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Curriculum Development for

Renewable Energy Technologies

An International Collaboration Between Tribhuvan
University (Nepal) and the University of Colorado
Submitted to

Association Liaison Office for University

Cooperation in Development (ALO)
1307 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20005-4701

Project Directors

Michael Brandemuehl, University of Colorado

Jagan Nath Shrestha, Tribhuvan University

Key Investigators

Allen Hermann, University of Colorado

William W. Warnock, Consultant
Mohan Dangi, Consultant

Contact Information

Michael Brandemuehl, Ph.D., P.E.

University of Colorado
Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering
428 UCB, Room ECOT 441
Boulder, CO 80309-0428
303.492.7317 fax

October 2002

Annual per capita energy consumption in Nepal is only 14.5 GJ – one of the lowest in the world.
Of its 22 million people, over 80% live in villages without access to electricity. Renewable
energy sources offer attractive alternatives to fuel wood and fossil fuels in this enchanting and
environmentally sensitive land.
The objective of this project is to develop a technical curriculum in renewable energy
technologies (RET) at Tribhuvan University (TU) in Nepal through collaborative efforts between
personnel at the TU Center for Energy Studies (CES) and the University of Colorado at Boulder
(UCB). The formal degree of Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering (MSREE) is
obtained through a two-year program of courses and research. The two-year curriculum includes
hands-on laboratory and field experience with a variety of appropriate technologies and thesis
activities with an emphasis on renewable energy applications for Nepal’s unique energy needs.
The partnership matches the needs and expertise of Nepalese educators with thirty years of
renewable energy educational experience in Colorado. The US partners and other international
experts worked together with Nepalese partners to develop technical education for Nepalese
engineering students. The MSREE program was launched in December 2001 with an inaugural
class of sixteen students. It will discharge its first graduates in 2003.
In addition to the curriculum development activities that formed the core of the project, the
Nepalese partners also expanded their educational mission beyond the university walls. With the
assistance of project partners, CES was also able to provide outreach and training on renewable
energy technologies to an additional 269 influential members of Nepalese society, including
Members of Parliament, village officials, health workers, and school teachers. It also secured
government funding for an Energy Park and Zero Energy Building that will serve as a focal point
for renewable energy research and training in Nepal.
The partnership has leveraged support from USAID/Global Bureau, the U.S. National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL), and industry. The total project budget, including financial and in-
kind contributions, was $309,847, of which $100,000 was obtained from ALO. This leverage
does not include the $857,000 committed His Majesty’s Government of Nepal for construction of
the Energy Park and Zero Energy House.
The following table gives a quantitative summary the project impact.


Table of Impact

Impact Measure Impact Number

How many host country institutions have benefited 32 institutions
from partnership activities (training of staff,
Includes the Nepalese
participation in workshops, etc.)?
Parliament, local development
offices, village and district
government offices, government
organizations involved in energy
and environmental issues,
private sector companies in the
energy sector, NGOs, secondary
schools, and the MSREE
How many U.S. institutions have been involved in UCB, NREL, ISP, USAID Global,
partnership activities? Warnock Consulting, Winrock
How many institutional programs, policies, or MSREE
curricula have been adopted by your host country
partners as a result of partnership activities?
How many host country nationals have been trained 16 MSREE students
through partnership activities? 269 in outreach and training
25 in curriculum review
How many new workforce development activities
have been initiated by your partnership?
How many faculty members and students from the 2 faculty, 2 MS students, and 1
U.S. partner institution(s) have been involved in BS student
partnership activities? Additional contact with Nepal
partners by about 25 faculty and
students through seminars
Has your partnership leveraged new funding sources Benjamin Brown Student
(cash or in-kind) for its activities? Sabbatical Fellowship for 9-
month follow-on assignment in
Nepal for UCB graduate student
$857,000 from Nepal
government for related energy
activities (clearly not directly
leverage by partnership, but


BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW....................................................................................1-1

Nepal Energy Overview......................................................................................................1-1
Project Objectives ..............................................................................................................1-2
Principal Partner Institutions...............................................................................................1-2
Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering.................................................................1-3
University of Colorado at Boulder...................................................................................1-4
Other Partners................................................................................................................1-5
Project Activities .................................................................................................................1-6
Curriculum Development................................................................................................1-6
Outreach and Training....................................................................................................1-7
Related Activities in Nepal..............................................................................................1-7
Faculty Exchanges .........................................................................................................1-7
Future Phases ................................................................................................................1-7
Cost Sharing.......................................................................................................................1-8

THE CURRICULUM...........................................................................................................2-1
Curriculum Development....................................................................................................2-1
Process ..........................................................................................................................2-1
Desirable Features .........................................................................................................2-3
Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering .......................................................2-3
Features .........................................................................................................................2-4
Curriculum ......................................................................................................................2-5
Curriculum Implementation ................................................................................................2-6


THE ENERGY PARK.........................................................................................................3-1

Energy Park........................................................................................................................3-2
Zero Energy House ............................................................................................................3-5

OUTREACH AND TRAINING ACTIVITIES .......................................................................4-1

Overview ............................................................................................................................4-1
Sample Interaction Program...............................................................................................4-3
Recognition in Nepal ..........................................................................................................4-3

INSTITUTIONAL EXCHANGES ........................................................................................5-1

Faculty Exchanges .............................................................................................................5-1
Brandemuehl and Warnock Visit Nepal..........................................................................5-1
Hermann and Dangi Visit Nepal .....................................................................................5-1
Bhattarai Visits USA .......................................................................................................5-1
Shrestha Visits USA .......................................................................................................5-2
Brandemuehl and Hermann Visit Nepal .........................................................................5-2
Shrestha Visits USA .......................................................................................................5-2
Ongoing and Future Exchange Activities ...........................................................................5-2

FUTURE CHALLENGES ...................................................................................................6-1



Figure 1-1 Nepal Energy Sources..............................................................................................1-1

Figure 1-2 Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering ...........................................................1-3
Figure 1-3 University of Colorado at Boulder Campus...............................................................1-5
Figure 2-1 Cover of MSREE Brochure.......................................................................................2-1
Figure 2-2 Project Partners in Curriculum Planning in Nepal.....................................................2-2
Figure 2-1 First MSREE Class ...................................................................................................2-7
Figure 3-1 IOE Campus Map .....................................................................................................3-1
Figure 3-2 Master Plan of IOE Energy Park...............................................................................3-2
Figure 3-3 Concentrating Collectors for Cafeteria Cooking .......................................................3-3
Figure 3-3 Concentrating Collectors Direct Energy To Cooking Cavity .....................................3-4
Figure 3-4 Biogas Plant..............................................................................................................3-4
Figure 3-2 South Elevation of Zero Energy House Under Construction ....................................3-6
Figure 4-1 Science and Technology Promotion Award..............................................................4-4
Figure 5-1 Project Partners Visiting Rural RET Applications .....................................................5-3
Figure 5-2 Prof. Brandemuehl and Dr. Warnock in Nepal Village..............................................5-3
Figure 5-4 Project Partners Visit IOE Laboratories ....................................................................5-4
Figure 5-3 Prof. Bhattarai Visits Colorado..................................................................................5-4
Figure 5-4 Profs. Shrestha and Brandemuehl Meet With Ambassador .....................................5-5
Figure 5-4 Profs. Shrestha and Brandemuehl at ALO Conference............................................5-5


Table 2–1: MSREE Curriculum Faculty .....................................................................................2-8

Table 4–1: Summary of Outreach and Training Activities..........................................................4-1
Table 4–2: CES Training and Outreach Programs ....................................................................4-2


Nepal Energy Overview

Annual per capita energy consumption in Nepal is only 14.5 GJ – one of the lowest in the world.
Despite its impressive natural resources, including the world’s second largest hydropower
potential, Nepal suffers from an inadequate supply of energy. Figure 1-1 shows the distribution of
energy supplies in Nepal. “Modern” energy sources, including coal, oil, natural gas, and
electricity, account for less than 14% of the supply – the majority comes from fuel wood and
residual sources.

Petroleum Coal
9.3% 3.1%
Ag Residue

Fuel Wood

Figure 1-1 Nepal Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources offer attractive alternatives to address Nepal’s current and future
energy needs.
• While fuel wood offers the potential for replenishment, the high demand for fuel in many
parts of the country, especially for cooking and heating, has led to receding supplies and
deforestation. Improved technologies in the form of better stoves and other renewable
energy sources, including bio-based sources, offer the potential to meet these energy
needs with improved efficiency, less environmental impact, and improved human

Background and Overview

• The energy needs of Nepal will grow with further development. Economic development
will require additional energy to fuel commerce and a growing standard of living will
dictate greater commodity for the population. Renewable energy sources offer sustainable
alternatives to traditional fossil fuel energy sources.
• There has been recent intense interest in trekking and climbing in Nepal and a
corresponding increase in tourism. The number of trekkers and mountaineers visiting
remote hills and mountains is increasing rapidly, contributing to increased earnings from
foreign exchange. However, this growth has strained the environment and ecology of
trekking areas due to air and land pollution and depletion of local forests. The lack of
sufficient conventional and renewable energy sources in these areas is threatening the
fragile Himalayan ecosystem. Therefore development of ecotourism and ecosystem need
immediate attention through the provision of sustainable renewable energy technologies
in areas concerned. Development of renewable energy sources in these areas supports a
sustainable ecosystem while improving the well-being of the local people by developing
local economic utility and employment.
• Almost 80% of Nepal’s 22 million people live in rural areas, beyond ready access to the
electrical utility grid. The distributed nature of most renewable energy sources is well
suited to this distributed population.
His Majesty’s Government of Nepal encourages the training of Nepal’s human resources to
develop renewable energy sources and technologies. The institutional partnership between
Tribhuvan University and the University of Colorado developed under this project helps address
both the broad educational needs and the specific effort to meet its energy needs through the use
of renewable energy.

Project Objectives
The primary objective of the project is to develop a technical curriculum in renewable energy
technologies (RET) at Tribhuvan University (TU) in Nepal through collaborative efforts between
faculty and staff in the TU Institute of Engineering, Center for Energy Studies (CES/IOE), and
the University of Colorado at Boulder (UCB). The curriculum developed under this project
results in a formal degree of Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering and is obtained
through a two-year program of courses and research. The curriculum includes hands-on
laboratory and field experience with a variety of appropriate technologies.
These objectives are directly related to USAID goals. First, the partnership between TU and UCB
helps build human capacity through education and training. UCB educators have worked directly
with TU educators to develop technical education for Nepalese engineers. These engineers will,
in turn, provide secondary training to local Nepalese workers and citizens through the design,
construction, and operation of renewable energy systems. Second, the partnership contributes to
protection for the world’s environment for long-term sustainability by offering renewable
technologies to meet the energy needs of the Nepalese society.

Principal Partner Institutions

The partnership of this project reflects a broad interest in developing academic exchanges
between the University of Colorado at Boulder and Tribhuvan University. In the summer of 1999,
the two universities entered into an agreement of an international exchange affiliation. The
affiliation seeks to promote friendship and facilitate scientific and cultural exchanges for the
advancement of education and culture in both countries.

Background and Overview

Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering

Founded in 1959, Tribhuvan University (TU) is Nepal’s first university. It has 61 campuses of its
own with about 116,000 students and 6000 teachers. There are an additional 84,000 students on
191 affiliated campuses.

Figure 1-2 Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering

The Institute of Engineering (IOE) was established in 1972 and is devoted to the production of
engineers and technicians for Nepal’s further development. Currently, IOE awards three levels of
degrees through seven departments on four campuses. Disciplines include civil, mechanical,
electrical, electronic, computer, and agricultural engineering and architecture. Of the 4400
students, 2400 are enrolled in three-year diploma programs, which provide technician training.
The remaining students are enrolled in traditional university degree programs with 1900 students
pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree and 100 students enrolled in growing Master of Science
degree programs.
In addition to the academic departments, IOE also houses centers for research and engineering
consultancy. The Center for Energy Studies (CES) was established in 1999. The main objective
of the center is to enhance the promotion and development of renewable energy technologies
through study, research, and human resource development, and to disseminate information on
sustainable development in Nepal. CES staff are involved in the academic activities within IOE
and are also active in outreach and training to Nepal society.
The objectives of the Center are to:
• provide a meaningful contribution towards the promotion, development and improvement
of the standard and quality of lower, middle and higher engineering education in the field
of energy;
• provide sustainable support for the integration of higher engineering education with its
energy related research activities;
• assist in building the national capability in various aspects of the energy sector;
• increase the capability of technical and managerial personnel involved in the energy
sector and assist in its effective utilization and mobilization;

Background and Overview

• conduct relevant training programs in required topics and subjects relating to the energy
• assist HMG’s energy sector’s development program and contribute meaningfully to the
attainment of the basic objectives of the Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC);
• establish relations with foreign Universities and other related institutions for achieving
the objectives of the center;
• provide consultancy services related to energy matters;
Prof. Jagan Nath Shrestha, the TU Project Director, is the founder and current Director of the
Center for Energy Studies at Tribhuvan University. He is also President of the Nepal Solar
Energy Society and in October 1998, chaired an international conference in Nepal on the Role of
Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development. As a prominent leader for the
development of alternative energy sources in Nepal, Prof. Shrestha has been able to leverage the
UCB/TU partnership for the maximum benefit for the Nepalese people.

University of Colorado at Boulder

The University of Colorado is a major research university in the US. Part of a four-campus
system, the Boulder campus is the largest and most well-known. The University of Colorado at
Boulder (UCB) has approximately 25,000 students and 1250 fulltime faculty members in ten
colleges and schools.
The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) performs research and delivers
academic programs to over 3600 students, including more than 1000 graduate students. With 170
fulltime faculty in eight academic departments, CEAS generates almost US$50 million in
research expenditures each year.
The project draws on the strength of academic renewable energy programs at UCB. Over the past
thirty years, UCB has developed an international reputation for research and teaching on
renewable energy technologies. In the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS), the
Building Systems Program in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural
Engineering offers graduate engineering courses specifically focused on renewable technologies.
In addition, the UCB Departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Electrical and Electronics
Engineering offer courses providing a foundation for the understanding of renewable energy
sources and energy conversion technologies. UCB faculty and students have also developed
hands-on workshops on renewable energy technologies in the context of outreach programs to
high school students. Most recently, a team of faculty and students from the University of
Colorado captured first place in the Solar Decathlon, a national competition among university
student teams, sponsored by the US Department of Energy, to design and build a house powered
only by solar energy.

Background and Overview

Figure 1-3 University of Colorado at Boulder Campus

Renewable energy research at UCB is facilitated by the close proximity and collaborative
working relationship with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, CO.
UCB and NREL have established a broad agreement that encourages the involvement of UCB
students and faculty in NREL research projects and the collaborative development of cooperative
Michael J. Brandemuehl, Ph.D., P.E., the UCB Project Director, is an Associate Professor in the
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado
at Boulder. Dr. Brandemuehl performs teaching and research related to the design, operation, and
analysis of building energy systems. His experience with renewable energy technologies dates to
the 1970s and includes evaluation of solar space heating and cooling technologies, low-cost solar
water heating systems, and wind powered systems for remote village applications. Recently, he
was leader of the successful UCB Solar Decathlon team.
Dr. Allen Hermann is a Professor of Physics at CU with a long history of distinguished research,
development, and education in photovoltaic technologies. He was a member of the team that
received the IR100 award on behalf of NREL for the CuInSe2 solar cell, developed jointly by
Boeing and NREL. His professional experience also includes positions at the Solar Energy
Research Institute (now NREL) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Other Partners
Dr. Bill Warnock, the Project Coordinator, has been the key interface in the developing
relationship between CES/IOE and UCB. As a consultant for the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) since 1998, he is leading a solar photovoltaic program for Tibetan nomads

Background and Overview

and farmers in rural Lhasa Prefecture, Tibet. He has formed many professional relationships with
Nepalese officials during his many trips to Nepal since 1990. In this project, his responsibilities
included negotiating the commitments for matching contributions from the partners other than
UCB and TU and leading the coordination of the technical, cultural, logistical, and
communications components of the UCB/TU partnership.
Mr. Mohan Dangi, the Assistant Project Coordinator and a native of Nepal, met Prof. Shrestha in
Nepal in October 1998, while representing the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
the international conference on the Role of Renewable Energy Technology for Rural
Development. With his renewable energy experience in Nepal and fluency in the Nepali
language, Mr. Dangi assisted in the coordination of the technical, cultural, logistical, and
communications components of the UCB/TU cooperation.
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is another significant partner in this project. NREL
leads the nation toward a sustainable energy future by developing renewable energy technologies.
NREL International Programs activities seek to expand and promote the use of renewable energy
in support of sustainable rural economic development throughout the developing world; and
provide a focus for effective collaboration among the U.S. Department of Energy, other U.S.
government agencies, the renewable energy industry, foreign partners, and financing and
development agencies. In this project, we worked most closely with the Offices of Science and
Technology Education and International Programs. UCB and NREL have a long relationship of
collaborative research and educational development. UCB faculty and NREL scientists share a
rich history of cooperation on photovoltaic (PV) research, small wind systems, low-cost solar
water heating, hybrid wind/PV/fuel systems for villages in the developing world, and
demonstration of renewable energy technologies in federal facilities. The cooperation is
facilitated under an overarching Task Ordering Agreement that offers incentives for NREL to
utilize UCB students in research, promoting graduate education in renewable energy
The Office of Science and Technology Education provided educational material to the project and
helped review components of the curriculum developed under the project. The International
Programs office provided executive training and outreach material to the project for use in
training activities in Nepal.
USAID’s Global Environment Center in Washington, DC, was a significant financial partner. The
center provided direct funding through Winrock International in Nepal, to strengthen the
operational capabilities of CES and to deliver complementary training programs in Nepal.
The Institute for Sustainable Power, Inc. in Colorado provided in-kind contribution for assistance
in curriculum development and for providing a training and certification program for solar
photovoltaic technicians.

Project Activities

Curriculum Development
The primary activity undertaken in the project is the development of the MSREE curriculum. The
two-year graduate curriculum was developed by CES personnel with input from project partners,
in-country energy experts, and IOE personnel in related disciplines. The curriculum draws on
fundamental courses from a broad array of engineering and social sciences and specific courses
on renewable energy technologies. The curriculum has an emphasis on hands-on education and

Background and Overview

research, including laboratory experiments and an encouragement toward theses that involve field
performance of renewable energy equipment and systems. UCB faculty and students participated
in the curriculum development process through exchange visits and electronic communication.
The curriculum was launched in December 2001 with an inaugural class of sixteen students.

Outreach and Training

While the MSREE curriculum addresses needs in higher education for renewable energy
education, the widespread adoption of renewable energy resources to address Nepal’s energy
needs requires broad education. CES/IOE is involved in training at all levels of society. Most of
IOE students, for example, are not pursuing post-secondary education that leads to a bachelors
degree. Rather, IOE programs are dominated by technology programs or technician training. In
addition, CES has provided training and awareness workshops to members of parliament, school
teachers, NGOs, village leaders, government ministries, and energy professionals. Many of these
workshops were funded by matching support from USAID Global Environment Center through
Winrock International.

Related Activities in Nepal

The collaborative efforts of this proposal are timely for the development of RET programs at
CES/IOE. The Center has undertaken an aggressive agenda for improving renewable energy
education and technology awareness, including outreach to secondary schools, training of
technicians, and executive training for policy-makers. At the time of the original ALO proposal,
TU was also pursuing governmental funding for the construction of a Zero Energy House and
Energy Park for demonstration of RET potential and to incubate research and development. These
facilities on the TU campus would serve as focal points for renewable energy activities in Nepal.
The educational programs developed under this proposal would complement the broader
activities at CES/IOE. At the same time, a strong demonstration of international interest in
Nepal’s renewable energy future through these collaborative curriculum development activities
was hoped to improve TU’s opportunities to secure government funding for their construction
projects. In fact, following the awarding of the ALO project, the Nepalese government produced
substantially more funding than originally expected. We believe that the ALO support provided
the leverage to secure the funds.

Faculty Exchanges
One of the most valuable features of the TU/UCB partnership has been the interaction of
personnel between the institutions. Specifically, ALO funding supported visits to Nepal for UCB
faculty and project partners and visits to the US for CES faculty. Over the course of the project,
there were four faculty visits from UCB, three faculty visits from CES, and two partner visits to

Future Phases
Faculty and students at UCB have a long history of interest and involvement with renewable
energy technologies. We expected that this initial project will be only the first step in a series of
collaborative efforts that will include continued exchange of faculty and students between the two
universities and development of joint research programs. Our expectations for sustained activities
are reinforced by the enthusiasm and vigorous support of our public and private partners. In fact,

Background and Overview

a graduate student from UCB received funding through a UCB fellowship to travel to Nepal for
an extended duration, based largely on the relationships developed through the ALO project. Mr.
Joseph Wenisch is in Nepal from September 2002 through June 2003 assisting in delivery of
MSREE courses and working with students on field evaluation of remote renewable energy

Cost Sharing
Several public and private partners from U.S. and international institutions have shared the
overall cost of the project. These cost-sharing commitments, from seven different sources, total
almost $210,000. UCB has provided almost $75,000 as in-kind contributions through faculty
support and the waiver of most indirect costs. TU has secured $60,000 in direct funding from His
Majesty’s Government of Nepal for CES administrative costs and the design of the CES Zero
Energy House. TU also obtained NRs. 60 million (about US$ 857,000) from His Majesty’s
Government of Nepal for the construction of a Zero Energy House, Energy Park, and for related
USAID’s Global Environment Center in Washington, DC provided $35,000 in direct funding
through Winrock International in Nepal, to strengthen the operational capabilities of CES and
deliver outreach and training programs. The Institute for Sustainable Power, Inc. in Colorado
delivered an in-kind contribution of $15,000 for assistance in curriculum development and for
providing a training and certification program for solar photovoltaic technicians. Dr. Bill
Warnock, Project Coordinator, provided an in-kind contribution of $10,000 in consulting fees for
work beyond that to be covered in his UCB subcontract. Siemens Showa Solar in Singapore
originally committed $10,000 in equipment and training for the RET Laboratory and Zero Energy
House, though the commitment was not realized during the time frame of this project.
In summary, the project has been funded through a combination of public and private sources
from the U.S. and international communities. The ALO contribution has been $100,000. When
combined with almost $210,000 to be contributed by other partners, the total activity cost has
been $309,847. This amount does not include the $857,000 for the Zero Energy House and
Energy Park.


The main outcome of the project has been the development and implementation of a graduate
degree program leading to a Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering (MSREE) at
Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering. The curriculum was launched in December 2001
and the first degrees will be conferred in Fall 2003. Figure 2-1 shows the cover the program
brochure. This chapter describes the curriculum and its implementation.

Figure 2-1 Cover of MSREE Brochure

Curriculum Development

The curriculum development process began at the broadest level with a review of existing
programs and an assessment of the unique energy needs of Nepal. From these reviews and
assessments, CES personnel developed a vision, set of desirable program features, and a
preliminary set of program courses. The preliminary curriculum was then opened for review,
comment, and revision both by the faculty of IOE and by other energy experts within Nepal.
In October 2000, shortly after the start of the ALO project, two members of the project team
traveled to Nepal to participate in the curriculum development process. UCB Project Director
Prof. Michael Brandemuehl and Project Coordinator Dr. Bill Warnock joined in the development

The Curriculum

of the program vision and the structure of the curriculum. They became familiar with IOE
facilities and participated in a review of the MSREE program plan by other IOE departmental
faculty through meetings on 23-24 October 2000.
The project team presented the curriculum plan to the broader Nepalese community on 25
October 2000. The meeting was attended by twenty-five leading participants in the Nepalese
energy sector. Attendees included representatives of academia, electric and gas utilities, the
United Nations Development Program, USAID, other NGOs, and government ministries dealing
with rural electrification, alternative energy promotion, agricultural development, and water
resource development. The meeting was a forum for both the unveiling of the curriculum plans
and for input from the community to its goals and structure. Figure 2-2 shows Prof. Brandemuehl
presenting an overview of the ALO project at the event. Prof. Jagan Nath Shrestha and Dr. Bill
Warnock are seated at the right. Media coverage of the event from the two largest English-
language newspapers in Nepal are given in the appendix.
Course outlines and syllabi were subsequently developed within the curriculum structure.

Figure 2-2 Project Partners in Curriculum Planning in Nepal

At the highest level, it was recognized that the MSREE program could produce graduates who
could transform the energy future of Nepal. The final vision of the MSREE program reflects the
expected importance.

Graduates from the MSREE program will be leaders in the planning, design,
development, implementation and management of Renewable Energy
Technologies to ensure a sustainable energy future for Nepal.

The Curriculum

Desirable Features
The structure of the Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering program was developed
based on a set of desirable features gleaned from the review of existing programs and the
assessment of Nepal’s needs. The following characteristics were identified to ensure its
effectiveness and utility to the students and to the society:
1. It should provide an opportunity to the students to learn and apply the basics of new
subjects relevant to the area of energy engineering
2. The course-curriculum should ensure that on successful completion of the program the
students have a solid background of extensive and comprehensive course-work in all
essential advanced-level subjects.
3. The students should be able to specialize in any one (or more, if additional courses are
taken) of the coherent and consistent aspects of energy engineering and acquire in-depth
knowledge and necessary skills in that area rather than having just surface-level
knowledge of many diversified subjects.
4. The course structure of the teaching program should cover all aspects of the energy
technologies, including resource assessment, technology development, economics, socio-
cultural issues, and ecological and environmental impacts.
5. It should be flexible and dynamic, thus allowing for future improvements in the course-
6. It should provide a balance between theory and practical aspects of energy engineering
7. It should be compatible with global efforts in this direction to allow effective and
mutually beneficial experience sharing and interactions with other countries.

Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering

In an attempt to accommodate most of the desirable features identified above, the MSREE
program is framed with the following objectives:
• To provide an opportunity to the students of diverse educational and professional
backgrounds to acquire basic knowledge in certain new subjects directly relevant to the
interdisciplinary area of energy engineering
• To enable the students to acquire a strong foundation in all the advanced-level important
areas such as energy conversion, heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, combustion,
instrumentation and control, energy conservation, etc.
• On successful completion of the teaching program, the students should be able to design,
evaluate, and select appropriate energy technologies to meet a given energy demand.
• To link MSREE graduates with employment opportunities.

The Curriculum

Given the diverse nature of energy resources and demands in Nepal, the MSREE program is a
two-year course of study that is designed for a broad range of student backgrounds. Rather than
restrict admission to students of specific engineering backgrounds, the admission requirements
are more general. The following requirements are imposed of all applicants.
• Prior degree in one of the following disciplines:
• Bachelors Degree Four Year Program in Engineering
• Five Year Program in Architecture
• Master of Science in Physics and Chemistry
• Acceptable academic performance in prior degree.
• One year relevant experience outside of educational training.
• Successful performance on admission test specifically designed by IOE for the MSREE
The degree program involves sixty credit hours, of which sixteen are thesis. Upon admission to
the program, all students will complete a common year of coursework that focuses on the
fundamentals and application of basic engineering principles for energy systems. These courses
include topics in the thermal, electrical, biological, social, and management sciences as well as an
overview of energy system technologies. The second year is specialized to the students’ interests,
with elective courses in the various renewable energy technologies and supporting topics. In the
final (fourth) semester, students will complete a thesis with an emphasis on hands-on and applied
research. Students are encouraged to focus on topics that involve field performance of renewable
energy systems. Such project would put often put students in contact with village applications of
renewable energy, providing the opportunity for the students to share their knowledge directly
with Nepalese society.
The following pages describe the curriculum structure in greater detail. Specific course
descriptions are provided in an Appendix.

The Curriculum


Semester 1:

Course Title Credits Lecture Tutorial Practicum Total

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 3 2 1 1.5 4.5
Fluid Mechanics and Machines 4 3 1 1.5 5.5
Energy Resources 2 2 1 0 3.0
Systems Mathematics 3 3 1 0 4.0
Bio Energy 3 2 1 1.5 4.5
Total 15 12 5 4.5 21.5

Semester 2:

Course Title Credits Lecture Tutorial Practicum Total

Instrumentation 4 3 1 1.5 5.5
Energy Systems Technology 4 2 1 2 6.0
Project Planning and Management 3 3 1 0 4.0
Economics and Energy Technology 2 2 1 0 3.0
Applied Sociology 2 2 0 0 2.0
Total 15 13 4 2.5 20.5

The Curriculum

Semester 3:

Course Title Credits Lecture Tutorial Practicum Total

Research Methodology 2 2 1 0 3
Group A (two subjects from this group)
Solar Thermal Technology 4 3 1 1.5 5.5
Solar PV Technology 4 3 1 1.5 5.5
Micro-hydro 4 3 1 1.5 5.5
Bio Energy Technology 4 3 1 1.5 5.5
Wind Energy Technology 4 3 1 1.5 5.5
Geothermal Hydrogen Fuel, 4 3 1 1.5 5.5
other RET (tide, wave, OTEC)
Group B (one subject from this group)
Energy Planning and Mgmt 4 3 0 1.5 4.5
Energy Auditing, Analysis and 4 3 0 1.5 4.5
System Integration 4 3 0 1.5 4.5
Manufacturing Processes 4 3 0 1.5 4.5
Total 14 11 3 6 18.5

Semester 4:

Course Title Credits Lecture Tutorial Practicum Total

Thesis / Research Work 16
(Typically based on case studies or
field experiments in a chosen field of
Total 16

Curriculum Implementation
The MSREE curriculum has been implemented at IOE. The first class of sixteen students was
accepted into the program in December 2001 and will graduate in Fall 2003. Figure 2-3 shows a
photograph of the first admitted class shortly after the beginning of the first semester.

The Curriculum

Figure 2-3 First MSREE Class

The curriculum is currently being delivered by a combination of regular IOE faculty, Nepalese
energy experts, and visiting faculty. gives a list of faculty affiliated with the program.
Due to a shortage of available faculty, the next class of students is not expected to be admitted
until 2003. Specifically, there are not sufficient faculty resources to concurrently provide courses
for both the first and third semesters of the MSREE. At the present time, the faculty will dedicate
their efforts to one group of students at a time.

The Curriculum

Table 2–1: MSREE Curriculum Faculty

Name Degree (Country) Notes

Ale B.B. Ph.D. (Canada)
Amatya V.B. M.Sc. (Canada) Visiting Professor
Bajracharya S. M.Sc.Eng. (Former USSR)
M.Sc. (Canada)
Bajracharaya T.R. M.Sc.Eng. (Former USSR)
P. G. Diploma (India)
Bhattarai R.N. M.S.M.E. (USA)
Brandemuehl M. Ph.D. (USA) Visiting Professor
Dahal Y.R. M.Sc. (Germany)
Dangi M. M.S.M.E. (USA)
Joshi C.B. Ph.D. (India)
Karki A.B. Ph.D. (France) Visiting Professor
Mishra S.K. Ph.D. (India)
Nakarmi A. M.Sc.Eng. (Canada)
Pant P.R. M.Sc. (T.U.)
M.Sc. (U.K.)
Pokharel J.R. Ph.D. (U.K.)
Regmi R.R. Ph.D. Department of Sociology/TU
Rijal C. M.Sc. (Germany)
Risal S. M.Sc.Eng. (Former USSR)
M.Sc. (U.K.)
Sharma. D.K. Ph.D. (Moscow)
Shrestha G.L. Ph.D. (USA) Visiting Professor
Shrestha J.N. M.Sc.Eng. (Moscow)
M.Ed.Tech. (U.K.)
Research Fellow (Japan)
Singh R.B. Ph.D. (India) Visiting Professor
Tamrakar I.M. M.Sc.Eng. (Canada)
Wenisch J. M.S.C.E. (USA) Visiting Professor


The Institute of Engineering has exceptional laboratory facilities for its undergraduate
engineering programs. These facilities include state-of-the-art laboratories for thermal sciences,
fluid mechanics, electrical power systems, electronics and control, materials science, and
mechanical systems. However, with the introduction of the MSREE curriculum and its emphasis
on hands-on education and applied research, CES/IOE was interested in expanding its offerings in
renewable energy systems.
At the time of the original ALO partnership proposal, Tribhuvan University was in discussions
with His Majesty’s Government of Nepal to obtain funding for an Energy Park and Zero Energy
Building for demonstration of RET potential and to incubate research and development. It was
intended that these facilities on the TU/IOE campus would serve as focal points for renewable
energy activities in Nepal and would be a living laboratory for the new MSREE program. Figure
3-1 shows a map of the IOE campus in Pulchowk, a community in the greater metropolitan
Kathmandu area. The Energy Park was planned to be adjacent the soccer field.

Figure 3-1 IOE Campus Map

Today, the Energy Park and Zero Energy House are nearly complete. The facilities have been
built with funding of NRs 60 million (approximately US$857,000) on 1.5 hectares (3.8 acres) of
land on the northeast portion of the IOE campus. Our Nepalese partners insist that the ALO
project was critical to securing the necessary funds from His Majesty’s Government. They
believe that the ALO project activities helped increase governmental funding by a factor of ten
times over the original proposals. This section briefly describes these facilities, which have been
facilitated by the ALO project.

The Energy Park

Energy Park
The Energy Park is a living research laboratory for RETs. The initial Master Plan for the Energy
Park is shown in Figure 3-2. The site It includes the following features:
• The Zero Energy House, described below, will house classrooms, laboratories, CES
offices, and visiting faculty accommodations.
• A small cafeteria/restaurant will be constructed adjacent to the Zero Energy House. The
restaurant will be powered by renewable energy sources.
• A small windmill will be located near the Zero Energy House to demonstrate the
operation of wind systems.
• While the western portion of the Energy Park is located on a hill with the remainder of
the IOE campus, the rest of the Energy Park drops steadily to the east to a lower
elevation. A micro-hydro facility will be constructed across this elevation difference. The
water will discharge into a small pond.
• The pond will allow demonstration of solar-powered boating.
• A biogas plant will be constructed to process wastes from the cafeterias and campus
housing units.
• The northeast part of the park will be planted with trees bearing seeds containing
significant amount of oil. The trees have been dubbed “over ground petroleum mines.”

Figure 3-2 Master Plan of IOE Energy Park

The Energy Park

In addition to the demonstration of renewable energy equipment and systems, the Energy Park
will also serve as an outdoor community park. It will include an open theater, public restaurant,
gardens, pond, pathways, and parking.
Work on the Energy Park is underway. As described below, the Zero Energy House is under
construction. Figure 3-3 shows Prof. Jagan Nath Shrestha and Prof. Allen Hermann standing in
front of concentrating collectors for use in cooking. These collectors are currently used in a
cafeteria associated with campus housing near the Energy Park. The tracking collectors direct
energy to a cavity in the wall. The stoves for the cafeteria are on the opposite side of the wall and
use the thermal cavity for a heat source, as Prof. Shrestha demonstrates in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-3 Concentrating Collectors for Cafeteria Cooking

The Energy Park

Figure 3-4 Concentrating Collectors Direct Energy To Cooking Cavity

Figure 3-5 shows Profs. Shrestha and Hermann examining the biogas plant under construction.
The plant will produce methane using waste from the nearby housing complex.

Figure 3-5 Biogas Plant

The Energy Park

Zero Energy House

The Zero Energy House consists of approximately 2000 m2 over three and a half floors. It is
designed to demonstrate innovation building practices regarding photovoltaic technology, day-
lighting systems, utilization of active and passive solar energy for heating and cooling, and the
integration of renewable energy sources with energy-efficient building design.
The building will serve multiple purposes. As an academic building, it will contain classrooms,
research cubicles, and laboratory/workshop. As offices of CES, it will include office space and a
seminar room on the ground floor. In addition, it will include housing for visiting researchers to
the CES.
The building is designed to use environmentally friendly and energy efficient materials in an
aesthetically pleasing architectural design. As a Zero Energy Building, over a year, the building is
also expected to consume no more energy than that produced by the renewable energy systems.
The required electricity for the building shall be generated from 54 m2 of photovoltaic panels,
with a rated power output of approximately 6 kW, installed on the roof of the porch. The PV
system is oriented towards the south with the inclination of about 30° from horizontal. It is
expected that the PV system will provide sufficient electrical energy to operate the energy
efficient appliances and electric lights in the building.
The vertical façades facing south, southeast, and southwest are designed for collection of sparse
winter sun and to provide daylight year-round. Solar thermal collectors (water based and air
based) will be integrated into the building envelope to meet the hot water and HVAC system
needs. Rainwater will also be collected and treated for the supply to the building.
The building will also function as a research laboratory to explore innovations in energy efficient
and renewable energy systems. The building will employ a combination of solar chimney and
earth tube to provide passive heating and cooling. It will use biogas produced in the Energy Park
to supplement passive heating sources in maintaining indoor comfort. The energy systems will be
monitored and, with the work of MSREE students, will eventually be operated by a building
automation system.
The Zero Energy House is currently under construction on the IOE campus. Figure 3-6 shows the
south view of the building in the summer of 2002.

The Energy Park

Figure 3-6 South Elevation of Zero Energy House Under Construction


While the major objective of the partnership project was the development of the MSREE
curriculum at Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering, human capacity building in the area
of renewable energy is required at all levels of Nepalese society. The Center for Energy Studies,
with the help of support provided by partners under this project, has been instrumental in
providing renewable energy training throughout Nepal. Specifically, partners at NREL provided
executive training material for policy makers and professionals, partners at the Institute for
Sustainable Power provided training material for technicians, and the USAID Global
Environmental Center (through Winrock International) provided funding to deliver workshops
and training sessions throughout Nepal. In total, these training activities have reached 269
influential people in Nepal. Table 4–1 gives a summary of the audience for these sessions.

Table 4–1: Summary of Outreach and Training Activities

Audience Number

Members of Parliament 24
Local Officials 66
NGOs and Others 54
Energy Experts 47
Teachers 78

gives a more detailed list of specific programs, their target audience, and the gender distribution
of attendees. Note that VDC and DDC refer to Village Development Council and District
Development Council, which are local governmental structures in remote regions of the country.

Outreach and Training Activities

Table 4–2: CES Training and Outreach Programs

Program Target Group Date Duration Male Female Total

Interaction Program on Members of 18-Sep-00 2 12 1 13
RETs Parliament
Training Workshop on School Teacher 19-Mar-01 8 20 7 27
National Training Course on Teachers, 4-Apr-01 4 14 - 14
Wood Energy Officials, NGOs
Awareness Program on School 14-May-01 7 14 1 15
RETs Headmaster
Interaction Program on VDC Chairman 23-May-01 5 15 - 15
Interaction Program on VDC Chairman 19-Sep-01 5 15 - 15
Interaction Program on DDC Chairman 26-Sep-01 3 15 - 15
Interaction Program on Local 29-Nov-01 3 17 - 17
RETs Development
Interaction Program on Members of 12-Jan-02 2 10 1 11
RETs Parliament
Regional Workshop on Energy Experts 21-Jan-02 5 14 7 21
Preparation of Model South
Asia Energy Sector Report
National Workshop on Bio- MSREE 15-Mar-02 4 29 2 31
fuel Energy in Nepal Student/IOE
Awareness Program on NGO Official 18-Apr-02 4 8 11 19
RETs for NGO Officials *
Awareness Program on NGO Official 30-May-02 4 9 5 14
RETs for NGO Officials *
Awareness Program on Mothers Groups, 6-Jun-02 3 - 16 16
RETs for Mothers Group Health Worker,
and others* Financiers
Regional Workshop on Energy Experts 24-Jun-02 5 21 5 26
Preparation of Model South
Asia Energy Forecast
Total: 249

Outreach and Training Activities

Sample Interaction Program

Several two-day interaction program on RET for Member of Parliament was organized by Center
for Energy Studies, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University. One such program was held
on September 18-19, 2000.
The main objectives of the interaction program were to:
• Create awareness and transfer the knowledge on the application of Renewable Energy
Technologies (RET) for improving the quality of life particularly in the remote rural
• Provide basics of RET and its application by various agencies in Nepal;
• Explore how RET can make impacts on life of the rural people;
• Provide ideas on the existing problem and future prospects of RET, and
• Assist in effective and efficient RET planning.
There were altogether 13 Members of Parliament from Lower House as well as Upper House
representing different remote districts of the Country. The participants were Hon. Hira Lal Joshi
and Hon. Jeevan Prem Shrestha from Gorkha, Hon. Goma Devkota from Sindhuli, Hon. Tanka
Prasad Rai from Sankhuwashabha, Hon. Mohan Bahadur Basnet from Sindhupalchowk, Hon.
Phatik Bahadur Thapa from Gulmi, Hon. Hit Kaji Gurung from Syanja, Hon. Bhadra Bahadur
Thapa from Palpa, Hon. Nara Bahadur Hamal from Dailekh, Hon. Lekh Nath Acharya from
Rolpa, Hon. Tilak Prasad Neupane from Kalikot, Hon. Bir Bahadur Lama from Makawanpur,
Hon. Govinda Bahadur Shah from Achham.
Resource persons were Mr. Mohan Bahadur Karki, Prof. Jagan Nath Shrestha, Prof. Upendra
Man Malla, Dr. Hari Man Shrestha, Mr. Rajendra Bahadur Adhikari, Mr. Sundar Bajgain, Dr. K.
R. Shrestha, Dr. Gyan Lal Shrestha, Dr. R. B. Singh and Mr. Govinda Raj Pokharel. There was a
field visit to Solar Water Pumping at Bode, Thimi.

Recognition in Nepal
The Center for Energy Studies has been recognized for its outreach efforts related to renewable
energy in Nepal. In 2002, the Royal Nepal Academy for Science and Technology awarded CES
with its Academy of Science and Technology Promotion Award for enhancing the awareness of
the Nepalese people about renewable energy. A copy of the award is given in Figure 4-1.

Outreach and Training Activities

Figure 4-1 Science and Technology Promotion Award

The English translation of the award is as follows.

Royal Nepal Academy for Science and Technology

Academy of Science and Technology Promotion Award

Science and Technology Promotion Award, established as decided by the first

council meeting of the Academy, chaired by late King Birendra Bir Bikram
Shahadev in 1985 to encourage and honor the Nepalese youth involved in
different fields related to Science and Technology, is awarded to the Center for
Energy Studies (CES) for year 2058 (2001-2002 A.D.), for enhancing awareness
of people in rural areas about alternative energy and encouraging them to use it.

The Academy wishes CES continued success in its further technical research
work for the benefit of the nation and also wishes that this award will encourage
other scientists and technicians to dedicate themselves to contribute more in this


The ALO project facilitated seven partner exchanges between the US and Nepal members of the
project team. Given that Nepal and Colorado are literally on opposite sides of the globe, these
exchanges were critical to the success of the project. During these exchanges, project team
members developed an understanding of energy and cultural issues in the respective countries,
visited renewable energy installations, met with policy makers and researchers, and developed
This section briefly describes the activities of these exchanges. More detailed agenda are given in
the appendix, together with relevant seminar abstracts.

Faculty Exchanges

Brandemuehl and Warnock Visit Nepal

In October 2000, Prof. Michael Brandemuehl and Dr. Bill Warnock visited Nepal to kick-off the
ALO project. The primary purpose of the visit was participation in preliminary planning for the
MSREE curriculum as described in Section 2 of this report. The visit involved extensive meetings
with TU/IOE personnel, government agencies, and other researchers. In addition, Prof. Jagan
Nath Shrestha led the visitors on tours of both IOE facilities and remote applications of renewable
energy technologies. The highlight of the trip was a visit to a remote village west of Kathmandu
in which a solar-powered computer had recently been installed. The villagers and school children
greeted the visitors with flowers, food, speeches, and a special dance and song about the solar
computer. Figure 5-1 shows Prof. Shrestha and Dr. Warnock visiting a PV water pumping
installation in a commercial rose garden. Figure 5-2 shows Prof. Brandemuehl and Dr. Warnock
at the village school with the solar powered computer. Figure 5-3 shows a visit to IOE laboratory
facilities for characterizing the performance of solar water heating collectors.

Hermann and Dangi Visit Nepal

In Decembe 2000, Prof. Allen Hermann and Mr. Mohan Dangi visited Nepal. Meetings and
discussions on this trip focused on curriculum issues related to photovoltaic systems and their
underlying science. Prof. Hermann delivered two lectures to IOE staff on PV technologies,
including a presentation on recent advances in thin film technologies. The visitors also toured
remote installations of renewable energy systems.

Bhattarai Visits USA

Prof. Rabindra Bhattarai, Deputy Director of CES, visited Colorado in May 2001. Project
discussions during the visit focused on laboratory and field studies related to the MSREE
curriculum. Prof. Bhattarai was given tours of laboratory and in-situ monitoring systems at the
University of Colorado, and received an extensive tour of facilities at the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL). He also participated in informal discussions with members of the

Institutional Exchanges

Nepalese community in the Denver area. Figure 5-4 shows Prof. Bhattarai touring a stand-alone
power system at Rocky Mountain National Park with Mr. Dangi and Dr. Warnock.

Shrestha Visits USA

In August 2001, Prof. Jagan Nath Shrestha visited the USA to present project results at the annual
ALO conference in Washington, D.C. Prior to the conference, Prof. Shrestha traveled to Colorado
to meet with project partners and visit facilities. The visit allowed meetings with NREL
International Program personnel, the Director of project partner The Institute for Sustainable
Power, and additional meetings with distributors and manufacturers of renewable energy
equipment. Both Profs. Shrestha and Brandemuehl participated in the ALO Conference. While
there, they visited the Nepal embassy and met with the Acting Ambassador, shown in Figure 5-5.

Brandemuehl and Hermann Visit Nepal

In May 2002, Profs. Brandemuehl and Hermann visited Nepal to review program activities. Most
importantly, the visitors we able to meet with the first class of students in the MSREE program.
Prof. Hermann delivered a seminar on battery technologies. Prof. Brandemuehl delivered one
seminar on the role of computer simulation in renewable energy system design and another
seminar on the University of Colorado Solar Decathlon team activities. Additional meetings were
held with USAID personnel to discuss follow-on project activities.

Shrestha Visits USA

Prof. Shrestha visited the USA again in August 2002 to present results at the annual ALO
conference in Washington, D.C. Figure 5-6 shows them presenting their results. The meeting
allowed Profs. Brandemuehl and Shrestha to further discuss opportunities for further cooperation.

Ongoing and Future Exchange Activities

Project partners continue to pursue opportunities for personnel exchange. As the ALO project
came to a close, we are happy to report that collaboration continues. Mr. Joseph Wenisch is
currently in Nepal for nine months through a University of Colorado Benjamin Brown Student
Sabbatical Fellowship. Mr. Wenisch, who just completed his MS degree in the Department of
Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at UCB and whose thesis involved work at
NREL on optimal design of remote village power systems, was one of only two such fellowships
awarded. Mr. Wenisch will work with CES personnel to deliver the MSREE curriculum, provide
technical assistance to the Nepal renewable energy community on village power system design,
and work with MSREE students on thesis projects in village applications of RETs.

Institutional Exchanges

Figure 5-1 Project Partners Visiting Rural RET Applications

Figure 5-2 Prof. Brandemuehl and Dr. Warnock in Nepal Village

Institutional Exchanges

Figure 5-3 Project Partners Visit IOE Laboratories

Figure 5-4 Prof. Bhattarai Visits Colorado

Institutional Exchanges

Figure 5-5 Profs. Shrestha and Brandemuehl Meet With Ambassador

Figure 5-6 Profs. Shrestha and Brandemuehl at ALO Conference


The main challenges to the sustainability of the MSREE program are the availability of faculty
resources and the ability to attract full-fee students with financial support from within Nepal and
from neighboring countries. In general, students who are supported by their employers or their
governments pay the full cost of education, while regular Nepali students pay considerably less
for tuition. In 2001/2002, the tuition fees for the full-fee students were 3.6 times greater than
those of regular students. It is expected that the MSREE program will be attractive to current
employees of government ministries and energy sector companies, and that the ministries and
companies will support their employees during the two-year program. The program is also
marketing to surrounding countries in Southeast Asia, seeking to establish the MSREE program
as a regional resource for post-graduate education.
Project partners continue to pursue additional support for sustained exchange and interaction.


Applied Sociology

Lecture: 2 hrs Year: I

Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: B

Introduction: [8 hrs]
ƒ Basic concepts in Sociology and Anthropology , Society and Culture, Community
and Institutions, Norms and Values, Status and Roles

Structures: [6 hrs]
ƒ Social structure, family, caste and ethnic groups, religion and festivals

Community: [6 hrs]
ƒ Communication, indigenous and appropriate technology, community participation.
Ecology and environment. Development approaches. Value system and community
development forces

Applied Sociology and Anthropology: [4 hrs]

ƒ Application of knowledge of Sociology and Anthropology with special reference
energy, policy, legal issues and practices, identification of issues and resolution
Gender: [6 hrs]
ƒ Gender difference and the role of women in energy conservation and development,
social cycle, modernization and globalization

Field Report:
ƒ Case study

Text book, Reference and Journals:

1. Inkels Alex, What is sociology? Introduction in the descilipine and profession,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Foster G. M. Traditional Culture and impact of Technological Change.
3. Mair, L. Applied Sociology, anthropology.
4. Gsanlender A.W. Applied sociology opportunities and problems
5. Regmi, Rishikeshav Raj Dimension of Nepali society and culture. SANN Kathmandu
6. Gurung, Sant Bahadur, Rural Develoment Approaches in Nepal. Deva Publications,
Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I
Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Components: A. Bio-gas Energy

B. Bio-fuel Energy
C. Wood-fuel Energy

A: Bio-gas Energy

History of biogas development: [2 hrs]

ƒ Institutional growth, Technical growth, government support and installation of biogas

Various merits and demerits of biogas: [3 hrs]

ƒ Various uses of biogas as lighting, cooking, refrigeration, engine and electricity
ƒ Merits of biogas as energy, slurry, time saving, health and sanitation, cleanliness,
reduction in expenses and environment protection.
ƒ Demerits as investment, high interest, no direct income, land, water and maintenance

Biogas in relation with environment ecology health and sanitation: [2 hrs]

ƒ Bio-gas and agriculture, biogas and women, biogas and forests, biogas in relation to
health and sanitation

Biogas installation cost and financial viability: [2 hrs]

ƒ Introduction, discount rate and net present value, Internal rate of return method.

Cold condition biogas plant: [3 hrs]

ƒ Introduction, calculation of theoretical heating requirements, digester heat loss,
influent heating, treatment of biodigester in cold climate.

Design concept and other parameters of biogas plant: [5 hrs]

ƒ Introduction plant types, site selection, design and construction aspect, constructional
details, volume calculations, structural designing aspect

Role of management, communication and professional development: [3 hrs]

ƒ Introduction management: approach of management, which approach of management,
communication, language and gesture of communication, communication to the
general mass, telephone and other communication, reporting professional

Economics and slurry utilization as fertilizer: [2 hrs]

ƒ Introduction, analytical result of digested slurry, composition of digested slurry,
quality assessment of compost and digested slurry, utilization of slurry and importance
of slurry use.

C:\ces\Msree\Master of Science in RE Course

Quality control of biogas plants: [ 2 hrs]
ƒ History, need for internal quality control, assumptions, internal quality control, pre-
conditions, advantages of internal quality control, need for human resources
management, verification system, general condition, anticipated problems, financial
implication and expected output.

Microbial activities relation to anaerobic digestion for organic waste: [2 hrs]

ƒ Biochemical process of anaerobic digestion, stages of anaerobic digestion process,
factors affecting the microbial activities in digester

B: Bio-fuel Energy
Traditional Fuel Situation: [2hrs]
ƒ Roles of renewable bio-energy in the national energy demand supply situation.
Comparative reviews of other developing countries with used examples of developed
countries. Bio-fuel energy scope, limitation and availability.

Bio-fuel Resources and Economic Evaluation: [1hr]

ƒ Bio-fuel resources assessment, product analysis, Market value of bio-fuel resources,
cost benefit analysis of the bio-fuel product.

Bio-fuel resources identification: [1 hr]

ƒ Bio-fuel resources for, bio- briquette, bio-diesel, bio-ethanol & bio-hydrocarbon

Conventional agro-farm bio-fuel and bio-briquette: [2 hrs]

ƒ Prospectus of production and promotion of bio-briquette combustion characteristics of
bio-briquette. Material property of bio-briquette and its application

Invention of diesel engine and its fuel: [2 hrs]

ƒ Current situation of high-speed diesel consumption, demand and application.
Comparative study of high-speed diesel with bio-diesel.

Invention of internal combustion engine and its fuel: [2 hr]

ƒ Current situation of motor specific consumption, demand and application.
Comparative study of motor spirit with bio-ethanol & its specification. Resource
evaluation for bio-ethanol. Precaution and application.

Bio-Hydrocarbon: [2 hrs]
ƒ Resources allocation for bio-hydrocarbons. Production of liquid bio-hydrocarbons.
Cost benefit analysis of bio-hydrocarbons. Material properties of bio-hydrocarbons.
Combustion characteristics of bio-hydrocarbon. Scope and limitation of bio-
hydrocarbon fuel as renewable alternative energy sources.

Economic evaluation of bio-fuel conversion and application: [1 hr]

Environment impact assessment of bio-fuel: [1 hr]

Role of biofuel as an indigenous renewable energy resource: [2 hrs]

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Field Exposures:
ƒ To observe local bio-fuel resources
ƒ To observe traditional as well as modern application of bio-fuel conversion process
ƒ To observe the application of bio fuel

C. Wood Fuel Energy

Wood Fuel related Terminology and General Introduction: [5 hrs]

ƒ General introduction to traditional biomass fuel (Historical background, share of
biomass fuel in energy balance, resource identification, fuel in global energy scenario)

Wood Fuel resources: [4 hrs]

ƒ Forest-Land Production System
ƒ Forest (Public, community and private/household), Forests and Tree Plantations of
different types (block plantation, public, private and leased lands)
ƒ Public, Private/leasehold, community ownership Forests and Village wood Plots
(community managed natural forests, scrub lands, block plantations owned/managed
by local communities, user group etc.)
ƒ Non-Forest Land Based Production System
ƒ Naturally grown trees in private plots/farms/household / homergardens
ƒ Planted trees in farms, homesteads and home gardens
ƒ Wood waste and by-products from forest industries
ƒ Recovered wood from old construction/furniture/packing materials, drift wood and

Wood Energy Flow: [4 hrs]

ƒ Wood Fuel harvesting/collection and preparation/conversion/bundling
ƒ Wood fuel transportation (loading and unloading and transportation)
ƒ Wood fuel distribution and marketing (harvesters/collectors/gatherers / retailres /
wholesalers/transporters, pricing mechanisms)
ƒ Wood energy resource assessment (potential and productivity, scope for forest
resource development, energy plantation, community forestry and fuelwood strategy.
ƒ Policy and planning (National policies and regulations on wood energy development,
role of private sector, NGOs, CBOs, GOs)

Wood fuel Conversion (wood fuel in secondary and final energy form): [3 hrs]
ƒ Charcoal making
ƒ Gasification, (low cost small-scale) gasifier
ƒ Cogeneration of heat and power
ƒ Dendro-thermal power (wood alcohol)

Wood Fuel Conservation and Efficient Utilization Practical Classes: [3 hrs]

ƒ Improved technology for charcoal making and utilization
ƒ ICS for household applications (Domestic cook stove for fuel wood and charcoal use)
ƒ Improved technology for industrial/commercial applications (includes all traditional
wood-fuel based industrial and commercial applications)
ƒ Modern technology for commercial wood energy development (including gasification,
co-generation and dendro-thermal power generation), Hybrid system

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Bio-Fuel Technology

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Assessment of renewable fuel in the total fuel consumption system in Nepal

ƒ Fuel resources
ƒ Biofuel energy in co-relation to annual bio-fuel production
ƒ Fuel consumption
ƒ Fuel allocation and development

Potential of bio-fuel in the energy scenario

ƒ Bio-fuel resources and consumption
ƒ Current state of bio-fuel production and projected development to replace other fuel
ƒ Other fuel consumption

Importance of bio-fuel development in Nepal

ƒ Role of various organization in the development of bio-fuel energy system
ƒ Green Energy Mission
ƒ And others

Requirement of solid / biofuel development and its impact on national energy situation
ƒ Material composition and characteristics of non-woody bio-briquette
ƒ Assessment of current state of cooking fuels
ƒ Prospects of bio briquette.

Necessity of liquid bio-fuel development and its importance

ƒ Consumption and supply of transportation fuel
ƒ Assessment of renewable bio fuel against the conventional fuel
ƒ Rate of growth of transportation fuel
ƒ Environmental impact of transportation fuel
ƒ Characteristics of liquid bio fuels

Bio briquette Technology Development

ƒ Resource allocation for preparation of bio briquettes
ƒ Tech.-economic evaluation of bio-briquette production.
ƒ Preparation of non-woody briquettes
ƒ Material and fuel properties of bio-briquette

Bio-diesel Resources
ƒ Selection of biomass resources
ƒ Models for the production of alkyd esters
ƒ Models for tri-glyceride production and purification

Bio-diesel Production
ƒ Purification and concentration alkyd esters
ƒ Material and combustion characteristics evaluation of bio-diesel
ƒ Enhancement of fuel property of alkyd ester
ƒ Production of bio-diesel fuel.

Properties of Bio-diesel
ƒ Phys-chemical characteristics determination of bio-diesel
ƒ Techno-economic evaluation of mass / volume and heat relationship
ƒ Calorific value determination
ƒ Elemental analytical evaluation of bio-diesel.

Application of bio-diesel
ƒ Determination of cetane number value of bio-diesel
ƒ Overall evaluation of bio-diesel fuel as an alternative fuel can be generated from
indigenous renewable fuel resources
ƒ Engine / automobile testing of bio-diesel
ƒ Analyses of exhaust gases

Bio-ethanol Resources
ƒ Identification of conventional and non conventional biomass resources for ethanol
ƒ Enzyme activities to convert polysaccharides into monosacchariedes
ƒ Microbial fermentation of monosacchariedes to field bio ethanol

Bio ethanol Production

ƒ Distillation of bio ethanol from the fermented mash
ƒ Material and combustion characteristics evaluation of bio ethanol
ƒ Fractional distillation of bio ethanol to produce technical grade of bio-ethanol
ƒ Purification processes of bio ethanol to produce fuel grade bio ethanol.

Properties of Bio ethanol

ƒ Physics - chemical characteristics determination of bio-ethanol
ƒ Techno-economic evaluation of mass / volume and heat relationship
ƒ Calorific value determination
ƒ Elemental analytical evaluation of bio-diesel.

Application of Bio-ethanol
ƒ Determination of octane number value of bio-ethanol
ƒ Overall evaluation of bioethanol as an alternative fuel that can be generated from
indigenous renewable fuel resources
ƒ Engine / automobile testing of bio ethanol
ƒ Analyses of exhaust gases

Bio hydrocarbon Technology

ƒ Assessment and evaluation of potential oleoresins plant resources for the production
of bio-hydrocarbons
ƒ Overall evaluation of bio hydrocarbon fuel as an alternative that can be generated
from indigenous renewable fuel resources
ƒ Collection of oleoresin and its destructive / steam distillation to yield liquid [-10 bio
ƒ Fractional distillation of oil of turpentine to remove tougher valued monoterpenes.
ƒ Material & combination characteristic evaluation of bio hydrocarbon.
ƒ Calorific value determination of bio hydrocarbon
ƒ Physio - chemical characteristic determination of bio hydrocarbon.
Laboratory Exercises:

ƒ Extraction of fixed oil by mechanical and solvent distillation processes

ƒ Transerterification of oil/fat sample with methanol and ethanol
ƒ Preparation of fuel grade biodiesel
ƒ Microbial fermentation of conventional and non conventional bio resources for
ethanol production
ƒ Simple and fractional distillation of ethanol
ƒ Dehydration process of ethanol
ƒ Determination of calorific value of specified bio resource and bio-fuels
ƒ Demonstration of application of biodiesel in diesel engine
ƒ Demonstration of application of bioethanol in Otto engine
ƒ Experimental demonstration of Cetane number value of biodiesel
ƒ Experimental analysis of biofuels
ƒ Experimental gaschromasographic analysis of exhaust gases of biofuels
Biogas Technology

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Introduction to biogas: [2hrs]

ƒ Biogas energy source vis-à-vis other sources

Characteristics of biogas and necessary condition for its formation: [9 hrs]

ƒ Composition and Characteristics of Biogas, fuel value of biogas and other fuels, use
of biogas for cooking and lighting, biogas requirement for various appliances,
biogas fuel for internal combustion engines
ƒ Necessary conditions for anaerobic digestion of organic waste
ƒ Loading rate ,retention time, dilution and consistency of inputs ,pH value,
temperature, C/N ratio, toxicity

Microbiological Aspects of Anaerobic Digestion: [3 hrs]

ƒ Biochemical Process of anaerobic digestion
ƒ Anaerobic digester
ƒ Stages of anaerobic digestion process: hydrolysis and, acetogenesis and
ƒ Microbial Activities of methanogenic bacteria

Biogas Production in Cold Climate: [3 hrs]

ƒ Calculation for theoretical heating requirement of biodigester
ƒ Treatment of biodigester in cold climate: Enzymatic treatment, Biological treatment,
ƒ Use of solar energy and Integrated bio-system (IBS)

Various uses of biogas and its merits and demerits: [3 hrs]

ƒ Multiple uses of biogas as energy
ƒ Benefits of biogas plants
ƒ Demerits or constraints of biogas technology

Biogas in relation to other disciplines: [6 hrs]

ƒ Overall rating of biogas plants, sufficiency of biogas production in winter and
summer, biogas versus women in the developing countries, biogas versus
agriculture, biogas versus forest, ecology and environment, biogas versus health and
sanitation, impact of biogas on various smoke-borne diseases.

Slurry Utilization as fertilizer: [3hrs]

ƒ Importance of biogas slurry as fertilizer
ƒ Composition and nutritive value of digested slurry from animal manure
ƒ Composition of biogas slurry from human excreta
ƒ Quality assessment of compost and digested slurry
ƒ Utilization of slurry: in liquid form, in dried form and in composting form
ƒ Method of compost making with the use of bio-slurry
ƒ Effect of slurry on the yield of crops and vegetables
ƒ Digested slurry as feed for animals, poultry and fish

Design concept and other parameters of biogas plants: [6 hrs]

ƒ Different parts of biogas plant (digester): digestion chamber, inlet, outlet
ƒ Types of biodigester: Floating drum digester, Fixed dome digester (GGC and
Deenbandhu model plants) and other designs (Bag digester, Plug flow digester,
anaerobic filter, UASB, etc)
ƒ Plant dimension for 4m3 – 20 m3 GGC model biogas plants: site selection, design,
parameters for sizing of biogas plants
ƒ Design and construction aspects: construction details; volume calculation for GGC
and Chinese model digester and structural design aspects

Quality control of biogas plants- Case Studies: [3 hrs]

ƒ Site selection and constructional details
ƒ Need for quality control, enforcement of quality control measures, important
parameters, for quality control and monitoring, after-sale-services, quality of
construction materials and trained manpower, critical stage of construction,
construction faults and remedy, Common problem in plant operation

Role of management, communication and professional development: [3 hrs]

ƒ Role of management: approach to management and traditional approach
ƒ Scientific management model
ƒ Management process model: Beaurocratic model, behavioral approach, quantitative
approach, system approach, contingency approach
ƒ Role of communication: language and gesture in communication, communication to
the general mass, communication: a two way process, telephone and communication
ƒ Role of Professional development

Biogas installation cost and financial viability: [3 hrs]

ƒ Discount rate and net present value
ƒ Internal rate of return (IRR)
ƒ Objective, methodology and method of analysis of IRR
ƒ General assumptions for the calculations of IRRs
ƒ Data collection
ƒ Further assumptions in economic analysis Values of IRRs

Laboratory Works:

1. Determination of C/N ratio of fresh cow dung, digested slurry and rice straw
2. Determination of total solids, volatile solids of cow dung, chicken manure, human
excreta and rice straw
3. Determination of pH; and consistency of slurry by using hydrometer
4. Demonstration of compost making by using slurry
5. Isolation of methanogenic bacteria at the laboratory
6. Demonstration of different kinds of biogas appliances and their accessories
7. Demonstration of duel fuel engine (biogas and diesel)
8. Site visit to observe biogas plants in different stages of construction and operation

Text book, Reference and Journals:

ƒ Godfrey, B. (1996) Renewable Energy Power for a Sustainable Future. Oxford

University Press
ƒ Hurst, C and Barnett, A. (1990) The Energy Dimension-A Practical Guide to Energy
in Rural Development Programmes. Intermediate Technology Publications
ƒ IUCN, 1995. "EIA of the Bara Forest Management Plan." Kathmandu, Nepal
Economics of Energy Technology
Lecture : 2 hrs Year: 1
Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: II

Forms of Energy Organization: [2 hrs]

ƒ Sole Proprietorship
ƒ Partnership
ƒ Cooperation (Private Limited and Public Limited)

Energy Finance [4 hrs]

ƒ Equity Capital: common share, preferred share, convertible share
ƒ Debt: short term (working capital loans), long term loan or cooperate bonds
ƒ Cost of capital: cost of capital share, preferred share, cost of debt, weighted
averaged cost of capital

Cost and Revenue [5 hrs]

ƒ Short run cost: Total cost, marginal cost, average cost, fixed cost, variable cost
ƒ Long run cost: Plant size and cost, Long-run average cost (LRAC)
ƒ Revenue: Total revenue, marginal revenue, average revenue

Capital budgeting [9 hrs]

ƒ Depreciation methods, straight line, declining balance method
ƒ Interest rates; simple and compound interest rates
ƒ Cash-flow; cash inflow and cash outflow, free cash flow(FCF)
ƒ Capital budgeting techniques; Payback period, discounted cash flow analysis, net
present value and IRR techniques
ƒ Risk analysis; decision tree & Monte Carlo simulation techniques

Benefit cost analysis [6 hrs]

ƒ Calculation of social benefit
ƒ Calculation of social cost
ƒ Benefit-cost ratio

Financial Statement analysis of energy firms [4 hrs]

ƒ Familiarization with balance sheets, income statement and cash-flow statement
ƒ Calculation of financial ratios and their familiarization

Tutorial classes will be concentrated on exercises and examples on above chapters

Energy Auditing Analysis and Conservation

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Tutorial: Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Introduction: [2 hrs]
ƒ General principal
ƒ Importance of energy conservation
ƒ Organization of energy conservation
ƒ Stage of energy conservation plan

Energy Auditing Technique: [10 hrs]

ƒ Methods of energy auditing
ƒ History of energy use
ƒ Familiarization with the systems
ƒ Existing energy consumption pattern
ƒ Field survey
ƒ Approach to analysis of fuel and electricity figures
ƒ Energy saving potential by good house keeping, electricity, waste heat recovery

Fuels: [3 hrs]
ƒ Types of fuels
ƒ Common fuels and industries
ƒ Combustion basics
ƒ Fuel firing

Energy conservation in Steam Generation, Distribution: [8 hrs]

ƒ Types of boilers and salient features, losses in boilers, boiler controls, boilers
tuning, boiler and furnace efficiency calculation
ƒ Steam distribution, system layout, pressure selection, pipe sizing insulation, steam
quality, steam traps, and condense recovery
ƒ Fans and blowers, cooling towers, efficiency of electric motors and losses, idle

Energy conservation in Buildings: [6 hrs]

ƒ Building heat gain, Types of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning, economy
cycle, chilled water storage, Thermal insulation, solar passive architecture

Co-generation: [2 hrs]
ƒ Topping cycle, bottoming cycle

Electrical Energy Conservation: [4 hrs]

ƒ Electrical energy survey: Understanding the bill, tariffs, analysis, instruments for
electrical energy survey, efficiency calculation
ƒ Energy conservation in Distribution: Distribution system arrangement, design
aspects of distribution system, design of new plan distribution system.
ƒ Power factor management: causes of low power factor and its effects, power factor
improvement, economics of power factors

Electrical Energy Demand and Load Management: [6 hrs]

ƒ Maximum demand: demand charges, Cost saving from demand control
ƒ Demand control potential: load factor, load curves and demand profiles,
identification of load
ƒ Method of demand control: manual and automatic
ƒ Load management

Energy conservation in Lighting System: [4 hrs]

ƒ Source of light, Electric filament light incandescent and halogen lamp, gaseous
discharge lamp-fluorescent, compact fluorescent lamp, sodium and mercury vapor
lamp, metal halide lamp.
ƒ Design consideration of good lighting system
ƒ Energy conservation opportunities in lighting system
ƒ New development in lighting energy efficiency

1. Experiment on heat transfer
2. Experiments on refrigeration and air-conditioning
3. Experiments on compressor
4. Stag gas measurement and analysis
5. Use of electrical energy meter and calculations
6. Electrical light flux measurements
7. Experiment on electrical motor
8. Experiments on pumps and fans
9. Exercise on energy auditing from simple to complex one in step
10. Project on specific energy auditing

Text books Journals and references:

1. Paul O’ Callaghan, Energy management, McGraw Hill, 1993

2. Charles M. Gottschalk Industrial Energy Conservation, John Wiley and Sons, 1996
3. S. M. Guinnes and Reynolds, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildingsm
McGraw Hill, 1994, McGraw Hill 1994
4. J. Kriecher and A. Rabl, Heating and Cooling of Buildings
5. IES Lighting Handbook, Reference and Application Volume, IESNA
6. Thumann, Lighting Efficiency, Application, Fairmount Press
7. Solar Energy; Light and Energy; ASHRAE transactions
Energy Planning and Management

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Practical: 1.5 hrs Part: A

Introduction: [2 hrs]
ƒ Scope of energy planning
ƒ Linkage between development planning
ƒ Difference between blue print plan (master-plan) and strategic plan
ƒ Rural energy planning

Energy Balances: [3 hrs]

ƒ Energy accounts
ƒ Unit and conversions
ƒ Treatment of electricity
ƒ Treatment of non-commercial energy
ƒ Different forms of energy balance: examples

Concepts of energy planning: [4 hrs]

ƒ Theory of consumers and producers
ƒ Market equilibrium
ƒ Consumers’ surplus
ƒ Producers’ surplus
ƒ Elasticity
ƒ Impacts of Taxes and subsidies
ƒ Rationing and Quota

Evaluating Macroeconomic Impacts: [4 hrs]

ƒ Balance of payments
ƒ Impacts of external shocks (Price and Supply)
ƒ Accounting for energy adjustment
ƒ GDP and energy consumption
ƒ Energy consumption and energy price

Energy Demand Analysis and Demand Projection: [10 hrs]

ƒ Macro versus Sectarl demand
ƒ Process analysis
ƒ Trend analysis (time series analysis)
ƒ Elasticity approach
ƒ Input- output method
ƒ Reference energy system and impact of error in demand projection
ƒ Source of energy, energy transmission, energy conservation, energy use devices,
Conversion efficiencies
ƒ End use energy demand
ƒ Primary, secondary and tertiary energy demand
ƒ Graphical representation of energy flows
ƒ Solving energy systems (matrix formulation, optimization, etc)
ƒ Incorporating environmental dimension in reference energy system solving

Energy Supply Analysis and Supply Projection: [10 hrs]

ƒ Energy resource assessment
ƒ Non-renewable domestic resources, Renewable domestic resources, International
ƒ Hydropower Supply: Analysis Demand forecast and generation expansion plans
ƒ Biomass supplies Analysis: Forecast and non-forest products, forest stocks-yield and
area relationship, growth rules, and analysis of other source of fuelwood, analysis of
agricultural residue and animal dung.
ƒ Energy option technology evaluation: Petroleum products, coal, hydropower
renewable energy technologies.

Decision analysis: [6 hrs]

ƒ Decision and decision tree
ƒ The Bypass procedure

Dealing with uncertainties: [6 hrs]

ƒ Exogenous uncertainties
ƒ Natural resources and environmental Uncertainties
ƒ Project uncertainties, economic uncertainties and Socio-economic uncertainties

The laboratory works shall consists of case studies and energy scenarios planning using
professional software like Long Range Energy Alternative Planning System (LEAP),
Market Allocation (MARKEL) etc.
Energy Resources

Lecture: 2 Year: 1
Tutorial: 1 Part: A

ƒ Situation, Government policy, Involvement of private sector, Supply and demand
situation, Environmental issues.

Animate Energy Resources

ƒ Conventional and non-conventional resources

Bio-mass Resources
ƒ Constituents and the energy fundamentals of fuel wood, agriculture residue, animal
ƒ Overview of bio-mass use

Fossil Fuels
ƒ Exploration and development
ƒ Consumption trends
ƒ Environmental and socio economic issues
ƒ Formation, classification and properties of crude oil, coal, and gaseous fuels
ƒ Natural gas, Propane, Butane, Methane, commercial LPG

Renewable Energy Resources

ƒ Solar Energy: Introduction, Reactions at Sun, Extraterrestrial solar radiation,
Components of radiation, Earth Sun orbit geometry, Effects of Earth's atmosphere,
Measurement of solar radiation, Estimation of solar radiation, Application of solar
energy, Economic and financial analysis.
ƒ Bio-energy: Introduction, Bio fuel classification, Direct combustion, Pyrolysis,
Anaerobic digestion for bio-gas, Briquettes, Improved fuel wood stoves
ƒ Wind energy: Introduction, Present scenario, Future potential and prospects,
Economic and financial analysis, Constraints on wind energy, Measurement of wind
speed, Power from wind, Wind turbine types and power extraction, Wind farming.
ƒ Micro-hydro power: Introduction, Present situation, Future potential and prospects,
Constraints, Flow measurement, Working principles of different types of turbines.
ƒ Wave and tidal energy: Introduction, Wave motion, Wave energy and power, wave
ƒ Geothermal energy: Introduction, Geophysics, Harnessing of Geothermal resources.
ƒ Nuclear energy: Introduction, Fundamentals of nuclear energy.
ƒ Newer forms of energy: Hydrogen, Fuel cells.

Global Energy Scenario

ƒ Introduction, Availability, and uses of different types of energy in global scenario.
Energy Systems Technology

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Fundamentals of Energy Systems: [2 hrs]

ƒ Introduction, generation, transmission and distribution of energy systems

Energy Conservation and Demand Management: [10 hrs]

ƒ Thermodynamic aspects of energy conservation, energy conservation through
controls, energy auditing, process heat and steam management, waste heat recovery
and energy cascading, electrical energy conservation in buildings and industries,
economics of energy conservation
ƒ Techniques for measuring energy use, approaches to optimizing and monitoring
energy use, design principles to minimize energy use in buildings and devices,
analysis of relative costs of energy conservation and energy production in various

Solar Energy Thermal Utilization: [6 hrs]

ƒ Solar radiation and its characteristics, basic principles of heat transfer, selective
coatings, principles and performance of flat plate and solar concentrators, solar
stills, solar drying, cooling and cooking, conversion to mechanical energy

PV Systems Engineering: [6 hrs]

ƒ Fundamentals of semi conductors and solar cells, types of solar cells and their
fabrication, photovoltaic panels, PV pumps, lighting systems and solar home

Passive Solar Buildings: [4 hrs]

ƒ Energy flow in buildings, thermal insulation in energy conservation and solar
passive architecture

Wind and Microhydro: [10 hrs]

ƒ Theory of fluid power utilization, details of the components of a microhydel power
system, turbine selection criteria, site selection and feasibility study
ƒ Principle of wind energy conversion, component, efficiency, tip speed ratio, wind
direction changes, material fatigue, starting, delayed stall types-vertical/horizontal
axis, constant/variable speed, wind farm

OTEC, Wave, Tidal, Geothermal and other types of energy: [5 hrs]

ƒ OTEC: Principles. Heat exchangers, pumping requirements, other practical
ƒ Wave : Introduction, wave motion, wave energy and power, wave patterns and
ƒ Tidal : Introduction, the case of tides, enhancement of tides, tidal flow power, tidal
range power
ƒ Geothermal : Geophysics, dry rock and hot aquifer analysis, harnessing geothermal
ƒ Others : Hydrogen energy and fuel cell
Laboratory Requirement:

ƒ Experiments on radiation measurement

ƒ Performance study of flat plate and concentric solar thermal energy collector
ƒ Heat conduction: study of insulation materials, area effects
ƒ Convection: free and forced convection from a flat plate
ƒ Experiments on Solar PV panel
ƒ Experiments on turbine

Text Books, References and Journals

ƒ Philip G. Hill, Power Generation, Resources, Hazard Technology and Costs, MIT
Press, 1977
ƒ S. P. Sukhatme, Solar Energy, Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1984
ƒ John W. Twidell and Anthony D. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, ELBS, 1986
ƒ S. S. Penner and Icerman, Non-nuclear Energy Technologies, volume I and II,
Pergamon Press, 1984
ƒ Proceedings of International Conference on Role of Renewable Energy Technology
for Rural Development (RETRUD-98), IOE/AEPC/NESS, 1998
Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I

Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Basic Hydrodynamics:(Review) [3 hrs]

ƒ Differential equation of continuity, rotational and irrotational flow, circulation and
voracity, the stream function, basic flow fields, velocity potential, orthogonality of
streamlines and equipotential lines

Momentum and Forces in Fluid Flow:( Review) [5 hrs]

ƒ Development of the impulses - momentum principle, momentum correction factor,
force exerted on pressure conducts, force exerted on a stationary vane or blade, relation
between absolute and relation velocities, force upon a moving vane or blade, torque in
rotating machines, reaction with rotation, momentum principles applied to propellers
and wind mills

Similitude and Dimensional Analysis: [3 hrs]

ƒ Geometric similarity, kinematics similarity, dynamic similarity, scales ratios,
comments on models, dimensional analysis.

Steady Incompressible Flow in Pressure Conduits: [6 hrs]

ƒ Laminar and turbulent flow, critical Reynolds number, general equation for conduit
friction, laminar flow in circular pipes, entrance conditions in laminar flow, pipe
roughness, chart for friction factor, pipeline with pump or turbine pipes in series and

Forces an Immersed Bodies: (Review) [3 hrs]

ƒ Friction drag of boundary layer incompressible flow, boundary layer separation and
pressure drag, drag on two and three dimensional bodies, lift and circulation life of an
airfoil, induced drag an airfoil of finite length.

Similarity laws and Factors for Turbo-machines: [4 hrs]

ƒ Efficiency definitions, similarity laws, restriction on use of similarity laws, peripheral
velocity factor, specific speed.

Water Turbines and Pumps: [16 hrs]

ƒ Types of turbines – Pelton, turgo impulse, crossflow, francis, kaplan, propeller
turbines, working principles, components and their function, characteristics
ƒ Classification, size and rating of pumps, head delivered, specific speed, characteristics
of constant speed, energy low in pumps, cavitation, efficiency, proportion and factors
for pumps, pump and system characteristics
Basics of Wind Energy Conversion: [5 hrs]
ƒ Principle of wind energy conversion, component, efficiency, tip speed ratio, wind
direction changes, material fatigue, starting, delayed stall types-vertical/horizontal axis,
constant/variable speed, wind farm

Laboratory Requirement:

ƒ Fluid flow visualization and analysis

ƒ Investigation of validity of Bernoulli’s theorem for convergent and divergent flow system
ƒ Determination of coefficient of discharge for orifices for flows under constant head and flows
under varying head
ƒ Operation and characteristics of different basics types of flow meters
ƒ Determination of critical depth and specific energy at upstream and downstream
ƒ Losses and the characteristics associated with flow through bends and fittings
ƒ Laminar and turbulent analysis pipe flow analysis
ƒ Experiments on airflow rig
ƒ Performance characteristics of pumps and turbines

Text Books, References and Journals:

ƒ Robert L. daugherty, Joseph B. Franzini and e. John Finnemore, fluid Mechanics with
Engineering Applications, McGraw Hill book Company, SI Metric edition 1989
ƒ Dr. p. N. Modi and dr. s. M. Sethi, hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Standard Book House 1995
ƒ D. j. tritton, Physical Fluid Dynaimcs, Second Edition, Clarendon Press, Oxfor 1988
ƒ Dr. Jagadish Lal, hydraulic machines, Metropolitan Co. 1995
Geothermal Energy, Hydrogen fuel and other RETs

Theory: 3 hrs Year : II

Tutorials: 1 hrs Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Geothermal Energy: [8 hrs]

ƒ Introduction
ƒ Geological structure of earth
ƒ Characteristics of high temperature, intermediate temperature and low
temperature geothermal water
ƒ Geothermal Resources
ƒ Temperature of fluids and the respective applications
ƒ Composition of fluids for different locations

Application: [10 hrs]

ƒ Water well terminology: Zone of saturation, ground water, Aquifers, Static
water level, pumping water level
ƒ Water quality testing for : Oxygen, Chlorination, Sulphide species, Carbon
dioxide species, Ammonia species, Sulphatation and their principle effects
ƒ Direct use of system
ƒ Aquifer thermal energy storage system for large scale heating and cooling

Equipment and material: [6 hrs]

ƒ Preference of carbon steel, copper and copper alloys stainless steel,
Aluminum, Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride(CPVC) and Filter Reinforced

Geothermal: [6 hrs]
ƒ Types of Geothermal Resources
ƒ Geothermal Fluids
ƒ Resource Temperature

Long shaft pumps, Submersible pumps, Characteristics of Pumps [6 hr]

ƒ Selection of pumps
ƒ Characteristics of centrifugal pump
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: [4 hrs]
ƒ Introduction
ƒ Global Ocean Thermal Resources
ƒ Key parameters for OTEC plant
ƒ Temperature contours
ƒ OTEC power system
ƒ Salient features of OTEC systems
ƒ Closed cycle OTEC system
ƒ Submarine electric cable
ƒ System costs

Hydrogen Energy: [5 hrs]

ƒ Brief History of Hydrogen
ƒ Introduction
ƒ Current Use of Hydrogen
ƒ Global Production Activities
ƒ Availability of Hydrogen
ƒ Commercial Exploitation
ƒ Future Scope of Hydrogen
ƒ Merit and Demerits of Technical and Economic Condition of Hydrogen
ƒ Present Status of Research and Development of Hydrogen (World Wide)
ƒ Safety means

Laboratory Works:
1. Water quality analysis for a: Temperature b: pH c: Soluble salts d: BOD and COD
(Students are required to be familiar about the test, test principle and procedures but
needn't have hands in experiments)
2. Study of the characteristics of some Hot Springs. ( at site)
3. Study of long shaft, submersible and special application of pump. ( hardware part)

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I

Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: B
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Basic Electrical Engineering: [4 hrs]

ƒ Review of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction-emf and torque production
ƒ Role of resistor, inductor and capacitor in electric circuit
ƒ Concept of active and reactive power and power factor
ƒ Instrument transformer
ƒ Operational amplifier
ƒ Logic Gates

Instrument fundamentals: [4 hrs]

ƒ Function of various components of measuring instruments
ƒ Need of electrical, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic working media and conversion
ƒ Accuracy, Precision, and sensitivity of measuring instruments
ƒ Static error and calibration
ƒ Input impedance and loading effect

Electrical Measurement: [6 hrs]

ƒ Voltmeter and Ammeter: construction, operating principle and their application
ƒ Measurement of resistance , capacitance and inductance
ƒ Wattmeter and energy meter construction, operating principle and their applications
ƒ Frequency meter construction, operating principle
ƒ Power factor and power factor to voltage converter
ƒ Megger and its application for insulation testing and earthing resistance testing

Transducers: [4 hrs]
ƒ Primary and secondary transducer
ƒ Advantage and classification of electrical transducer

Motion and Dimensional Measurements: [6 hrs]

ƒ Measurement of linear and angular displacement- potentiometer
ƒ Measurement of linear velocity- Electromagnetic transducer
ƒ Resistance Strain Gauges and its application
ƒ Eddy-current non contacting transducers and its application
ƒ Digital displacement transducers (Rotary Encoders)
ƒ Speed measurement-DC and AC Tacho-generator, stroboscope

Force Torque and Shaft Power Measurement: [4 hrs]

ƒ Bonded Strain Gauge Transducers
ƒ Piezoelectric Transducers
ƒ Dynamometers for Shaft Power Measurement
Heat flux and Temperature: [4 hrs]
ƒ Electrical resistance thermometer
ƒ Semiconductor thermometer
ƒ Thermistors
ƒ Thermocouple
ƒ Photoconductive transducer
ƒ Digital thermometer

Flow and Pressure Measurement: [6 hrs]

ƒ Velocity Magnitude from Pilot-Static Tube
ƒ Hot-Wire and Hot-Film Anemometers
ƒ Constant Area, Variable Pressure Drop Meters (“Obstruction” Meters)
ƒ Constant Pressure Drop, Variable Area Meters
ƒ Turbine Meters
ƒ Elastic Transducers for pressure measurements

Microprocessor based Instrumentation: [6 hrs]

ƒ Introduction to Microprocessor
ƒ Microprocessor architecture, memory
ƒ Peripheral devices in microprocessor- A/D and D/A converters, multiplexers,
demultiplexers, encoders, decoders
ƒ Examples of microprocessors based

Text book, Reference and Journals:

1. Measurement Systems Application and Design, Earnest O. Doehelin

2. Electrical and electronic measurement and measuring instruments; A.K. Shawney
3. Electrical Measurement and Measuring Devices; E.W. Golding & F.C. Widdid
Manufacturing Process

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Practical: 1.5 hrs Part: A

Selection material for RET System Components: [6 hrs]

ƒ Properties of materials
ƒ Material Selection and testing
ƒ New materials: Plastics, engineering nylon, insulating materials, rubber,

Material Treatment: [9 hrs]

ƒ Heat treatment
ƒ Galvanizing
ƒ Coating: Power coating, paints and varnish
ƒ Treatment against corrosion

Jig Jag Fixtures: [6 hrs]

ƒ Types and application
ƒ Design
Machining : [6 hrs]
ƒ Process done in lathe, milling, sapper, grinding and drilling
ƒ Tools and their application

Welding / Brazing / Soldering & design: [6 hrs]

ƒ Principle
ƒ Types and application in RET system manufacturing
ƒ Newly developed process like TIG, MIG etc
ƒ Required tools and materials; cold temperature welding, hard surfacing by
metal spraying

Casting and pattern making: [3 hrs]

ƒ Casting methods, lost wax method of casting
ƒ Design of patterns and casting
Forging / Pressing & design consideration: [6 hrs]
ƒ Application, punching, stapling, bending, corrugation
ƒ Standard methods
ƒ Designs

Quality Checks and control/ standards: [3 hrs]

ƒ Fits and Tolerance

Laboratory Exercises:
1. Galvanizing of MS
2. Welding: Cast iron, Non ferrous materials
3. Making of steel pipes like penstock by welding
4. Casting turbine blades after pattern making by using lost wax method
5. Design jig to drill several holes in a specified component
Micro Hydro Power
Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II
Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Introduction and Overview of MHP Development: [3 hrs]

ƒ Introduction of MHP, general hydro power classification, growth, components of
MHP, system design of MHP

Turbines for MHP: [10 hrs]

ƒ Groups of impulse and reaction turbines, turbines types, selection of turbine,
estimate of approximate runner diameter, partflow efficiency of various turbines,
partflow system efficiency, specific speed

MHP Survey and System Design Procedure: [10 hrs]

ƒ Survey: hydrology, sedimentology, load survey, water rights, local material
selection, geology, plant layout and alignment survey
ƒ Civil works: head works, desanding basin, headrace, forebay, daily pondage basin,
penstock, power house
ƒ MHP system design

MHP Electrical Power: [10 hrs]

ƒ Generators, governor, load controllers, automatic voltage regulator, protection
system, current cutout and metering, transformer, transmission and distribution
ƒ Basic electricity, design of supply system, synchronous generators, induction
generators, switchgear and protection, distribution

MHP Performance: [4 hrs]

ƒ Quality of electricity, reliability of electricity, efficiency of turbines

Financial Evaluation: [3 hrs]

ƒ Unit energy cost and net income, net present value, internal rate of return, payback
period, financial credit and interest, cash flow analysis, tariff setting

Production Uses Promotion and strategy for MHP based Electrification: [5 hrs]
ƒ Introduction, targets, primary and secondary users, ownership structure,
organization of MHP, concept of mini local grids

Laboratory works:

ƒ Performance characteristics of various turbines

ƒ Part load efficiency study on Crossflow turbine
ƒ Experiments on multi purpose teaching flumes
ƒ Head losses at bends and elbows
ƒ Study of different components of water turbine and generator
ƒ Experiments on Peltric set
ƒ Study of live electrical power generation and distribution
ƒ Head and stream-flow measurements at site
ƒ Site visits on running and failure micro hydro power plants (case study
Text Books, references and Journals:

ƒ Alex Alter, harnessing Water Power on a Small Scale, SKAT, Switzerland 1990
ƒ Win Hulscher and Peter Frankel, The Power Guide, Second Edition, Intermediate
Technology Publications 1994
ƒ Adam Harvey, Micro Hydro Design Manual, Intermediate Technology Publications
ƒ Allen R. Inversin, Micro Hydro Source Book, NRECA International Foundation,
Washington, D.C. 1986
ƒ Manuals on MHP for Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance and Repair,
Operation and Management, ICIMOD 1999
ƒ Proceedings of International Conference on Role of Renewable Energy Technology
for Rural Development (RETRUD-98), IOE/AEPC/NSES 1998
ƒ Journal of Renewable Energy, Elservier, Amsterdam
Project Planning and Management

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: 1

Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: II

Introduction to Project Management: [4 hrs]

ƒ Concept of cycle of project
ƒ Project identification, formulation, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation

Project Planing, Identification and Formulation: [5 hrs]

ƒ Preparation of opportunity studies
ƒ Feasibility study and detailed Project design
ƒ Resource mobilization
ƒ Project origination

Project implementation: [16 hrs]

ƒ Budgeting method, Cost estimating
ƒ Scheduling Techniques (PERT/CPM)
ƒ Resource allocation
ƒ Resource Loading and resource leveling
ƒ Possible sources of delay in project(time-cost overruns)
ƒ Project monitoring and information systems
ƒ Planning- monitoring-controlling cycle
ƒ Information needs and Reporting process

Project Control: [10 hrs]

ƒ Purpose of monitoring
ƒ Types of monitoring process
ƒ Design of control systems
ƒ Legal system

Project Evaluation, Auditing and Marketing: [10 hrs]

ƒ Purpose of evaluation
ƒ Project auditing systems
ƒ Benefit monitoring and auditing system techniques
ƒ Impact assessment
ƒ Project audit life cycle
ƒ Gender issues
ƒ Enterprenurship development
ƒ Administration
ƒ Marketing
Research Methodology

Lecture: 2 hrs Year: II

Tutorial: - 1 hrs Part: A

Introduction: [1 hrs]
ƒ Objective of research,
ƒ Types of research,
ƒ Research methods and criteria of good research,
ƒ Problems encountered by researchers.

Research problem: [1 hrs]

ƒ Research problems,
ƒ Definition of problem,
ƒ Techniques involved in defining the problem

Research design and protocal: [2 hrs]

ƒ Need for research design,
ƒ Research designs,
ƒ Experimental designs
ƒ Simulation design

Sampling design: [4 hrs]

ƒ Steps in sampling design
ƒ Characteristics of good design
ƒ Random sampling
ƒ Complex random sample designs
ƒ Sampling distributions, Limit theorem, Estimation

Measurements and scaling techniques: [4 hrs]

ƒ Measurement scales
ƒ Source of error in measurement
ƒ Scaling techniques

Methods of data collection: [2 hrs]

ƒ Types of data interviews, questionnaires, and surveys
ƒ Participatory rural appraisal
ƒ Rapid rural appraisal

Processing and analysis of data: [4 hrs]

ƒ Problems in processing,
ƒ Control techniques,
ƒ Dispersion skewness,
ƒ Regression analysis,
ƒ Multiple correlation.

Testing of hypotheses: [4 hrs]

ƒ Procedure of hypothesis testing,
ƒ Testing the equality of variance3s,
ƒ Hypothesis testing of correlation coefficients,
ƒ Limitations of test of hypothesis,
ƒ Characteristics of distribution free or Non-parametric tests, Superman’s and
Kendall’s test.
Chi-Square Tests:
ƒ Condition for chi-square tests, Properties and Characteristics, Limitations

Analysis of variance and C0-variance: [4 hrs]

ƒ Short-cut method,
ƒ Coding method,
ƒ Two ways AVONA,
ƒ Assumption in AVONACOVA

Multiple analysis techniques: [1 hrs]

ƒ Multivariate techniques, Factor analysis and Path analysis

Interpretation and report writing: [1 hrs]

ƒ Techniques of interpretation,
ƒ Limitation and precaution in interpretation,
ƒ Significance of report writing,
ƒ Steps in writing report,
ƒ Layout of research report,
ƒ Precaution for wring reports
ƒ Oral presentations

Application of research methods in RETs, as a minor course work: [2 hrs]

ƒ Proposal writing
ƒ Research proposal
ƒ Project proposal

Text book, Reference and Journals:

1. Kotheri C.R, Research Methodology. Methods and Techniques, Wily Eastern Limited,
!987 (latest edition Preferred)
2. Rosenberg K.M. Statistics for behavioral Sciences, Wm. C. Brown Publishers,1 990
3. Wilkinson, T.S. ET. Al., Methodology and Techniques of social Research, Himalaya
Publishing House, 1979
Solar Photovoltaic Technology

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Solar Radiation: [10 hrs]

ƒ Electromagnetic spectrum
ƒ Variation of extraterrestrial Radiation
ƒ Solar and equation of time
ƒ Prediction of solar radiation
ƒ Computation of radiation on horizontal and inclined surfaces
ƒ Measurements of diffuse, global and direct solar radiation.

Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Conversion: [10 hrs]

ƒ Semiconductor materials, P-N junction, absorption in semiconductors
ƒ Principles of solar cells including homojunctions and hoterojunctions
ƒ Manufacturing of solar cells
ƒ Metallurgical and silicon grade solar cells
ƒ Single crystal wafers/cells
ƒ Modules and arrays
ƒ Cell operating temperature,
ƒ Durability
ƒ Introduction to design of solar cells
ƒ Solarcell’s equivent circuits, short circuit photo current, open circuit photo voltage,
fill factorand efficiency

Modern Solar Cell Technology: [3 hrs]

ƒ Thin film technology
ƒ Polycrystalline silicon
ƒ Thin film solar cells (Amorphous polycrystalline including, Si:H, Cu(InGa)Se2 and
CdTe )
ƒ Epitaxial films including GaAs modern solar cells.
Concentrating systems: [4 hrs]
ƒ Solar cells for concentrated sunlight systems
ƒ Ideal concentrators
ƒ Tracking concentrators
ƒ Concentrators cell design
ƒ Ultra high efficiency systems
ƒ Single junction devices
ƒ Multijunction devices
ƒ System sizing

Balance of systems: [10 hrs]

ƒ DC to AC, DC to DC converters
ƒ Electronic ballast
ƒ Power conditioning devices
ƒ Charge controllers
ƒ Electronic tracking systems
ƒ Energy storage systems (different types of batteries and their characteristics)

System Design and Application of Photovoltaic Systems: [3 hrs]

ƒ Stand alone and centralized power systems
ƒ Grid connected systems for residences
ƒ Water pumping
ƒ Water purification
ƒ Satellite solar power

Socio-economic Analysis: [5 hrs]

ƒ Economic assessment of PV power system
ƒ Payback periods
ƒ LCC, PWF, EIA and safety of PV systems
ƒ Production and recycling
ƒ Integration PV into future energy systems.
Project Assignment:
Laboratory Works:
1 Characteristics of Different Photovoltaic Cells.
2 Characteristics of Photovoltaic Module
3 Series and parallel arrangements of Photovoltaic Modules
4 Effect of temperature on performance of given Photovoltaic Modules
6 Effect of tracking performance of given Photovoltaic Modules
7 Two field-visits and report writing
[Experiments could be modified as per the need and availability of the equipment]

Text book, Reference and Journals:

1. Photovoltaic Power Generation, Pulfrey, D. L., 1978
2. Solar Cell for Photovoltaic Generation of Electricity, 1979
3. Solar cells, Green M.A. 1992
4. Relevents recent articles published in professional journals
5. Solar Engineering, D. Goswami, 1999
Solar Thermal Technology

Lecture : 3 hrs Year: II

Tutorial : 1 hr Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Solar Radiation: [4 hrs]

ƒ Sun and Solar Constant
ƒ Spectral Distribution of Extraterrestrial Radiation
ƒ Variation of Extraterrestrial Radiation Definitions of Solar Time
ƒ Solar Constant
ƒ Ratio of Beam Radiation on Tiled Surface to that on Horizontal Surface
ƒ Extraterrestrial Radiation on Horizontal Surface

Available Solar Radiation: [4 hrs]

ƒ Attenuation of Solar Radiation by Atmosphere
ƒ Estimation of Average Solar Radiation
ƒ Estimation of Clear Sky Radiation
ƒ Distribution of Clear and Cloudy Days and Hours
ƒ Beam and Diffuse Component of Hourly Radiation
ƒ Beam and Diffuse Component of Daily Radiation
ƒ Beam and Diffuse Component of Monthly Average Radiation
ƒ Total Radiation on Fixed Sloped Surfaces
ƒ Movement of Earth on its orbit, Azimuth and Inclinations

Heat Transfer: [4 hrs]

ƒ The Electro magnetic Spectrum
ƒ Revision of the fundamentals of radiation
ƒ Heat transfer viz. - Plank's law and wien's Displacement law. Stefen - Boltzmann
ƒ Radiation tables.
ƒ Sky Radiation
ƒ Measurement of Surface Radiation Properties
ƒ Selective Surfaces

Radiation Transmission through Cores and Absorption by Collectors: [5 hrs]

ƒ Optical properties of cores systems.
ƒ Reflection and Absorption of Radiation
ƒ Transmittance for different radiation
ƒ Transmittance Absorptance product
ƒ Spectral Dependence on Transmission
ƒ Effect of surface layers on Transmission
ƒ Absorbed Solar Radiation

Flat Plate Solar Collectors: [4 hrs]

ƒ Construction,
ƒ Basic Energy Equation
ƒ Overall Heat Transfer
ƒ Temperature Distribution Between Tables and collector Efficiency Factor
ƒ Heat Removal and Flow Factors
ƒ Effective Transmittance Absorptance Product
ƒ Heat Capacity Effects
ƒ Collector Performance Standard

Concentrating Collectors: [4 hrs]

ƒ Collector Configurations
ƒ Thermal Performance

Solar Water Heating Systems: [2 hrs]

ƒ Natural Circulation Systems
ƒ Forced Circulation Systems
ƒ Economics of Solar Water Heating Systems
ƒ Solar Water Heaters for sun Zero temperature regions

Solar Heating: [4 hrs]

ƒ Fundamentals of Solar Heating System Using Solar Water Heaters
ƒ Heating System Simulation
ƒ Architectural Considerations
ƒ Calculation of Heating Loads
ƒ The f- chart Method for Air and Water Systems.

Passive Solar Heating: [4 hrs]

ƒ Passive Solar Heating Fundamentals
ƒ Direct Gain
ƒ Storage Walls - Roofs
ƒ Greenhouses
ƒ Solar Load Ratio Design Method
ƒ Resistance Network Design Method

Solar Cooling: [4 hrs]

ƒ Solar operated Absorption Refrigeration System and its limitations

Shallow Solar Power Collector:

ƒ Collector performance
ƒ Application and economy of SSPC

Application and economy of solar thermal system: [2 hrs]

ƒ Application
ƒ Economy and cost of energy

Text book, Reference and Journals:

1. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes by John A. Duffie

William A Bukman
John Wiley and Sons.
ISBN 0-471-05066-0
2. Solar Thermal Technical Hand Book Part A & Part B
Edited by William C. Dickinson
Paul N. Cheremisinoff
ISBN 0-8247-6927-9
System Mathematics

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: I

Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: A

Linear system, Non linear system and stability: [12 hrs]

ƒ Introduction
ƒ Solution of linear system by elimination using differential operator
ƒ Solution of system by Laplace Transform
ƒ Non – linear systems phase plane, critical path and stability

Mathematical Programming / Optimization Techniques: [15 hrs]

ƒ Linear programming, integral programming, network analysis, Dynamic
Programming, Non linear programming, Quadratic Programming, Geometric
ƒ Probabilistic methods such as Markov Chain, Decision Analysis, Reliability,
Simulation, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Techniques

Computer and Application software: [18 hrs]

ƒ Review: Introduction to computer system: Word processing, spread sheets etc.
ƒ Simple programming in Visual Basic
ƒ Simple web site design: HTML, Execution of HTML files
ƒ Presentation software: Feature and application, presentation in MS-Power Point with
animation features.
ƒ Database and Information; Importance of Database, Information from raw data,
Management by information, Presentation of Database in MS-Access
ƒ Statistical Analysis; Importance of statistical analysis, feature of SPSS and use in
statistical analysis
ƒ Geographical Information System; Importance of GIS in RET, Data acquisition and
analysis using GIS
ƒ Energy Management System (EMS): Feature and application, project.
System Integration

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Practical: 1.5hrs Part: A

Example Applications of Integrated Systems: [5 hrs]

ƒ Heating and cooling of buildings
ƒ Village power systems
Simulation of Integrated Systems: [10 hrs]
ƒ Modeling of solar thermal systems
ƒ Modeling of solar PV systems
ƒ Modeling of biofuel systems
ƒ Modeling of microhydro systems
ƒ Modeling of electrical generators, including cogeneration
ƒ Modeling of thermo-mechanical components (heat exchangers, pumps, etc.)
ƒ Modeling of building thermal behavior
ƒ Putting it all together
Optimization Methods: [14 hrs]
ƒ Variational calculus
ƒ Optimization of unconstrained and constrained problems using Lagrangian techniques
ƒ Gradient search methods
ƒ SIMPLEX and COMPEX methods
Optimization Exercise: [8 hrs]
ƒ Identify thermal system for optimization exercise (e.g., biofuel and solar thermal, building
design for heating and cooling, solar assisted heat pump)
ƒ Application of optimization and simulation methods to design and/or operation
Design of Integrated Village Power Systems: [12 hrs]
ƒ Resource and load estimations
ƒ Optimization objective function: initial and operating costs
ƒ Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER) for design analysis
ƒ Case study
Laboratory Works:
ƒ Use of computer simulations
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Lecture: 2 hrs Year: I

Tutorial: 1 hr Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Thermodynamics: [6hrs]
ƒ Review of First law of Thermodynamics for control mass and control volume system
ƒ Review of Second law of thermodynamics for control mass and control volume
ƒ Energy (availability) – Available and non available energy of a system and
surrounding atmosphere
ƒ Minimum destruction of energy in a process
ƒ Heat engine cycles and cycle efficiency: Rankine, Carnot, Diesel, Mixed, Otto,
Brayton, Gas turbineand Stirling cycles
Heat Transfer: [4hrs]
ƒ Modes of heat transfer
ƒ Conduction: Fourier’s law
ƒ Convection: Free convection, Forced convection, Rayleigh number, Reynolds
number, Nusselt number
ƒ Radiation: Plank’s law, radiation in vacuum, radiation through gas
ƒ Application of heat transfer, Heat exchangers, Solar thermal devices

Combustion: [8hrs]
ƒ Introduction to combustion process
ƒ Combustion equation, stoichiometry, heating values
ƒ Flames: types, structure and propagation
ƒ Quenching and explosion hazards, flammability limits
ƒ Combustion of solid liquid and gas fuels

Combustion engine and emission control [12 hrs]

ƒ Working of spark ignition engines, combustion ignition engine, sterling engine, steam
turbine and gas turbine
ƒ Pollutant emission, effects of pollutants, emission from pre-mixed combustion and
non-premixed combustion, emission control measures.

1. Determination of the calorific values of fuels

2. Analysis of heat pumps
3. Advanced experiments on Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
4. Analysis of heat transfer of different types of heat exchangers
5. Emission testing of SI and CI engines
6. Study of packaged boilers (Site visit)

Text book, Reference and Journals:

1. E Rathakrishnan; Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics

Printice-Hall of India (P.) Ltd, New Delhi
2. Z. Warhalf, An introduction to Thermo-fluid Engineering; the engine and the atmosphere
Cambridge University Press, 1997
3. J.B.Jones and R.E.Dugan; Engineering Thermodynamics
Printice-Hall of India (P.) Ltd, New Delhi
4. Stephen R. Turns; An Introduction to Combustion: Concept and Applications
McGraw Hill inc., 1966
5. Web sites;,,
6. Journal; Combustion Science and Technology
7. Journal; Combustion and Flame
Wind Energy Technology
Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II
Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Introduction: [5 hrs]
ƒ History of wind power plant
ƒ The use of wind power, energy budgets, wind resources, demand and climate
ƒ Wind power applications systems – wind power for large and small scale utilization,
water pumping, grinding and electricity

Wind Energy Resource Analysis: [6 hrs]

ƒ Global wind circulation, wind speed characteristics, measuring the wind speed, wind
direction, wind shear, turbulence, site survey, anemometers and recorders and site
ƒ Average speed, energy pattern factor, frequency spectrum

Wind Machine Fundamentals: [10 hrs]

ƒ Wind machine characteristics, wind machine performance, types of machines,
savonious rotor, darrieous rotor, multiblade form wind mills, high speed rotors,
enhanced-performance machines, choosing a suitable wind machines

Wind Energy System Design: [10 hrs]

ƒ Aerodynamic design, blade loads, blade construction, flutter and fatigue
ƒ Tower or structure design (lattice, tube, welding, cyclones)
ƒ Generator (permanent magnet, induction, synchronous)
ƒ Controller (remote, grid) governor, yaw control, shut off controls, tail
ƒ safety by design, working on live turbines, cyclones, maintenance

Wind Power Systems: [6 hrs]

ƒ Wind water pumping systems
ƒ Wind electric systems, generators and transmissions, storage devices, inverters
ƒ Wind farming
ƒ Installation, lighting protection
ƒ Environmental considerations

Wind Power Economics: [2 hrs]

ƒ Value added benefits, land rental, employment, tourists, conservation, power factor
correction, grid support, fuel/water saving, economical design of wind power

Legal Issues: [2 hrs]

ƒ Legal and social issues (noise, aesthetics and others)

Perspective of wind Power in Developing Countries: [3 hrs]

ƒ Introduction, geographical condition, wind power potential, climatological data,
wind mapping, available manpower, connection with national grid
Laboratory works:

ƒ Use of measuring instruments: pitot tube, inclined tube manometer, anemometer,

orifice plate meter for wind
ƒ Dispersion of a jet
ƒ Boundary layer growth in wind pipe flow
ƒ Head losses at bends and elbows in wind tunnel
ƒ Study of lift and drag forces on wind blades
ƒ Study of different components of wind turbine and generator Study of performance
characteristics curves for wind machines
ƒ Gear and mechanical power transmission in wind energy generator

Text Books, references and Journals:

ƒ T. B. Yahansoon, H. Kelly, A.K.N. Reddy, and R. H. Williams (Editors),

Renewable Energy Resources for Electricity and Fuels, Islands Press, Washington
D. C.
ƒ Jack park, The Wind Power Book, Cheshire Books, Palo alto, California 1981
ƒ Dennis L., Catch the Wind, four Wind Press 1976
ƒ Gipe, Wind Energy Comes of Age, john Wiley 1996
ƒ Falkner H. and Fawkes J.F., History of the Marlec Wind Turbine, Proceedings of the
1994 sixteenth BWEA Conference 1994
ƒ Journal of Renewable Energy, Elservier, Amsterdam
ƒ Wind Power Monthly, Knebel, Denmark
Wood Energy Technology

Lecture: 3 hrs Year: II

Tutorial: 1 hrs Part: A
Practical: 1.5 hrs

Wood Fuel related Terminology and General Introduction: [9hrs]

ƒ General introduction to traditional biomass fuel (Historical background, share of
biomass fuel in energy balance, resource identification, fuel in global energy

Wood Fuel resources: [10 hrs]

ƒ Forest-Land Production System
ƒ Forest (Public, community and private/household), Forests and Tree Plantations of
different types (block plantation, public, private and leased lands)
ƒ Public, Private/leasehold, community ownership Forests and Village wood Plots
(community managed natural forests, scrub lands, block plantations owned/managed
by local communities, user group etc.)
ƒ Non-Forest Land Based Production System
ƒ Naturally grown trees in private plots/farms/household / homergardens
ƒ Planted trees in farms, homesteads and home gardens
ƒ Wood waste and by-products from forest industries
ƒ Recovered wood from old construction/furniture/packing materials, drift wood and

Wood Energy Flow: [10 hrs]

ƒ Wood Fuel harvesting/collection and preparation/conversion/bundling
ƒ Wood fuel transportation (loading and unloading and transportation)
ƒ Wood fuel distribution and marketing (harvesters/collectors/gatherers / retailers /
wholesalers/transporters, pricing mechanisms)
ƒ Wood energy resource assessment (potential and productivity, scope for forest
resource development, energy plantation, community forestry and fuelwood strategy.
ƒ Policy and planning (National policies and regulations on wood energy development,
role of private sector, NGOs, CBOs, GOs)

Wood fuel Conversion (wood fuel in secondary and final energy form): [8 hrs]
ƒ Charcoal making
ƒ Gasification, (low cost small-scale) gasifier
ƒ Cogeneration of heat and power
ƒ Dendro-thermal power (wood alcohol)

Wood Fuel Conservation and Efficient Utilization Practical Classes: [8 hrs]

ƒ Improved technology for charcoal making and utilization
ƒ ICS for household applications (Domestic cook stove for fuel wood and charcoal use)
ƒ Improved technology for industrial/commercial applications (includes all traditional
wood-fuel based industrial and commercial applications)
ƒ Modern technology for commercial wood energy development (including
gasification, co-generation and dendro-thermal power generation), Hybrid system


USAID Nepal Project
Brief Nepal Trip Report

Allen M. Hermann, Professor of Physics, Univ of Colorado and Mohan Dangi, Consultant

Hightlights of visit to Nepal

December 18, 2000: Mohan Dangi toured the facility of IOE campuses including Mechanical
Engineering labs and laid some ground works for Professor Hermann's visit.

December 26, 2000: Mohan re-visited CES and met with CES Director and other energy experts
at IOE campuses.

Professor Hermann’s Trip Schedule: Departure from U.S.: 12/25/00

Return to U.S.: 1/11/01

December 27, 2000: Professor Hermann arrived KTM.

Several meetings were held at CES in Kathmandu. A complete study of the engineering
curriculum was undertaken with special emphasis on Solid State and Photovoltaic Devices. A
series of lectures on photovoltaics was given at CES by Professor Hermann.

December 28, 2000: Prof. Hermann and Dangi jointly met with CES staffs and energy experts.

December 31, 2000: Full visit of IOE campuses and engineering labs including construction sites
of ZEH, and Energy Park both by Dangi and Hermann. Later on the day, round table discussion
of the curriculum was carried, where Dangi and Hermann assisted the energy experts with the
curriculum design of MSREE.

January 2, 2001: A 3-hour seminar on "Materials for Thin-film Photovoltaic Devices Mechanism,
Theory, and Materials Present and Future" was given by Professor Hermann. Dangi addressed
the audiences with the updates of UCB/TU project at the end.

January 3, 2001: Professor Hermann and Mohan Dangi Left for Pokhara and visited solar project
in Dhading district.

January 4, 2001: Visited Western Region Engineering College in Pokhara and had a meeting with
campus staffs.

January 6, 2001: Toured the solar telephone and lighting facilites at the Royal Chitawan National

January 11, 2001: Professor Hermann returned to the U.S.

January 17-18, 2001: Dangi met with CES staff, Tony Carvahlo of USAID, and other energy
experts to wrap up the visit.
Agenda for Mr. Bhattarai’s Visit

Curriculum Development for

Renewable Energy Technologies (RET)
University of Colorado at Boulder (UCB)
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Center for Energy Studies

UCB/TU Exchange Schedule

24 May 1:40 pm Depart Kathmandu

25 May 10:15 pm Arrive Washington D.C.
30 May 9:00 am Depart Washington D.C.
30 May 10:44 am Arrive Denver. Brandemuehl meets at airport. Meetings with faculty and
tours of Engineering Center. Hotel reservations at College Inn.
6:30 pm Dinner with Dangi and Warnock to finalize agenda for visit.
31 May 10:00 am Curriculum and laboratory discussions at UCB. Tour of UCB facilities.
Demonstration of field monitoring and data acquisition system.
2:45 pm Meet with Jerry Peterson, Asst. Vice Chancellor for Research
1 Jun 7:30 am Visit Rocky Mountain National Park
2:00 pm Presentation by student on design and analysis of remote power systems
for Rocky Mountain National Park.
4:00 pm Depart CU for Crestone, CO
2 Jun Travel in Colorado
3 Jun 12:00 pm Graduation party at Brandemuehl home
Evening Social gathering with members of local Nepalese community
4 Jun Visit to NREL, meet with thermal/buildings researchers, tour National
Wind Technology Center.
3:00 pm Meet with Prof. Shelly Miller in Mechanical Engineering
5 Jun 10:00 am Meet with NREL International Programs personnel.
Tour NREL facilities: Solar Energy Research Facility, Thermal Test
Facility, Outdoor Test Facility, Alternative Fuels User Facility
Evening Meet for dinner in Denver
6 Jun Discussions at UCB. Laboratory experiments and equipment, future
Evening Travel to Central City
7 Jun Free time (Brandemuehl leaves at 10:00 am for three-week trip)
8 Jun, 6:00 am Depart Denver. Dangi will deliver to airport.
10 Jun, 12:35 pm Arrive Kathmandu
Agenda for Prof. Jagan Nath Shrestha’s Visit

Curriculum Development for

Renewable Energy Technologies
University of Colorado at Boulder
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Center for Energy Studies

UCB/TU Exchange Schedule, August 2001

31 Jul 1:40 pm Depart Kathmandu, Thai #320

6:10 pm Arrive Bangkok
1 Aug 8:00 am Depart Bangkok, Thai #600
11:45 am Arrive Hong Kong
12:45 pm Depart Hong Kong, United #2
11:05 am Arrive Los Angeles
3:00 pm Depart Los Angeles, United #434
6:15 pm Arrive Denver
2 Aug 9:00 am Jade Mountain
10:30 am Visit M V Systems
1:00 pm Visit NREL, tour PV laboratories
2:30 pm Meet with Mark Fitzgerald, Institute for Sustainable Power
7:00 pm Dinner with Brandemuehl, Warnock, Dangi, Hermann
3 Aug Meetings at CU to discuss partnership activities, curriculum issues,
faculty exchanges, and follow-on opportunities
Meeting with Jerry Peterson
Visit CU laboratories
Mangala Shrestha seminar
4 Aug Free time
5 Aug 9:20 am Depart Denver, United #1528
2:37 pm Arrive Washington/Dulles
14 Aug 6:30 am Depart Washington/Dulles, United #399
8:10 am Arrive Denver
9:05 am Depart Denver, United #1627
10:36 am Arrive Los Angeles
2:30 pm Depart Los Angeles, Thai #775
11:20 pm Arrive Bangkok
19 Aug 10:30 am Depart Bangkok, Thai #319
12:35 pm Arrive Kathmandu
Visit by Profs. Hermann and Brandemuehl
Curriculum Development for Renewable Energy Technologies
University of Colorado at Boulder
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Engineering, Center for Energy Studies

Tuesday, 21 May
12:35 pm Arrive in Kathmandu on flight TG319
Wednesday, 22 May
10:30 am Meet with Shrestha at CES
Preliminary Discussions: Agenda, Proposal, Wenisch, Siemens,
Curriculum, Field studies
Tours of ZEB and Energy Park
Thursday, 23 May
10:00 am Seminars Hermann and Brandemuehl (Solar Decathlon)
Tours of Laboratories. Review of student work in 1st semester.
Friday, 24 May
10:00 Seminar: Brandemuehl (Simulation)
Afternoon Depart for Royal Chitwan National Park
Saturday, 25 May
Touring at Royal Chitwan National Park
Sunday, 26 May
Return to Kathmandu.
Monday, 27 May
Final discussion
Tuesday, 28 May
10:00 am Meet with Tony Carvallo
Meet with other governmental agencies?
Wednesday, 29 May
Shopping and touring in Kathmandu valley.
Thursday, 30 May
Morning Final discussions:
1:40 pm Depart Kathmandu on Flight TG320
Discussion Items:
Proposal to USAID for follow-on work
Plan for Joe Wenisch. Integration with follow-on work. Teaching in MSREE program.
Involvement with field work in remote villages.
Siemens donation.
Field studies in second year of curriculum. Role of CU. Integration with follow-on
Plans for Shrestha visit in August. Airline reservations. Hotel payments. Integration with
solar conference and other travels.
Stirling engine shipment.
Proposal Ideas:
High technology approach: get Nepal to develop thin film PV technology and
manufacturing. Send student to US for PhD or NREL training. Purrchase
equipment for manufacturing or prototyping.
Low technology development and transfer to village assistance and economic
Joint funding between USAID and Nepali government.

Renewable Energy Technologies in Nepal

Speaker: Jagan Nath Shrestha

Professor - Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Tribhuvan University
Director - Center for Energy Studies, Institute of Engineering,
Tribhuvan University
President - Nepal Solar Energy Society

Can renewable energy technologies (RET) deliver our energy needs, not only in
significant amounts and at affordable prices, but also in the right forms, at the
right times, and in the right places? In Nepal, the existing knowledge of RET is
limited. Consequently, we are facing several obstacles in implementing RET,
such as, inadequate documentation in the past, non-existence of policies and
institutions for commercialization of RET, high initial cost of some of the RET
systems, insufficient number of experts in designing and manufacturing such
systems, and inadequate donor funding in renewable energy.

The development of RET will be significant if we can resolve issues such as

strategic planning, coherent national policy making, economical and reliable
technology, institutionalization of the technology transfer process, incentives such
as tax credits and subsidies, testing and certification facilities, motivation for
investing in RET enterprises, and production of skilled personnel.

Joint Center for Energy Management

Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado at Boulder
Lecture 1

Thin-film Photovoltaic/Thermophotovoltaic Devices

Mechanisms, Theory, and Materials

Allen M Hermann
Dept. of Physics


A description of photovoltaic and thermophotovoltaic cells is given. The

mechanisms of operation are described in detail from solid-state physics principles, and

discussion of spectral matching to irradiation sources is given. Viable thin-film absorber

alternatives (amorphous silicon, CdTe, CuInSe2) are described, and their deposition into

high efficiency devices is described. Chemical and physical vapor deposition

technologies are analyzed, and state-of-the-art cells are described. Costing aspects and

prospects for market penetration are projected, and opportunities for commercial

fabrication in underdeveloped countries are discussed.

Lecture 2

Materials for Thin-film Photovoltaic/Thermophotovoltaic Devices:

Present and Future

Allen M Hermann
Dept. of Physics

Thin-film technologies for photovoltaic and thermophotovoltaic devices are

described. A brief description of the principles of operation of these devices is given, and

amorphous silicon and polycrystalline compound-semiconductor thin films used in these

devices are described. Deposition technologies are outlined, and champion cell results

are presented. Today’s market for commercial thin-film devices is discussed and options

from various manufacturers are presented. Opportunities for future development of thin-

film devices are discussed, and possibilities for technical and industrial development in

this exciting field are analyzed with particular emphasis on those in underdeveloped


Computer Simulation for Analysis of

Renewable Energy Systems

Speaker: Michael Brandemuehl

Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering


Computer modeling and simulation tools are commonly used to predict the performance and
assist in the design of renewable energy equipment and systems. Mathematical models have been
developed to describe the performance of individual equipment. These models can be combined
with models and information about system loads and weather to perform detailed hour-by-hour
simulations of integrated system operation to predict annual performance. The results of these
detailed simulations can also be used to generate simplified methods to predict monthly
performance. This seminar will demonstrate several such detailed and simplified computer
programs for analysis of renewable energy systems.

Solar Decathlon: A Zero Energy Building


Speaker: Michael Brandemuehl

Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering


Students at the University of Colorado are participating in a national competition among

fourteen university student teams to design, build, and operate a small home powered
exclusively by solar energy. Each team will construct its house on the National Mall in
Washington, D.C., in front of the U.S. Capitol, in September 2002. This seminar describes the
design and expected performance of our zero energy building.

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