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Lesson 36 Using a story grammar (picture series) to show sequence of episodes in a story I.

Learning Objective Use a story grammar (picture series) to show sequence of episodes in a story Sequence events of a story listened to Construct a story grammar using picture series.


Values: Cooperation Subject Matter A. Topic: B. References: C. Materials: Using a story grammar to show sequence of episodes in a story PELC 5.1 p. 23 Growing in English 6 TM pp. 8-14 Growing in English 6 Reading pp. 11-2pictures, crossword puzzle


Learning Activities A. Preparatory Activities 1. Pronunciation Drill (d and th sound) a. Word Drill 1. initial d and th die thy den then dish this doze those does thus dare there 2. medial d and th wordy worthy udder other 3. final d and th lied lithe seed seethe teed teethe laid lathe ride writhe shed sheethe b. Phrase Drill 1. Disappointed them 4. Newsworthy debut 2. defend themselves 5. Southern drainage 3. although disqualified c. Sentence drill 1. A worthy dowry could not be found for the lithe debutante. 2. The smooth and dashing doctor smiled although he felt disappointed. 3. They defended. 4. They ride together to the depot every other day themselves against difficult and bothersome charges. 2. Unlocking Difficulties Answering the puzzle. Group the class into 4. Provide each group with a copy of the puzzle below. Give them at least 5 minutes to work on the puzzle. The group who finishes first wins.

DOWN 1. capacity to meet changes without fear 2. side edge of a road or highway 3. a fight between forces

ACROSS 1. instrument used for fighting 2. a group of people under a leader 3. anything worn for protection against spirits 4. pertaining to story from early times; traditional 5. dangerous 6. sang

3. Motivation

Ask the pupils who are their favorite superheroes. Then show them pictures of foreign superheroes such as Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. Ask them what are the qualities of these superheroes. Afterwards, tell the class that we also have our own superhero in the person of LamAng. B. Presentation 1. Reading of the selection, pp. 11-70 of Growing in English Reading Textbook. LAM-ANG, a Legendary Hero Lam-ang was the only child of the beautiful Namungan. His father was a very brave adventurer. He had many amulets. But Lam-ang did not see his father. The latter had gone to the land of Igorots. He did this bimonthly but last time, he did not returned. He left behind his blessings for his unborn child and his love for his wife, Namungan. He also left a golden bolo, nine chains and a snow-white rooster all for his unborn child. Lam-ang was a special and extraordinary infant. When he was born he could talk. When he was a little older, he learned to speak the language of the flowers, the birds and the beast. Therefore, he was not only bilingual but multilingual as well. He visited the forest biweekly or maybe more often. He played with the wild boar and the deer. He was full of strength and courage. The talahib made way for him and bowed whenever he passed by. When the sun shone overhead, the anahaw fanned him. How different he really was! However, Lam-ang just like any child longed to see his father. One day, he talked with his mother. Tell me the trught, Mother, where is my father? Namungan could not tell Lam-ang that his father was dead. Your father went to the land of the Igorots and has not returned sinde, the mother answered. Lam-ang decided to look for his father. Since Namungan could not stop his son, she gave the lad his fathers sword and amulets. Lam-ang felt with his blessings as she said, May the Great One be with you in your journey. Lam-ang started off, stopping only for a drink at the wayside stream. At nightfall, he took shelter under the balete tree. Because he was too exhausted, he fell into a deep sleep. He had a bad dream. He saw a giant who told him what happened to his father. It was still dark when Lam-ang woke up. He quickly picked up his sword and went toward the direction, the giant had told him. He reached Kangisitan with the stars lighting his way. There he saw Igorots holding his slain father in triumphant mood. They danced and chanted merrily. What has my father done to you to deserve this? Lam-ang asked angrily. Your father broke the law of our tribe that;s why we punished him, replied the Igorots. Lam-ang could not control his anger anymore. Like a dragon flapping its wings up and down, he made a terrible cray that sounded like a thunder. This angered the Igorots so they attacked him with their spears and arrows. These did not hurt Lam-ang at all. When the Igorots had use up all their weapons, Lam-ang thrust his sword into the earth and whispered a mysterious prayer. Soon, after, he seized the sword and struck left ad right until the ground was colored red with blood of fallen enemies. 2. a. Analysis and Discussion 1. Who were Lam-angs parents? 2. What did Lam-angs father leave behind before he went to the land of the Igorots? 3. What kind of child was Lam-ang? 4. How did Lam-ang find out about his father? 5. What did he do to his fathers killer? 6. What is the theme of the story? b. Fixing Skills Show the class the pictures showing the different important events in the story. Ask them to arrange it accordingly to show the proper sequence of the pictures as it happened in the story. 3. Generalization What is a story grammar. What is one way of showing the sequence of events in the story listened to? 4. Engagement Activity By using the picture series of the story of Lam-ang, let the pupils write one or two sentences describing each scene/picture.



Evaluation Read the story The Lime and the Pomelo Tree o p. 19 of your book. Make a story grammar (picture series) to retell the story. Use 6-7 frames in making the picture series. Make sure that it is properly sequenced. Assignment Read again the story Lam-ang, a Legendary Hero and in cartolina, make your own comic strip.

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