Copenhagen Climate Summit - A Play Well Staged

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The Copenhagen climate summit- a play well staged

The Copenhagen climate summit held from the 7th to the 18th of December 09 in Copenhagen, Denmark had essentially originated as a tool to handle the currently up surging dire need for a proper climate management system around the world. The summit blew the clarion, proclaiming a situation of emergency and clearly indicating signs of an oncoming catastrophical change. Nations for the first time had turned brothers in arms and knew that mortal man was merely a speck of dirt that could easily be wiped off the face of earth. Man due to his arrogance, pride and an unending supply of ignorance has always been and for sure will be, disrupting the laws of nature, covering it up under the superficial mask of scientific and technological advancements. Even during such trying times there were, a few countries who held there social, political and economical development well above their heads. Some developed nations even had the nerve to deny any possible or plausible participation in the summit. But the golden question being was all this hulla baloo for a social cause? or was it just another one of the plays, well enacted out by the UNFCCC (The United Nations framework convention on climate change) members. The summit in fact was a mere stage play, aimed at assuring the people of different nations on the initiatives and austere efforts being taken to handle the immutable effects of Global warming. The summit was neither successful in drafting a good deal in terms of the carbon emissions with the developing nations nor was it stern enough to command a definite curb on the existing emission produce of the developed nations. It in fact was handicapped by the restrain portrayed by some nations (Led by the USA) from any form of credible negotiations. The summit according to The Guardian was one in jeopardy and in major crisis. It was in fact used as a doomsday device to keep a check or to curtail the radical developments made by various developing nations. The summit was to pressurize the under developed countries to bring a drastic reduction in their carbon emissions which indirectly would heavily inflict their overall progress. The proposed plan of action of the UNFCCC member countries included the United States of America promising a miniscule 1.3% reduction in its annual absolute emissions rate followed by Europe with a 20-25% reduction, China with a 40-45 % reduction, India with a proposed plan of 20-25% reduction so on and so forth. The united states of America even after being a well developed nation was very stingy in its proposed plan of action whereas was highly broad minded in implementing the proposed protocol that was supposed to be followed by all the UNFCCC members. The above table presents a clear wide view on the projected change in the absolute emissions of different members of the UNFCCC and enlightens the reader on the actual modes operandi behind the Copenhagen climate summit (7-18 Dec, 09). It also tells the reader on how artificial and superficial the whole caucus was. These figures blindly state one point and that is that this whole plan is simply nothing but forceful compulsion of

developing countries by superpowers to augment their already superior status and leave the under developed countries to rot for the sake of attaining over all development. The whole fiasco was one engineered just to veer away the common mans perceptions on the governments negligence regarding issues of social, economical, political and environmental concern.

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