Beware of Leaven

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Beware of Leaven

Beware of Leaven
Jesus spoke a parable about beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (Mat16:5-12). A parable is like a riddle or puzzle to figure out its meaning. This article is purposed to research biblical scriptures and unravel the mystery why Christ said beware of leaven. Apostle Paul has written that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (1Cr5:6 Gal3:9). St. Paul has also stated that leaven is hypocrisy (Luk12:1). We purge out the leaven so we may become a new lump for Christ our Passover (1Cr5:7).

Leaven is yeast
Leaven is yeast. There are more than 600 different species of yeast. It is a living organism belonging to a group of fungi and multiplies rapidly, especially when added to ingredients containing sugar. Bakers use yeast as a leavening agent for bread, for when added with the right combination of ingredients, it expands, causing the dough to rise.

Yeast are fungi

Common fungi include mushrooms, yeasts, and molds. Fungi are a kingdom of eukaryotic organisms meaning their cells have nuclei. Other examples of biological kingdoms include Plantae, the plants, and Animalia, the animals.

Leavened Bread
Leaven bread means that yeast has been added to cause a rising reaction. Self-rising meal or flour contains yeast. In other words the dough swells up and becomes puffed and fluffy when placed under correct heat temperature. The opposite is true with unleavened bread. Plain meal or flour means that no yeast has been added. Thus, it is unable to germinate a rising reaction. Instead, it stays flat and brittle when placed under heat. The texture of the bread may feel harder or stiffer.

Swollen Body
Glimpse the photo of the girls swollen body. As you can see its puff up and appears to be very painful. This is not normal because the body isnt supposed to be all swollen or puffed up. She knows that something has gone out of whack. Her body metabolism isnt working as it should be. Doctors may or may not have a cure or treatment to reduce her swelling. The comparison here is it may be okay for bread to become swollen or puffed up, but it isnt okay when our bodies become that way. Leaven affects our spiritual body the same way to where it may swell or puff up. We can only visualize our spiritual bodies through faith of reading Gods word. God is giving us insight into the horrible side effects of leaven. Mat26:26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

Spiritual Body
Our spiritual body is transparent but has similar features as our physical body. Our spiritual body has the potential to become swollen and puffed up like our physical body. Not only that, but our spiritual body may become, sick poisoned even intoxicated. Our spiritual body needs its spiritual nourishment or food and spiritual water in order to quench its thirst. If our spiritual body doesnt receive what it needs for survival, then it may die like our body. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the food and water of life.

Blind Faith
Blind faith in Gods word is the only way to discern our spiritual body exist. The Bible instructs us to walk by faith and not by sight (2Cr5:7). The world is unable to discern things of the spirit. To the world seeing is believing. Our spiritual body cant be seen through x-ray or ultrasound technology. We have to envision in our mind what our spiritual body may look like and/or how it may feel. It is best to pray and meditate for God to reveal our spiritual body. Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit, who is the Comforter to teach us all things (Jhn14:16, 26, 15:26, 16:7) concerning our spiritual body. 2Cr5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

Carnal Mind Being Transformed

The New Testament is about transforming our carnal mind (Rm7:14, 8:7, 15:27, 1Cr3:1, 3, 4, 9:11, 2Cr10:4, Hbr7:16, 9:10) by the renewing of our spiritual mind. (Rm1:11, Rm12:2, 7:14, 15:27, 1Cr2:13, 15, 3:1, 9:11, 10:3, 4, 12:1, 14:1, 12, 37, 15:44, 46, Gal6:1, Eph1:3, 5:19,6:12, Col1:9,3:16, 1Pe2:5). 2Cr5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Once we have been born again through Christ, then it changes how we may perceive life from a spiritual, rather than carnal perspective. The world looks at pride as being Gods gift to mankind. Yet, there isnt a single biblical scripture that supports what the world believes as being true. Christians should put their faith in Gods word. The truth is written in black and white plain as the nose on our face. So, why do you still boast about pride? 1Jo2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1Pe5:5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

Boasting about pride

The whole world is boasting about pride. Yet, the world is unaware that pride is leaven to our human spirit. It is a swollen inflated ego, puff up, pompous, stubborn, rebellious, haughty high minded spirit. God hates pride more than anything else. The Bible says God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble (1Pe5:5). To boast about pride is blaspheming Gods word which is our sacred Book of Truth. Its the same as telling God that he doesnt know what hes talking about. Yet, it is God who created heaven and earth. So, it should be clearly apparent that God has a better idea of whats good or evil. It is in the Bible plain as day, yet the world still chases after pride.

Gratitude is the fruit of humility. It means to be grateful, thankful or appreciative for Gods blessings. Raise a child to be grateful. He or she will act obedient to his or her parents and respectful of authority figures. Rather, than being stubborn or rebellious he or she will listen to instructions and become easily guided. God is able to govern the spirit of a child who is raise through humility. Satan cant lead him or her to chase after mischief. Society is a much safer place to live because the child isnt harboring any resentment towards God, family or the community. Instead, he or she is grateful for Gods blessings. Pro22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Feeding children poison

Parents, teachers, preachers and community leaders have been feeding Gods children poison that pride is good. Kids dont know any better so they have been gulping poison as if it tastes delicious. The more you feed him or her the greedier he or she may become. Who do you think God blames for children that act disobedient? Well its not the child. Rather, God holds adults accountable who fed the child poison. The Bible says that a tree is known by its own fruit (Luk6:4). The parents and the community are the tree of life. They have raised the child from the crib to adulthood. The only thing that a child knows is what he or she has been taught.

Denounce pride vs. Renounce Boasting

Each Christian minister should denounce pride as a lie from the pit of hell. When Gods ministers stand up and confess the truth about pride, then children will come to know that pride is evil. He or she will begin to renounce boasting about how proud he or she may be. Satan will begin to lose his power to draw children into the world chasing after their pride. This is what Jesus meant in his parable about the wayward son that ran away from home. Luk15:11 And he said, A certain man had two sons: Luk15:13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.

Why patting on the back feels good?

I am going to show you why it feels so good when someone pats you on the back. Look at this photo of a mother burping her newborn baby. What happened is her baby has swallowed air while nursing. Burping helps to get rid of some of the air that babies tend to swallow sucking milk. With some babies, not being burped frequently and too much swallowed air can lead to spitting up, crankiness, and gassiness. The sensations of mothers burping their newborn is stored in babies DNA chromosomes. A babys mind subconsciously associates good or bad feelings of burping with patting on the back vs. not being patted on the back. Bad is the sensation a baby remembers from not being burped. Good is the sensation of being burped. So what is burping and why does burping work? Air is a form of gas. When air is trapped inside the stomach then it increases the gas pressure and induces pain. The baby may start to crying or spitting up. At the top of the stomach is a valve. Patting on the back opens the valve and releases gas. Burping expels the gas from the babys stomach causing him or her to burp or belch. The brain then dispenses dopamine neurotransmitters into the bloodstream creating the sensation of pleasure. Babies grow up and associate patting on the back as a form of praise. Babies enjoy the feeling of being praised. It is like saying job well done or cheers to you! Proud translates as an emotion of accepting praise. To shame a child induces conflicting emotions to where he or she may develop emotional problems. Mat21:16 And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?

Honoring Service Members

Communities may host parades to welcome home our soldiers. Patriotic supporters may raise flags, wave ribbons, toss confetti and hold up banners. The latter serves as our gesture to pat him or her on the back for a job well done. His or her spirit may become uplifted by our nations show of support. Our Commander in Chief may award medal of honors to soldiers that have demonstrated heroic deeds to be wounded in action on the battlefield. The latter excites a dopamine rush. Americans feel proud. When youth see how proud we treat our men and women, then it may encourage him or her to enlist. The clich God bless America rings in our ears. But there is a dark side that we may be unable to visualize with our naked eye. Instead, we must put on faith as our lens to gain introspection. Recall that the side effect of leaven infects our hypocrisy. Here we are as a nation boasting about our pride and speaking with the same tongue God Bless America. Our boasting glorifies the flesh. The latter displeases God. He craves for us to glorify him by extending God our gratitude. He prefers for us to say how grateful we are to our service members. God is then pleased that we were able to show our appreciation of our troops. The reason is God and Lucifer are at war in the spiritual realm. If Lucifer were able to persuade our troops to become uplifted as he, then Satan is victorious over God. Isa14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Wrestle not against flesh and blood

Lucifer has deceived our carnal mind to believe we should wrestle against flesh and blood as if foreign countries were our enemies. Gods word is instructing us not to wrestle against flesh and blood. Yet, we disobey Gods word and rambunctiously run to kill off our enemies. The repercussions of wars are humongous. It destroys the homeland of our enemies. It incites hatred among foreign nations towards our United States. We appear as the worlds super power bully. The latter exacerbates the likelihood of greater terrorism. The cost factor of dispatching military troops and arsenals is astronomical. Gods preferred approach to battle our enemies is to preach the gospel across the four corners of the earth. Ministers ordained by Jesus Christ shall spread his warning to beware of leaven. This is Lucifers Achilles heel. Without pride Lucifer is unable to marshal forces to fight his battle. The United States will discover the miracle working power of Christs gospel. This isnt some type of hocus pocus. God has ordained the gospel to infect our entire world with love of Jesus Christ so that no one may boast about his or her pride. Mans way is the wrong way, because the carnal mind is blindly following after Lucifer. Gods way is the right way! Our spiritual mind is able to discern matters of the spirit and recognize the direction that God has ordained for us to follow. Any other way except Gods way shall lead to destruction. Eph6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I am the way truth and the life

Jhn14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Israels Holy Bible and Islams Holy Koran testify about pride or humility in the same exact manner. Clerics rule the majority of Islamic regimes. Suicide bombers have been instilled with a high sense of pride. The United States may deploy Jesus Christs warning about leaven to thwart Lucifers power. Our human spirit hates being lied to especially by clergy leaders who profess the truth. It exposes his or her hypocrisy. Gods word serves as proof to confess the truth. Confess whether pride is of God or is it of the world? He or she must admit the whole truth, otherwise be condemned. Gods diplomacy is full proof. Lucifer is helpless to defend against the truth. Lucifer has led Gods flock astray into captivity. Gods flock knows the voice of Jesus Christ (Psa95:7, Jhn10:3, 4, 16, and 27). In order for God to redeem his flock, then every knee must bow and confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (Gen41:43, Isa45:23, Rom14:11 and Phil2:10). God will not have it any other way. If any nation attempts to defect away from Gods plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, then God has already set in motion for that nation to fall as Rome has fallen. No nation stands above Gods authority, because it is God who has ordained the powers that be. Rm13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

I have a Confession
Please make a note to yourself if you have a confession to make. Ask yourself the question whether you have followed after pride? If the answer is yes, then you may wish to consider being honest with God, because he already knows our heart. A proud selfrighteous spirit may find it a chore to confess sin. A humble spirit is eager to bow down and confess sin. We cant hide from God no matter how hard we may try. Jesus has spoken a parable about two men that went to the temple to pray. The first was a Pharisee and the second was a publican. The first man never confessed his sins, instead he exalted himself over the other. The second man humbled himself, confessed his sins and ask for Gods forgiveness (Luk18:10-14). Rm10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Laws of Nature and Natures God

Our forefathers justified their actions on the basis of "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." Determined not to let their Glorious Cause descend into anarchy, the Founders laid out their case for independence from England in a Declaration that laid out the reasons that "impelled them to the separation." They listed a long train of abuses of their rights and their liberties. The Founders declared their reasons to "a candid world." Those Founders were enlightened and scripturally informed patriots. They did not doubt that there is a law written on the hearts of men.

Whom shall we follow?

Whom shall we follow in America is consecrated in our Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 embodied as our Laws of Nature and Natures God. We follow after liberty. To those who are biblical scholars know that Jesus Christ is the spirit of liberty. If the United States were to follow any other spirit except that of our Lord and Savior, then it would steer our nation away from liberty and charter us on the wrong path towards slavery. The later would defy the sacred intent of Americas Founding Fathers to secure our independence. 2Cr3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President: I am writing this letter to you hoping that you read my article entitled, Beware of Leaven. The Laws of Nature and Natures God have clearly chartered our United States on a path towards liberty. There is a spirit hovering over America that is not the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord. The world has perceived our government as a Super Power to police the world of evil. Yet, God has a plan of salvation to infect the world with the love of Jesus Christ. Thus, God has ordained charity. Yet, our White House has infected our nation with pride, contrary to the will of God, and America is no longer following after the Spirit of Christ. Respectfully submitted, Stanley Green 1Cr13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

Stanley Green
My name is Stanley Green. I am the author, Beware of Leaven. I hope that my message will help many to gain a better insight to understanding how being proud has poisoned our spiritual body. God desires for us to renounce boasting about our pride. We dont put ourselves on a pedestal to be praised. Rather, we are supposed to set a Christian example of how to walk by faith. Satans aim is to instigate discord in the body of Christ. Every kingdom divided amongst itself cannot stand (Mat12:25 & Luk11:17). After we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, then we cease having animosity or enmity with each other. God will then be able to fulfil his plan of salvation.

Serving Two Masters

According to the Bible no one can serve two masters. You cant serve God and mammon (Mat6:24, Luk16:13). Mammon means treasures or riches. Jesus spoke a parable (Mat19:16-21) about one young rich man that wanted to follow him, but had to give up his riches. The thought of sacrificing his wealth was too much to bear. He turned and walked away. It takes great courage and strength to serve God, because it means one has to go against the world. If a person is following after the world then he or she cant follow after Christ or serve God. It is cut dry and simple. His or her eyes may be focused on mammon and not on the cross. The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil (1Ti6:10). Mat6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

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