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A CHANGE FOR A LICENSE Narrator: Once upon a time, in a world of magical creatures, there exists a place named The

Fairy World. Professor: Good morning young fairies! I have the result of your performance last activity. Congratulations Sabrina! Youve got the highest score 98%, Zia 92%, Lia 91%.....Ahm, Brianna, please come here in front.(the professor gave the test paper to Brianna) Dont worry Brianna, just keep your chin up and hold your horses then you can do it. You may go back to your respective sit. Ok fairies, listen! We have a special activity today. All except Brianna: oh yeah! Sabrina: Sounds exciting! What is it Sir? Im sure Im the one who will get the highest grade. (one fairy whispered on the other fairy) Zia: Sabrina blows again her own horn. Sabrina: Hey! Are you referring to me? Professor: Fairies! We are chasing rainbows and butterflies, we have to start this. Ok fairies, before anything else, I want to spill the beans of a powerful fairy, do you want to know it? All except Brianna: Of course, Sir! Professor: Then, give me all your chips. All except Brianna: What? Lia: But Sir, I think youre getting blood from a stone. If you do that, we will become an ordinary human being so whats the connection of it to become a powerful fairy? Professor: Im glad you asked that thing. Everybody should be back to square one and live like ordinary creatures. Always remember: Everything starts from nothing. Just be reminded that you need to be ready in facing the music. You only have a nick of time to prove yourselves. Fairies: Oh my! No! Professor: Goodbye, pretty young fairies! Break a leg! Narrator: When the professor leaves the room, the young fairies started to be puzzled. Sabrina: Haizzt...That professor just wants us to lead a dogs life...grrr... (Zia approached Brianna) Zia: Brianna, why are you so quiet?

Brianna: Ahm...I just dont feel good. Zia: Ah...Do you want to stretch your legs? Brianna: Ha? Ahm...Okay! Ill ask Lia too. Lia, do you want to go with us? Lia: Ahm...I have something to do but just in case if Ill finish it earlier, Ill go with you. Brianna & Zia: Okay! Well catch you later. Narrator: Later on, the time comes. The young fairies will be going to the other world- to the world where ordinary human beings live. Professor: Okay fairies. This is the time that youve all been waiting for! Narrator: The fairies were so excited and give their chips to their professor. Professor: Go my dearest young fairies! Just prove to me that you can be able to change something in yourselves and even with others without using your powers and youll all be certified licensed fairies! Be reminded of your mission, fairies! Bye! Fairies: Yes Sir! Narrator: In the other world Sabrina: Oh Brianna, hope youll make it! Haha...Bye! Brianna: Well, I can! I will prove it to you! Ill gonna face a whole new ball game! Friends, lets just have our separate ways to be able to easily find our mission here. Sabrina: GrrrIts a bad hair day for me. Narrator: Brianna, Lia, Zia and Sabrina have separated ways. While walking, Brianna catches sight of somebody. Brianna: Ahm...Excuse me. Can I ask you something? Gab: Yes. Whats that? (the guy is hiding on a tree) Brianna: Wait! Why are you like that? Is there something wrong? Narrator: There came two other guys looking for the guy. Gab: Come on! Cut and run! Brianna: Hey, whats happening?

Gab: Oh, theres nothing. Im sorry! Narrator: After running, Gab sit on a bench. Brianna: Do you have a problem? Gab: Ahm...Yes. By the way, Im Gab! And you are? Brianna: Ahm...Im Brianna. Nice meeting you. So by the way, can I ask whats the problem of yours? Gab: Oh...I did something wrong and those guys are hunting me. Brianna: What? But why? Gab: You know what? Im a bad guy! Really really bad!!! They treat me as the black sheep of our family. But, I want to change my life, myself, all of those bad things that Ive done before. My life is now on the rock. Brianna: You know what, I can help you. Gab: Ha? How? Its already a day late and a dollar short. Brianna: No, its not too late! Im a fairy. I can help you. Gab: Hahaha... A fairy? Hahaha... Im not born yesterday! You stop teasing me. Hahaha Brianna: What keep you in stitches? Gab: Are you joking? Fairies are not true. Narrator: Later on, Sabrina, Lia and Zia arrived. Theyve met each other upon searching for their mission. Sabrina: Hey, Brianna, come over here. Brianna: How did you know that Im here? Sabrina: A little bird told me, so we went here. Brianna: Why? Lia: We need to do something, Brianna. I mean with someone! Brianna: Ha? Who? Him? Sabrina: Yes! And well help him change. (the four fairies go to Gab) Gab: Hi!

Sabrina, Lia, Zia: Hello! We heard that you want to change? Do you want us to help you? (the four fairies are convincing Gab) Gab: Ha? How? Wait!..Ahm..okay! Narrator: The four young fairies helped Gab. Fortunately, after almost a week, they made it and they were very happy. Gab: Oh, Thank you so much. Now, Ive changed a lot. I already have at least a blue collar job. Four Fairies: Its alright! Wish you all the best. Sabrina: Ahm... We would also like to thank you because without you, maybe were all drop-outs now. Gab: Drop-out? Ha? Why? Lia & Zia: Dont mind it. Hehe Brianna: Just be good, Gab! Bye! Narrator: The four fairies already walked away and while walking... Sabrina: Ahm... Brianna, I just want to break the ice between us. I know that we had cold war but lets just be friends. Brianna: Okay. Its alright! Friends? Sabrina: Friends! Narrator: The four young fairies laughed with each other. They returned happily to the Fairy World. Professor: Welcome back, pretty young fairies! I want to congratulate you all! Your work is worth your salt. Theres no reason to dismiss anyone of you. You can now have your licenses and chips. Four Fairies: Thank you Sir! Narrator: And in a flash, their powers are back! The four fairies now have their place in the sun. All of them face their lives with flying colors and theyve become the most excellent fairies of all time!


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