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The Bessemer Gas Engine Co.




a meeting of the Parish Council of Defense was held this day at the office of Martin & Martin with the following members present:

-There was a large number of persons in town this week to fill their Questionaires, which comSeptember 17, 1918 My Dear Mrs. Chanvin: menced Monday, and quite a force St. Martinville, La., Sept. 23, 1918 I write to tell you. that it was happy was kept busy all the week. At the call of the Chairman, Chaplain Office
privilege to attend your poble son in his fatal illnese. and assure you that he dida hero well fortified with the graces and consolation of hin Hloly Religion. Death is alwavys hard. but when it peacefully make its advent amid such advantages it is robbed of its terror. I congratulate you on the proud fact that your son' gave his best and all to help hasten the happy dawn of peace. Assuring you of a momento in my humble prayer as well as you dear son, I

Parish Council of Defense leets.


Messrs. R. Martin, A. V. Four. Homer J. LeAs Distributors For The Louisiana Rice Fields Of Blanc, L. C. St. Germain, C. E. Smedes, D. C. Labbe, L. M. Four-

I;net, D. P. Martin,

-The St. Martin Parish Fair at Parks, La., will take place on October 5 and 6th. The colored people who manage this fair have spared no efforts to make it a complete success. Hipolite Rochon, one of the old

Bessemer Oil Engines

This appointment backs your Bessemer installation with the strength and service of Two big concerns, each with a splendid history of accomplishment. The Layne & Bowler Company are now ready to name interesting prices and delivery dates on the famous Type IV Bessemer. A Bessemer on your rice farm backed by Layne & Bowler ser- the parish. vice, might be looked upon as crop insurance. War conditions make The following persons were se-

net, J. R. Olivier, and F. O. Chacolored men of this town and one vez. Absent: None. remain. of the founders of the True Friends On motion of Mr. A. V. FourYours very sincerely. Society of this place, died last Sanet and second of Mr. Martin, F. Edwiu Byrne, turday and was buried Sunday Chaplain, U. 8. N. O. Chavez was elected secretary to evening. The Truo Friends SoMrs. Leab Chauvin. succeed F. T. Guilbeau who left ciety and a large number of colorSt. Martinville, La.

ed people attended his funeral.

We learn that a rule of the High School is that pupils who arrive after the ringing of the bell are not permitted to enter the school during the whole of that day. And it happen that children from the country who are late have to remain on the streets until they are sent for in the evening. It seems to us that that is a wrong system and deprive the cbildren of a days schooling and allow them to roam

early selection advisable.

Write the Layne & Bowler Co., Crowley, La. lected to assist the registrants in

Fine Home Destroyed.

Sunday night, the home of Mr. George Eastin was destroyed by fire and the destruction was complete, the home burning to the ground and nothing of the fine furnishing of the house was saved. This home, perhaps the finest in town, had beautiful grounds, well kept, was burned in about an hour, Mr. Eastin and Mr. Auguste Guirard were in the house, and when they discovered the fire, it was too late for them to save even their clothes as the fire with its headway already made, wrapped the house with furious flames and in a short while this beautiful building was a mass cf ruin. It was with hard work that the other buildings around could be saved as the heat from this large fire endangered the other buildings around. The loss of the building and contents was about $10,000 with insurance amounting to $3.500.

Meeting Sunday.
The Fourth Liberty Loan meet. ing held here last Sunday at the Bienvenu Opera House, was well attended, but it would have been of much more good to all the people of the parish it they could have been present to hear the fine ad-

dresses that were made by Hon.

Walter J. Burke, Judge Julian Mouton and Hon. Donelson Caffery, they all made addresses portraying the condition that exist over the sea and appealing to the people at home to do their share in this great war, in order that our soldiers and nurses on the firing lines be supplied with everything that they need. All three speakers made masterly addresses. Do not allow anything to stand in the way of planting an oat crop this fall or planting it at the proper time, advises W. R. Perkins,


Director of Extension. Louisiana State University. Every one knows that the corn and hay crops
are very short and that it would be a great financial drain upon the

Mr. Marcellus Savoy died Sun- farmers if they have to buy all the nay evening at his home here, and feed that will be required for makwas buried at four o'clock Monday ing next year's crop. evening, lie was 56 years of age. Mr. E. A. Maraist made a busiTFry Us On Job Printing ness trip to New Orleans this week. ,,

Now For The School

We're ready to outfit Boys and Girls with

School Shoes,
and other articles they may need to attend school. :: See us before buying elsewhere.

K. SgyHWARTZ, ~55WAI5~A.,Gent's

Leader In ent, Goods

666 cures Headaches, Biliousfilling questionaires: ness, Loss of Appetite, foul Cads -At Smedes's Store: Dr. Thomas. Banker Cads, C. E. Smedes, L. P. Olivier. breath or that tired aching St. Martinville-at the Court Hlouse, due to Malaria or Colds. It F. Z. Power. D.C. Labbe, C. O. Brouseard. L. P. Fournet, Judge Jas. Simon, removes the cause. Sidney E. Delahoussaye. F. O. Chavez, W. S. Edwards. Thomas Martin. E. A. Commencing today, the colored Msraist. Alex P. Greig. LeBlance Section -at the Thlnadeauxpeople will hold Liberty Loan LeBlauc school: Nareisse Thibodeaux. meetings at the following places: lolden LeBlanc, Homer LeBlanc. Today at Parks, October 2nd at Parks-at Dugas's Dance Hall: Ubald the streets. It seems that some Cade and October 9th at St. MarMelaucon, Hortr Periou. Joe Rousseau, other punitive method should tinville. These meetings will be Dr. Otto Brown. Luke Babin. Levert-at the Store: Sidney Gonseou- be adopted in order to compel the addressed by Rev. A. Robinson lin. Galbert Duerest, Louis Maraist. pupils to be on time. who is managing these meetings ' Lawrence Levert. and assisted by Drs. L A. Butler Catahoula Cove-at the ScHoolhouse: and C. H. Pemilton, Rev. Taylor, Mr. J. M. Theaux of Delcambre Edm. Fouruet, Marcel Frederick, Joe. was buried here Tuesday evening, O. H. Butler, S. P. Daniel and T'herlot. Breaux Bridge-at the City Hall: Paul having died at Delcambre Monday. others. S. Daselt. R. E. Domeugeaux, Adolphe Thlbodeaux, Dr. R. J. Patio. Robert Aungelle. J. A. Domiugnes, Dr. D. J. Gray. non, Gaston Thibodeaux, L. M. Pelleriu. A. B. Whitlow. A. Badton, Jr. At A.J. Dupuis's Store: Adam Dupul.. A.J. Dupuis, K. Dupuls. Jr. Cecelia-at J. K. Domeugeaux's store: J. K. Domengeaux, Dr. Boudreaux, Henry Olivier, Evans Calais. Arnaudville-at F. P. Morrow's Drug Store: J. N. Durlo, F. P. Morrow, S. M. Just Received ONE IAR Olivier. D. P. Martin, Edwin Delahoussays, E. L.Eicbenlaub. Nicholas Decoux. Upon motion of Dr. Olivier and second of Mr. Smedes, the following resolution was adopted:' Be it Resolved, that the Sheriff and the Local Draft Board are hereby called upon to investigate the cases of Voltier David colored and Anasta Patin, white, and report to the Parish Council of Defense the rea. sons why they are not now in the service of their country, and the sheriff is further requested to comHydrated in 450 pounds bag and also municate with the Board or Boards Rock In barrels. with whom they are presumed to have registered and to have answered their questionaires. Upon motion duly made, secon(lded, and carried, the date for enrolling in the Working Reserve AGENTS was changed to Sept. 30, and Supt. Chavez was authorized to appoint the necessary clerks. Upon motion of Dr. Olivier and second of Mr. A. V. Fournet, the following resolution was adopted: Be it Resolved, That all Liberty Loan workers be and are hereby ST. MARTINVILLE, LOUISIANA. requested to report to the Parish Council of Defense, the names of p OE D 179? fOV any and all persons who attempt to, and do hinder and discourage the purchasing of liberty bonds, or who in any other manner endeavor to hinder any War Work whatso. ever. Moved by Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. Labbe, and carried that the SOLICIT A PART OF YOUR BUSINI&S muetingl aljourn. F. O. Chavez, Secretary.



Fresh Dittlinger




Laizaire Bienvenu




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