. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be made through OrlyTaitzESQ.com by paypal or by mail at 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.

From: MacKenzie Debbie <Mackenzd@mcao.maricopa.gov> Add contact To: orly.taitz@hushmail.com <orly.taitz@hushmail.com> Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 08:55:19 -0700 This message is not encrypted, and is not digitally signed.


Public Records Request # 2013-0909-6

Dear Dr. Orly Taitz, In response to your August 29, 2013, Public Records Request for sworn affidavit of Forensic Document Expert Reed Hayes , we didnt identify anything that pertains. This Public Records Request is closed. Thank you. Debbie MacKenzie Custodian of Records 602/506-7283 or mcaocor@mcao.maricopa.gov

Category: Events, Help Needed, HOT ITEMS!, Important Contacts, Latest News, Legal Actions, Obama Fraud Gate, orly taitz attorney, Orly Taitz Obama birth certificate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number, Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate

Taitz report 09.11.2013 Liberty medal should be taken away from Hillary Clinton and given posthumously to 3 Navy seals who defended the US ambassador in Benghazi. Call your Congressman and Senator and tell them NO on a stealth increase in debt ceiling, end drunken sailor spending of Obama regime
Posted on | September 11, 2013 | 6 Comments

Category: Uncategorized

California court of Appeal set October 23, 9 am, 601 Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana CA, as a new date for a hearing in case dealing with elections fraud and Obamas use of a stolen Social Security number and fabricated IDs. Please, come to the hearing to support me
Posted on | September 10, 2013 | 12 Comments

California Court of Appeal Case Notification for: G047746

Inboxx 4:34 PM (38 minutes ago)

Notify@jud.ca.gov to me

orly.taitz@gmail.com, the following transaction has occurred in: Taitz v. Obama et al. Case: G047746 4th div3 District Date (YYYY-MM-DD): Event Description: Notes: Wednesday, 10-23-13 at 9:00 a.m. 2013-09-10 Calendar notice sent. Calendar date:

For more information on this case, go to: http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/dockets.cfm?dist=43&doc_id=2032227&doc_no=G04774 6

Category: Uncategorized

Gohmert call for criminal prosecution of IRS executive Lois Lerner for defrauding the US Congress and for harassment and violation of civil rights of members of Tea Party groups. It is time to throw out the Speaker of the House Boehner, elect someone like Gohmert, Gowdy or Steve King and end complete paralysis of Congress, start impeaching and removing from office corrupt officials and judges, start seeking criminal charges for violation of civil rights under the color of authority
Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments

GOP lawmaker calls for criminal penalties against IRSs Lerner

9/13/2013 6:52:37 AM by Qbert 31 replies The Hill ^ | 09/12/13 | Pete Kasperowicz Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) on Thursday called for criminal penalties against Lois Lerner, the former director of exempt organizations at the IRS, for lying to Congress about her involvement in the IRS targeting scandal. Gohmert read an op-ed from The Wall Street Journal today that outlines various emails the House Ways and Means Committee was able to secure from Lerner. The committee obtained the emails weeks after she testified to Congress that lower-level employees in Cincinnati were responsible for targeting groups based on their political affiliation, which resulted in lengthy delays for conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. Lerners emails, which

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That is why the Federal government and Congress should be a part of Obamacare exchanges, maybe when Harry Reids and Pelosis and Schumers health history becomes a public knowledge, they will reconsider the policy
Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments

Security Breach at Minnesotas New Health Insurance Exchange

9/13/2013 6:59:35 AM by 11th_VA 15 replies valleynewslive.com ^ | Sep 13, 2013 8:17 AM EDT

An employee for Minnesotas new online health insurance exchange accidentally released confidential information on hundreds of insurance agents. MNsure officials say the employee sent an email to an Apple Valley insurance brokers office Thursday that contained Social Security numbers, addresses and other private information of more than 2,400 insurance agents. An MNsure security manager called the insurance broker, Jim Koester, and had him delete the file from his computer hard drive. Koester tells the Star Tribune the incident raises questions about the security of MNsure client information. Users of the exchange will need to provide confidential information to a federal

Category: Uncategorized

Morons of CA legislation are increasing the minimum wage to the highest in the nation, when CA has the highest unemployment and companies are fleeing the state. Good going Einsteins!
Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments

California Legislature approves raising minimum wage to $10 the highest of any state
9/13/2013 7:13:36 AM by artichokegrower 21 replies San Jose Mercury News ^ | 09/13/2013 | Josh Richman and Mike Rosenberg SACRAMENTO Californias lowest-paid workers are in store for a 25 percent raise after lawmakers late Thursday boosted the Golden States minimum wage to the highest of any state in the country. In the final hours of its 2013 regular session, the Legislature voted to hike the minimum wage from $8 an hour to $9 next July and $10 by January 2016 a move Democrats praised as a boon to struggling workers and Republicans lambasted as a job killer. Gov. Jerry Brown has already promised to sign the bill, making California a leader in a growing movement to increase

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U.S. Consumer Sentiment Falls Much More Than Expected In September

Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments

U.S. Consumer Sentiment Falls Much More Than Expected In September

9/13/2013 7:35:38 AM by John W 1 replies RTTNews ^ | September 13, 2013 | RTTNews Consumer sentiment in the U.S. has deteriorated by much more than anticipated in the month of September, according to a report released by Thomson Reuters and the University of Michigan on Friday. The report said the preliminary reading on the consumer sentiment index for September came in at 76.8, down from Augusts final reading of 82.1. Economists had expected the index to edge down to 82.0. With the much bigger than expected decrease, the consumer sentiment index fell to its lowest level since

hitting 76.4 in April. Reuters said survey director Richard Curtin attributed the decline to growing concerns that

Category: Uncategorized

Our Bosom Buddies in Syria call for an attack within the U.S. You go, Obama, send them some more weapons!
Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments


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Day after 9/11 anniversay US consulate is attacked in Afghanistan. Did they use our weapons sent too them via Syria?
Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments


Category: Uncategorized

John Cornyn and Ted Cruz are growing some backbone, time for the rest of the Congress and administration to follow suit
Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments

John Cornyn, Ted Cruz want Fort Hood shooting declared an act of terror, not workplace violence
BY CHARLIE SPIERING | 09/13/13 09:36 AM The two U.S. senators from Texas, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, have introduced a bill to declare the 2009 Fort Hood shooting an act of terror instead of workplace violence. Read More

Category: Uncategorized

Boehner is trying to save his career after avalanche of criticism from his own party for not addressing psychotic spending of Obama regime
Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments BOEHNER WANTS JOINT TALKS ON DEBT, BUDGET House Speaker Boehner argued that lawmakers and President Obama should agree to a new round of budget cuts or other conservative priorities as elements of a bill to raise the debt ceiling.

Category: Uncategorized

Obamas top economic adviser is leaving the office. I continue seeking answers and exposing Obamas taking of half a trillion dollars from retirement and disability account of federal employees. Demand answers from the new economic advisor
Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/09/13/obamas-top-econ-adviser-is-leaving-the-administration/

Category: Uncategorized

Mr. Neil Turner, please, call me

Posted on | September 13, 2013 | No Comments

Category: Uncategorized keep looking

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EVIDENCES ON BARACK OBAMA Obama File with Exhibits Affidavit of Paul Irey Obama file Exhibits 1 - 7 Obama file Exhibit 8 - Part 1 Obama file Exhibit 8 - Part 2 Obama file Exhibits 9-13 Obama file Exhibits 14-21 Request for Docs under FOIA and Emergency Motion for Reconsideration Exhibits sent to Inspector Generals and Congress


Our Bosom Buddies in Syria call for an attack within the U.S. You go, Obama, send them some more weapons!



RECENT POSTS Gohmert call for criminal prosecution of IRS executive Lois Lerner for defrauding the US Congress and for harassment and violation of civil rights of members of Tea Party groups. It is time to throw out the Speaker of the House Boehner, elect someone like Gohmert, Gowdy or Steve King and end complete paralysis of Congress, start impeaching and removing from office corrupt officials and judges, start seeking criminal charges for violation of civil rights under the color of authority


Historic DVD Now Available!

DVD of the historic trial in GA and DVD of

a historic testimony in NH, where evidence was provided showing Obama using a forged birth certificate and a stolen social security number. The DVDs are in a beautiful commemorative case with personal autographs from attorney Dr. Orly Taitz $22.50 each +$2.50 for shipping and handling. --------- To order these DVDs, donate $25.00 by credit card on the websiteRunOrlyRun.com and email orly.taitz@gmail.com with you name and address. Or send a $25.00 check with your name and address to: Orly Taitz for US Senate 2012, 29839 Santa Margarita ste 100, RSM, CA 92688.


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29839 Sta Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Sta Margarita, CA 92688 orly.taitz @gmail. com (949) 766-7687


Videography by Barbara Rosenfeld --------------------------------------

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---------------------------------------The People's Senator. She fights for America!

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Defendant Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al Grinols Subpoenas ..Grinols Order, Summons, TRO, Complaint .Affidavit of Mike Zullo 1. Judd v Obama 2. Farrar v Obama 3. Taitz v Sebelius 4. Taitz v Indiana, IN Judge Orders Trial 5. Taitz v Astrue 6. Mississippi Filed Complaint Update 7. Taitz Walters v Sec of State Kansas Videos Video: Orly before NH Election Committee ARCHIVES September 2013 August 2013

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