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COURSE4 Politics and Society in L.America -Caterina PredaTopic: 1.

The end of the 19th century How USA began their policy of intervention? 2.The first national case :MEXICO (pol.system) PRI Mexico a political model 1820-CONSERVATIVE republic 1850-1870 LIBERALS appeared on the political stage 1870-1890 The OLIGARCHIC Republic(MONOPRODUCTION +MONOEXPORT) 1. At the end of the 19th century,USA became an important actor for L.A.(interested in new countries) 1823- MONROW doctrine America belonged to the Americans Approach of USA towards the L.A.countries is PLURAL INTERESTS - >economic and financial issues ->diplomatic relations(institutions,treaties,principles) o 1890-Conferences after the WAR OF THE PACIFIC The organization of the American states(1948) ->last independent state (CUBA -1902 & PANAMA-1903 CUBA-former Spanish colony -independent after the intervention of the USA 1895-1898 Last war USA declared war to SPAIN after the explosion of a boat in the Coast of Havana 1898-Treaty signed by USA&SPAIN (Paris) >recognized independence of CUBA >gave USA Puerto Rico,Guam,Phillipines >CUBA-occupied by USA(1898-1902)

1901-USA wrote the constitution of Cuba(the PLATT Ammendment-valid for 30 years) USA had the right to interfere USA took the GUANTANAMO BASE from Cuba (in exchange of a rent of 200$) Accompanied by commercial agreement PUERTO RICO had a different solution There is still an independence issue PANAMA- 1814-Declared its independence from Colombia. WAR OF 1000 DAYS => Declared again its independence(first one accepted by USA) 1903-Treaty is signed in order to grant PANAMA&US administration (because of the Canal of PANAMA) Granted USA 10 miles around the future territory of the Canal Lasted until 1999 Roosevelt : intervention must take place each times it is considered important 2.

-a country that fits the model of L.A.countries -a COUNTER-EXAMPLE(when it comes to independence) >all the countries were republic EXC: MEXICO first stage-it was a monarchy(18211823) SHORT MONARCHY-important for the Conservative thought in L.A. & Mexico 1864-1867-Napoleon the 3rd interfered FIRST Republic of MEXICO 1823-1864 SECOND Republic of MEXICO- 1867 First Republic- fits with the model (2 institutions) MILITARY MEN &CHURCH Separation CONSERVATIVES vs LIBERALS ANTONIO LOPEZ DE SANTA ANA

-President several times -responsible for the important laws MEXICO suffered 1835-Texas declared its independence (MEXICO vs TEXAS) 1845-Texas joined the United States => War between Mexico&USA(ended in 1848) 1850-SANTA ANA sold some lands to USA >New Mexico >Arizona Mexico- violent conflict between CONSERVATIVES & LIBERALS Come to an end after a rule by the LIBERALS(minimized the power of Church) Enacted the Constitutional text(1857) => Reform war was won by LIBERALS(BENITO JUAREZ) END:1864-1867-Ferdinand Maximilian von Habsburg came to power(FOREIGN MONARCH) Second Republic marked by LIBERALISM BENITO was the leader at the beginning (reelected leader) Opposition of PORFIRIO DIAZ(1876-1911) Issue : the limits of the presidential mandate Dictatorship based on repression Supported by LOS SCIENTIFICOS Few landowners and many peasants lost their rights FOREIGN capital was used to enrich =====> MEXICAN REVOLUTION (1910-1920) 2 Revolutions 1.POLITICAL( inside the elite: opposed the rule of Diaz) Francisco MADERO -1908- Opposed the reelection of DIAZ in 1910 - is imprisoned by Diaz(he launches the Manifest of the Rev.) 2.SOCIAL Revolution of the peasants(aimed for an agrarian reform) Peasant leader:EMILIANO ZAPATA- Leader of MORELLOS

ZAPATA fought for peasants with no land => CIVIL WAR The killing of MADERO by his military chief. EFFECTS of the REVOLUTION -the writing of the 1917 Constitution (Marked by an ANTI-CLERICAL position) =>Reaction of the CLERGY(War of the Pristeros) -Land reform(1934) guarantee of private property -Social rights for workers -right to strike &establish a trade union. 1920- A period marked by violence SOLUTION :Establishment of one party that will include all the different trends of the Revolution 1929-Birth of PRI One-single mandate (Basic principle) LAZARO CARDENAS- established the party - reformed the party in 1938 - organized the party around all segments of the society(peasants,workers,military,civil servants) - launched land distribution - nationalized the oil industry in Mexico Until 1989 PRI was the sole leading party Todays issue- Violence provoked by drug cartels Relation with USA FELIPE CALDERONs leadership - 2006-2011 -declared war on drugs The issue of immigration of MEXICANS to the USA(10 million GRINGOS :P) 1942-1964- Immigration was legal = >Construction of a WALL that separates the borders

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