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586 West 177th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10033 Tel: (212) 991-2630

Dear Families, Welcome to the KIPP STAR Elementary team and family! We are so excited to begin our 3rd year, and as a team of families, students and staff, we are continuing to build the foundation for early education and character together. We commit to helping our children develop the character, academic skills and habits necessary to succeed in middle school, high school, college and the world beyond. We believe that by working together, we can provide opportunities to enable our children to grow up to have happy, healthy and successful lives. Whether our KIPPsters are in the classrooms reading A Chair for My Mother, at the zoo discovering the needs of animals to live and survive, performing at our winter show or practicing their school values, they truly embody what it is to be a KIPPster. We practice the KIPP Philosophy: Be nice and work hard. Due to the tremendous grit, love, hope, communication and support of their teachers and families, we know that our KIPPsters will do amazing things. We are excited about their infinite possibilities, and building the first KIPP elementary school in Washington Heights is one step towards achieving those possibilities. These are truly exciting times, and we are happy that you are part of it! We recognize that these efforts take tremendous discipline and dedication, which can only be done with the joint efforts of families, staff and our students. Since we value open communication and access to information, we have prepared a handbook regarding the schools structure, a ttendance, schedule, culture and academics along with other pieces of information that we think you will find helpful. Hopefully, this handbook will serve as a useful resource to answer any questions that you may have. Please keep it handy so that you may refer to it when necessary. We look forward to an exciting and positive year! Once again, welcome to another year at KIPP STAR Elementary, which is filled with the promise of greatness, enthusiasm, love and dedication. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you for your faith and support,

Anokhi Saraiya Principal (917)-450-8853

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 3 WHO WE ARE ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 KIPP MISSION ...................................................................................................................................................................4 OUR BEGINNING ..............................................................................................................................................................4 KIPP CREDO ......................................................................................................................................................................4 At KIPP, we believe. .........................................................................................................................................................4 KIPP STAR ELEMENTARY VALUES ........................................................................................................................... 5 OUR VALUES.....................................................................................................................................................................5 KIPP COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE ..................................................................................................................... 6 SOME OF WHAT EVERY KIPPSTER LEARNS DURING WEEK ONE ............................................................................. 7 KIPP STAR ELEMENTARY STAFF INFO ..................................................................................................................... 8 GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................... 9 ENROLLMENT ...................................................................................................................................................................9 WHO SHOULD I ASK? .......................................................................................................................................................9 ATTENDANCE .................................................................................................................................................................10 ATTENDANCE CONSEQUENCES FOR ABSENCES & TARDIES ........................................................................................11 SCHOOL UNIFORM .........................................................................................................................................................12 DRESS CODE POLICY .......................................................................................................................................................13 FOOD AND WELLNESS ....................................................................................................................................................14 TRANSPORTATION .........................................................................................................................................................16 FIELD LESSONS ...............................................................................................................................................................16 COMMUNICATING WITH STAFF AND TEACHERS ...........................................................................................................16 CELL PHONE POLICY .......................................................................................................................................................17 PERSONAL BELONGINGS ................................................................................................................................................17 HEALTH AND SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................... 17 IMMUNIZATIONS ...........................................................................................................................................................17 REPORTING A CHILDS SICKNESS ....................................................................................................................................17 NURSE SERVICE AND MEDICATION ................................................................................................................................18 COUNSELING SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................................18 CALENDAR AND SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................. 18 START/END DATES .........................................................................................................................................................18 VACATIONS/HOLIDAYS ...................................................................................................................................................19 SCHOOL CLOSINGS (BAD WEATHER) ..............................................................................................................................19 FAMILY SATURDAYS .......................................................................................................................................................19 ACADEMICS - WORK HARD ............................................................................................................................... 22 HOMEWORK...................................................................................................................................................................22 CHEATING/PLAGIARISM .................................................................................................................................................23 PROMOTION TO THE NEXT GRADE ................................................................................................................................24 BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................................... 25 FAMILY INVOLVEMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 26 WHAT ARE A FEW WAYS I CAN GET INVOLVED? ..........................................................................................................27

KIPP STAR Elementarys mission is to teach our students to develop the character and academic skills necessary to succeed in high school and college, to be self-sufficient, successful and happy in the competitive world and to build a better tomorrow for themselves and us all.

We founded KIPP STAR Elementary in 2011. This is the first KIPP elementary school in Washington Heights, but we are not the only KIPP School. KIPP STAR Elementary is part of KIPP NYC which currently serves over 4,000 students and alumni at five middle schools, one high school and three elementary schools. From the beginning, KIPP has focused on developing academic and character skills. Since day one, the key to our success has been the amazing teamwork of families, students and teachers working together.

At KIPP, we believe. We believe in the creation of inspired lives produced by desire, discipline, and dedication. We are not frightened by the challenges of reality but believe that we can change our world and our place within it. We work, plan, create, and dream. Our talent, character, and integrity will be the tools we need to build a better tomorrow. We believe that we can take this place, this time, and the people here and build a better place, a better time, and a better people. As a team and a family, we will either find a way or make one.
- Inspired by Providence St. Mel School Motto


The KIPP STAR Elementary School core values, Curiosity, Confidence, Community, Character, and Choice, guide our entire school community. Curiosity We ask and explore questions, and construct knowledge through imagination, discovery, and exploration. Confidence We hold high expectations for ourselves and each other to achieve beyond the standards-driven curriculum. We take risks, and celebrate our successes as well as our opportunities for growth. Community We learn together every day, in every way, from everyone that we meet. Character We exhibit character at all times, by being our best selves and doing what is right even when no one is looking. We show compassion, kindness, honesty, humility, and gratitude to all those around us. Choice We are empowered to make choices and decisions about our learning, ideas, actions, words, and life. We make thoughtful, informed decisions, and take responsibility for those choices.


School Commitment:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Timeliness We will arrive every day by 7:45 AM and remain at school until 5:15 PM. High Quality Education We will do whatever it takes to nurture and strengthen our students creativity, knowledge and character as we prepare them to excel academically, physically and socially in secondary schools, colleges and life. Support and Respect We promise to respect, appreciate and support every student. We will work together with you for the benefit of your child and all the children attending KIPP STAR Elementary School. Communication We promise to communicate regularly with parents about their childs progress and make ourselves available in person and by phone. We will return parent phone calls within 24 hours. Civility Code We promise to maintain a high level of civility in our communication with you and your child. We believe that we are on the same team, and we will conduct ourselves respectfully and professionally. Homework We will assign productive, worthwhile homework each night to reinforce and support skills and concepts learned in class. Fairness We will address the values of KIPP STAR Elementary School consistently and fairly. We promise to keep you informed of how your child is demonstrating the STAR values. When students are disciplined or suspended, or when students deserve recognition for their accomplishments, we will inform their parents promptly. Safety We will always protect the safety, interests and rights of all individuals.


Failure to adhere to these commitments can lead to our removal from KIPP. Parent/Guardian Commitment:
1. 2. Attendance We will make sure our child comes to school every day. We will schedule doctors appointments, vacations, etc. for days when school is not in session. Timeliness We will make sure our child arrives at school every day on time (between 7:50 AM and 8:10 AM). We will make sure to promptly pick up our child at the end of the school day (4:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; 2:45 PM on Friday). Support & HomeworkWe will provide a quiet space for our child to study. We will check our childs homework every night and ensure that our child reads and/or is read to every night. We will make sure our child gets enough sleep each night (at least 8 hours). We will do whatever it takes for our child to learn and perform to his/her optimal ability. We will reinforce the STAR (Confidence, Curiosity, Character, Community and Choice) values at home. Communication We will make ourselves available to our child, the school and any concerns they might have. We will return phone calls from the school within 24 hours. If we are asked to attend a meeting regarding our childs education or behavior, we will attend. If we have any concerns, we will raise them with someone at the school. We will promptly inform the school if my address and/or phone number changes. Civility Code We promise to maintain a high level of civility in our communication with the school. We know that we are on the same team and we will conduct ourselves in a respectful and professional manner. Dress Code We will make sure our child follows the KIPP STAR Elementary School dress code every day. Summer School We will make sure our child attends every day of Summer School, which we understand will take place August 20- August 30. We will schedule our family vacations outside of this time. Family Saturdays We will attend Family Saturdays with our child once a month starting in September from 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM. If we are unable to attend, we will make sure a family member older than 18 years of age attends with our child.



5. 6. 7. 8.

Failure to adhere to these commitments can cause my child to lose various KIPP privileges and can lead to my child's expulsion from KIPP. Student Commitment:
1. 2. 3. I will Be Nice every day. I will Work Hard every day. I will do my homework every night and call my teacher if I need help.

4. 5.

I will follow the directions of my parents and all the adults at school. I will live by our STAR values (Confidence, Curiosity, Character, Community, Choice).

Failure to adhere to these commitments can cause me to lose various KIPP privileges and can lead to my expulsion from KIPP.


We are committed to reinforcing common standards of character and academic performance to create a sense of team and family. We believe that these ideas serve as a great foundation to be carried beyond the five years at KIPP STAR Elementary. During the first week of summer school, every KIPPster learns various songs, sayings and acronyms to reinforce our mission. We constantly refer to these throughout their time at KIPP. Please review with your child and help reinforce these standards in and out of school.

I Be Safe, Be Nice, Work Hard II - We are a TEAM AND A FAMILY III - STAR Values (Confidence, Curiosity, Character, Community, Choice) IV - Track the Speaker- This means that students will always have their eyes and focus on that person. V Polite Words (PLEASE, EXCUSE ME, THANK YOU, SORRY, YOURE WELCOME)


Name Title Email Address Phone Number
917-450-8853 917-208-8005 646-761-9027 917-322-1820 646-831-0132 914-356-6937 917-208-9272 646-265-2602 646-730-5011 646-734-8330 646-483-8631 917-836-7982 646-581-1019 646-761-8601 917-836-4839 917-509-8006 646-734-0929 646-581-6329 646-581-7199 646-581-7442 646-455-8906 646-753-0796 917-270-7593 646-476-0651 480-980-9633 School Leadership Principal Dean of Teaching and Learning Dean of Teaching and Learning Dean of Students Director of Operations Classroom Teachers Kindergarten Teacher/ Grade Team Leader Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Teacher First Grade Teacher First Grade Teacher First Grade Teacher/ Grade Team Leader First Grade Teacher First Grade Teacher

Ms. Anokhi Saraiya Ms. Nikki Khosla Ms. Maya Tucci Ms. Rebecca McMurdie Ms. Leslie Billie Ms. Sara Arcaya Ms. Cera Felice Ms. Nicolette Omoile Ms. Ana Diaz Ms. Jennifer Suen Ms. Jessica Taveras Ms. Rachel Kurtz Ms. Mary Turner Ms. Jacquelyn Torres Ms. Priscilla Taoufik Ms. Meena Sadjatumwadee Ms. Monica Barrera Ms. Adeola AdegboyegaPanox Mr. Ken Hall Ms. Kristyn Abreu Mr. Logan McClellan Ms. Nora Graham Ms. Mary Findley Ms. Jessica Sandoval Ms. Michelle Salese Mr. Adam Bryant

Ms. Katherine Lebron Ms. Leigh Merin Mr. Michael Baptiste Ms. Kia-Fiara Melendez Ms. Hericka Jordan Ms. Joyce Shu Ms. Caridad Cruz Ms. Christine Moreno Ms. Jade Sands Ms. Elizabeth Reynaldos

First Grade Teacher First Grade Teacher First Grade Teacher Second Grade Teacher Second Grade Teacher Second Grade Teacher Second Grade Teacher Second Grade Content Learning Specialist Explore and Imagine Theater & Dance Visual Arts Teacher Fitness Teacher Student and Family Support Director of Family Engagement & Social Worker Social Worker Special Education Coordinator ELL Coordinator School Operations Administrator Empire Teaching Fellow Bilingual Speech and Language Therapist

646-761-8038 914-649-1432 917-623-6887 917-263-1657 646-612-0243 646-265-2147 816-719-7314 646-634-2468 646-647-0568 646-532-9249

Every year, beginning in the first week of January, KIPP STAR Elementary will begin accepting applications for our kindergarten and first graders for the following year (although very few students are admitted after Kindergarten). In accordance with our state law, admissions preference will be granted to siblings as first priority and students living in District 6 as a 2nd priority. The lottery will be held the first week of April.


Upon enrolling at KIPP STAR Elementary, the following documents must be submitted for each student to Ms. Moreno, Office Manager:

New Student Enrollment Form Commitment to Excellence Copy of Birth Certificate Proof of Address (Copy of a Phone Bill, Electric Bill, Lease or Gas Bill) Free and Reduced Price Lunch Form Immunization Records/Health Records Home Language Survey / PSE Form IEP (Individualized Educational Plan)/504 Accommodations (if applicable)
At times, you may have questions about KIPP STAR Elementary. Below is a quick list of common topics and to whom you should direct your questions.
TOPIC Lunch Forms, Emergency Forms, Medical Forms Lost Metro Card Ordering KIPP Uniform T-shirt I have concerns about my childs social adjustment My child has an IEP Accommodation My child will be absent or late I have questions about my childs academic progress I have questions about school activities (permissions slips, etc.) STAFF MEMBER Ms. Moreno Ms. Moreno Ms. Moreno Mrs. Melendez or Ms. Jordan (Social Workers) Ms. Shu or your childs teacher Ms. Moreno Your childs teachers Your childs teachers 9

I have overall concerns

Ms. Saraiya (Principal) Ms. Billie (Director of Operations) or Ms. McMurdie

Arriving to school on time, every day, is the first step to ensure that your child will be successful in school. Research and our experience shows that students who consistently come to school do better academically. Furthermore, punctuality is an important life skill that requires discipline and organization, two skills that are essential in college. In fact, excessive absences and tardies are two top contributing factors nation-wide to why people are fired or demoted from their job. It is much easier to develop good habits around punctuality when you are young, than to reverse bad habits when you are already in college or the workforce. For these reasons, we have designed the following attendance policy to help support you and your child to develop good attendance habits. On the Commitment to Excellence it states: 1. Attendance We will make sure our child comes to school every day. We will schedule doctors appointments, vacations, etc. for days when school is not in session. 2. Timeliness We will make sure our child arrives at school every day on time (7:50am). We will make sure to promptly pick up our child at the end of the school day (4:00pm Monday through Thursday and 2:45pm on Fridays). We know that three tardies is equivalent to one absence and will be recorded as such. Families are expected to ensure that their child is in school. Please do not allow your child to miss a day of school except for serious illnesses. If your child is going to miss school because of an illness, please call Ms. Moreno as soon as possible. All absences should be followed up the next day with a note signed by a parent, guardian or doctor. If your child is absent, Ms. Moreno will follow up with a phone call.

All Absences Excused and Unexcused are Considered Absences: Any day your child does not attend school is considered an absence. Student illness (with doctors note), a death in the family, religious holiday (with parent/guardian/guardians notes) are all considered absences at KIPP STAR. While we do request a call or note from a parent, guardian or doctor explaining the absence, the student is still considered (and marked) absent from school. Never Miss School for Appointments: Parents/guardians/families are responsible for scheduling medical appointments outside of school time. The best times are Friday afternoons (after 2:45 PM) or days when school is not in session. In the rare case when a student has a medical appointment during school, they should not be absent for the entire school day. Please notify your childs teacher/s or Ms. Moreno if your child has a doctors appointment during school hours.

Tardies: Getting to school on time is key to your childs success at school and in life. Our doors open at 7:50 AM each morning. Students must arrive between 7:50 AM and 8:10 AM. Students arriving after 8:10 AM are marked tardy. Every three tardies will be recorded as an absence. Early Dismissal: Students are expected to stay in school until the very end of the day (4:00pm for regular Monday-Thursday dismissal; 2:45pm on Fridays). Early pickups are disruptive to the learning environment.


All absences and tardies are noted on report cards. Students are responsible for all missed assignments, and families must arrange a way to complete all missed assignments and homework. Since missing class affects academic achievement, repeated absences may be reflected in the students grades. At KIPP STAR Elementary School, we pride ourselves on having a partnership between parents, teachers, and staff to provide the best possible education for our children. We are committed to provide families with open and clear communication on our policies. Please see the chart below for the action steps to make sure we are communicating and working together on your childs attendance. Absences accrued because of student illness (with a doctors note), a death in the family or a religious holiday (with a parent/guardian note) will not be considered toward a students withholding from a field lesson, field day, performance or other event if you call the school the day the student is absent AND submit a doctors note within 24 hours of your childs return to school. Number Of Absences 3 Absences 5 absences 8 Absences 10 Absences Action Step Letter sent home Phone call, letter sent home Meeting with Dean of Students or Director of Operations Meeting with Principal Saraiya, Promotion in Doubt letter signed by parent Meeting with Dean of Students or Director of Operations, student is at risk of hold-over and cannot participate in any extra-curricular activities, including field lessons. Meeting with Principal, and student withheld from school-wide School Contact Ms. Moreno Ms. McMurdie Ms. McMurdie or Ms. Billie Ms. Saraiya

12 Absences

Ms. McMurdie or Ms. Billie

15 Absences

Ms. Saraiya

performance. 20 Absences Student is at risk of hold-over, and Ms. Saraiya student is withheld from events including field day, field lessons, performances, etc. An individualized attendance plan will be created for you and your child. *Note: If we cannot contact you to schedule a meeting, after 3 attempts, you and your child will move to the next action step.


Arrival: Students and families must remain outside the building until 7:50 AM. Students must arrive between 7:50 AM to 8:10 AM. All students will enter the school through the designated KIPP STAR Elementary entrance on West 177th Street. Students arriving after 8:10 AM are considered tardy and must use the Main Entrance to enter the building. Upon entering the building, parents must get a pass from the security desk and bring their child upstairs to the 4th floor and sign him/her in at the main office. Dismissal: On Monday through Thursday, families are responsible for picking up students promptly at 4:00 PM. On Fridays, the school day ends at 2:45 PM. All students will be dismissed through the designated KIPP STAR Elementary entrance on West 177 th Street. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure a timely pick up of his/her child from school. Late pick-ups are not acceptable. Ms. Billie (Director of Operations) will contact the families of those students who are picked up late. No student will be allowed to leave the school without an adult escort authorized to regularly pick them up (based on authorized pick-up names listed on registration form). If the person picking up the child is not the parent/legal guardian of the child, they must (a) be given explicit written permission to pick up the child and (b) be 18 years or older. Please speak to Ms. Billie (Director of Operations) if there are any concerns.

All students must come to school wearing their KIPP STAR Elementary uniform t-shirt, khaki pants, skirts (with shorts/tights underneath), capris, or shorts that fall at the knees, and sneakers. KIPP uniform t-shirts will be available for purchase during family events, such as Report Card Conferences, as well as from Ms. Moreno in the main office. Uniform t-shirts are $8.00 for short-sleeved shirts and $9.00 for long-sleeved shirts. We only accept cash. If a student arrives to school out of uniform, parents/guardians will be called and asked to bring in a uniform before the student is sent to class.



Monday-Thursday: KIPP STAR Elementary uniform t-shirt, khaki pants/skirt and sneakers. Fridays: COLLEGE shirts may be worn in place of uniform t-shirts. 1. Students are to wear a KIPP uniform t-shirt every day, except Friday. Their KIPP t-shirts must be fully visible at all times within the building. Long sleeve shirts may be worn underneath KIPP t-shirts. There will be KIPP long-sleeve shirts available for colder weather. 2. All KIPP shirts are to be tucked in and worn appropriately. 3. All pants must fit around the waist. Belts are optional and if worn, should be of appropriate size and nature (i.e. no large-faced images or symbols which may pose as a distraction). 4. Students may not wear jeans to school, except on special occasions (determined by school staff). 5. Students may not wear jogging pants, sweat pants or athletic shorts. 6. Students may not wear sleeveless or cut -off shirts, blouses or dresses. 7. Students may not wear inappropriately tight clothing. 8. Girls may not wear skirts that are inappropriately short (more than 3 inches above the center of their knee) or that have inappropriately long slits (above their knees). Girls are encouraged to wear shorts or tights under their skirts as the students sit on the carpet a lot. 9. Students may not wear hats, caps, do-rags or other head coverings in the school (except in the case of religious observance). 10. For safety reasons, the following jewelry will not be permitted at KIPP STAR Elementary: necklaces outside of shirt, chains, chokers, multiple finger rings and dangle earrings. Earrings should not hang from the earlobe (studs are permitted). One necklace may be worn but must remain tucked in at all times. Students are NOT permitted to wear bracelets and rings. 11. Students may not wear makeup. (Students may use lip balm, such as Vaseline, Chapstick, etc. to moisturize lips. As with any item, these may be taken away for inappropriate and excessive use).


12. Students must wear sneakers to school each day. Sneakers should not have wheels or lights as they are distracting and unsafe. Students cannot wear shoes that show their toes or heels. We recommend Velcro shoes for students who have not yet learned to tie shoelaces. In addition to the above uniform regulations, the following rules apply: a) Expensive jewelry or large sums of money should not be brought to school. If it is necessary for students to carry more than $20, the money should be given to a teacher for safekeeping. b) The following items may not be brought to school: cell phones, iPods/iPads, or radios of any kind and electronic toys (PSPs, Gameboys, etc.).


At KSES we are committed to inspiring students to make healthy choices about food and wellness, setting the foundation for them to have long, healthy lives. The food we eat is what fuels our mind and body. The choices we make about food affect our health, our ability to learn, focus and even our emotions. At KIPP STAR Elementary, we are committed to providing a sugarfree and junk food-free environment, ensuring that the food students eat at school are nutritious and conducive to learning. As such, the following foods are not permitted at KIPP STAR Elementary School: 1) Candy, cookies, cake, chocolate, gummy treats, fruit roll-ups or other sweets 2) Soda or other sugary drinks 3) Chips, Cheetos or other packaged snacks high in sodium (pretzels are OK) Breakfast Research shows that students who regularly eat a nutritious breakfast are more successful academically. You may choose to provide your child with a healthy breakfast at home, or you may send your student to school early to eat breakfast at school. If you would like your child to eat breakfast at school, please make sure they are at the door right at 7:50am when our doors open. This will ensure they have time to walk upstairs, unpack and eat breakfast before our instructional day begins at 8:10am. If you arrive at school after 8:00am, please make sure to provide your child a nutritious breakfast at home. Healthy whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, eggs and breakfast meats are the best options. Research and our experience at KSES shows that students who eat breakfast foods high in sugar and salt, such as sugary cereals and pre-packaged sweets (donuts, cinnamon buns, etc.) are more hyperactive and impulsive at school, and have more trouble succeeding academically. For this reason, please avoid serving your child these foods before they come to school. Lunch We provide a healthy lunch option for students daily. All families will need to complete a form that enables the school to participate in the free or reduced-price meal program. You may

choose to send your child to school with a lunch. If you do this, please make sure that the entire lunch is healthy and nutritious. Here are some ideas for healthy lunch options: 1) Sandwiches 2) Sliced fruits and vegetables 3) Yogurt 4) 100% Juices 5) Pasta or rice/beans 6) Other healthy homemade meals If you choose to send your student to school with a lunch, please send them with all the appropriate utensils necessary (spoon, fork, etc.) Also, if you choose to send your child to school with pre-packaged lunches (such as Lunchables) please make sure that they do not include any candy, sweets or other foods that are not allowed in school. Lastly, if you choose to send your child to school with a lunch, please have all items in one, clearly labeled bag. Snack We provide a healthy snack for all students every day. Students may not bring their own snack. If necessary, we will provide an alternative snack for students with food allergies. Water Staying hydrated helps you learn. We encourage you to send your child to school with a water bottle each day. He/she will be welcome to drink from it throughout the day. Please make sure your childs water bottle is labeled with their name. Birthday Parties and Celebrations We love celebrating our students! If you would like to celebrate your childs birthday at school, please contact your childs teacher at least one week in advance of the date you would like to come in. In order to honor our healthy food and wellness policies, please make sure to avoid cakes, cupcakes and any other foods from our Foods Not Permitted at KSES list above (this includes goodie bags). In the past, parents have brought in the following healthy foods to celebrate their childs birthday: yogurt parfaits, cheese and crackers, assorted fruits, veggies and hummus, pretzels. Continued Support to Lead a Healthy Life We are committed to ensuring all of our students have the skills and habits they need to lead successful, happy lives. This commitment includes empowering students and families with the knowledge and habits necessary to make healthy choices about food and exercise. We live in a society that makes it easy to eat high amounts of salty and sugary foods, and we know that making healthy choices are challenging. To support you in this mission, we host Family Saturday workshops and Coffee and Conversations focusing on the topic of food and wellness. If you would like additional support and resources in making healthy lifestyle changes for you and your family, please feel free to reach out to Ms. McMurdie, Dean of Students or Mr. Baptiste, our Fitness teacher. We would be more than happy to support you!

Students living more than mile in distance from the school but less than 1 mile may receive a Reduced-Fare Metro Card for public transportation. Students living greater than 1 mile from the school may receive a Full-Fare Metro Card for public transportation. It is each familys responsibility to hold onto the Metro Card. Parents are expected to pick up or make special arrangements for students remaining after school for detention, tutoring or special activities. Parents must provide contact information for any person authorized to pick up their child. If the person picking up the child is not the parent/legal guardian of the child, they must (a) be given explicit written permission to pick up the child and (b) be 18 years or older. Please speak to Ms. Billie (Director of Operations) if there are any concerns.

Our students and families look forward to various opportunities, especially our field lessons. Each year, KIPP teachers plan field trip(s) that complement the curriculum, including travels to the local museums and parks, the Statue of Liberty, Columbia University basketball games, ice skating, the Bronx Zoo amongst other New York City sites. We encourage parents and family members (18 years or older) to attend field lessons as chaperones. Students earn these lessons based on their behavior, academic performance, and attendance (see attendance policy). In addition, the school reserves the right to remove a student from a lesson or prohibit them from going for any reason that jeopardizes the physical or emotional well-being of themselves or others.


Part of the success of KIPP STAR Elementary is the open communication between parents, students and teachers. In an effort to facilitate this, we give parents telephone numbers of KIPP STAR Elementary staff. Students and parents should feel free to call staff members for any reason. Staff members are available by phone until 9pm each night. This is also a good chance to get help, if necessary, with homework. If you or your child is trying to call a teacher but they dont answer, please leave a message explaining the reason for the call, your full name and telephone number and allow time to return your call. All teachers will return your call within twenty-four hours. In addition, in the event of an emergency, please call Ms. Saraiya (Principal). Website and Facebook KIPP STAR Elementary is now on Facebook! Like us on Facebook for real -time information on school events, pictures and videos of our KIPPsters, and more! Visit our page and make sure to click Like to receive updates from KIPP STAR Elementary School: Also, our school website contains a lot of information about our school. The website URL is:



Please be advised that cell phones are not permitted at school for any reason. If a child brings a cell phone to school, it will be confiscated and returned only to a parent or guardian. If you need a message relayed to your child, please call the school directly or your childs teacher/s.

Students should ensure that any personal belongings they bring with them to school are appropriate and do not pose any type of physical or emotional risk to themselves or others. In addition, students are not permitted to bring soda, gum, candy or toys of any kind to school without prior permission. All toys, cards, games and electronics not specifically authorized by the school will be confiscated and returned only to parents and guardians. Finally, please note that the school is not responsible for any personal belongings brought to school.


New York State law requires that all children entering elementary school be immunized. In accordance with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, students entering kindergarten must have the following vaccinations: 4 DTaP or DTP (Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) 3 OPV or IPV (Polio) 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) - 3 Hepatitis B - 1 Varicella (Chicken Pox)

Before a child can be permitted to enter and attend school (subject to the 14-day initial waiver requirement), parents or guardians must present documentation that their child has received all required doses of vaccines or that their child has received at least one dose of each of the required vaccines and is waiting to receive the subsequent doses at the appropriate time intervals. KIPP STAR must receive a certificate of immunization no later than September 13, 2013. These requirements can be waived only if a properly signed health or religious exemption is filed with the school.


If your child is going to miss school because of illness, please call the school as soon as possible. All student absences should be followed up the next day with a note signed by a parent, guardian or doctor. KIPP staff will call to verify all student absences. Please let Ms. Billie (Director of Operations) or Ms. Saraiya (Principal) know if there are any medical concerns or special circumstances about which we should be aware. If a child becomes ill or injured during the school day and is not well enough to stay in class, the parent/guardian will be called to pick the child up. It is necessary to have updated emergency contact numbers on file in the school office in case no one can be contacted at home. If the person picking up a child is not the parent/legal guardian of the child, they must be (a) given

explicit written permission to pick up the child and (b) be 18 years or older.


If your child requires medication during school hours, the school nurse will assist by administering medication. However, medication may not be given without the completion of the Administration of Medication form, which must be completed by a healthcare provider. Families can get a copy of this form by calling or stopping by the school. This policy and the requirement to have a form on file applies to all medicine, including aspirin, Tylenol and other over-the-counter medicines. Medicine needs to be in its original packaging/case. Staff at the school are NOT authorized to administer medication. Please notify Ms. Moreno or Ms. Billie if your child has any food allergies, so that we provide your child with the necessary accommodations. Students with asthma should bring an inhaler prescribed by their doctor to school each day. Asthmatic students should notify a KIPP staff member as soon as breathing becomes difficult. If there are any concerns about medicine, allergies and overall health, please let Ms. Billie or Ms. Saraiya know.

The counseling services at KIPP STAR Elementary are available to help any student or parent address any social, emotional or academic issue they may be facing. In addition, our Social Workers, Mrs. Melendez and Ms. Jordan, help students work through and cope with personal and school related stress. At KIPP, every student is entitled to counseling support and referral services. Counseling support is also extended to KIPP families in need. There are several ways in which students may be referred for counseling services: If a parent is interested in having their child seen by Social Worker, please contact Ms. Saraiya (Principal). Students are able to ask directly to speak with a Social Worker. A student may also be referred at the recommendation of a Teacher, Social Worker or Principal. Please understand that we are required to respect the rights and privacy of our students and families and as a result all information and counseling services are confidential and cannot be shared (except in instances required by law).


Summer School

Summer school is mandatory and is the start of the school year. Summer school is a critical time to get a head start on the coming school year and as a result, all students at KIPP STAR Elementary must attend school during the summer. and begins for Kindergarten on Monday, August 19th. Summer school continues for Kindergarten, and begins for First and Second grades on Wednesday, August 21st. During Summer School, students must arrive between 8:00AM and 8:20AM and students must be picked up promptly at 12:00 PM. All students will arrive and be dismissed from the school through the designated KIPP STAR Elementary entrance on West 177th Street. Regular School Year Regular school hours begin for ALL grades on Tuesday, September 3rd. Arrival is from 7:50am 8:10am and dismissal is at 4:00pm on Monday-Thursday and 2:45pm on Friday.

With a few exceptions, KIPP STAR Elementary will follow the same holiday schedule as the New York City Department of Education (see calendar for full details).


If the NYC public schools close due to bad weather, KIPP STAR Elementary is closed. Listen to the radio (e.g. 1010 WINS news) or television for the announcement of closings/delays for NYC Public Schools, check the Department of Education website (, or go to our Facebook page ( Once the school day has started, school will not be cancelled early due to weather conditions. Parents may pick their children up early in the case of serious weather conditions.

On appropriate Saturdays, all KIPP STAR Elementary students are expected to attend Family Saturdays from 9:00am to 11:00am with a parent/guardian or a sibling over the age of 18 (see full calendar for appropriate dates). Students do not need to wear school uniforms on Saturdays. During this time, families and students will participate in a workshop and then classes of their choosing. Family Saturdays are an opportunity for families and students to come together for school-related activities, events, and workshops. It fosters a sense of community among the families in a grade. Families who cannot attend a Family Saturday must notify Ms. Saraiya or Ms. McMurdie in advance.

Starting Tuesday, September 3rd, all students will start school at 8:10am and will remain until classes are dismissed at 4:00pm on Monday through Thursday, 2:45pm on Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00am to 11:00am. If you want your child to eat breakfast, you must arrive by 8:00am.



7:50am 8:10am 8:15am 8:35am 8:35am 9:35am 9:35am 10:20am 10:20am 12:20pm 12:20pm 12:30pm 12:30pm 1:30pm 1:30pm 2:30pm 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 3:45pm 3:45pm 4:00pm

Arrival & Breakfast STAR Morning Program (once a week)/Classroom Morning Meeting Guided Reading Fitness/Theatre & Movement/Art Literacy Blocks Math Fluency Lunch/Recess Nap (Kindergarten)/Math Expeditions Choice Time Pack up/Dismissal


AUGUST Thursday, August 15 Friday, August 16 Kindergarten Monday, August 19 Friday, August 30 ALL GRADES Wednesday, August 21 Friday, August 30 SEPTEMBER Monday, September 2 Tuesday, September 3 Thursday, September 5 Friday September 6 Saturday, September 14 Friday, September 27 Labor Day (SCHOOL CLOSED) 1st Day of School SCHOOL CLOSED (Rosh Hashannah) ALL Grades Family Saturday Open House SCHOOL CLOSED (Staff Development) Family Preview Day (3:00pm 6:00pm) Family Preview Day (9:00am 12:00pm)

Summer School (8:00am-12:00pm)

Summer School (8:00am-12:00pm)

OCTOBER Friday, October 4 Progress Reports Distributed


Monday, October 14 Tuesday, October 15 Saturday, October 19 NOVEMBER Friday, November 1 Wednesday, November 6 Saturday, November 9 Thursday, November 14 Monday, November 25 Friday, November 29 DECEMBER Monday, December 2 Saturday, December 7 Wednesday, December 11 Thursday, December 12 Friday, December 13 Wednesday, December 18 Monday, December 23 Friday, January 3

Columbus Day (SCHOOL CLOSED) SCHOOL CLOSED (KIPP Staff Development) KINDERGARTEN Family Saturday

1st Quarter Ends SCHOOL CLOSED (KIPP Staff Development) 1st GRADE Family Saturday Report Card Conferences (HALF DAY) THANKSGIVING RECESS (SCHOOL CLOSED)

School Resumes 2nd GRADE Saturday School Winter Performance (K & 1st) Winter Performance (2nd Grade) Staff Development Day (NO SCHOOL) Progress Reports Distributed WINTER RECESS (SCHOOL CLOSED)

JANUARY Monday, January 6 Monday, January 20 Friday, January 24 Saturday, January 25 Friday, January 31 FEBRUARY Wednesday, February 5 Saturday, February 8 Monday, February 17 Friday February 21 Monday, February 24 Report Card Conferences (HALF DAY) 1st Grade Family Saturday MID-WINTER BREAK (SCHOOL CLOSED) School Resumes School Resumes Martin Luther King Day (NO SCHOOL) Quarter 2 Ends Kindergarten Family Saturday Staff Development (NO SCHOOL)

MARCH Friday, March 7 Saturday, March 8 Friday, March 14 Progress Reports Distributed 2nd Grade Family Saturday Staff Development Day (NO SCHOOL)

Monday, March 24

Staff Development Day (NO SCHOOL)

APRIL Friday, April 11 Monday, April 14 Tuesday April 22 Monday, April 21 Saturday, April 26 MAY Thursday, May 1 Wednesday, May 21 Thursday, May 22 Friday, May 23 Monday, May 26 Report Card Conferences (HALF DAY) KSES Spring Performance KSES Spring Performance Staff Development Day (NO SCHOOL) Memorial Day (SCHOOL CLOSED) Quarter 3 Ends Spring Break (NO SCHOOL) Staff Development Day (NO SCHOOL) New Students Kindergarten Registration

JUNE Saturday, June 14 Wednesday, June25 ALL Grades: Family Saturday, KSES Year End Celebration Last Day of School (12:00pm dismissal)

***If there are any changes to the calendar, the school will send a notice prior to the change.***


A key part of the academic program of KIPP STAR Elementary is the homework that every KIPPster will receive every night. Homework must be completed the night before it is due. Students will not be allowed to complete homework during breakfast unless given explicit permission by their teacher. No student is excused from any assignment without the permission of his or her teacher prior to the due date. If a student discovers that s/he will be unable to complete an assignment, s/he must contact the teacher by phone no later than the night before it is due. If the student is unable to contact their teacher for some reason, they must bring a written note from their parents/guardians.

KEY HOMEWORK POINTS There are many points we review with students. Below are constant messages we send to our KIPPsters as we reinforce the importance of homework. Please review with your child and continue to reinforce accurate, thorough and timely completion of homework. As always, students and parents can call teachers with homework questions. Because we are committed to our mission of preparing our students for middle school, high school, college and the world beyond, we strongly emphasize the accurate and thorough completion of homework. Homework helps students develop grit, selfcontrol, desire, discipline and dedication all of which are important tools for success. Each night, students will come home with their homework folder. There is a section that says Stays at Home. This is graded work for you to see or important notices that the school is sending home. You will see another section of the folder, which says Return to School. This is the homework that needs to be completed that night and sent back to the school in this folder. Our children are still developing their homework and work skills; they will need your support at home. At times, many of the assignments will require you to complete them with your child. Please reach out to the teacher if you need more clarification. Homework completion and effort is logged into PowerSchool, which is used to determine grades in each class. A. MAKE-UP WORK ON DAYS STUDENT IS ABSENT Students who are absent are expected to make up the class work and homework when they return to school. All missed, incomplete or incorrect work must be completed. It is the student and parents responsibility to check with each of his/her teachers to make sure s/he is aware of all assignments. The time generally allowed to complete this work will be the number of days the student was absent. For example, if a student was absent for one day, then s/he will have one day to make up any missed work. Late, incomplete or missing assignments (for unexcused reasons other than absences) must be made up by the next day. B. PARENT SIGNATURE ON TESTS Parents must sign all tests and graded assignments with a failing grade which includes daily reflections. Daily reflections come home with the student every day and should be signed and sent back to the school. This will help us to communicate how your child is doing in working hard and being nice. CHEATING/PLAGIARISM Cheating is a serious offense. If a student copies another students work or if a student gives another student his/her work, it is considered cheating (Academic Dishonesty), and the student will receive a serious consequence for this behavior. Plagiarism involves the stealing of someone elses ideas or words as ones own or the imitation of the language, ideas and thoughts of another author (or person) and then

passing them off as the students own original work. If a student plagiarized and forges a signature, this is also considered Academic Dishonesty. Students will receive a serious consequence.


The philosophy of KIPP STAR Elementary School on grading, promotion and retention is based on the recognition that each child is an individual. Therefore, when considering promotion or retention, attention must be given to all aspects of the students development in order to accommodate individual needs and to promote the full development of the learners potential. Grading Policy Purpose of grading: To communicate the achievements of students to parents and others; Give information that students can use for self-evaluation; Communicate and celebrate achievements with families and establish a focus on areas of growth Provide incentives for students to learn and grow; And evaluate program effectiveness. The following are components used to assign a grade: Teacher-made assessments in all subject areas Homework, projects, book reports Reading logs MAP assessment STEP Portfolios Classwork Informal and formal observations KIPP: NYC Quarterly Assessments for Math Behaviors observed in class Promotion/Retention Policy Purpose of promotion/retention To make sure that the student needs are met at the appropriate level and in the best way possible To ensure that students are fully prepared to succeed in the next grade. The following are components that are considered for promotion and retention: Attendance Academic level/mastery of standards Progress made to date Social factors ***We reserve the right to retain students at all grades, including Kindergarten.***

Building Character: Behavior Management At KIPP STAR Elementary School, we believe that for our students to be successful in school and beyond we must work as a community to support their growth in both academics and character. In order for teachers and parents to support our students as they grow and learn, we have created 5 core beliefs that guide our work as a school. As parents we hope that you will become familiar with these 5 core beliefs and help us to support and reinforce them inside the school and at home. These 5 Core Beliefs are the foundation of how we work to support our students at school as they grow into the well rounded young people that we hope they will become: Core Beliefs: Core Belief #1: We believe that each of us is a work in progress and that our students are also works in progress. Every day is a chance for all of us to grow! Core Belief #2: We will always treat our students with love and respect. Core Belief #3: We believe that all of our students are capable of achieving in academics and character. Core Belief #4: We will hold high expectations at all times, in all situations, with all of our students. Core Belief #5: We believe that when our students misbehave, it is because they are in need of additional support or development and it is our job as teachers and parents to support them in developing strategies to make better choices. We expect that every member of our school community will Be Safe, Be Nice, and Work Hard wherever they are in our school. These expectations, along with our school values and core beliefs, guide how we will deal with situations when students make poor choices. As mentioned in the KIPP STAR Commitment to Excellence form we expect every member of our school community (parents, teachers, and students) to adhere to this expectation and make the best possible choices every day. It is our job as a school community to support students to grow and develop strong character skills. If a student is struggling to make good choices in a way that aligns with the three school expectations, the following are some examples of logical consequences that might be assigned by teachers and school staff. The school team will assign these consequences based upon student actions and needs of the situation. Possible Logical Consequences: Thinking chair (short time out) Silent Lunch Table time Sitting out of recess and/or choice time Separate desk from classmates Writing an apology/reflection Loss of Field Lessons

Loss of other classroom privileges

Our goal is not to punish our students for their behavior, but to reinforce the idea that poor choices have consequences that we should work to avoid. As a school community we will work just as hard to reinforce the idea that good choice have positive outcomes, through praise, incentives, and individual or group recognition. If your child receives a consequence for making a poor choice in school we ask that you speak with your child and help him/her to think through better choices the next time they are in a similar situation. Through our shared effort we can help our students to independently make the choice that will lead to greater future success. In the event your child demonstrates more extreme behaviors (for example: hitting, bad language, inappropriate touching) or for students who repeatedly make poor choices that conflict with the school expectations we will contact you to schedule a meeting to discuss next steps to support your child in school. Even in the most extreme situations our goal as a school is to provide the appropriate consequence for the demonstrated behavior and help your child to make a better choice in the future. If behavior becomes violent and unsafe for the student, their classmates, and/or staff, suspension and expulsion from KIPP STAR Elementary School are possible. At every step of the way, we are committed to working with students and families to ensure that all students grow and develop both their academics and character.

One of the keys to the success of KIPP STAR Elementary is the strong working relationship between parents, teachers, and children. For the past two years, KIPP STAR has worked to build collaborative family-school connections. The main component to this relationship is the constant communication. All KIPP STAR teachers and staff provide parents with their phone numbers in order to maintain the helping relationship. Parents and children should feel free to call when you have questions or concerns. In addition to phone conversations, staff members conduct home visits to establish relationships with families and the children at the beginning of the school year or when necessary. KIPP STAR Elementary also promotes family involvement during Parent Teacher Conferences which are held four times a year. We are committed to being a family-oriented school. We have an open door policy and all KIPP families are welcome to visit the school. We welcome parents/guardians/families as partners in the education of our students. Parents/guardians who would like to visit should simply call in advance to schedule a class-visit appointment. Upon arriving, all visitors must sign in with the security officer at the buildings main entrance, as well as the Office Manager located in the main office. When leaving, please exit through the main entrance of the building. Student safety is a priority at KIPP STAR and for that reason we cannot have anyone unannounced in the building. If a visitor is coming to school to

drop something off for a student or to leave a message, we ask that the visitor leave the item or message with the Office Manager.


Join the KIPP Family Association (KFA) KFAS MISSION IS TO ASSIST KIPP STAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN BECOMING A STRONGER FOUNDATION BOTH ACADEMICALLY AND CHARACTERISTICALLY FOR OUR CHILDREN AND THE COMMUNITY WE SERVE. KFA meets the first Thursday of each month at 4:30pm (see full calendar for details). KFA was established during the 2012-2013 school year and they have hosted two successful school wide events throughout the year which include Family Game Night and an end of the year Carnival. Attend Coffee and Conversations - This is a workshop lead by the School Social Worker Mrs. Melendez and the School Principal Ms. Saraiya on the first Thursday of each month at 8:00am. This is a time in which families can come learn and discuss different topics related to their students. Some topics include: Homework Benefits & Support, KIPP Language and Behavior and many more. Volunteer At KIPP STAR ELEMENTARY we appreciate families coming into our school community to help teachers, students, and support staff. If you have free time and would like to volunteer your time please contact your childs teacher or Mrs. Melendez directly. Below are a few additional ways to get involved in our work:

Chaperone and participate in our school activities and field trips Get involved in parent-literacy activities with your child Join our potluck dinners, events and other events Attend student in-class performances (poetry caf, in class speeches and presentations, cultural celebrations) Attend awards ceremony Attend parent-meetings Stop by the school to sit in on classes no amount of time is too short Sit in on panels Inform us of community events or activities we should be participating in Help with Picture Day Carpool with other families Attend parent-teacher conferences Volunteer with enrichment classes and Family Saturday classes Help teachers make copies and laminate class materials Help translate documents


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