Craig Com220 r7 Appendix I

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Appendix I 1 COM/220 Version 7

Associate Level Material

Appendix I Strategies for Gathering Information
Fill in the following information for each of your sources: List the APA reference citation for the source. Determine the credibility of the source. Consider the following criteria: What is the purpose and affiliation of the organization or author related to the article? What are the authors credentials? Is the information current? When was the information last updated? Does the information cross-reference with other sources? Does the source contain bias without evidence to support the claim? Explain in at least two to four sentences what information you can gather from this source. What makes the source credible or noncredible? This source is credible because it was retrieved from the University Library and was published by a reputable journal. It also presents both sides of the argument for and against gun control. What information can you gather from this source? I can gather examples of the ongoing argument of the 2nd amendment. This article explains gun control and debates legislation on it, more specifically the 2nd amendment.

Source (formatted consistent with APA guidelines) Tushnet, Mark (April 3, 2008). Interpreting the Right to Bear Arms Gun Regulation and Constitutional Law. The New England Journal of Medicine 358.14: 1424-6.

Schneider, William. More Ammunition For Gun Advocates. National Journal (2009). Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 3 Feb. 2012.

This source is credible because it was retrieved from the University Library. It presents both sides of the argument for and against gun control.

I can reference information explaining how support of stricter gun control laws dropped and sales on firearms have increased in recent years. I can also further highlight the role political parties play in this ongoing debate.

Appendix I 2 COM/220 Version 7 Strohm, Chris (March 13, 2011). Obama Calls for Better Gun-Control Measures. National Journal. This source is credible because it was retrieved from the University Library and is a current article about an incident that occurred less than one year ago. I can gather information on the Arizona shooting. It will allow me to highlight an example of how gun control advocates believe stronger legislation is necessary for gun control.

White, Debra. Pros & Cons of Gun Ownership & Use Laws for Individuals. Retrieved February 3, 2012, from

This website appears to be credible. The site looks professional, has current information, and information can be cross referenced.

I would gather information regarding pros and cons of gun ownership. I would be able to advise the audience that there are positive and negative reasons for support of gun rights.

Lott, John (September 30, 2011). Media Silence Is Deafening About Important Gun News. Retrieved February 1, 2012, from dia-silence-is-deafening-about-important-gunnews/#ixzz1lM0w5DmQn.

This website appears to be credible and is from Fox News. It lists other articles to reference for additional information.

From this article, I could use statistics showing that crime rates have not increased because of gun ownership.

Address the following in 150 to 200 words: What strategies did you use to gather reliable information for your research paper? The first thing I did before I began to conduct my search for reliable information was to select some key words and phrase to help narrow down my search. I used gun control legislation, gun control versus gun ownership and effects of gun control on crime rates. This helped me to narrow down articles and other resources I was looking for. I then went to University Library and found some very informative material on legislation and opposing viewpoints. I made sure the material was current and could be cross referenced. I found additional sources using Originally, I thought Google would be more helpful, but unfortunately it was not. I spent more time viewing blogs. The top listings in the search were not the credible material I had originally thought it was. top listings were articles from new sources. I viewed the websites, read the mission statements, and read about the authors before selecting my final sources. What other strategies might you use? Provide a rationale for your choices. As I continue to narrow my topic down, other strategies I will use are to continue to refine my key search terms, use current information, and continue to cross reference the

Appendix I 3 COM/220 Version 7 material I have selected. Since completing this assignment, I have a better idea on how to narrow my topic. I have completed a mind map to help me decide what my subtopics will be. Initially, I thought I was going to write my paper on how gun control does or does not affect crime rates. Through this research, I believe that will become a subtopic. I did not realize that there were so many ways for me to present gun control. I do know I am an advocate for gun ownership, but also feel with that comes responsibility. Therefore, I believe that before I can firmly decide on any additional strategies, I must commit to the direction and focus first.

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