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Vocabulary Worksheets

Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

Chapter 2: Using Be and Have

Worksheet 17. Which word doesnt belong?

Check the one word that does not belong in the group.
1. O tie O skirt O shirt O ring

Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

after arms aunt back beak beard before between big bird black blue blue body bottom briefcase broccoli brown butter button carrot chin chocolate circle clothes coffee collar colors daughter-in-law day dress ear earring eyes father father-in-law feathers feet

gold grandfather grandmother gray green hair hand hat head headache her his hundred jacket jeans jewelry large last left leg lemon lettuce long male middle milk Monday month mother mother-in-law mouth my neck necklace nephew new niece nose

parents purple purse red right ring September sharp shirt shoe short sister skirt son son-in-law spot square stomach strawberries striped stripes suit sunglasses sweater tail teeth that their these this those tie toe tomato top uncle watch Wednesday

year yellow yogurt your

Vocabulary Worksheets
Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

Chapter 2: Using Be and Have

2. O father 3. O aunt 4. O chest 5. O Wednesday 6. O earrings O grandfather O son O headache O Friday O watch O niece O mother O stomach O September O shoe O nephew O sister O back O Sunday O ring

Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

after arms aunt back beak beard before between big bird black blue blue body bottom briefcase broccoli brown butter button carrot chin chocolate circle clothes coffee collar colors daughter-in-law day dress ear earring eyes father father-in-law feathers feet

gold grandfather grandmother gray green hair hand hat head headache her his hundred jacket jeans jewelry large last left leg lemon lettuce long male middle milk Monday month mother mother-in-law mouth my neck necklace nephew new niece nose

parents purple purse red right ring September sharp shirt shoe short sister skirt son son-in-law spot square stomach strawberries striped stripes suit sunglasses sweater tail teeth that their these this those tie toe tomato top uncle watch Wednesday

year yellow yogurt your

Vocabulary Worksheets
Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

Chapter 2: Using Be and Have

7. O jacket 8. O my 9. O eye 10. O bird O pants O your O nose O giraffe O jeans O her O ear O zebra O shorts O those O hand O cow

Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

after arms aunt back beak beard before between big bird black blue blue body bottom briefcase broccoli brown butter button carrot chin chocolate circle clothes coffee collar colors daughter-in-law day dress ear earring eyes father father-in-law feathers feet

gold grandfather grandmother gray green hair hand hat head headache her his hundred jacket jeans jewelry large last left leg lemon lettuce long male middle milk Monday month mother mother-in-law mouth my neck necklace nephew new niece nose

parents purple purse red right ring September sharp shirt shoe short sister skirt son son-in-law spot square stomach strawberries striped stripes suit sunglasses sweater tail teeth that their these this those tie toe tomato top uncle watch Wednesday

year yellow yogurt your

Vocabulary Worksheets
Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

Chapter 2: Using Be and Have

Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

after arms aunt back beak beard before between big bird black blue blue body bottom briefcase broccoli brown butter button carrot chin chocolate circle clothes coffee collar colors daughter-in-law day dress ear earring eyes father father-in-law feathers feet

gold grandfather grandmother gray green hair hand hat head headache her his hundred jacket jeans jewelry large last left leg lemon lettuce long male middle milk Monday month mother mother-in-law mouth my neck necklace nephew new niece nose

parents purple purse red right ring September sharp shirt shoe short sister skirt son son-in-law spot square stomach strawberries striped stripes suit sunglasses sweater tail teeth that their these this those tie toe tomato top uncle watch Wednesday

year yellow yogurt your

Vocabulary Worksheets
Basic English Grammar, 3rd Edition

Chapter 2: Using Be and Have

Copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

after arms aunt back beak beard before between big bird black blue blue body bottom briefcase broccoli brown butter button carrot chin chocolate circle clothes coffee collar colors daughter-in-law day dress ear earring eyes father father-in-law feathers feet

gold grandfather grandmother gray green hair hand hat head headache her his hundred jacket jeans jewelry large last left leg lemon lettuce long male middle milk Monday month mother mother-in-law mouth my neck necklace nephew new niece nose

parents purple purse red right ring September sharp shirt shoe short sister skirt son son-in-law spot square stomach strawberries striped stripes suit sunglasses sweater tail teeth that their these this those tie toe tomato top uncle watch Wednesday

year yellow yogurt your

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