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An Analysis of the Financial Crisis in the United States - Part 1

We are living in a very significant is at the center of the crisis based

time in the earth, a time that is on the nation’s historically formative
causing confusion, concern and role in global financial markets, so
uncertainty. The last quarter of what is happening now in the U.S.
2008 has been filled with has immediate global
bankruptcy, global economic repercussions.
destabilization and the very real What is needed at this time is a
possibility of a global financial correct prophetic perspective.
depression. Central banks in the
U.S., Europe and Asia have The church must not be blind to the
moved to guarantee deposits and reality that lies behind the actual
investments to prevent a potential events and activities taking place in
collapse of financial markets, and the earth; we must develop the
the stock exchange fluctuates ability to view them from God’s mind
wildly on an almost daily basis
leaving investors agape at what do
After an election process that has
been one of the most unique in
modern memory, Barack Obama
will take the oath of office in
January 2009 and will be
immediately thrust into a milieu of
major issues that are long standing
– or have been long in the making
– and which are now intensifying
and coming to a head. The new
president will have to formulate This newsletter will be the first in a
policy to deal with issues that series of that will address these
include global warming, the wars in issues, with a specific focus on the
Iraq and Afghanistan, domestic economic crisis now facing the
policy issues which could fracture nations of the earth. These articles,
the nation if handled incorrectly, an published once per week for the
international scene with rising next 10-12 weeks, have been timed
powers in China and renewed to follow the elections to indicate
hegemony by Russia, and that what is needed in this instance
countless other major and minor is not so much a predictive
concerns that are crucial to both prophetic dimension as much as a
U.S. and global developments. correct prophetic assessment and a
This new administration will need trend analysis that will provide
to act immediately and decisively insight to the people of God.
in order to lead this nation and the The prophetic is meant to provide
inter-connected world of global insight and does not necessarily
finance through some very have to be futuristic; Joseph was
turbulent waters. given insight into his past and the
The economic and political experts
frankly don’t seem to have clear
answers to the troubling issues
facing the world. The U.S.

of his family relations from God’s The Nature of God

viewpoint. He was given - Sovereignty
understanding about disparate and
chaotic events which took place In considering a “worldview” we
around him including betrayal, are not dealing with God in His
slavery, the failure of the legal more personal aspects of his
system to ferret out a false interaction with Man on an
indictment and an unjust individual level. Rather, we are
imprisonment, etc. This prophetic looking at the nature of God at the
insight empowered Joseph to macro level of His interaction with
function effectively as a governor in the broad sweep of human activity
Egypt, and events which could have down through history and up to
crippled him instead provided a today.
platform for influence in the nations
of the earth. Like Joseph, if we are Isaiah 45:1-7 "This is what the
to stand upon the earth with LORD says to his anointed, to
solutions for a world in darkness we Cyrus, whose right hand I take
must possess clear insight into how hold of to subdue nations before
things have evolved into this him and to strip kings of their
present situation, as well as offering armor, to open doors before him
correct solutions. so that gates will not be shut: 2 I
Before we can begin to understand will go before you and will level the
what is occurring from heaven’s mountains; I will break down gates
perspective, we must establish of bronze and cut through bars of
some key realities which will iron. 3 I will give you the treasures
undergird our prophetic analysis. I of darkness, riches stored in secret
am calling these realities Required places, so that you may know that I
Perspectives, they are Biblical am the LORD, the God of Israel,
realities which are established and who summons you by name. 4 For
unshakeable, and they provide the the sake of Jacob my servant, of
proper context from which we must Israel my chosen, I summon you
view these present events. The by name and bestow on you a title
first Required Perspective has to do of honor, though you do not
with the nature of God and His acknowledge me. 5 I am the
sovereignty. LORD, and there is no other;
apart from me there is no God. I
All prophetic analysis and a correct will strengthen you, though you
world view must begin with God. have not acknowledged me, 6 so
Our worldview begins with a gaze that from the rising of the sun to
into another dimension and with the place of its setting men may
receiving and accepting core know there is none besides me.
elements of the nature of God
Himself as it relates to making
sense of the nature of life here in
the mortal realm of Man.

I am the LORD, and there is no There is a requirement for us to be

other. 7 I form the light and create able to seamlessly comprehend
darkness, I bring prosperity and both the redemptive and the
create disaster; I, the LORD, do all sovereign nature of God at the
these things. (NIV) same time. Tragedy and vast loss
Here we see the sovereign dealings of fortunes must do nothing to
of God with a heathen king named impugn the sovereignty of God.
Cyrus raised up to accomplish Death and calamity are both firmly
divine purpose, even though the under his sovereign control and
king did not acknowledge the Lord. ultimately all these things do
The geo-political movements that produce His purpose.
would result in Cyrus giving a
decree for the captive Jews to We are dealing with a God who: a)
return and rebuild Jerusalem were destroyed the peace and security
orchestrated by God even though of every family in ancient Egypt,
Cyrus was himself not a believer. and devastated the economy and
the socio-political order in order to
Empire was a tool in the hand of bring liberty and joy to an enslaved
God, therefore the events which led people within the nation; b)
to Cyrus assuming the throne of allowed every child under the age
Persia and deposing Babylon as the of 2 years to be murdered in Judea
dominant military power of the earth at the birthing of His Son; c)
were also orchestrated by God. allowed almost every apostle who
Isaiah emphasized repeatedly that walked with him to be brutally
God was firmly in control of all killed; d) sacrificed Stephen as a
outcomes and eventualities, and martyr to allow his church to
that not only was a heathen king spread in to the regions of
commissioned by Him, but God Europe/Asia; e) permitted the
also utilized light and darkness, Roman soldiers to crucify Jesus
prosperity and disaster. The stated (God in the flesh) in order to
purpose is so that humans would release the power of personal
know and acknowledge the redemption to all of mankind…and
sovereignty of the Lord over all yet He still maintains that He is
things. Good!

In this time of financial calamity a The goodness of God is leading

primary requirement is for us to “lift the earth towards the Finish of all
up our eyes and look” and instead things, and the Church has a vital
of seeing meltdown, tragedy and role to play in the end of the age.
pain we must be able to see past To impact the nations we must
the crisis and into God’s purposes have clear insight into the nature of
being worked in the earth. We must the One who is superintending the
understand that God is sovereign affairs of mankind towards a pre-
and firmly superintending the determined end point.
events of the earth and moving
them towards a predetermined end. Copyright by SWM, copy and
duplication without permission is

Releasing the New Prophetic Dimension • Activating the Capacity to Build • Obeying the Command to Finish

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