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The mechanics of energy, light, matter and consiousness

1) There is no such thing as Pull. It's an illusion of observation. The outward thrust at the equator loops around and is Pushed down to the poles in a Phi spiraling vortex. No Pull. 2) There is no "magnetism". Only electricity. Electricity is atomic wind. What happens on a micro happens on a macro. Put a hose underwater. Now you have water flowing in water. As the stream of water comes out the hose it induces 2 twin opposing vortexes on either side. That turbulence is called a Magnetic Field in science. It's the same water being pushed in a dual loop from the initial current. No magnetism. 3) There is no such thing as a "vacuum". Only a state of less pressure. Saying space is a vacuum relative to sea level is like saying sea level is a vacuum relative to the sea floor. Can't have a state of zero pressure. No vacuums. 4) There are no omni polarities or mono polarities. All things in motion have a duality of Positive and Negative. Male / Female. North / South. Front / Back, etc. Waves are bi-polar. Not Light. Light is neither positive nor negative. Light is the stationary fulcrum by which Positive and Negative can balance. 0 + Light doesn't travel. Waves travel. Harmonic waves create order in an atomic lattice which opens. The more order the more the Still Magnetic Light of the Universe can present itself from within that lattice. When waves travel it exposes the light from within all things in a ripple giving the false impression that the light is a wave traveling. By creating order, you are structurizing what you label "an omnipolar state." The waves making up that state are in motion therefore there is a duality of positive and negative.

5) Scalar Waves are another word for Aether, Orgone, Chi, Prana, Gana, Partiki, Atomic Wind, etc. It's ambient heat. Anything above 0 Kelvin is heat. Heat is an excess of energy. Excess is motion. Motion has a duality. Set the random motion of bumping heat by creating order and then that randomness becomes what people call Scalar Waves, etc. 6) There is no "fabric" to the morphogenic field just as there is no fabric to our atmosphere. The source of all motion comes from desire which is consciousness. But Light is no desires at all. Stillness.

Electromagnetic Energy:
Electromagnetic Energy is created through the continual cycling of energy, as the Omni-polar Antematter Tri-tone Wave (Partiki) of Sound Vibration projects its energy into Bi-polar Particum and Partika Scalar Waves of Light Radiation. Energy thrust expands into the particle Partika vibration point as electrical force. It then contracts into the Particum vibration point, creating magnetic pull, (in ration to its original electric thrust), as the third vibration in the Ante-matter Tri-tone Wave (Partiki) draws the energy back to its source. This process by which Partiki Units perpetually convert conscious energy into Bi-polar Light Radiation Scalar-waves (expansion) and back into Omni-polar Sound Vibration Tri-tone Waves (contraction) is called Partiki Phasing. (Electromagnetic Radiation) Electromagnetic radiation (often abbreviated E-M radiation or EMR) is a ubiquitous phenomenon that takes the form of self-propagating waves in a vacuum or in matter. It consists of electric and magnetic field components which oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of energy propagation. Electromagnetic radiation consists of vibrating electric and magnetic fields, which propagates at the speed of light (300,000 km/s in a vacuum). Electromagnetic radiation may also be regarded as a stream of particles known as photons. (Encyclopedia of Science - Online)

Partiki: (Primal Substance - Divine Substance) Partiki or Primal Substance are units of conscious energy that exist as omni-polar points of fixed vibration. Partiki units are omni-polar (containing the polarities for all polarities or none) units of vibrating energy that perpetually cycle back and forth between a state of BI-POLAR LIGHT RADIATION (scalar-standing-waves) and OMNI-POLAR SOUND VIBRATION. Partiki units are the smallest building blocks of matter, and they form the template upon which consciousness in all forms enters manifestation. One of the 6 primary elements in the Science of Keylonta. A Partiki (an Ultra-micro Particle) is an electro-magnetic energy (Conscious) unit and are the organizational intelligence and operational "life-force fuel" behind and within all manifestations and consciousness. Partiki operate as a minute self-regenerating "fission-fusion generators." Through the dynamics of their interaction they create and maintain the electromagnetic fields of sound frequency and light spectra of which the cosmos is composed. It is the smallest unit of energy in the cosmos (one could find 800 billion billion Partiki units in an average 3-dimensional photon). They exist within and beyond all particle and matter structures and represent the "divine substance" out of which the cosmos is composed. Partiki are the primary units of energy that form all matter, anti-matter, pre-matter and non-matter substance. Partiki units are OMNI-POLAR (containing the potentials for all polarities or none - positive-negativeneutral). Through interior polarization and replication, created through self-generated fission and fusion, Partiki manufacture two intrinsic sub-units of crystalline morphogenetic substance that serve as blueprints for rhythms of pulsation through which particles (Particum) and anti-particles manifest (Partika). Each Partiki perpetually breaks down into Particum and Partika, particle and anti-particle, while simultaneously replicating the original Partiki, through the act of internal fission. The replication serves to retain the pattern of the original, while the Particum and the Partika serve to draw other Partiki units from the Unified Field. The Particum and Partika are then magnetically drawn back together in an act of fusion, through which they merge with the replica of the original Partiki out of which they were created. Partiki can be viewed in spiritual terms as units of the identity of God, the central creative source. All things are composed of Partiki and thus all things, beings and consciousness are intrinsically holy, as they are composed of and united through the eternal substance of God. (See: Primal Order) They are an electrotonal units of energy identity that emanates from the central source called the

Yunasai. (God) They operate as minute fission-fusion generators. They maintain the electromagnetic frequency fields upon which the Universe and all structure are built. They exist within and beyond our matter forms, pre-matter and anti-matter and consciousness. They form and sustain something called Morphogenetic (form holding) Fields (Electromagnetic Fields) for all forms and sub-particles. Everything has a Morphogenetic Field because everything is composed of these basic units called Partiki. A morphogenetic field is a basic energy field, energy structure behind a manifest form, which allows that manifest form to keep its shape. Everything in the universe has one. They are groups of Partiki units that form those morphogenetic fields. (Even a Partiki represents a morphogenetic field by itself) They are the organization intelligence within all things. In spiritual terms they are living units of conscious identity and energy. Partiki are the consciousness of the Yunasai, or what is commonly called God. We are made of the substance of God. It has to be understood that Partiki are not just energy units, they are conscious identity units and when they are grouped they form different types of consciousness. They dont think the way we do but we think because we are composed of them. They are a continuous and direct connection to the centralized source of all creation that we call God. And our existence takes place within IT. IT is not out there somewhere. All of reality takes place within IT. Knowing this through Keylontic Science we understand and know that spirituality and our spiritual identity are as real as our leg or our arm because they are composed of the same substance, of the same particles, and these particles are Partiki. When you think a thought, you use Partiki and create a morphogenetic field and you plug it into the already existing morphogenetic fields. There are two types of sub particles that are formed from the Partiki. The first one, called Particum. (PKM) Its a Partiki unit but the Particum Partiki is slower moving and contains half of the electrotonal (which is electrified sound thrust or force) of its twin Partiki sub unit. (It pulsates half as fast). They make up the particles in our universe, the sub-atomic units that we know of are composed of Particum-partiki units. The other Partiki sub particle are called Partika. (PKA) These are anti-particles of the particles that we are composed of. This implies the existence of a parallel universe, and therefore a parallel self. Partikapartiki vibrates twice as fast as the Particum-partiki units. These two universes are intimately intertwined, they are taking place in the same space put on different pulsating rates of consciousness, so we perceive one set of pulses here but we dont see the other and vice-versa. Partiki Cycle: (Cycling or Partiki Phasing) A Partiki unit, the unit of electrotonal pulse that emanates or comes out from the Yunasai, get projected into the 15 dimensional structure universe system and when intercepts with the 15 dimensional system it undergoes fission and it breaks apart and replicates itself into two pieces, the Particum particle and the Partika anti-particle at the same time, one goes to our universe and the other to the parallel universe. Then they return back to the original Partika unit, through fusion, creating a back flow of energy that return to the Yunasai. This flashing on and off, creates a particular pulsating rhythm or cycle that is very, very fast. Also called Partiki Phasing Rhythms or Partiki Pulsation Rhythms- that is - rhythms of expansion and contraction of energy. Consciousness in the form of Partiki Units is the PRIMAL SUBSTANCE of which the cosmos is structured and Partiki Phasing is the perpetual PRIMAL ACT of reciprocal fission and fusion through which PRIMAL SUBSTANCE is brought into manifestation.

The mathematical and geometrical interrelationships of energy that consciousness takes in order to enter the holographically projected experience of external space, time, matter and individuation is the PRIMAL ORDER. Scalar Wave:

(Standing Wave - Scalar Standing Wave - Flash Light Sequences) Scalar: Etymology: Latin scalaris, from scalae stairs, ladder - scale 1 : having an uninterrupted series of steps : GRADUATED scalar chain of events> scalar cells> 2a : capable of being represented by a point on a scale scalar quantity> 2b : of or relating to a scalar or scalar product scalar multiplication> Scalar in Physics and Math means a quantity that does not depend upon any system (co-ordinate system or direction) to be defined; it's already defined by its quantity. i.e. The speed of an object is a scalar (e.g. 180 km/h), while its velocity is not (180 km/h north). The first does not depend upon a "direction" but the second does. 3 : scalar (noun) a quantity, for example, mass or time, that has magnitude but no direction (Merriam-webster Dictionary & A Scalar Wave is a multi-dimensional standing wave pattern that emanates out of a fixed point of sound -tonal vibration - within the Morphogenetic Field (MF) of the Cosmic Unified Field of Energy. Scalar waves appear to move from one place to another, but in truth they are stationary points of light (stay in on place - Standing) that are strung together in sequences, within the fabric of the cosmic morphogenetic field. The appearance of the Scalar Wave movement is generated as sequences of scalar wave points are activated or "lighted" in synchronization with each other (an effect that can compare to progressively flashing a series of bulbs, strung out in a line, off and on, one at the time, flashing the first bulb off as the second lights, etc, whereby appears that the light has moved from one point in the line to another) Scalar Waves represent fixed points of perpetual fission and fusion that emanate from the fabric of morphogenetic fields. Scalar Waves are forms of Consciousness. Scalar Waves are standing wave points composed of quantities of conscious energy Scalar Standing Wave Points are points of consciousness that flash On and Off (Fission-fusion) which don't move but Stay in one Place.

What is Consciousness?
by Caleb Thomas on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 10:48am Consciousness is energy and all energy is conscious. A popular misconception in the scientific arena is that consciousness is formed by the brain-function and thus ceases to exist at the death of the physical brain. This misconception simply illustrates that contemporary science remains innocent to the knowledge of morphogenetic Fields (MF) and multi-dimensional reality structure. This assumption creates a misinterpretation of available data through which manifest symptoms (the brain) are mistaken as the cause (consciousness). The Energetic Order represents the means by which manifest reality comes into being. The Rules of Existence crucially recognizes that: 1) All things are made of energetic substance, and 2) All energetic substance is made of consciousness. therefore 3) All consciousness is aware, and 4) All energy is consciousness and thus 5) Spirituality and Science are directly and inextricably intertwined hence 6) Human reality and human consciousness are made of the same cosmic substance. "Human" design is a multi-dimensional complex of conscious energetic reality structures which exist within a Cosmic System each of which reflects each other (as above so below) demonstrating that the human system IS and intrinsic part of cosmic order. From this it can be deduced that body, mind and spirit represent a truly ordered structure which is in fact a system of mechanics, all of which is completely and irrevocably interwoven with the energy structure of the cosmos. (Cosmic Structure) Reality is Thought Construction. The core substance of the cosmos is Consciousness. Thought is an attribute of Consciousness. Nothing is truly solid. All things are composed of consciousness observing the form and the consciousness of which the form is made. Human consciousness emerges through an order of dimensionalization, which sets frameworks within which the interrelationships of consciousness can take place. Human perception of solidity and externalization is determined by the oscillation rates between Dimensionalized units of consciousness. Human consciousness (the soul - spirit), and human physical form are patterns of frequency formed by dimensionalization of unit of consciousness. We perceive manifest solidity due to the relationship between the frequencies of consciousness of which we are made and those of the Unified Field of Conscious Energy around us. Humans perceive as solid the frequency bands that exist one dimensional spectrum below the frequencies within which the individuated or collective consciousness is stationed.

Manifest Reality is thought projection, made solid and externalized by relationships between the frequencies of our focus of attention and those of the projected thought forms. We perceive as Reality the thought forms of the collective masses as they were placed within the frequency bands that now exist one dimension below the frequencies within which our present focus of collective consciousness is stationed. No thing is truly manifest - it only appears to be so, due to the refraction of consciousness within the energetic relationship inherent to the Holographic Template - the original thought-form construct upon which our universal structure is perpetually created. I will give many examples of this so you can extract metaphors from your own life for a basis of UNDERSTANDING : ) in my book, wich I will periodically post excerpts from.

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