T7 B21 Hijacker Pilot Training FDR - 9-15-01 FBI Investigation by Ken Williams and Redacted - Rayed Mohammed Abdullah Re Hani Hanjour

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' Law Enforcement


of tniucription 09/J.6/2001

I I RAYED MOHAMMED ABDULLAH, date of birth; I place

o£ birth;: Mecca, Saudi Arabia. country of citizenship j SSAN:

J pager
nuiaoeri: |_i_ I was. contacted and interviewed on 09/15/2001
by Special Agents of the, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) .
ABDULLAH ^was'advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and
the nature of' the. interview. He provided the following information.
! LA3DULLAH\s at\e eating and watching the television
news or. 05 /it '2001 \at approximately 5:00 PM or 6:00 PM when he
heard bnai an individual" name rLANI KAN JOUR from Arizona was
involved in the hijacking of, a plane that crashed into the
Pentagon. | | (phonetic) (last name unknown) , who lives next door
in apartment 6> was With ABDULLAH , watching the news . ABDULLAH could
r.ct provide any identifying ir.f orniation. on L ~| (LNU) . ABDULLAH
was wabching either Phoenix Channel 10 6r 5 news. ABDULLAH stated •
that hJs was" shocked to hear the name HANI .KANJOUR on the television
r.ews report. ABDULLAH considered calling the FBI but was not
certain, if .he should do so because, he claimed he did not know how
things! were done in the United States. ABDULLAH, a Sunni . Muslim,
decided to meet with Inafri AHMAD AL-SKQEIRAT to ask him for his
ccinich as to whether or not he should contact the FBI. ABDULLAH
-et wibh AL-SHQEIRAT on 05/15/2001 at .the I..C.C.' between 1:30 PM-
2:00 ?M tc d iscuss the matter. AL-SHQEIRAT is' the Imam of the
ISLAX 1C CULTURAL CENTER (i:.C.C.), 131 E 6TH, Street, Tempe,
rizen^, telephone number: I I ALrSHQEIRAT is the
religipus and spiritual leader of the Muslim community in the
7e-pe, | Arizona metropolitan area. AL-SHQEIRAT advised ABDULLAH that
he should talk to the FBI concerning his knowledge of HANJOUR.
AEDULLJ--.:-: requested that AL-SKQEIRAT call the, FBI to arrange the

i ABDULLAH was born and raised in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. His

h*>'"' is '
named I land his mother
" is named
. _
^ .
telephone numberT] ^_ J ABDULLAH'S father was born and
raisedi in | [ His mother was born and raised in ~
I L ABDULLAH stated that he is not considered a Saudi Arabian
citizen due to the fact that his father was born in His

on os/15/2001 Temoe , • Arizona


-, • . .
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» «• " .-••'' '' ' ''••-. *

• ofreFD-302
Continuation -,„, of, RAYED MOHAMMED
/ ABDULLAH _ 09/15/2001

mother and father own a clothing manufacturing company in]

named I I after his .mother's name. This business sells white
cloth material that is used in'the making of the traditional Saudi
Arabian clothing worn by men.
ABDULLAH attended elementary, secondary and high school
in Mecca. ABDULLAH went to high school with an individual named
BANDAR AL-HAZMI. ABDULLAH lost touch with AL-HAZMI shortly after
high school. ABDULLAH ran into AL-KAZMI's younger brother in Mecca
sometime during 1S57. The younger AL-HAZMI told ABDULLAH that
'BANDAR had laft Sauci Arabia fcr the United States to go to school.
BANDAR AL-HAZMI carr.e to the U.S. to become a pilot. ABDULLAH
claimed that he did not know the younger AL-KAZMI's name.. ABDULLAH
described BANDAR AL-KAZMI as a "good friend." Interviewing Agents
asked ABDULLAH if the younger brother's name could possibly be
NAWA? AL-HAZMI. ABDULLAH stated that he could not remember the
younger brother's name. ABDULLAH stated that he does not know,
anyone by the name of NAWA? AL-HAZMI.
ABDULLAH stated that he became interested in going to the
United States after hearing that BANDAR AL-HAZMI was in the U.S..
ABDULLAH got in touch with BANDAR AL-HAZMI sometime during
Septerrier or October 1SS7. AL-HAZMI stated that he had just arrived
in the U.S.. ABDULLAH was unclear as to how he and AL-HAZMI re-
established contact. AL-KAZMI told ABDULLAH that he would like the
U.S. and suggested that he travel to the U.S. to go to school with
hir.. AL-HAZMI suggested that they could live with each other and
split the cost cf living expenses. AL-HAZMI was living in
Melbourne, Florida and attending ELS language services school at
ihe tine cf this conversation. ABDULLAH decided to come to the U.S.
after speaking with AL-KAZMI. ABDULLAH went to the ELS language
school office located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for an application.
ABDULLAH completed and submitted the application and got accepted
to the ELS language school in Melbourne. ABDULLAH stated that it
has always been a life long dream of his to become an airline
pilot. He intended on going to aviation school in the U.S. after
polishing his English language skills at ELS.
ABDULLAH arrived in the U.S. during November 1997 at
Orlando, Florida. ABDULLAH was picked up at Orlando International
Airport by BANDAR AL-HAZMI and HANI HANJOUR. AL-HAZMI introduced
HAIJJOU?. to ABDULLAH. ABDULLAH claims that this is the first time
-hat he rr.et KANJOUR. HANJOUR told ABDULLAH that he was from Taif,
Saudi Arabia. HANJOUR was attending ELS language school with AL-

. • ,ro,n-, «•
Conluiiutiofl of FD-302 of
. On
. Pi«e

does not believe that AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR knew each other before
they met at ELS. AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR were in the same class
together at ELS. HANJOUR told ABDULLAH that he was also interested
in becoming a pilot.
. HANJOUR told ABDULLAH that he had been in the U.S. one to
two years before AL-HAZMI. HANJOUR claimed that he had been in
Arizona studying aviation. HANJOUR described Arizona as a good
place ro learn how to fly because of the good weather. KANJOUR
suggested that he, ABDULLAH and AL-HAZMI travel to Arizona together
to enroll in an aviation school. KANJOUR'stated that the three of
then: could save some money by living with each other and sharing
expenses. ABDULLAH and AL-HAZMI agreed to this because this is what
they had previously agreed to do together. AL-KAZMI and HANJOUR
traveled to Arizona by themselves during December 1997 to look for
a place to live. ABDULLAH still had a couple of weeks left to
complete the SLS language course before he could follow AL-HAZMI
and HANJOUR to Arizona. ABDULLAH also had reservations about going
to Arizona because he did not know if he could financially afford
to. He kept these reservations to himself and did not tell AL-HAZMI
and HANJOUR- this. The CRM course was several weeks long and cost
between $23,000 - $20,000 to complete.
ABDULLAH claimed that his father was paying for his
education ir. the United States and that he did not want to be a
financial burden on his parents.. AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR1s parents
were also paying for their educations. ABDULLAH could not provide
any background information on HANJOUR1s or AL-HAZMI's parents.
AL-HAZMI and KANJOUR arrived in Arizona sometime during
early December 1SS7. They enrolled in the CRM flight school located
in Scottsdale, Arizona. CRM staff picked them up at Sky Harbor
International Airport, Phoenix, Arizona and assisted them in
locating a residence.
ABDULLAH received a telephone call from AL-HAZMI and
HANJOUR approximately one to two weeks after they had arrived in
Arizona. AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR told ABDULLAH that.they likea Arizona
and they encouraged ABDULLAH to travel to Arizona. ABDULLAH stated
that he made the decision to travel to Arizona because he was
lonely in Melbourne without his friends. ABDULLAH arrived in
Arizona at the end of December 1997. AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR picked
A2DULLAH up at Sky Harbor Airport and drove him to their apartment.
ABDULLAH stated that they were living at an apartment on Bell Road
West of CRM. ABDULLAH could not remember the name of the apartment
* * *

,«.„«» r
Communion of FD-302 of
. On _^___________. p«*«

complex nor the exact address. He described the complex as being.a

twenty minute car drive away from-CRM.
ABDULLAH could not provide a description of the car that
AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR were using when they picked'him up at the
airport. AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR told ABDULLAH that they were renting
the car. ABDULLAH does not know from which rental car company they
were renting the car from. ABDULLAH does not know how long AL-HAZMI
and HANJGUR had this rental car before his arrival in Arizona. They
returned the rental car one week after ABDULLAH'S arrival in
Arizona. ABDULLAH, .--L-HAZXI ar.i KANJC-UR purchased 3 car togther
after returning the rental car. They purchased a light blue colored
late 1530s Konda, two door for approximately $2,000. They split the
cost of the car and each contributed $600.00/5700.00.
ABDULLAH enrolled at CRM but only completed approximately
10 hours of fiicht instruction before dropping out of the program
due to its cost. ABDULLAH flew the Cessna 150 or 151 single engine
aircraft. ABDULLAH also took some limited ground instruction.
ABDULLAH estimated that he was at the school less than two weeks
before dropping out of the program. AL-KAZMI and HANJOUR also
decided to leave CRM for cost reasons. They left the school during
the beginning of January 1593.
ABDULLAH, AL-HAZXI and HANJOUR started looking for other
flight schools that were cheaper than CRM. ABDULLAH searched the
internet looking for schools in Arizona and found ARIZONA AVIATION
located at Falcon Field, Mesa, Arizona. ABDULLAH, AL-HAZMI and
HA!-:JOU?. enrolled in the flight program at ARIZONA AVIATION. They
rerr.air.ed. living in the Bell Road apartment for approximately two
weeks after enrolling at ARIZONA AVIATION and drove to and from
Mesa curing this time period. They stayed at the Bell Road
apartment until their lease expired. The three moved into a four
bedroom rental house in Mesa, Arizona after their lease expired.
The rental house is owned by MIKE (LNU) the owner of ARIZONA
AVIATION. ABDULLAH described MIKE (LNU) as being a white, male in
his mid-late 40s in age. ABDULLAH, AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR each had
their own room at this house. They paid $400.00 a piece. ABDULLAH
could not remember the address for this house but believes that it
was "Brown Street" in Kesa, Arizona.

ABDULLAH, AL-KAZMI and HANJOUR moved into the Mesa rental

he-use during the first week of January 1998. They stayed in this
house for approximately three to four months and moved out in
either March or Anril 1953. ABDULLAH could not remember their
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Continuation oTFD-302 of

telephone number at this address, MIKE (LNU), the owner, paid for
the use of the telephone that wa& in the house.
AVIATION because the school began! cpstihg too much for them. They
were paying $7S.OO/hour |or flight\. and did not feel like
spending that kind of moriey.' ABDULLAH midfit the decision to delay
his ambitions in becoming a pilot! arid went, back to school to better
his English language abilities. \\H move:?i by himself to Hamtramck. Michigan a

enrolled at HENRY FORD//COMMUNITY iCOLLEGE. } \ {LNU) , a 27 year

old Yemeni friend of ABDULLAH'S, irecbmrnended that ABDULLAH consider
moving to Michigan to/;go to school be/cause Expenses were cheaper
than in Arizona. ABDULLAH claimed; 'that he met I ~~l (LNU) at an
Arabic restaurant or/the I.C.C.. &e cbuld not remember exactly
where he met him. He;/could not remember what I Fs last name
was. ABDULLAH believes that l~ PI (L10) has been in the U.S. and
Arizona for 5-5 y«»a*s;. \ fLNdl tcsld ABDULLAH that he had a
friend living in Ka^tramck, Kichiigan that could assist him in
ce—inq situated irv Michigan. SKZKA3 (LNU) identified this person

ABDULLAH moved to Hamtramck, iMichigan sometime during

He described I ~1 as being a 27 year old
Yer.er.i national who at one time studied at MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
'.X.C.C.), Mesa, Arizona. I ~l studied computer science while at
X . C. C. . I ) was renting a house in Hamtramck. ABDULLAH lived
with I _ fwnile he attended HENRY FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE
!HFCC) .
ABDULLAH stayed at KFCC for two semesters. He was there
for the . Spring and Fall semesters. ABDULLAH took English,
mathematics and computer classes at HFCC. ABDULLAH stayed in
Michigan for five months. ABDULLAH claimed that he and his father
spoke and that his father wanted him < to go back to studying for his
pilot's license. ABDULLAH claimed thi.-t his father wanted him to
finish his dream of becoming a pilot. ABDULLAH left Michigan during
September 1998 and moved back to Arizona.
ABDULLAH stated that he had limited contact with HANJOUR
and AL-HAZMI during the time period that he was in Michigan.
ABDULLAH indicated that he may have received two or three telephone
calls from them while he was in Michigan. ABDULLAH believes that
HAIJJOUR and AL-HAZMI lived in an apartment in the area of

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Connr.uaiion of f D-302 of

McClintock and Southern, Temp4, Arizona while ABDULLAH was in

Michigan. /

. ABDULLAH returned tb Arizona during September 1998. He

re-enrolled at ARIZONA AVIATION and obtained, his private pilots
license during December 1998.1 He ran into HANJOUR and AL-HAZMI at
ARIZONA AVIATION upon his return. ABDULLAH staged that he did not
hang abound with them upon his return. ABDULLAH, did not provide a
reason as to why he stopped Associating with them. ABDULLAH lived
at an asartment comolex nn T«»T-yar-«> si-y»*»t- -in T»»mrtqf Arizona. He
lived st this rt-rlex with I I _ |(LNU) . ABDULLAH
could nct/wculd not provide .any identifying information concerning
I 1. ABDULLAH stayed at this apartment for
a couple of weeks before moving out of the apartment. ABDULLAH was
planning on returning to Michigan but met his future wife SEVDA
January 1535 at the I.C.C., Tempe, Arizona. Imam AHMAD AL-SHQEIRAT
performed the wedding ceremony. ABDULLAH decided to remain in
Arizona. ABDULLAH and his wife moved into the SUNSET VILLA
A?A?.7XZ!"S located in Tempe, Arizona. He could not remember the
address for this apartment complex. ABDULLAH and his wife lived in
tiis apart-er.t complex for one year. ABDULLAH was not working at
t-.is tirr.e and was taking English classes at MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
''."ZZ'i . His father was providing him with financial assistance.
A=~'J11AH hardly saw AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR after he got married.

AL-HAZXI ar.d HANJOUR lived together in an apartment

cc-plex located scr.ewhere in the area of McClintock and Southern,
Te-ce, Arizona while ABDULLAH was in Michigan. AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR
-'-=d scrr.e sort of falling out. ABDULLAH does not know what the
nature of this falling out was. AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR stopped living
with one another. ABDULLAH did not see AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR much at
the Koscfje. ABDULLAH described AL-HAZMI and HANJOUR as not being
very good Muslims.

ABDULLAH stated that he last saw AL-HAZMI one to two

years ago. ABDULLAH saw him at the I.C.C.. ABDULLAH "stated that AL-
HAZMI returned to Saudi Arabia. ABDULLAH claimed'that he does not
know why AL-HAZMI returned to Saudi Arabia.

ABDULLAH stated that he last saw HANJOUR six to eight

rr.cr-tr.s ago at the I.C.C.. KANJOUP. told ABDULLAH that he was
finishing up his commercial pilot's license training and was
returning to Saudi Arabia for six months. He had to complete more
. 7 r y T ^ 1 v'^' r '' " * " v
-**-^. !*'Jt: ^.T
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i9/11 Personal Privacy



Continuation ofrrr^m ,
FD-302 of

training hours•for SAUDI ROYAL AIRLINES. ABDULLAH stated that he

did not know if HANJOU& was; getting a job with the airlines or not.
ABDULLAH went to jwo?k as a computer programmer' at
FRIEDMAN CORPORATION,/Highway i 101 and Raintree, Scottsdale, Arizona
approximately one year andjeight months ago. He made $2,000 per
month in this position. Heiquit this job sometime during June 2001
-.o go back to pilot/training tlo obtain his commercial pilot's
license. He re-enrqiled at I ARIZONA AVIATION and received some .
instruction from a;i instructor named ROE (LNU) . ABDULLAH dropped
cut cf the crcgratr; a ccuplle cfj days after enrolling because he
learned that RGB .{LNU, would npt be able to spend time instructing
hi- in. a flight simulator.! ABDULLAH went to SAWYER AVIATION during
-he latter part <?f June 2001 ahd joined a flight simulator club
-here for $200.0/0 per month which allowed him unlimited use of the
simulator. SAWY5R has an AST-3dO simulator that replicates a multi-
engine propeller aircraft!. ABDULLAH stated that he joined the
SAXYEP. simulator club on bs/23/2001. The membership was extended
past one rr.cr.th/ cue to the simulator being down several days for

A25ULLAH stated that:he would go to SAWYER AVIATION with

FAISAL AL-SALMI. AL-SALMJ is a I Saudi Arabian national who is
between 25-26 years cf age. ABDULLAH met AL-SALMI at the ISLAMIC
CULTURAL CENTER {I.C.C.}:, Tempe;, Arizona several months ago.
ABDULLAH claims that he does nd.t know much about AL-SALMI. ABDULLAH
believes that AL-SALKI llives in| an apartment in the area of
Baseline and Rural Road,| Tempe ,1 Arizona. AL-SALMI is living with "an
individual named F J(LNU). I I telephone number is (480)
I T AL-SALMI is currently attending MESA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
(XCC) and studying computer science.

Interviewing Agents asked ABDULLAH if he was ever at

stated he has not seen AL-HAZMI in over one year because he is in
Saudi Arabia. ABDULLAH stated that HANJOUR is also in. Saudi Arabia
and that he has not seen him in six to eight months. Interviewing
Agents confronted ABDULLAH with the fact that SAWYER AVIATION
computerized records reflect that HANJOUR and RAISSI are listed as
being simulator club members during the same time period as him.
Agents also advised ABDULLAH that SAWYER records reflect that he
was training on the simulator during the same time periods as
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_ . . ,_,„, ,

ABDULLAH suddenly seemed to recognize RAISSI's name after

interviewing Agents advised him that RAISSI was an Algerian
national. ABDULLAH stated that he knows RAISSI to be a flight
instructor but that he has not seen him at SAWYER recently.
ABDULLAH claimed that he saw RAISSI at SAWYER AVIATION one to two
years ago at the old SAWYER building at Sky Harbor Airport.
ABDULLAH also met RAISSI on one occasion at the I.C.C.. ABDULLAH
commented that he did not like RAISSI but did not elaborate as to
the reason why. ABDULLAH believes that RAISSI went to England
approximately one year ago. RAISSI gave ABDULLAH several video
aviation training tapes before he left for England.
ABDULLAH denied that he ever did any simulator training
with KANJOUR and RAISSI during June, July and August 2001. He could
offer no explanation as to the reason why SAWYER records would
reflect that KANJOUR and RAISSI were simulator club .members during
the same time period that he was a member. ABDULLAH swore that he
has not seen either individual in quite some time and can not
understand .why SAWYER records would reflect what they do.
Interviewing Agents asked ABDULLAH what his opinions were
ccncerr.ir.g USAXA BIN LADEN. ABDULLAH stated that he never heard of
USAXA BIN LADEN until he came to the United States. ABDULLAH stated
chat he believes that the terrorist attacks of 09/11/2001 were
tragic and that he does not support them. ABDULLAH stated that he
has no personal knowledge of who perpetrated the 09/11/2001
Interviewing Agents asked ABDULLAH if he would be willing
to take a polygraph examination. ABDULLAH voluntarily agreed to
take a polygraph. SA Kenneth J. Williams' and SA.-I |
transported ABDULLAH to the FBI Phoenix office.

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