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Communicative competence It seems interesting to know about communicative competence and human beings are the principal people

who create a communicative environment which enables them to meet lots of concepts and many different ways of how convey an idea or have a interpersonal communication. On the last two decades, social constructivist was focusing more in how learners interaction with others, and it becomes important for the people whom learn a second language. There are lots of points of view from different writers that explain and give a concepts for communicative competence, according to a writer who referred to communicative competence as the way that enable human being to convey and interpret concepts within different contexts. In the same way, Savigno (1983: 9) says that communicative competence is relative, not absolute, and depends on the cooperation of all the participants involved; this means that communicative competence is relative because depends if the person interacts with other on his/her environment. A distinction between linguistic and communicative competence, one enable students to communicate and focus on their tasks within the classroom, and the other give you the facility to covey something in a different way, which can be interactively and functionally, so now cognitive/academic language proficiency and basic interpersonal communicative skills clear this point because most of the time, students are acquiring a new vocabulary in school and college that enables them communicate different than a child who is acquiring a language that allow him be able to function in daily life. There are subcategories of communicative competence, one of them were talking about the linguistic code of a language which it means how some people use language to communicate with others, then discourse focuses from spoken conversation to written text which that can be books, articles and so on, while grammatical competence talk about one different concept without lose the sense of competence means. All these competences are tie for a simple reason, moreover sociolinguistic is applied to social context where human being is sharing with other people, but lets get clear, this focuses how the user develop the language, also what kind of information they share and the functionality of the interaction and the last one is quite complex because this is talking about the verbal and nonverbal communication which requires a kind of attention without

any distraction. Strategic competence has other definition which talks about how strategic competence enables, the listener and the reader to have an effective conversation. There are competences which manipulate functions of language because without functions, the forms of language cannot be. It is pretty interesting to know all these functions that language can have; our society is full of signs which convey us a message that normally comes from a request that we usually make when we want or if we do not find anything. Now, lets talk about function, there are various classes of functions, and one of these talk about how the instrumental function serve to certain environment to manipulate some event that is occurring, sentences that express mandatory have an instrumental function within the sentence. Next one is alike to instrumental, however those are not the same ones because regulatory serves to approval, disapproval, how to control behavior, and so on, and these points are regulatory features. The representational is referring, to that language that describe real facts as when you report or explain something. The interactional function of language serve to keep in touch with people that you met, the next one, It is the personal function that help you to express all your emotions because a person always is in touch with feeling although he/she says the appositive. In El Salvador, there is a curriculum that teacher have to follow in order to develop a class within the classroom, in foreign countries also, use this kind of tool to give a class, but those are known as a syllabuses, but why is syllabus relative in this topic? Well, because it talks about the different kinds of forms, functions that language has, and the classroom is the place where children, young people and even adults interact each other and the syllabus has to attend organized functions, that most of the time allow to students develop the different communicative competence through skills that pupils acquire in the learning process, within the syllabus there is a list of current language or units that commonly are covered some of them can be: introducing self and other people, exchanging personal information and so on, so now, these units or topics that have to be covered in order to share information, collect information and the most important developing an effective communicative competence, but then appear this that covered is not the word

that can develop fully competence, because communication serves you for all your life and syllabus just help you in somehow to develop skills. Now, all these points help us share with lots of people in the society and also to develop some skill that student or people acquire during whichever process they are, some of the basic skill that you acquire in English language are Listening, speaking and reading and writing which are very important to communicate with other in a society.

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