Rising Stars 2014 Call Application Form

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I n pa r tne r s hi p w i th S mi ths Row Th e Ma rke t Cro ss, Co rn h ill Bu ry S t Ed mun d s S uf f o lk IP 3 3 1 B T w w w .s mi ths r ow . or g e nqui r ie s @s mi ths r ow .

or g 0 12 83 7 62 08 1 Reg ist e red cha rit y no : 8 10 20 7 an d Mi l ton Ke y nes Ar ts Ce ntr e Pa rkla nd s, G rea t L in f o rd Milt o n K e yn e s MK1 4 5DZ ww w . mi l tonke y nes a r tsc e ntr e .c o. uk i nfo@mi l tonke y nes a r tsc e ntr e .c o. uk 0 19 08 6 08 10 8 Re g iste re d ch a rit y n o. 10 07 40 9

Ne w As hga te Ga l l e ry Tr us t Wa gg o n Y a rd Fa rnh a m G U9 7P S w w w . ne w as hga te . or g. uk ga l le r y @ne w as hga te . or g. uk 0 12 52 7 13 20 8 Re g iste re d ch a rit y n o. 27 43 26

Call for Makers Rising Stars 2014: touring exhibition and 3 applied arts commissions Application form
Name of the applicant Craft medium Date of graduation Postal address Telephone Website Email Is your work available from 8 March 12 July 2014? Are you available to attend some of the professional development events to be offered in three venues? Is your work available for sale? If so, please give an example of your price range. If work is sold during the tour, will you be able to provide a replacement piece? 1

Would you like to be considered for a site-specified commission in one of the three venues? This work does not need to be for sale. If so, please give details, including your technical requirements, in 300 words: Your statement in 250 words. Please do not include longer statements. Provide a sentence of information about each image submitted with your application and full image captions, including your name, title of the work, medium, size, retail price and a name of the photographer, if relevant. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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