(Building A Powerful Church To Thrive in A Time of Crisis) 08 - The Apostolic: Imparting Spiritual Sight

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MAY 20TH 2009

Prophetic Brief
Insight and Analysis for the 21st Century

Building a Powerful Church to Thrive in a Time

of Crisis – Part 8
The Apostolic: Imparting Spiritual Sight
When you look at the financial crisis, what The international environment is complex
2 Kings 6:8-12 do you see? What is your perception of and multilayered yet the prophetic
where the global Church is right now in dimension resident within Elisha was able
Now the king of Aram was at war God’s timetable? Do you see any tie in to cut through the economic, military and
between the developmental pathway for security interests of two warring nations
with Israel. After conferring with the Church and what is happening in the and bring clear requirements and
his officers, he said, "I will set up my crisis? These are important questions as boundaries to each, thus achieving peace.
we examine the key issues of building a The only supranational force with the
camp in such and such a place." 9
powerful church that can thrive in a time of ethical foundation required to produce a
The man of God sent word to the crisis, because nothing is more important just international peace is the Kingdom of
king of Israel: "Beware of passing than spiritual sight. One of the primary God. The issues surrounding Elisha’s
things we are called to do as leaders is to prophetic insight are very relevant to the
that place, because the Arameans help the people have correct systems of world of the 21st Century. Military troop
are going down there." 10 So the perceptions; that was the focus on Paul movemen ts, eco nomi c chao s, the
and the early apostolic company. requirement for correct national
king of Israel checked on the place leadership, ethical treatment of prisoners
indicated by the man of God. Time 2 Corinthians 4:16 -18 of war – these are the problems that
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though concern nations and must be addressed
and again Elisha warned the king, so by a vigorous and renewed prophetic
outwardly we are wasting away, yet
that he was on his guard in such dimension.
inwardly we are being renewed day by
places. 11 This enraged the king of day. 17 For our light and momentary It must be noted that the capacity resident
Aram. He summoned his officers troubles are achieving for us an eternal in Elisha is also meant to find expression
in the lives of every believer as we deal
and demanded of them, "Will you glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So
with crisis. Though our lives may be
not tell me which of us is on the we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but under siege by lost 401K’s, job loss, lack
on what is unseen. For what is seen is of health insurance and failing health we
side of the king of Israel?" 12
temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. must be confident that God is never
"None of us, my lord the king," said (NIV) caught by surprise, neither is He ever left
one of his officers, "but Elisha, the without a solution. There is resource
available and proximate that will bring us
prophet who is in Israel, tells the There is unseen architecture to the
through, if we focus upon the correct,
universe, something behind the obvious,
king of Israel the very words you determining and authoritative reality-the
which we must focus our attention on and
unseen. It is such a spiritual philosophy of
speak in your bedroom." (NIV) seek to understand. The fifth
authentic faith which expresses itself in
characteristic of churches which are
every area of our lives that enables us to
joined in purpose to the apostolic
2 Kings 6:15-17 reformation is a greater demand to see
keep moving forward, despite the
beyond the shapes of the natural into
When the servant of the man of the intents and mind of God. As things
These issues certainly cannot be
get shaken in the temporal / natural realm,
God got up and went out early the our faith and perception must be anchored
addressed solely from a ministry platform
anchored in a prophetic gifting propelled
next morning, an army with horses in eternal reality which is unshakeable;
by a blessing mentality or in an
spiritual sight produces a people who are
and chariots had surrounded the occasional, spontaneous anointing. We
strong and who do not become
need a prophetic dimension that defines
city. "Oh, my lord, what shall we discouraged or fearful. We must focus on
architecture for advance in the midst of
do?" the servant asked. 16 "Don't the unseen or invisible, or we will be a
challenging, complex circumstances, a
people of insubstantial faith, incapable of
be afraid," the prophet answered. divine outflow that brings us true sight. An
impacting the earth or overcoming life
accurate prophetic dimension is
"Those who are with us are more reversals.
concerned with designing and executing
than those who are with them." 17 accurate human life. Modern prophets
In 2 Kings Chapter 6 Elisha was
must speak from principled positions that
And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open apparently under siege by the Syrian
tap deeply into the nature and character of
army. From the natural the circumstance
his eyes so he may see." Then the is dyer and distressing. However because
God. Let us more closely examine 4
components of the prophetic dimension
LORD opened the servant's eyes, of his perception on the reality of the
which resided in Elisha.
unseen world his response was very
and he looked and saw the hills full different than that of his servant who
a) What we see has the illusion of
of horses and chariots of fire all looked at the same set of natural
looking absolutely real.
circumstances and was overwhelmed.
around Elisha. (NIV)

MAY 20TH 2009

2 Corinthians 4:16 -18

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though
outwardly we are wasting away, yet
inwardly we are being renewed day by
day. 17 For our light and momentary
troubles are achieving for us an eternal
glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So
we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but
on what is unseen. For what is seen is
temporary, but what is unseen is
eternal. (NIV)

An illusion is a false perception of reality, pleasant things and prophesy illusions.

or a condition of being deceived by a false We need prophets who understand the In these issues we are dealing with
view or a belief. Deception is the prime times we are living in, and who confront the changes produced by the
weapon of the enemy as he seeks to stop us with the requirements of the Holy One
the advance of the Kingdom. For so that we might be built and stand strong apostolic reformation in the
deception to occur, one does not have to in a day of strong deception and delusion. churches joined in divine purpose.
believe a complete lie. The attempt to The following 5 characteristics are
deceive more often occurs when there is d) Our eyes must be touched so we
incomplete truth. The enemy doesn’t take can see like God. present in churches which are
away sight, he seeks to twist what we see The prophet prayed for God to open the building in the reformation.The one
through our cultural strongholds or servants eyes and when he looked again in bold font is dealt with in this
m e n t a l i t y s l a v e r y. T h e P r o p h e t i c the servant saw that they hills were full of
dimension has a mandate to shatter the heavenly warriors surrounding Elisha, newsletter: 
illusions which have deceived mankind something that the prophet was already
well aware of. This begs the question:
b) Our response is determined by what what is the nature of reality that we are
1. De-emphasis upon the validity of
we see. blind towards? Coming into sight is to fully personal blessing and ministry driven
Elisha saw that which enabled him to deal understand the reality which lies behind by individual preference, and an
with crisis correctly while his servant events which take place around us. Sight
panicked. Correct sight is a prerequisite is true power. Elisha was able to reach
emphasis on building and architecture
for effective management of crisis and life into the unseen dimension and extract
as a whole. If we are unaware and lack resource to alter natural reality according 2. A more integrated Church that has
correct perspective, our actions and to the purposes of God. The reformation
initiatives can contradict the purposes of of the Church is equipping God’s people lowered the boundaries of individual
God. Not seeing correctly will cause us to to have a greater redemptive impact upon ministries and changed how leaders
live in a false world, but correct sight will the nations of the world, and a new kind of approach ministry 
lead to correct actions. prophet is required in the Earth at this
time order to fulfill and service the
c) A proclamations of truth corrects the demands of heaven. 3. Greater level of impartation,
illusion. authority, strength, and ranking within
The declaration of the truth contradicts the Ephesians 1:18
established perceptions which drive I pray also that the eyes of your heart
the churches, making them more able
mortal existence- and imposes a higher
may be enlightened in order that you may to fight and more able to stand strong
more authentic reality. The prophetic
announcement is positioned against the know the hope to which he has called in crisis. 
prevailing mentality that has captured you, the riches of his glorious inheritance
men’s mind, enslaving them in carnal in the saints (NIV) 4. Apostles bring an ability to execute
patterns of thought and behavior. Many
who hear the elevated purposes of God
what was spoken by the prophets,
While it was sight and the imposing of
reject it outright, so steeped are they in blindness administered by Elisha that
thereby creating a more effective
the deceptions perpetrated by the enemy broke the power of the Syrian army, the stewardship of the prophetic word 
that accurate perception appears to them miracle in this instance was not the
to be illusionary and foolishness. Still sighting of the angels and chariots—it was
others have hardened their heart to the the subjugation of a violent army by non- 5. A greater demand to see
Lord and have come to prefer to live in
their deception
physical means. We can conclude from beyond the shapes of the
this that sight is more powerful in shaping
world events than the ability of nations to
natural into the intents
Isaiah 30:9-11 enforce their will by means of organized and mind of God
These are rebellious people, deceitful violence. Money is not power, nor are
children, children unwilling to listen to armies, nuclear weapons or physical force
– sight is true power! That is why Paul
the LORD's instruction. 10 They say to prayed for believers in Ephesus to have
the seers, "See no more visions!" and to increased spiritual sight. He knew that you
The Architecture of the
the prophets, "Give us no more visions of could be saved, following the Lord and New Ipsum
Lorem Prophetic Dimension
what is right! Tell us pleasant things, planted within a strong apostolic hub but
still be blind. The same grace that - Released in 2008 -
prophesy illusions. 11 Leave this way, get
operated in Paul’s time is active today,
off this path, and stop confronting us with A revolutionary
and it is producing an army of people
the Holy One of Israel!" (NIV) across the earth whose perception new look at
systems are able to see through the prophetic
We must discern which “prophets” have deception of the Babylonian realm and reality as it
been raised up as a result of those decode the happenings of the earth from exists in the
unwilling to listen; prophets who say only God’s perspective.
21st century
get this book>

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