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Mughal EmpirE
Business ethics (bba - 409 )





We take this opportunity to express our acknowledgement and deep sense of gratitude to the individuals for rendering valuable assistance and gratitude to us. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Ms Anupama Sharma, our Business ethics lecturer , for providing us the opportunity to let us do our project on Mughal Empire.

She gave us valuable suggestions and guidance for completion of our project. We would like to thank our parents for their support and thank all those people who helped us make this project a successful project. This project would not have been possible without their support. Their inputs have played a vital role in success of this project.

We believe that there is always a scope of improvement. I welcome any suggestions for further enriching the quality of this project.

WHO WERE THE MUGHALS? The Mughals were descendants of two great lineages of rulers. From their mothers side they were descendants of Genghis Khan, ruler of the Mongol tribes, China & Central Asia. From their fathers side they were the successors of Timur, the ruler of Iran, Iraq & Modern-day Turkey. They celebrated their genealogy pictorially, each ruler getting a picture made of Timur & himself. Ruling as large a territory as the Indian subcontinent with such a diversity of people & cultures was a difficult task for a ruler to accomplish in Middle Ages. Mughals created an empire and accomplished what had hitherto seemed possible for only short periods. They expanded their kingdom from Agra to Delhi The Mughal family line


The Dynasty of the great Mughals in India 1526 - 1530 Babur's victory at Panipat in 1526 established the Mughal Empire and ended the reign of the Delhi Sultanate. The rise of the great Mughal dynasty in India 1530 - 1556 Humayun succeeded his father Babur and became an emperor in India. Humayun was defeated and dislodged by insurrections of nobles from the old Lodi regime. In 1540, the Mughal domain came under the control of one of those nobles, Farid Khan Sur, who assumed the regional name of Shir Shah Sur. Humayun died unexpectedly at the age of 48 when he fell down the steps of his library in his haste to obey the muezzin's call to prayer. 1556 - 1605 Akbar, the most sophisticated Mughal commander and leader, was only 14 years of age when he succeeded his father Humayun. Jahangir succeeded his father , Akbar. Prince Khurram was 35 years old when he ascended the throne as Shah Jahan (King of the World). In the summer of 1659, Aurangzeb held a coronation durbar in the Red Fort where he assumed the title of Alamgir (World Conqueror). After a bitter struggle with his three brothers, Aurangzeb was the victor who took the throne. Bahadur Shah II, the last Mughal emperor, was deposed in 1858; India was brought under the direct rule of the British Crown. The end of the Mughal Empire.

1605 - 1627 1628 - 1658 1659 - 1707


The Great Mughal Emperors Babur: 1526-1530 Humayun: 1530-1556 Akbar: 1556-1605

Jahangir: 1605-1627 Shah Jahan: 1627-1658 Aurangazeb: 1658-1707 The Mughal Empire The Mughal Empire) was an empire that at its greatest territorial extent ruled most of the Indian subcontinent between 1526 and 1857. The empire was founded by the Mongol leader Babur in 1526, when he defeated Ibrahim Lodi, the last of the Delhi Sultans at the First Battle of Panipat. Mughal rulers created a powerful empire in which military might and artistic culture flourished.



A picture from the inside of the Mughal palace Khas Mahal. The Mughal ruling class was Muslim, although many of the subjects of the empire were Hindu and also Sikh. When Babur first founded the empire, he did not emphasize his religion, but rather his Mongol heritage. Under Akbar, the court abolished the jizya, the tax on non-Muslims, and abandoned use of the lunar Muslim calendar in favor of a solar calendar more useful for agriculture. One of Akbar's most unusual ideas regarding religion was Din-iIlahi (Godism in English), which was an eclectic mix of Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. He enjoyed good relations with the emerging Sikh community, and it was proclaimed the state religion until his death. These actions were later retracted byAurangzeb, known for his zealotry. Aurangzeb imposed Sharia law, which he codified, re-imposed the jizya, and as had Babur, destroyed temples in order to build mosques. He is known to have treated non-Muslims harshly. Under Aurangzeb, Mughal court life changed dramatically. According to his interpretation, Islam did not allow music, so he banished court musicians, dancers, and singers. Further, based on Muslim precepts forbidding images, he stopped the production of representational artwork, including the miniature paintings for which the Mughals are renowned. The Mughal Emperors persecuted several of the Sikh Gurus, and Jehangir executed the fifth Guru. Even the Taj Mahal is reputedly built on a sacred Hindu site, although this is disputed. At times, popular Sufi teachers such as attracted Hindu and Muslim disciples while some Hindu gurus were also popular among Muslims. Many Sufi shrines are still visited by Hindus as well as Muslims.

The Mughals tended to regard themselves as rulers by divine right, rather than as subject to Islamic law. Thus, they did not afford religious scholars much authority. Although they recognized the Ottoman claim to the title of caliph, they saw the Ottomans as just another Muslim empire like themselves, especially as they shared a similar pedigree. Whether the earlier policies of harmonizing religions were merely pragmatic or stemmed from a more inclusive understanding of Islam is debatable. Certainly, such Sufi teachers as Kabir (1414-1518) who flourished at an earlier period had represented a 'peace to all' type of Islam that was attractive to many people in the subcontinent.

MUGHAL ARCHITECTURE All the early Mughal Rulers except Aurangzeb were great bui1ders. With the coming of the Mughals, Indian architecture was greatly influenced by Persian styles. The Mughals constructed excellent mausoleums, mosques, forts, gardens and cities. The Mughal buildings show a uniform pattern both in structure and character. The main characteristic features of Mughal architecture are the bulbous domes, the slender minarets with cupolas at the four corners, large halls, massive vaulted gateways and delicate ornamentation. The few mosques and palaces built by Babar and Humayun are not of much architectural significance Sher Shah of the Sur Dynasty who ruled over the Kingdom of the Mughals after driving Humayun out of the country was not only a great administrator but a lover of art also. He built several forts, tombs and mosques. The monuments of Sher Shah are a continuation of the Lodi style. The mausoleums are octagonal in plan and have verandahs around them, surmounted by huge domes. The verandahs have three smaller domes on each side. Characteristic elements of Mughal architecture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jharokha Chhatri Chhajja Jali Charbagh Symmetry


The Mughal architecture flourished in the Indian subcontinent during the Mughal rule (1526-1857). It was a combination of Indo, Islamic and Persian style of art. This new style combined elements of Islamic art and architecture, which had been introduced to India during days of Sultanate of Delhi, with features of Persian art and architecture. The Mughals built magnificent forts, palaces, gates, public buildings, mosques, water tanks and many more buildings. The use of running water in their palaces and pleasure resorts was a special feature of the Mughals. The Mughal Gardens introduced by Babur to India was used extensively used to decorate the surrounding of these buildings. Akbar was the first Mughal ruler who undertook constructions on a large scale and the first great Mughal monument was the mausoleum to Humayun. Most notable of Akbar's buildings was the palace-cum-fort complex at Fatehpuri Sikri. Native red sandstone was inlaid with white marble and all the surfaces were ornately carved on the outside and sumptuously painted inside. Extensive use was made of the low arches and bulbous domes that characterize the Mughal style during his period. Soon this style of architecture was used extensively by the nobles and common people. With the firm establishment of the Mughal Empire, the Mughal architecture reached its zenith. At the end of Jahangirs reign, the practice, of putting up buildings entirely of marble and decorating the walls with floral designs made of semiprecious stones was established. The use of this style of decoration was called pietra dura. The crowning glory of Mughal architecture is the Taj Mahal built by Shah Jahan. Red Fort in Delhi is another great achievement. Under the orthodox Aurangzeb, the Mughal Architecture saw its decline. Pearl Mosque in Delhi is his lone contribution. The Mughal architecture incorporated many Indian styles, due to the religious tolerant nature of some Mughal emperors like Akbar. Another major influence in the architecture style was the construction of palaces and forts keeping in mind the hot climate of North India. The gardens, built by the Mughals, had flowing water streams, taking into consideration the hot weather. The buildings were also built in a manner to take advantage of the breeze. The Mughal architectural style, greatly influenced the forts and palaces belonging to other kingdoms and provinces. This influence can be greatly seen in the construction of the famous Golden Temple of Amritsar. The temple is built on the arch and dome principle and incorporated many features of the Mughal traditions of architecture.


Akbar, who is often considered the true founder of the Mughal Empire, laid the grounds for the significant economic growth and the fabulous art and building activities of his successors.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal in Agra, a dream in white marble was built by Shah Jehan as a memorial to his beloved wife Mumtaz Begum. Built on the banks of the river Jumna, it was started in 1632 A.D. and took 22 years to complete. Marble from Makrana and precious stones from different parts of the world were used in its construction. Planned by Isa, a Persian architect it is a masterpiece of architecture. The Taj is situated in the centre of a high marble terrace. A marble minaret of four storeys stands on each of the four corners of the terrace. The minarets are crowned with domes. The main structure is a square. A huge, vaulted recess with smaller arched recesses in two storeys on either side make up the facade of the building on all sides. An octagonal hall with an exquisite perforated marble screen contains the cenotaphs of Mumtaz and Shah Jehan. The vaulted ceiling is crowned in the centre by a large bulbous dome which tapers off into a foliated crest. Around the dome are four cupolas. The surface of the walls exterior and interior and the cenotaphs are beautifully decorated with pietra dura, floral and geometrical designs. Borders of inscriptions decorate the main archways. A Mosque on the west and a corresponding structure on the east in red sandstone complete the effect of symmetry. Situated in a large enclosed rectangular garden with fountains, ornamental pools and water-courses, entrance to the Taj is by a majestic gateway.


Babur, the first Mughal emperor, succeeded to the throne of ferghana in 1494 when he was only 12 years old. He was forced to leave his ancestral throne due to invasion of Mongol group, the uzbegs. In 1526 he defeated the sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim lodi, at Panipat & captured Delhi & Agra The Mughals did not believe in the rule of primogeniture where the eldest son inherited his fathers estate. Instead they followed the Mughal and Timurid custom of coparcenary inheritance amongst all sons.


Babur was the great-grandson of Timur Lenk (Timur the Lame, from which the Western name Tamerlane is derived), who had invaded India and plundered Delhi in 1398. Then led a short-lived empire based in Samarkand (in modern-day Uzbekistan) that united Persian-based Mongols (Babur's maternal ancestors) and other West Asian people. Babur was driven from Samarkand and initially established his rule in Kabul in 1504; he later became the first Mughal ruler (1526-30). Babur, entered India in 1526 with his well-trained veteran army of 12,000 to meet the sultan's huge but unwieldy and disunited force of more than 100,000 men Babur defeated the Lodi sultan decisively at Panipat (in modern-day Haryana, about ninety kilometers north of Delhi). Employing gun carts, moveable artillery, and superior cavalry tactics, Babur achieved a resounding victory.



A year later, he decisively defeated a Rajput confederacy led by Rana Sangha. In 1529 Babur routed the joint forces of Afghans and the sultan of Bengal but died in 1530 before he could consolidate his military gains. He left behind as legacies his memoirs (Babur Namah ).

When Babur died, his son Humayun (1530-56), also a soldier, inherited a difficult task.

Humayun was pressed from all sides by a reassertion of Afghan claims to the Delhi throne, by disputes over his own succession, and by the AfghanRajput march into Delhi in 1540.


Humayun inherited one of the largest empires in the world at the time and nearly ruined it. Between 1530 and 1540 he managed to lose all the land that his father worked so hard to get through rebellions from Afghanistan and India. Humayun fled to Persia, where he spent nearly ten years as an embarrassed guest at the Safavid court.

In 1545, Humayun gained a foothold in Kabul, reasserted his Indian claim, defeated Sher Khan Sur, the most powerful Afghan ruler, and took control of Delhi in 1555. He ended up eventually regaining all the lands back but is looked upon as one of the worst Mughal emperors. At the end of his conquests he fell down a flight of stairs and broke his neck. Humayun's untimely death in 1556 left the task of further imperial conquest and consolidation to his thirteen-year-old son, Jalal-ud-Din Akbar (r. 1556-1605).


AKBAR The Great

(Baburs Grandson) Babur died shortly after conquest of India, task of organizing what he conquered fell to descendants. Most done by grandson, Akbar the Great. Akbar was an artisan, warrior, artist, armorer, blacksmith, carpenter, emperor, general, inventor, animal trainer (reputedly keeping thousands of hunting cheetahs during his reign and training many himself), lace maker, technologist and theologian. Following a decisive military victory at the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556, the regent Bayram Khan pursued a vigorous policy As soon as Akbar came of age, Bayram Khan began to free himself from the influences of overbearing ministers, court factions, and harem intrigues, and demonstrated his own capacity for judgment and leadership. Akbar built a walled capital called Fatehpur Sikri (Fatehpur means Fortress of Victory) near Agra, starting in 1571.

In 1585, Akbar relocated the capital to Lahore and in 1599 to Agra.

Diverse Population
Akbar took throne at age 13, but became greatest of all Mughal rulers. Realized India had diverse population, which could lead to breakdown of empire; did everything he could to win peoples loyalty.

Expanding Rule
Akbar married daughter of local noble to win nobles support. Brought sons of other nobles to live at court.

Did not hesitate to fight to prevent rebellion. 1605, Akbar died; at time, Mughals ruled most of north India, much of interior.

Akbars Achievements Religious Tolerance

Akbar worked to unify diverse empire by promoting religious tolerance. Held that no one religion could provide all answers to lifes problems Did not want to discourage people from practicing any religion, discriminate against anyone for their beliefs.

Abolished taxes placed on non-Muslims by earlier rulers. Appointed Hindus to several influential positions in government. Encouraged discussions, debates among Muslims, Hindus, Christians, people of other religions.

Firm Grip on Finances

Established centralized government that gave him supreme civil, military authority over his empire. Reformed tax system, appointed officials to oversee it. Majority of officials from outside Mughal Empire. Akbar adopted two distinct but effective approaches in administering a large territory and incorporating various ethnic groups into the service of his realm. In 1580, Akbar obtained local revenue statistics for the previous decade in order to understand details of productivity and price fluctuation of different crops. Akbar relied heavily on land-holding zamindars. They used their considerable local knowledge and influence to collect revenue and to transfer it to the treasury, keeping a portion in return for services rendered. Aided by Todar Mal, a Rajput king, Akbar issued a revenue schedule that the peasantry could tolerate while providing maximum profit for the state. Revenue demands, fixed according to local conventions of cultivation and quality of soil, ranged from one-third to one-half of the crop and were paid in cash.

Within his administrative system, the warrior aristocracy (mansabdars) held ranks (mansabs) expressed in numbers of troops, and indicating pay, armed contingents, and obligations. The warrior aristocracy was generally paid from revenues of nonhereditary and transferrable jagirs (revenue villages). Height of the Mughal Empire. Akbar came up with his own theory of "ruler ship as a divine illumination," enshrined in his new religion Din-i-Ilahi (Divine Faith), incorporating the principle of acceptance of all religions and sects. He personally participated in celebrating Hindu festivals such as Dipavali, or Diwali, the festival of lights; and abolished the jizya (poll tax) imposed on non-Muslims. He encouraged widow marriage, discouraged child marriage, outlawed the practice of sati, and persuaded Delhi merchants to set up special market days for women, who otherwise were secluded at home . By the end of Akbar's reign, the Mughal Empire extended throughout most of India north of the Godavari River. The exceptions were Gondwana in central India, which paid tribute to the Mughals, and Assam, in the northeast.

Mughal rule under Jahangir (1605-27) and Shah Jahan (1628-58) was noted for political stability, brisk economic activity, beautiful paintings, and monumental buildings.

Height of the Mughal Empire


During reign, Jahangir came into conflict with religious group, Sikhs Some Sikhs had supported rebellion against Jahangir. Sikhism, blended elements of Islam, Hinduism. Like Muslims, believe in one God, who created world, who has no physical form. Unlike Muslims, who believe in afterlife, believe in reincarnation. Believe goal of existence to be freed from cycle of rebirth, attain unity with God. Do not practice rituals like pilgrimage, yoga, from the earlier religions.

Jahangir married the Persian princess whom he renamed Nur Jahan (Light of the World), who emerged as the most powerful individual in the court besides the emperor. As a result, Persian poets, artists, scholars, and officers--including her own family members--lured by the Mughal court's brilliance and luxury, found asylum in India. The number of unproductive, time-serving officers mushroomed, as did corruption, while the excessive Persian representation upset the


delicate balance of impartiality at the court. Jahangir liked Hindu festivals but promoted mass conversion to Islam. Jahangir persecuted the followers of Jainism and even executed Guru

Arjun Das, the fifth saint-teacher of the Sikhs . Nur Jahan's abortive schemes to secure the throne for the prince of her choice led Shah Jahan to rebel in 1622. In that same year, the Persians took over Kandahar in southern Afghanistan, an event that struck a serious blow to Mughal prestige. Between 1636 and 1646, Shah Jahan sent Mughal armies to conquer the Deccan and the northwest beyond the Khyber Pass. Even though, the Persians demonstrated Mughal military strength, these campaigns consumed the imperial treasury. As the state became a huge military machine, whose nobles and their contingents multiplied almost fourfold, so did its demands for more revenue from the peasantry.

Political unification and maintenance of law and order over wide areas encouraged the emergence of large centers of commerce and crafts--such as Lahore, Delhi, Agra, and Ahmadabad-linked by roads and waterways to distant places and ports.


Shah Jahan
Jahangirs son and successor, Shah Jahan shared his fathers love of literature and art. During his reign the Mughal Empire experienced a cultural golden age. In order to secure hold on power, he had all rivals murdered. Symbol of Mughal Majesty Shah Jahan also built new capital for India at Delhi. At heart, chamber that held magnificent Peacock Throne. Flanked by two sculpted peacocks, encrusted with gold, diamonds, emeralds, other gems. TAJ MAHAL Greatest example of Mughal architecture, Taj Mahal built during his reign. Designed by Persian architects, displays elements of Indian, Persian, Muslim architectural styles. Built as tomb for Shah Jahans wife. Taxes Needed funds to pay for monuments. Shah Jahan imposed heavy taxes on people. Demanded half of all crops grown in the country. Led to hardship, famine for many. Wars Series of wars against Indias neighbors also added to Shah Jahans need for money. Many wars fought in name of Islam against Christians, Hindus. Unlike father, grandfather, Shah Jahan was Muslim who did not practice religious tolerance.


Power Struggle 1657, Shah Jahan grew terribly ill Sons began to maneuver to take throne Soon war broke out between them Succession Shah Jahan unexpectedly recovered but son Aurangzeb captured him After locking father in prison, killed all rivals. Brought head of brother in box to show father , then declared himself the emperor.

Reign Early in reign, concerned with expanding Indias borders Empire reached greatest size at this time Later, Aurangzeb turned more to domestic affairs

During his fifty-year reign, the empire reached its utmost physical limit but also witnessed the unmistakable symptoms of decline. The bureaucracy had grown bloated and excessively corrupt, and the huge and unwieldy army demonstrated outdated weaponry and tactics. Aurangzeb was not the ruler to restore the dynasty's declining fortunes or glory. Awe-inspiring but lacking in the charisma needed to attract outstanding lieutenants, Aurangzeb was driven to extend Mughal rule over most of South Asia and to reestablish Islamic orthodoxy by adopting a reactionary attitude toward those Muslims whom he had suspected of compromising their faith.


Aurangzeb was involved in a series of protracted wars--against the Pathans in Afghanistan, the sultans of Bijapur and Golkonda in the Deccan, and the Marathas in Maharashtra. Peasant uprisings and revolts by local leaders became all too common, as did the conniving of the nobles to preserve their own status at the expense of a steadily weakening empire. The increasing association of his government with Islam further drove a wedge between the ruler and his Hindu subjects. Aurangzeb forbade the building of new temples, destroyed a number of them, and reimposed the jizya. A puritan and a censor of morals, he banned music at court, abolished ceremonies, and persecuted the Sikhs in Punjab. These measures alienated so many that even before he died challenges for power had already begun to escalate. Contenders for the Mughal throne fought each other, and the shortlived reigns of Aurangzeb's successors were strife-filled.

The Mughal Empire experienced dramatic reverses as regional governors broke away and founded independent kingdoms. The Mughals had to make peace with Maratha rebels, and Persian and Afghan armies invaded Delhi, carrying away many treasures, including the Peacock Throne in 1739.



Fall of Mughal Empire

The Mughal Empire reached its greatest extent in the time of Aurangzeb Alamgir, but it collapsed with dramatic suddenness within a few decades after his death.

The Mughal Empire owes its decline and ultimate downfall to a combination of factors; firstly Aurangzeb religious policy is regarded as a cause for the decline of the Mughal Empire as it led to disunity among the people.

Although the policy did lead to weakening of the empire but the major cause of decline was the lack of worthy and competent successors after him.

The character of Mughal kings had deteriorated over a period of time. The successive rulers after Aurangzeb were weak and lacked the character, motivation and commitment to rule the empire strongly. They had become ease loving and cowardly. They totally disregarded their state duties and were unable to detain the declining empire from its fall.



Many features of the Mughal administrative system were adopted by Great Britain in ruling India, but the most lasting achievements of the Mughals were in the field of architecture, painting and music. During the fabled Mughal age, the craftsmen of the Sultans and Rajahs of India produced an astonishing variety of objects in gold and gold enamel, silver, brass, bronze, gilt copper and the Deccani alloy known as bidri .

The finest of these are among the most striking and poetic utilitarian wares ever made, in addition to being of the most outstanding technical refinement. Order, beauty, richness, restraint and sensuousness describe the essence of these works of art, whose greatness derives form the meeting of two worlds.

Such mingling of Hindu and Muslim sensibilities gave Mughal art the strength to endure, just as religious tolerance gave political strength to the Mughal emperor.







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