Hydroponics Made Easy - Chapter 12 - Pdfa PDF

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Hydroponics Made Easy

Outdoor environmental factors
Few people have the availability of a greenhouse, and if indoor growing is not what is required, outdoor growing is the alternative and in many instances, a better alternative. Recent increases in the density of urban and suburban housing have made the Autopot system one of the few viable ways of growing a garden for many people. Rooftops, paved courtyards, apartment balconies and around paved swimming pools are all prime areas for growing vegetables, shrubs and flowers. The variable factors that will have the greatest influence on the way your outdoor Autopot system operates are: rainfall Wind temperature light intensity

Outdoor Ideas with the Autopot System.

The key to successful outdoor growing with the Autopot System is to prevent or minimise rainwater dilution of nutrients. The best method is to provide some kind of cover over the growing units as shown below. If you are not able to provide complete protection against dilution by rain, you should increase your nutrient concentration by the estimated dilution effect by the rain. With experience, you will soon find that your visual judgement on the condition of your plants can be your most reliable method of assessing how much nutrient to be compensated.

A. Rainfall
When rain falls on an outdoor hydroponic system, it dilutes the nutrient and it can supply more moisture than is desirable. On the other hand, it has a useful effect in helping to control pests such as spider mites and the actual water from rainfall has a marvellously beneficial effect. Plants love it, and the benefits of occasional rainfall far outweigh the diluting effect. In Chapter six we mentioned the benefits of fresh rainwater. Stored rainwater is the best water possible in an Autopot System, but one of the mysteries of the plant world is in just how much better fresh rainwater is than even stored rainwater. Much research has been done into the matter and theres a lot of vehemently held theories about why fresh rain makes plants really sit up and take notice. As yet nobody has come up with anything like a generally agreed answer to the question . There is however, general acceptance of the fact that a shower of fresh rain on plants produces a dramatic and very rapid lift in the plants condition. Constant rain or rain that falls more frequently than, say every second
Cover to prevent entry of rainwater into the growing medium.

Allow the plant to grow out from the side of the pot under the cover.

An Autopot growing unit with rain protection.

The Smartvalve Mk 2

Hydroponics Made Easy

day, needs remedial action. Without the wet and dry cycle and without the benefit of full strength nutrient, the plants will not perform at their best. No real damage is done by constant rainfall, but it is under performance that we are trying to prevent. Yellowing of the plant and the start of a little dieback at the growing tips is a sure indication of the lack of nutrient but is often thought, quite wrongly to be due to wetness. Over rainy periods in an Autopot System will eventually slow growth and yield of the plants but will not cause yellowing or dieback.

An Autopot growing unit equipped with rain protection cover.

Automatic siphoning
Most Autopot System were originally designed for undercover use. The overflow level is set at 35mm (11/2). Where outdoor use is intended, you can order the system with an automatic siphon, or you can purchase later and simply fit the siphons if you find them necessary. The Automatic siphon is designed so that during period of heavy rain when the nutrient level goes over 35mm deep, the siphon cuts in and reduces the level to close to zero., This allows the plant to resume its drying out cycle and ensures that as soon as the plant needs more nutrient, the supply that comes in will be at full strength. Siphons are fitted in a matter of moments and are a very low cost item that are available from most retail locations where you buy Autopot products or if that is a problem, the local country head office or the Autopot company in Melbourne, Australia will either advise of you nearest supplier or supply direct to you.

An example of the positioning of the Autopot growing unit for climbers, such as peas.

Wicking Method of Auto Siphoning of rain water.

It is important that the inner end of the wick must be at least 6mm higher than the inside surface of the tray.

Supplementary fertilising
Automatic siphoning is quite adequate for occasional heavy rain or for period of a few days of constant rain. It will not however, be the answer to prolonged period of rain which slow down growth. There are numerous possible ways to apply supplementary feeding. We have found the best way for the average plant is by powdered, granular or tablet fertilisers form the top of the pot. Of the various fertilisers available for this we recommend our own soon to be released Autopot tablets. These come in an A & B form. The big advantage of this is that the active nutrient powder that is washed down to the root area once there is sufficient water volume to bring the water from A into contact with that from B only occurs during rain spells. The normal small amount of dampness that comes to the surface area at full flood of the valve will not be sufficient to do this. So you have the dual advantages of a fresh mix of A & B when it rains and pellets that only become active (and therefore start to be used), when it actually rains so the pellets last for a maximum time. Therefore you have a supply of nutrient from the top of the pot when it rains and the normal supply of nutrient from the bottom becomes diluted. Several other options are possible and include putting the containers under cover, making a plastic cover or mini igloo type of shelter with a

Excess water can be easily drained off the saucer by installing a 1 inch width wick as shown above. The process is slow but very effective.

Besides increasing the nutrient strength to compensate the dilution effect of rain, application of slow release fertilizers (such as Osmocote) or animal manure (such as Dynamic lifter to the growing medium is also a good option.

Hydroponics Made Easy

sheet of plastic over a wire frame or plastic over the pot and container with the plant growing through a hole in the plastic. If you try the igloo style you will need to make sure the ends are well ventilated. Another alternative is to form a lean-to-shelter using a sheet of plastic against a wall. Under eaves or against a protected wall are equally good if the situation suits.

B. Wind
Wind has a distinct effect on growing plants evaporation from the surface of the medium increases plants consume more water plants need protection from the wind to avoid branches from breaking off vibration of flowers in the breeze is an aid to pollination in some plants such as Fuschias. Remember that many insects also have an essential role to play in pollination, so keeping your growing area insect free can be self defeating.

C. Temperature
Temperature also has a pronounced effect on plants they grow faster when it is warmer they use more water if they have been kept in enclosed areas they should be removed or attention paid to increasing circulation of breezes.

D. Light or shade
Most vegetable crops prefer to be in full sun. Keeping them shaded encourages the growth of stems and inhibits the growth of leaves and fruit. The plants have a poorer yield and less flavoursome crops. *****

An Autopot single 300mm pot and tray growing unit equipped with rain protection cover.

Outdoor hydroponic growing is not suitable particularly where electricity is involved due to the safety factor. Autopot system is perfectly safe as it can work by gravity or with direct current.

An illustration to show how watermelon can be grown outdoors with the Autopot System in open fields.

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