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Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs

www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

Special Report on One Amber

This is a special report on One Amber located in a well-established residential area in the East,
near the popular Parkway Parade, a well-loved gathering place for the residents in the east
coast. The One Amber development is also touted as one the three most popular
developments, lovingly called the Trinity, in the East. Being the newest of the Trinity also make
One Amber the favorite among the locals and foreigners who are seeking a home or a sound

Basic Information

Total Units 562

Developer Brendale Pte Ltd
Year Completed 2010
Facilities Toddler’s Pool
Children’s Pool
Swimming Pool
Infinity Pool
Jacuzzi Pool
Entrance Water Feature
Entrance Plaza
Granite Waterfall
Water Jets Plaza
Entrance Water Cascade
Pool Deck
Handball Wall
Tennis Courts
Mirror Garden BBQ
Wind Chime Garden
Adult Fitness Station
Club House
Address 1, 3, 7, 9 AMBER GARDENS

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

Past Transactions of One Amber Units

Past Transactions of One Amber



Average PSF




Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May Jun-
08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 -09 09
Total 1114 911 938 1009 882 853 823 778 854 875 898 910

As with any developments that are under construction, the prices are susceptible to the change
in the economic climate. There are owners of One Amber who have dumped their units during
the November 2008 to March 2009 where market uncertainty was at its peak. Please refer to
Annex A for more details.

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

Total Number of One Amber Units Sold

Per Month
Number of Units

Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun-
08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09
Total 6 4 3 6 4 5 6 4 13 19 5 3

Buyers returned in droves during March 2009 and April 2009, picking up a total of 32 units in
the two months, almost matching the 38 units that were sold from June 2008 to February 2009.

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

High Floor, Mid Floor, Low Floor One Amber Units – Which one is the
best investment?

Performance of High, Mid and Low Floor One

Amber Units


Transacted Prices (PSF)





Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Nov-08 Dec-08 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09
High 1181 990 900 1023 0 851 852 768 857 935 940 925
Mid 1047 0 1097 939 0 864 811 792 843 862 937 0
Low 0 831 818 0 843 0 761 775 865 831 871 880

High Floor – 15th Floor and Above | Mid Floor – 8th to 14th Floor | Low Floor – Ground to 7th Floor

In general, High Floor units are more popular. Since June 2008, 32 units have been sold, more
than the 25 Mid-floor units and 21 low-floor units. High floor units also fetched a better price
than mid- and low-floor units, achieving an average of 12.4 percent and 5.3 percent premium
over the mid- and low-floor units.

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

Who are Your Neighbours?

One Amber, being the newest development of the Trinity, takes its price indication from its
neighbours, The Seaview and The Esta, in particular.

The Sea View

Average Transacted Price of The Sea View



Transacted Price (PSF)






Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Aug- Sep- Oct- Dec- Jan- Feb- Apr- May-
08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09
Total 1213 1190 1224 1269 1237 1420 1215 1108 1189 1152 1050 987 1064

The marketing efforts of Wheelock Properties, the high-end developer, have paid off for the
owners of The Sea View. The development is perceived to be the premium of the lots in the
East, especially in the Amber Road area. The quality and the spaciousness of the development
are valued by buyers who are willing to pay a premium over The Esta and One Amber.
However, we think that One Amber will catch up with The Sea View once it is TOP.

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

Rental Yield of The Sea View

Average Rent at The Sea View









Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May-
08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09
Total 1.97 2.53 2.42 3.07 2.74 2.31 2.50 2.36 3.33 3.52 3.35 3.49 3.39 3.29 3.46

Rental Market is usually tied to the labour market. Amid the job losses in the financial markets,
we have seen the rental at The Sea View plunged to one of the lowest in March. However, as
seen in the last few months, the rental levels have firmed up, with banks relooking at hiring and
increasing their pay to their staff to keep them.

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

The Esta

Average Transacted Price at The Esta







Mar Apr- May Jun- Jul- Aug Sep- Oct- Nov Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar Apr- May
-08 08 -08 08 08 -08 08 08 -08 08 09 09 -09 09 -09
Total 1073 991 900 947 914 928 900 896 837 809 846 868 915 891 955

The average transacted price of The Esta units is lower than that of One Amber and The Sea
View. Most buyers do not like the layout of the developments, which the pool facing units are
blocked and facing another block. The pool is always smaller the in terms of space, the
development feels a bit more congested. However, it is still a very nice development in the

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

Rental Yield at The Esta

Rental Rates at The Esta







Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May-
08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09
Total 2.37 2.24 2.24 2.03 2.13 2.24 2.03 2.17 0.00 2.27 1.82 1.90 1.70 1.83 2.67

The rental yield is also lower as most people prefer The Sea View, paying a premium for units
over there.

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

Annex A
Unit Sold Area Total Contract
PSF (Square Feet) Amount Date
7 Amber Gardens #04-18 $880 1701 $1496k 4-Jun-09
7 Amber Gardens #23-15 $936 2777 $2600k 4-Jun-09
9 Amber Gardens #17-26 $914 1313 $1200k 3-Jun-09
1 Amber Gardens #20-02 $940 1259 $1183k 20-May-09
9 Amber Gardens #07-26 $910 1313 $1194k 19-May-09
7 Amber Gardens #06-15 $870 1259 $1095k 12-May-09
9 Amber Gardens #10-23 $937 958 $898k 11-May-09
3 Amber Gardens #04-09 $833 1658 $1380k 4-May-09
7 Amber Gardens #03-17 $850 1270 $1079k 30-Apr-09
3 Amber Gardens #05-08 $850 1302 $1106k 30-Apr-09
1 Amber Gardens #10-06 $830 1442 $1196k 29-Apr-09
1 Amber Gardens #18-03 $919 958 $880k 29-Apr-09
1 Amber Gardens #20-04 $1,099 570 $627k 27-Apr-09
9 Amber Gardens #09-24 $1,034 570 $590k 27-Apr-09
1 Amber Gardens #17-06 $880 1442 $1270k 22-Apr-09
1 Amber Gardens #09-06 $835 1442 $1204k 22-Apr-09
9 Amber Gardens #04-22 $853 1442 $1230k 21-Apr-09
7 Amber Gardens #16-17 $890 1270 $1130k 17-Apr-09
7 Amber Gardens #05-17 $800 1270 $1016k 16-Apr-09
1 Amber Gardens #04-07 $880 1335 $1174k 16-Apr-09
9 Amber Gardens #13-22 $880 1442 $1268k 16-Apr-09
3 Amber Gardens #11-09 $810 1658 $1342k 14-Apr-09
7 Amber Gardens #14-20 $830 1259 $1044k 8-Apr-09
9 Amber Gardens #16-23 $900 958 $862k 6-Apr-09
1 Amber Gardens #03-06 $750 1442 $1081k 3-Apr-09
7 Amber Gardens #11-20 $818 1259 $1029k 3-Apr-09
9 Amber Gardens #18-23 $924 958 $885k 2-Apr-09
1 Amber Gardens #21-06 $900 1442 $1297k 31-Mar-09
3 Amber Gardens #22-12 $827 1572 $1300k 30-Mar-09
9 Amber Gardens #11-27 $855 1389 $1187k 27-Mar-09
1 Amber Gardens #03-04 $903 570 $515k 25-Mar-09
1 Amber Gardens #07-04 $947 570 $540k 20-Mar-09
9 Amber Gardens #02-21 $810 1335 $1081k 13-Mar-09
9 Amber Gardens #13-27 $860 1389 $1194k 13-Mar-09
3 Amber Gardens #12-12 $800 1615 $1292k 13-Mar-09
9 Amber Gardens #19-27 $860 1389 $1194k 11-Mar-09
9 Amber Gardens #11-25 $850 958 $814k 10-Mar-09
3 Amber Gardens #09-10 $850 1701 $1445k 9-Mar-09
3 Amber Gardens #02-10 $800 1701 $1360k 9-Mar-09
1 Amber Gardens #17-07 $840 1335 $1121k 5-Mar-09

Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

7 Amber Gardens #03-15 $720 1259 $906k 27-Feb-09

3 Amber Gardens #14-13 $768 1302 $1000k 25-Feb-09
7 Amber Gardens #12-20 $792 1259 $998k 18-Feb-09
7 Amber Gardens #07-20 $830 1259 $1044k 5-Feb-09
9 Amber Gardens #15-21 $861 1335 $1149k 30-Jan-09
7 Amber Gardens #19-17 $880 1270 $1117k 30-Jan-09
1 Amber Gardens #06-02 $761 1313 $1000k 23-Jan-09
1 Amber Gardens #22-01 $816 1507 $1230k 22-Jan-09
1 Amber Gardens #10-02 $825 1313 $1083k 19-Jan-09
3 Amber Gardens #14-08 $797 1302 $1038k 7-Jan-09
9 Amber Gardens #16-27 $850 1389 $1180k 18-Dec-08
1 Amber Gardens #08-01 $864 1389 $1200k 15-Dec-08
3 Amber Gardens #16-09 $840 1658 $1392k 5-Dec-08
1 Amber Gardens #17-02 $853 1313 $1120k 3-Dec-08
1 Amber Gardens #21-03 $860 958 $823k 2-Dec-08
9 Amber Gardens #06-27 $843 1389 $1170k 28-Nov-08
7 Amber Gardens #11-17 $835 1270 $1060k 21-Nov-08
9 Amber Gardens #08-24 $999 570 $570k 13-Nov-08
9 Amber Gardens #14-27 $850 1389 $1180k 3-Nov-08
7 Amber Gardens #19-19 $930 1658 $1541k 9-Sep-08
Amber Gardens #18-10 $1,100 1701 $1871k 8-Sep-08
9 Amber Gardens #13-26 $939 1313 $1233k 8-Sep-08
7 Amber Gardens #22-15 $860 1195 $1027k 4-Sep-08
3 Amber Gardens #19-10 $1,121 1701 $1906k 4-Sep-08
1 Amber Gardens #19-04 $1,104 570 $630k 3-Sep-08
7 Amber Gardens #18-17 $900 1270 $1143k 16-Aug-08
9 Amber Gardens #12-24 $1,097 570 $626k 14-Aug-08
7 Amber Gardens #02-20 $818 1259 $1030k 11-Aug-08
9 Amber Gardens #01-25 $762 1324 $1008k 31-Jul-08
7 Amber Gardens #16-16 $1,000 1378 $1378k 25-Jul-08
1 Amber Gardens #19-05 $980 958 $938k 25-Jul-08
7 Amber Gardens #05-16 $900 1378 $1240k 21-Jul-08
1 Amber Gardens #12-03 $1,100 958 $1053k 10-Jun-08
1 Amber Gardens #17-04 $1,192 570 $680k 16-May-08
7 Amber Gardens #10-18 $1,008 1701 $1714k 23-Apr-08
7 Amber Gardens #14-19 $1,032 1658 $1710k 7-Apr-08
3 Amber Gardens #16-08 $1,220 1302 $1588k 28-Mar-08
1 Amber Gardens #16-01 $1,130 1389 $1569k 13-Mar-08

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Last Updated June 26, 2009
Denise Kee | Serving Your Real Estate Needs
www .denisekee .com . sg | 98307961

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Last Updated June 26, 2009

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