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5, SEP - OCT 2010





An Overview of the Vending Opportunity

About Veromatic International

Making world-class Vending Machines

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Self-service - A way to be Happy at Work

Walk across and serve yourself
Vending has been chosen as the theme for this issue of CHANGE as we wanted our readers to know more about this new business of Godrej. In India, Vending Machines (VMs) have only recently made inroads to our office & retail sector. These sectors have correctly sensed the need for creating opportunities for self-service themselves, as only then they are more likely to be happier with the services consumed. Interactive encounters at VMs help create a sense of belonging. Godrej Vending business has a Joint Venture partner in Veromatic International B.V., the Netherlands. Rajiv gives us an overview of the business opportunities in the global and Indian market. Sorab Parekh tells us about the Vending story so far at Godrej and similarly all other contributors share with us their views about different aspects of the business. The role and contribution of the J.V. for our business is well articulated in the features by Manish. An indepth interview of Mr. Kees Verhoef, the founder of Veromatic makes an interesting read with many lessons for us. Feroz Katila and Anuj Sahu have written a fascinating piece on self-service and its modern day convenience. Vrunda, our Archivist rounds up the coverage on Vending by tracing its history. And lastly, Parampal lays down rules for the behaviour at Vending Machine so that the experience is rewarding. In our Home Base section, we have interesting write-ups on Godrej Appliances launching two new products from our Eon range-Front Loading Washing Machine and Game LCD TV. These launches showcase the outcomes of our newly adopted philosophy of Designed By Curiosity. GSS has launched Indias first Wireless Surveillance System in Hubli and Dharwad which has received much praise from the law reinforcement agencies. Our Aerospace business has for the first time in India indigenously developed PYLON system which measures the radar cross-section signature of aircrafts. All these stories showcase the change happening at Godrej. Godrej Material Handling was recently applauded for the 20 years long strong effort in building and sustaining strong relationship with United Breweries. Latika Khosla tells us how colours help us build a brand. Godrej Interio recently launched U & US design studio, a concept store to help our customers co-create their furniture solutions. Blood Donation Drive 2010 has been a great success both at Pirojshanagar and our branches across the country. An inspirational piece, the Joy of Giving by Nariman Bacha will surely inspire you to give generously for a worthy cause. Greetings for the festive season from Team CHANGE.

The Godrej Vending Story

Anil Verma
Head Edit Board

Interview of Kees Verhoef, Managing Director of Veromatic International Happy at work- Godrej Vending delivering its Value Proposition

Nalini Kala
Edit Board

Self-service - Modern Day Convenience

Our Product Range Godrej Interio launches a unique furniture design studio called U & US EON Game LCD TV for gaming enthusiasts launched by Godrej Appliances

22 24


Curious how Vending Machines entered our lives?

Investing in Colour Futures....



Sana Anjum
Edit Board

Eon Ergoz Range of Washing Machines launched by Godrej Appliances

The Power of Collaborative Relationships - Godrej Material Handling

Blood Donation Drive 2010

38 39 40

Godrej Security Solutions (GSS) introduces Indias first Wireless City Surveillance System

For private circulation only. No part of the magazine can be reproduced in any form without due permission of the editor. You can mail your contributions, suggestions and feedback at : change@godrej.com or to The Editor, Plant 11, 2nd Floor, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd., Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai 400 079

Falguni Turakhia

Godrej Precision Systems successfully creates PYLON

Vending Rules!

The theme for the next issue of change is SELLING - The Personal Force. Enjoy reading the issue and participate in the co-creation of CHANGE by writing to us at change@godrej.com

Nariman Bacha
Published by Indrapal Singh on behalf of Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Designed by DesignMembrane www.designmembrane.com Printed by

Joy of Giving

Know Your Mangroves - Curlew

Indrapal Singh

Nidhi Print Arts Pvt. Ltd.


Walk across and serve yourself


Here is an anecdote which tells us about the kind of new culture that we should attempt to usher in a quiet and an effective way. A friends son Akshay, on finishing his Postgraduation in Economics joined the Department of Climate Change in the government of U.K. He was assigned to work on a report on climate change and its impact on U.K.s economy over next 25 years. He worked with a team on the report. On its completion he found himself in front of the Vending Machine for a cup of coffee. Ahead of him in the queue were two other people, a youngish one and a distinguished looking older person. At his turn, the older person took his coffee and stepped aside sipping it. Akshay fumbled somewhat with the buttons with no apparent results whatsoever. The older person offered help and got Akshay his cup of coffee. Akshay thanked him and they began talking. The older person enquired if Akshay had joined the department recently and the kind of work he was engaged in. Akshay told him that he worked in the team which wrote the recently published report on the impact of climate change on U.K.s economy. The older person was impressed and asked Akshay his name and congratulated him for the good job done and added that he would like to meet him soon. Akshay was happy with the positive comment but was at the same time a bit intrigued about such comments coming from a stranger. With slight reluctance he managed to ask him as to who he was and what did he do in the department? The older person replied that he was Mr. So and So and was the Minister-in-Charge! This anecdote tells us all about the kind of new work culture that we ought to work together to have in our organisation. In this new culture, leaders are helpful to their people in many ways - some big, some small. Also the leaders are visible and accessible. They being interactive, encourage direct contact with the reportees to know them well, socialise with them and thereby understand deeply what is really going on. In our culture, being served is taken as a symbol of having attained a certain status, authority and power. In such a culture, promoting the practice of selfservice is not going to be an easy task. So, in order to be competitive its a good idea to have more and more opportunities for self-service. The practice of self-service enhances efficiency and it promotes walking around which is good for blood circulation and for a healthy backbone. Go ahead and get a Godrej Vending Machine for your work area, today.

nstalling Vending Machines in each and every work group is a good way to promote the idea of self-service and a culture which is open and classless. People should be encouraged to serve themselves as and when they want to and whilst doing so should have an opportunity to interact with other members of the group and build friendship. Friendship at work, enhances the emotional well-being of group members and foster a sense of belonging. Vending Machine makes people more self-reliant and makes them feel good about themselves as they are able to serve themselves. Encouraging people to perform their routine office chores themselves such as mail processing, filing of papers, handling of phone calls, making photocopies etc frees them from the dependencies built into the work system. Self-service promotes active work-life full of movement and interactions as opposed to a dull and sedentary one.

A Vending Machine makes people more self-reliant and makes them feel good about themselves...


An Overview of the Vending opportunity

By RAJIV JHANGIANI, V. P. & Business Head, Godrej Prima
study published in 2008 by NCR USA found that 86% of North American consumers were more likely to do business with companies offering some sort of self-service option. Many respondents said that they would have a more positive perception of a brand if it offered self-service. This appeared to be especially true of the young consumers. Vending Machines (VMs) bridge the gap between conventional stores and online shopping. Today they are being installed in airports & malls and are also materialising in supermarkets, college campuses, chain stores and government establishments. Economics of business is in favour of the VMs.

Global Scenario
Japan and the US together account for 50% of the globally installed base of VMs. Global annual sales of products through VMs are expected to reach about US $ 200 billion by 2015. Although growth has been temporarily moderated by the recession, the world market for VMs is nevertheless expected to recover poise with cumulative installations reaching 35 million plus units by the year 2015. Growth during this period will be largely driven by a quick resurgence of demand fundamentals, such as, rising levels of employment, increasing discretionary spends, strengthening consumer confidence, household wealth and continued demand among on-the-go consumers for the convenience of self-service. In addition, changes in consumer food consumption habits, urban lifestyles and post recession preference for low-ticket items, will all help in driving the vending market upwards. Interestingly the recession has spurred certain factors in favour of driving up the business case for VMs. For instance, frugal consumer purchasing behaviour has encouraged the use of VM cafes, which help cash strapped consumers save on service charges paid to the waiter. Traditional retail outlets like chain stores are exhibiting willingness to purchase and install VMs as part of their efforts to prune costs. On the other hand, several other factors have contributed to the slowdown of the industry. As vending being mostly a workplace service, rising rates of unemployment and stagnant wages have spurred a decline in purchase quantities and frequencies.

The India opportunity

The Indian vending industry is still nascent and is restricted to dispensing hot beverages in offices. As India begins to ride the global vending trend, the market for vending services is likely to grow rapidly. The other large emerging opportunity for Indian companies is to supply low cost VMs to the world market. The Godrej-Veromatic partnership with know-how, design expertise, technology and low cost reliable manufacturing at its disposal is uniquely poised to address this opportunity. We have seen the first signs of success by way of the Cup-A-Soup Mini, an innovative soup machine developed and supplied to Unilever Holland by Godrej-Veromatic. We have now been appointed by the worlds largest soup company to develop and supply soup machines. In a short span of 3 years, Godrej Vending services have been well received in the Indian market. Also, Godrej-Veromatic partnership has already started to address significant global opportunities. Vending at Godrej is a young business and has the potential to become a significant contributor to G & Bs portfolio. Team Godrej Vending is excited and ready to make it happen.

temperatures. This allows for simultaneously vending assorted products that require different storage temperatures. With consumers wanting quick and convenient access to competitively priced products, vending offers entrepreneurs an opportunity to start businesses which can grow rapidly. Snack, beverage, candy and food VMs continue to be the most lucrative and stable in the marketplace. Innovations in service VMs include internet kiosks, DVD vending, etc.

Vending Machines bridge the gap between conventional stores and online shopping.
The last decade witnessed a dramatic evolution of the vending industry. Growing from the confines of dispensing convenience foods & beverages to consumers on the go, this ultimate self-service vehicle is today used in retailing a wider range of products such as fresh flowers, cameras, audio books, DVDs/CDs, video games and music, among others. Technological advancements have made VMs capable of offering compelling benefits to todays time-pressed consumers. Technological innovations have also helped change consumer perception of the vended products, infusing greater trust in the reliability of the machines, and in the quality of both the service rendered and the products vended. Cashless, remote-monitoring machines represent a noteworthy innovation that allows consumers the unrivalled convenience of using credit and debit cards for payment. Growing levels of sophistication in equipment engineering has helped develop multifunctional VMs capable of operating at multiple

As India begins to ride the global vending trend, the market for vending services is likely to grow...


The Godrej Vending Story

By SORAB PAREKH, Marketing Chief, Godrej Prima

odrej Prima is proud and privileged to have carried the mechanical typewriter into the 21st century and to be the last player standing. But, as all products have a finite life cycle, we decided to exit the manual typewriter business in October 2010. In anticipation of this decision, Godrej Prima had started the search for an alternative product and with inputs from all concerned, the product decided upon was the Vending Machine (VM). The fact that this product had a low penetration in offices was one more reason as we could leverage our existing strength of selling typewriters to offices. This journey had to start with the manufacturing of a product. And by 2004, Godrej had indigenously designed and produced its first 2 & 4 canister, digital, table top, hot beverage VMs. However, we soon realised that beverage VMs are perhaps the most sophisticated form of vending, the others being Snack & Food, Can & Bottle, which merely dispense a pre-prepared & pre-packaged product from the machine on the press of a button. On the other hand, at the press of a button a beverage vending machine quickly prepares a beverage by mixing pre-heated / pre-cooled water with a combination of various ingredients in the right proportion to be dispensed with right aroma, look, crema and at the right temperature.

Godrej is a recognised vending services provider despite the dominance of international players...
What the customer required was a tasty, aromatic beverage, namely tea and coffee in the offices. This was a completely new business for us and thus began a second journey of creating these consumables. We partnered with a dairy company M/s Warana Foods to blend and produce the premixes of tea, coffee and chocolate. And as a natural extension, in 2006, Godrej commenced the business of Vending Services. This is the business of providing hot beverages through VMs. Our services include providing machines, cleaning, breakdown maintenance, supply & refilling of consumables. We provide these services through a network of channel partners and directly to premium customers. We now provide a wide range of beverages and are developing many more. In a short span of 3 4 years, Godrej is a recognised vending services provider despite the dominance of international players such as Nestle and HUL for many years. This is, thanks to our winning propositions of hygiene and convenience, our superior machines, high quality consumables and a passionate team. The Indian vending landscape is evolving rapidly and we now see international forms of beverage vending such as fresh brew, espresso etc. Further, more Indians travel all across the world and have been exposed to the best in Vending in terms of taste and quality. This is both, an opportunity as well as a challenge. While we are well positioned to address opportunities provided by this changing landscape, the speed at which we can bring these machines and consumables to the market will play a major factor in achieving a leadership position. Godrej Vending team is ready to rise up to this challenge and we look forward to offering our customers, beverages of the same taste and aroma without having to go to the Starbucks of the world.

...it was clear to us that we had a long way to go...

While our in-house design team had done a commendable job, it was clear to us that we had a long way to go in terms of developing the appropriate competence and technologies to produce worldclass & reliable VMs. Therefore, in 2005, after a global scan of potential players, we set our eyes on a mid-sized, well established European company M/s Veromatic International to be our partner in this enterprise of ours. This tie-up gave a fillip to our products and within two years, we achieved a market share of 10%. It was also then, that we realised that the similarity and our strength of selling products to offices was not enough to sell these machines.


About Veromatic International B.V.

By MANISH KHADILKAR, G&B Representative Office, the Netherlands
VEROMATIC INTERNATIONAL B.V. is a subsidiary of Godrej & Boyce (G&B) based at Dordrecht in the Netherlands. The business deals in manufacturing automatic table-top beverage Vending Machines and is amongst Europes leading players. Veromatic has strong working relationships with companies such as Nestle & Unilever. Godrej Vending, SBU of G&B, works closely with Veromatic for transfer of technology, design competence and domain knowledge. G&B in turn produces some machines for Veromatic and it is envisaged that over a period of time most of the Veromatic machines will be produced in India. Mr. Kees is the Managing Director of Veromatic International and is highly respected across the Vending industry. machines, Water machines and customised machines like Soup, Hot & Cold, Chocolate Topping machines. It is in the process of developing a juice dispensing machine. The first customised machine was the Cup-A-Soup machine that was developed in 1996 for Unilever Netherlands and the co-operation with Nestle commenced in the year 2002. The partnership with G&B commenced in 2005 and G&B successfully localised the first machine, Minicafe for Veromatic. Veromatic products are known for their reliability and userfriendliness. Veromatic Machines are easy to maintain and therefore, their performance is consistent over much longer period of time. Hygiene is another factor that is critical to any product development process. The assembly process at Veromatic is annually audited by the British Branch Association AVA (Automatic Vending Association) to ensure that all processes are optimal.

In 1996, the sister company Water Wonder Benelux was founded. This company sells Point of Use water solutions, under the Water Fresh concept, directly to the office market in the Netherlands. These water machines provide safe and purified still and sparkling water as well as customised solutions based on headcounts and specific needs. The R&D team has ten employees dedicated to the development of new products, technologies & solutions and a constant endeavour to innovate. The Cafeja Vista coffee machines were the first table-top machines in Europe to feature a touch screen. Efforts are on to provide the telemetry option in the Veromatic machines which will enable companies to advertise through machine screen. As a company, Veromatics concern for environment is high and each machine is designed to minimise the adverse impact on environment. All machines are assembled conforming to the European laws and regulations. The machines comply with the CE norms, including the European ROHS restrictions. In the Netherlands, Veromatic International is a member of the Recycle Scheme for machines. Machines that have reached the end of their life cycle can be turned in at special recycling stations. This ensures professional dismantling of machines and e-waste management. Veromatic is also a member of the VIDA (Dutch Vending Machines Association) and AVA.

My experience with Veromatic

eing based in the Netherlands since January 2009, I have had the opportunity to work closely with the Management team of Veromatic. The work culture, the dedication and the focused approach of the team is not just impressive but contagious. Each team member has a specialised role with clear cut goals that converge towards a common objective. The core management team meets every week to discuss and resolve issues, bottlenecks and strategic issues are also debated and discussed. The organisation hierarchy is flat which enables swift decision-making. The R&D systems and processes at Veromatic are well integrated and worth emulating. There is a lot to learn, assimilate and emulate for G&Bs R&D team and both teams work very closely on a dayto-day basis. The intent is that both teams achieve the same level of competence and mindset and think together. On the other hand, keeping in mind the future growth and building a robust organisation there was a need for developing an effective and transparent performance culture along with an appropriate reward and recognition structure. For this, a new appraisal system is being created at Veromatic in line with G&Bs appraisal system. Veromatic has gradually imbibed a global mindset. The time management skills in the Veromatic team are praiseworthy and each team member is sensitive to, and respects and values the other persons time. This way, a lot gets achieved in a day. The team here has a very healthy work-life balance. I have gained valuable experiences, both professionally and personally while working here. The vending space is exciting with tremendous opportunities globally. While there are mature markets like Europe where new categories and technological advances will drive markets, there are young markets such as India which could be the next growth engine for the vending companies in future. It is our joint vision to become a global major in the vending space. With Veromatics strong technological & R&D capabilities and G&B providing a low cost manufacturing base in India, we are well poised to achieve our objective.

As a company Veromatics concern for environment is high and each machine is designed to minimise the adverse impact on environment.

Veromatic is an R&D driven company investing in people, facilities, technology and service. It is focused on design, performance and above all quality. Veromatic presently operates in the countries in Western Europe and plans to expand in the rest of Europe and globally. There is a continued focus on personalised customer service. Veromatics product range includes Instant coffee, Fresh Brew coffee and Espresso

Veromatic International B. V. at Dordrecht in the Netherlands 10

G&Bs representative, Mr. Manish Khadilkar is based in the Netherlands and works closely with the management team of Veromatic 11


Interview of Kees Verhoef, Managing Director of Veromatic International

Interviewed by INDRAPAL SINGH

CHANGE: What is the difference between the Instant and Espresso Machines? Kees: An Instant Machine prepares the beverage in about 5 seconds using pre-heated or pre-cooled water and dry powdered or freeze dried consumable which passes through a mixing or whipping chamber. An Espresso Machine on the other hand prepares fresh brewed coffee by extracting concentrate from freshly ground coffee beans under a pressure of 9 bars. This process takes about 30 to 45 seconds. This is considered the ultimate coffee experience and is most popular in Southern Europe. In between, Instant and Espresso Machines, are Fresh Brew Machines, popular in Northern Europe. Coffee beans are ground and placed on a patch of special filter paper over which hot water is poured. The patented Verobrew Coffeebrewer brews, under a vacuum, within 20 seconds for a fresh cup of coffee. Veromatic has a range of table top Instant, Fresh Brew and Espresso Machines.

Mr. Kees Verhoef is the Managing Director of Veromatic International and is a highly respected technocrat in the Vending world with over 20 years experience in designing, developing and manufacturing Vending Machines. The company was founded by Mr. Kees Verhoef in 1991 with the intent of manufacturing innovative products for the Dutch market. Exports to UK and Germany began soon enough and Veromatic Machines are now exported to all major European countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, England, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary and Turkey. Outside Europe, Veromatic machines have been exported to Israel, Cyprus, Iceland, South Africa, Singapore and Canada. In partnership with Godrej & Boyce, Veromatic intends to develop and expand the markets beyond Europe.
CHANGE: What is your impression about India? Kees: I still remember the first time I came to India, which was in 2004, we went from the airport to Godrej & Boyce and I was overwhelmed by the crowds and the living conditions in India. However, after so many trips to India I am now used to it. I believe India is a country with vast potential, for sure. CHANGE: In this context tell us something about Veromatic as a company, its business, how it started? Kees: Veromatic was established in 1991 with the intent of supplying high quality and reliable coffee Vending Machines to the Dutch market. We started off by appointing 10 distributors. Our business grew rapidly and around 1993 customers from other countries in Europe expressed interest in our machines. A large portion of our turnover today comes from European countries outside the Netherlands. Most distributors & customers of Veromatic from the 1990s continue to do business with us even today. Veromatic believes in nurturing long-term relationships based on trust and friendship. We started by producing Fresh Brew Machines and later developed Instant Machines. Our competitors thought we were crazy to develop and launch Instant Machines since the era of premixes (as now in India) was over in Europe. However, our gamble paid off as our Instant Machines were used for recipe based vending largely promoted by Nestle. This recipe based Instant Machines use separate ingredients such as instant coffee, chocolate powder, whitener or creamer, sugar in separate canisters to vend customised beverages such as cappuccino, espresso, wiener melange, etc.

Veromatic believes in nurturing longterm relationships based on trust and friendship.


Kees Verhoef



CHANGE: Which is your single largest market outside Holland? Kees: Our largest markets outside Holland are Scandinavia, Germany, Austria and the UK. CHANGE: Any particular reason? Kees: Scandinavians are the highest coffee drinkers in the world. We have a range of machines which fulfill the taste requirement of the Scandinavians. We also give exclusive rights to our customers so they do not have to be afraid of competition with the same equipment on the same market. Together with the personal and friendly approach to our customers, those are perhaps the reasons. Besides that it is of course very important that we speak languages of our customers: German in Germany & Austria, English in the UK and Swedish in Sweden! CHANGE: Are you an inventor, an engineer or a businessman? Kees: I am an Electronics Engineer who was pushed (due to the circumstances) to start Veromatic in 1991. R & D is close to my heart and I am not being boastful in mentioning that most of the patents owned by us are my own ideas. I do business with people whom I like and respect. CHANGE: How is your relationship with G&B? Kees: The relationship with G&B is based on a strong platform of values and trust. I feel like a part of this family now. We travel, have meetings and have video conferencing every week. We are continuously in touch on phones, e-mails and the teams work very closely. CHANGE: Who are your main competitors? Kees: Our major competitors are Rhea Vendors, N&W and Bianchi. I am very proud they call Veromatic as their competitor. I, in turn call them colleagues.

CHANGE: If you were a car brand, which brand of car would you be? Kees: I would be Lexus in the world of vending. Affordable with high on quality, high on luxury and high on design. I am sure we will reach this position in due course. CHANGE: What attracted you to the Indian market? Kees: It was G&Bs intent to be in the business of world-class beverage Vending Machines. We saw immense value in a partnership with G&B with global potential and hence the decision. CHANGE: So, what is the scope of the cooperation with G&B? Kees: The teams at Veromatic and Godrej work seamlessly. There is continuous transfer of knowledge and technology to G&B. We are now co developing components and machines. Most of Veromatics machines will be produced in India by G&B as we go along. CHANGE: What is the key difference between operating in India and Holland? Kees: One big difference in India, is availablity of educated and skilled manpower. In Europe, Holland has the lowest unemployment of about 2%, which makes it difficult to get an educated employee for a reasonable salary. CHANGE: So, innovation, you have mentioned that over the 90s you have invented one type of machine to the other. Is that invention driven by competition or was it your own passion? What was the driving force. Not every company, every two to three years, in a stable sort of market, can keep making a new thing. Maybe they would gun for efficiency, lower cost and so on. You have taken differently? Kees: You have to make a name in the market to be a trendsetter. Setting a trend is nice, but what you see, is that the same is easily copied. While this cannot be helped we still want to be a trendsetter. I continue to push my people to develop new ideas in our machines. One example was the soup machine we developed

for Unilever. All soup machines till then could not dispense solid particles such as crutons, meat pieces, vegetable pieces etc. I made up my mind to have a soup machine that can do all the above and in 1997 we had our first prototype. Today, we sell thousands of soup machines under the Unilever brand Cup-A-Soup and even today we are the only one in the world manufacturing this machine. You push the button and you get a real Cup-A-Soup, with potatoes, meat, vegetables, noodles, everything. Today, with people working late, specially in the IT / BPO sector, when they are hungry and thirsty, at 1600 hrs., it is a sort of supper or snack. Here in Holland we have the slogan: 4 o clock: Cup-A-Soup time! I believe that with innovation there are big opportunities. CHANGE: Have you visited local coffee chains in India? Kees: Yes, and the acceptability of the beverages dispensed from the vending machines is a good news for the future of vending business here in India. CHANGE: One typical factor of the Indian market is the price sensitivity. Purchasing is very price sensitive. At least thats what we hear in all the presentations and read in the press and so on. So anything particular you have in mind to address that issue? Kees: G&B is a great brand, has good consumer insights and reach in India. On the other hand Veromatic has technical expertise & vending knowledge. This will help us both develop products for the Indian market.

A quick few personal questions. CHANGE: What about your family? Kees: I have my wife and three children. My daughter who is 26 years old, is a Drama teacher. My son, 23 years old, just graduated as a physiotherapist. My younger son, who is 21 years old, is studying Communications, Sports & Economy at the Tilburg University. Our daughter is living on her own while the boys are still with us in our house in Sliedrecht, which is located about 15 kms from the factory in Dordrecht. We also have a nice house near Gothenburg (Sweden) where my wife and I spend around 25% of our time. CHANGE: None of them in the business? Kees: It is unlikely. I have given them freedom to choose careers of their interest. CHANGE: Who is your hero in the business world? Kees: I dont have any heroes with regard to business. However I consider Edward de Bono as my hero. I always believe in questioning and challenging the status quo. There is always a better way to do or create something by thinking different! CHANGE: Which is your favourite book? Kees: My favourite book is Dan Browns, Da Vinci Code. CHANGE: Which is your favourite Indian food? Kees: Thanks to Mr. Phiroze Lam, I have come to love Indian food. I like the dal, the tomato rice, the curries and the lamb in particular. CHANGE: Suppose you were a brand, what would be your tag line?

One big difference in India, is availablity of educated and skilled manpower.


I believe that with innovation there are big opportunities...

Kees: Follow your heart.



Making world-class Vending Machines

By MILIND DUKLE, General Manager, Operations, Godrej Vending
Vending was introduced in India by beverage majors like Nestle and HUL in early 90s. However, till about 2005, Indian Vending Machines (VMs) were basic in nature, made in small factories and run by smalltime operators. The quality of machines was not the focus and therefore, it remained a low priority for all concerned in the Vending industry. Godrej saw this as an opportunity and decided to enter into this space with world-class VMs. Godrej Vending in partnership with Veromatic has played a pivotal role in its endeavour to design stateof-the-art VMs in India. Our design team in India works in close co-ordination with the design team of Veromatic in Holland, to imbibe the European way of designing products. As a result of the above, we have developed machines which had many firsts in the industry; some of them are as follows : Smallest footprint in industry Microprocessor controlled machines Use of low voltage (24 volt) devices which made our machines safe and consistent in a wide range of voltage fluctuations All food circuit parts made from food-grade material Boiler made out of polymer making it scale-free and rust-free While designing these machines, a clear focus is on making them environment-friendly. Initiatives taken in this respect are : Packing is entirely made from corrugated sheet without use of thermocol Auto shut-off to save power if machine is not in use for specific amount of time Use of recyclable materials Selective channel rinsing to save water Godrej Vending and Veromatic designers help in the co-development of machines and components which are designed meeting the international standards. One such success was the development of a soup machine for Unilever Holland meeting their very stringent quality requirements and time frames. The Delicato, our first indigenous machines for the European market was very well received at the Euro Vend in Germany. The VMs are produced at a factory in Pune which was inaugurated by Mr. P. D. Lam and Mr. Navroze Godrej on 2nd February 2006. We currently manufacture only the table-top Hot Beverage VMs. Going forward we plan to make the entire range of VMs which includes Hot and Cold, Espresso and Water Machines. The journey is going to be both interesting and challenging and our team is confident of making a success out of it.

Happy at work- Godrej Vending delivering its Value Proposition

By N. HARISH, Asst. General Manager, Godrej Vending

Dear Sirs, fee Vending Machine to install your tea and cof We made the decision r performance on had been monitoring you about 7 months ago. We you have fulfilled our to convey to you that all fronts and I am glad expectations as always. precise resolutions us is very efficient and to ed end ext e vic ser The ables, the quality of delivery of the consum are always offered. The mpt visits to our office eep of the machine, pro consumables, regular upk r team has done an e, on all these fronts you to discuss any other issu exceptional job. Mangesh Akhade, d special appreciation to sen to nity ortu opp this e I tak ing one more happy ne and their team for add Ganesh Ail, Sanjay Sonwa customer to their kitty. I wish you all the best. Warm regards, Mrs. Manik Narale Phoebus Creations Media

Pvt. Ltd.

This letter is a testimonial to our value proposition that we offer which has a host of key benefits. Godrej Vending offers : Hygiene, convenience and a range of refreshing beverages which makes Godrej Vending the preferred service provider A hassle-free service experience Godrej service and inventory planning of consumables ensure pure and uninterrupted beverages at the press of a button Customers have a choice of unmatched service plans which offers a host of benefits Godrej Vending provides hot beverages with a range of options (Hot Chocolate, Tea, Coffee, Soup etc) at site through a stateof-the-art Vending Machine Our catchphrase Happy at Work best encapsulates all the above, so start your day with a smile on your face and a hot cup of any of our tasty beverages in your hand.




Self-service - Modern Day Convenience

By FEROZE R. KATILA and ANUJ SAHU, Forbes Technosys Limited

Transaction time and volumes

With shorter transaction times, there is a scope for increasing transaction volumes multifold, which in turn contributes directly to the companys financial performance.

Usage statistics of all machines and market performance of service offerings can be centrally monitored and analysed easily through an array of customised MIS reports. This can help the company take requisite corrective actions in a timely manner to acquire or retain customers.

elf-service is the act of serving oneself as against being served. One of the most common forms of self-service, are the ATMs which makes cash available 24x7 as against the traditional mode of going to the bank with a cheque and encashing it during banking hours. Self-service devices, also known as Vending Machines (VMs) are not only a common occurrence in our daily lives but also a major convenience. What would we do without the tea/coffee VM in our offices? The growth of self-service is closely linked to the advancement of technology. To ensure a consistent output, VM needs to perform continuously and in a user-friendly way. Normally it has a payment system integrated as well. Services such as depositing a cheque in your bank, payment of your utility bills, serving yourself a beverage in your office, buying a bus or a train ticket etc are now tasks performed without any major change in work flow unlike before.

Some of the early adopters of this technology have been the banks, utility companies and the retail industry. Though it involves capital expenditure, the investments are recovered easily within a relatively short period of time through numerous benefits, both tangible and intangible. Some of the benefits and advantages of self-service automation are as follows:

Single touch point

With self-service technology, a host of service offerings can be delivered from a single platform, thus optimally utilising the capital investment.

The managed services such as software upgrades, hardware maintenance, consumables management, first line maintenance, report generation, audit trail etc. can be easily outsourced by the company, if so desired.

New service offerings

With an intelligent architecture, the self-service platform can be effectively scaled to deliver various new services with minimal time and effort. This helps to reduce time to go-to-market with new offerings.

Service capacity and availability

Firms can significantly expand service capacity with minimal effort and cost. In addition, the services can be made available to consumers year round 24x7, with no dependency on the companys staff.

There are certain transactions that a customer may be comfortable executing without revealing the same to any third party, hence this allows the customer to maintain privacy while executing such transactions.

Expansion of reach and location flexibility

Firms can expand reach easily without having to build extensive office premises to deliver services to customers as it doesnt require much space and can be re-located.

Staff productivity and costs

The companys human capital can be moved away from routine activities and deployed in areas where they can add value and contribute effectively to the companys growth plans. These prune the companys staff expenses and keep the employees motivated by challenging their intellect with non-mundane tasks.

Product awareness, up-selling & cross-selling

Self-service technology provides the opportunity for companies to spread awareness of their offerings, in addition to up-sell and cross-sell certain products/ services, where relevant.

Provides customers the flexibility to transact when and where they wish to as they arent bound by the companys working hours or the limited number of physical offices/branches of the company.

Customer Satisfaction
By reducing customer wait times significantly, customer satisfaction levels can be enhanced dramatically. It ensures a consistent customer experience through delivery of standardised services and/or products of consistent quality. In addition, the efficiency and productivity of service delivery increases substantially with reduction in human intervention and chances of any communication gap at the customer touch point are eliminated with selfservice technology.

Vending Machines are not only a common occurrence in our daily lives but also a major convenience...

Ease of Use
The device interface can be designed to be userfriendly, thereby ensuring that the customer does not have to be tech-savvy to use the machine. This makes for an enjoyable customer experience, thus boosting customer satisfaction.

We are in the age of instant gratification. As customers, we want to be given the choice of being served whenever and wherever we desire. As service providers, we have to be omnipresent, at any place, any time and in a cost-effective manner. Self-service provides a convergence to both these demands.




Curious how Vending Machines entered our lives?

By VRUNDA PATHARE, Godrej Archives

oday, if you just look around especially in the cities you may find a machine that can dispense money (ATM), soft drinks, junk food of all sorts, instant photos, coffee, cigarettes, and chocolates - the list is endless. You can now even buy umbrellas from a machine in East London and a Pizza and Pasta in Italy. A machine at Shibuya station in Tokyo sells Smart cars. Japan in fact has more Vending Machines per capita than anywhere else. The Vending Machine (VM) has almost become an inseparable segment of todays office culture that provides people a break from office routine, a chance to run into each other, a meeting point to chit chat over a cup of coffee. The Vending Machine in a way provides a serenity needed for renewing the spirits amidst the office errands. However, the vending culture is not as new as it seems! Apparently its some 2000 years old invention. Surprised?

It is evident from the archaeological evidence that the worlds first Vending M a c h i n e (VM) was invented by the engineer and the mathematician of ancient Greece, Hero of Alexandria. He devised it to distribute Holy Water at temples, because people were taking more Holy Water than they were paying for. From the time of Heros machine, not much happened in the vending industry until the 17th century when snuff and tobacco boxes activated by the insertion of coins appeared in taverns and inns of England around 1615. In 1867, a patent was granted to inventor and engineer Carlade who built models of machines to sell handkerchiefs, cigarettes and confections.

vendor. Noted a contemporary account: In England, all places are closed on Sunday and the only way to get a postcard or stamped envelope is to have recourse to the supply box. We should not be surprised to see this ingenious vendor before long supplying small objects of regular prices and dimensions such as boxes of matches, cigars, omnibus tickets etc! The prophecy became a reality in the following centuries to come.

Commercial vending was introduced in France in 1889 to raise money for philanthropy. The Society of the Stores for blind, a charitable organisation, installed 10-centine chocolate and bon-bon machines in the railroad stations along the Paris to Marseille line and their success led to the rise of the French vending industry. In 1926, the first sodamats, forerunners of the most recent soft drink cup machines, appeared in New York and New Jersey Amusement Parks and since 1929, the Coca-Cola embossed red machines were seen in virtually every gas station, supermarket, public building and deserted outpost. Hershey chocolate bars were among the first to be offered for sale in VMs and some of the popular types of candy machines in 1929 and 1930 were designed specifically to sell these bars. The popularity of VMs during this period is pretty much evident from the fact that over a 10-month period in 193031, Business Week produced three separate articles, each giving tribute to the technological advance said to be underway in vending. Their popularity soared to such an extent that the word Automat made a dictionary

...todays wide variety of vending machines for just about everything...

Despite these early innovations, it was not only until the early 1880s that the first commercial coin operated Vending Machines were invented for public use in London and they dispensed postcards. Percival Everitt received a UK patent in 1883 for this postcard

The real beginning of practical vending in America came in 1888 when Thomas Adams, founder of the Adams Gum Company (later the American Chic Company), had VMs designed to sell his Tutti-frutti Gum, which he placed on the platforms of New York Citys elevated rail stations. The success of these Adams Gum sparked interest in VMs and soon other VMs were fighting for space almost all of them being dispensers of penny gum, candy or peanuts.

6. Coin-operated Binocular VM 7. Auto VM 8. Bike VM 9. Reverse Vending - Recycling VM

entry in the 1940s. In 1946, the first coffee VMs came to market and by 1991 these machines started offering flavoured coffees, espresso and cappuccino. From this early evolution came todays wide variety of Vending Machines for just about everything. Today, the Vending Machine business has blossomed into a megaindustry, employing millions of workers from design to production to servicing these contemporary robots. Unlike western countries, Vending Machines are yet to gain a major presence in India as besides other reasons, culturally Indians still place much value on the relationship between the customer and the shop-keeper. However, with the expansion of organised retail, witnessed during the last decade in India, Vending Machines may well herald the beginning of the alternate distribution format apart from regular kirana stores and supermarkets.

1. Hero of Alexandria 2. Worlds first VM 3. This-is-where-your-money-goes advertisement 4. Match-box dispensing VM 5. Fresh Apple dispensing VM

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CHANGE > VENDING The Godrej range consists of 2CVM, Minifresh 3300 and Minifresh 4400 The Veromatic range consists of Water Machines, Espresso Machines and Instant Machines

odrej Vending is a leading manufacturer of high quality, instant beverage Vending Machines in collaboration with M/s Veromatic International B. V., the Netherlands. These machines are economical, robust, reliable, and easy to maintain.


eromatic International B. V., located in Dordrecht Netherlands, is in the business of table-top instant, fresh brew, espresso and water machines. These machines are best known for their innovative designs, quality, reliability & functionality. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. is the distributor for the entire range of machines from Veromatic International B.V.

(L-R) Godrej Vending Factory at Bhosari, Godrej Vending and Veromatic Team The JV Team Heads Jamshyd Godrej with Kees Verhoef, Veromatic Factory at Dordrecht, the Netherlands The Veromatic team with Manish Khadilkar




Investing in Colour Futures...

By LATIKA KHOSLA, Design Director, Freedom tree Design
Colours are used to evoke emotion, express personality and stimulate brand association.

odern life has given us new ways of perceiving and many means of experiencing a sensual life. There is a potential in everything to make our life more exciting by building new connections between the tactile, the visual, and the senses of smell, sound and taste. Colour is a vital tool for communication and should not be ignored by an individual, a marketer or a designer. Colours significantly influence the target markets decisions to avail the businesses services or products. Whether it is to engage with the current customers emotions or attract the design & colour sensibilities of the prospective customers, the critical differentiator is the difference in the colour choice.

Godrej Appliances came out with unique colours such as Shell Wine Red, Bright Steel, and Graphite Black that convey the Eon Brand promise of Stylish outside, Smart inside. Inspired by the consumer boom and visually enticing colours of food, the Godrej Giga design refrigerators delivered a perfect combination of style and substance. The overwhelming preference for fresh colours designed by Freedom Tree reflects in the 70% share of the colour sales of the product lines.

The number of colours to run, in what combinations, which products and services shall carry them, the surface and material choices, and finally determining the must have colours for retail and communication are all core elements of a Colour Plan. Creating a Colour Plan for a brand is crucial. An iconic Indian retail brand has more than a hundred stores around the country. Apart from the textile tradition they have entered personal care and organic food categories. With changing consumer trends, they reviewed their branding strategy thoroughly and concluded that structured brand architecture was essential to consolidate for the push ahead.

From the brands point of view, crucial questions for the consumers mindset are - Does the packaging colourscape uphold the colour impression of the brand? Is the colour seen in the store attractive and pleasing enough to entice the customer to buy it? The colour design route enables the brand to have relevance for the young Indians today.

A colour plan is the art and science of efficient aesthetics.

By focusing on colours for brand identity, manufactured products or a retail collection, a business plan is supported with a good colour plan at every stage. It enables the use of resources efficiently.

Nothing brings a product, a communication or a space to life as a colour does. It speaks volumes without words, is uplifting, energising, mood creating, cuts through the clutter and is profitable! Let me show you a few ways as to how investment in colour makes a good business sense.

The Godrej Giga design refrigerators deliver a perfect combination of style and substance. From L-R, Kiwi Green, Icy Blue, Melon Red & Yellow Nectar

Colour trend is a great differentiator. Trend concepts

are converted into colour and design ideas for product services or retail, add value and give a competitive edge. Think of all the brands that are creating benefits around the idea of green living. Think of all the brands that are new and centre on the idea of balance and sustainability! Whether it is selling green energy or architecture or buildings, being in synch with colour trends is the easiest way to bring freshness to the brands. In a global marketplace, colour is even more important today. To stand out amongst the clutter is to catch attention with that one significant colour or combination that represents the

prevailing mood of the time. This is necessary for business and design, as it creates important stories to tell so that the brand can be at the centre stage.

Colour is profitable. Colour

forecast coupled with local knowledge gets winning product sales: the right colour, or even the wrong one, attaches a perception to your product and your brand. International directions in trend have to be moderated to local perceptions to make the right product choice for a brand. Colour sells and the right colour sells better- the tag line of Colour Marketing Group (CMG). A leading Automobile manufacturer believed that their range of SUVs (as they are

mostly driven by men) must have traditional silver or grey colours However, when they decided to offer a dignified sobered green as an option, it was found, to their total surprise that it sold well over 50% of total colour sales.

Colour becomes a reason for brand choice. Good,

appropriate colours at the right time move people to buy products and navigate through choices. CMG data suggests that Colour can be up to 85 per cent of the reason people decide to buy.

...colour is a core brand asset for any business

To sum up, colour is a core brand asset for any business whether it is deployed through identity and communication, office & hospitality environment, product or service offerings or retail. Embrace a colour of your own and stand HATKE.




Godrej Interio launches a unique furniture design studio called U & US

Compiled and edited by SANA ANJUM with inputs from GODREJ INTERIO DI TEAM

In March 2010, Godrej Interio launched U & US, the first pilot furniture design studio at Hiranandani Meadows, Thane. It was inaugurated by Navroze Godrej and those present were Anil Mathur, Business Head, Interio; G. Sunderraman, Vice President, Innovation; Anil Lingayat, Vice President, Manufacturing and team members from Godrej Infotech and Interio. U & US closely works with the carpenter community to co-create the furniture aspired by the customers. This involves various interventions including providing them training and resources. The business model is innovative and embodies social responsibilities.

U & US, is a distinctive, business model where the consumer co-creates furniture design with Godrej and leaves to them to transform his dreams into reality...
Customers Co-creating designs at U & US Design Studio

odrej Interio introduces a revolutionary concept in furniture design by launching a design studio - U & US - based on the idea of Co-creating. It helps consumers combine their needs expressed in their own imaginative ways with the expertise and technology from Godrej Interio for creating customised home furniture. Today, customers are severely handicapped by a limited choice made available to them by the manufacturers of assembled furniture. The carpentered furniture is of inconsistent quality and unless carpenters are constantly supervised, the resultant furniture doesnt meet the needs and the budgets of the buyers. As against this, consumers using U & US platform, now have the choice and flexibility to select designs, materials, finish, fabrics, textures and colours to design furniture of their own choice. And of course, to be executed by Godrej Interio. This design studio has been created after extensive consumer research and understanding of the current execution models.
Store Inauguration

On the occasion, Navroze Godrej said, U & US is our first step towards making interior design services more accessible to Indian homes. The extent of customisation offered to consumers is probably the first for any ready-made furniture brand. It is one of the best examples of innovation at Godrej and Im thrilled that weve opened our first studio. This was a pilot launch and Godrej Interio plans to spread the number of stores to other major cities of the country soon. To promote it more intensely, Interio will shortly launch a promotional campaign for U & US. Anil Mathur, COO and Business Head, Godrej Interio said, U & US, as the name suggests, is a distinctive, business model where the consumer co-creates furniture design with Godrej and leaves it to them to transform his dreams into reality without experiencing the usual pains of getting furniture made. The model also ensures maintaining of ecological balance as it attempts to satisfy the needs of multiple stake

holders. This model ensures that skills of carpenters are updated and work standards at wood working units are continually improved. As the solutions are co-created and appropriate technology is deployed for manufacturing, the resultant products are of good quality and cost-effective. To know more or to make your appointment to co-create a masterpiece, visit U & US at www.youandusdesignstudio.com




Eon Ergoz Range of Washing Machines launched by Godrej Appliances

Compiled and edited by SANA ANJUM with inputs from PRASHANT DHAR, Godrej Appliances

resenting the revolutionary and Indias first upward facing Tilt Open Drum Technology Washing Machine (WM) which offers consumers a great deal of value and multifold benefits. In sync with the recently adopted philosophy Designed by Curiosity products are now designed only after understanding in-depth Indian consumers preferences, aspirations and questioning vigorously the status quo. Eon Ergoz Range of WMs have the Open Drum which is inclined at an angle of 15 degrees so that the user does not have to bend forward and suffer strain on the back while putting and taking out clothes. Preity Zinta, Eon brand ambassador for Godrej Appliances unveiled the Eon Ergoz Range of Washing Machines. At the launch, she said, For years, a front-loading washing machine meant that the user had to bend her back to go put in and take out clothes. I am delighted to launch Godrej Appliances Eon Ergoz Range of Washing Machines as they redefine washing machine technology to a completely different level and make washing so easy. Speaking at the launch, Mr. George Menezes, COO, Godrej Appliances said, Godrej has always strived to understand the needs of the urban Indian and has designed home appliances with relevant technology, a clear indication of the brands technological edge in the consumer durable space. We are confident that with this launch of Eon Ergoz WMs our consumers will be delighted.

The Eon brand has helped Godrej Appliances strengthen its position in the premium segment of the appliances market.

Added Mr. Kamal Nandi, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Godrej Appliances, Besides offering our consumers relevant technology which specifically addresses their needs, we also focus on design and aesthetics to enhance the totality of customer experience. These premium WMs are crafted like our Eon range of refrigerators and airconditioners, to deliver the promise Designed By Curiosity. Key benefits of Eon Ergoz Range of WMs are :

Sterilised clothes
Ozone Clean Technology sterilises the clothes without water at the end of wash-rinse-spin cycle - killing 99.9% bacteria and removing traces of odour

Cleaning by Air Clean program

Brand amabassador & actor, Preity Zinta with Eon Ergoz Range of Washing Machines

This feature along with Ozone Technology is for cleaning one-time wear clothes, shoes, handbags, leather goods, a first in India

A comprehensive wash
A resourceful Turbulator is patented for a thorough wash

All-round efficiency
Power efficient as it consumes 55% less power; conserves water with 11% lower water consumption and highly effective drying ability as it gives 34% drier clothes compared to similar machines Godrej Appliances has recently launched two new variants under the Eon brand - Enchant and Allure Front Loading WMs. This has helped Godrej Appliances strengthen its position in the premium segment of the appliances market.

...crafted like our Eon range of refrigerators and air-conditioners, to deliver the promise Designed By Curiosity.



EON Game LCD TV for gaming enthusiasts launched by Godrej Appliances

Compiled and edited by SANA ANJUM with inputs from PRASHANT DHAR, Godrej Appliances

Godrej Security Solutions (GSS) introduces Indias first Wireless City Surveillance System
Compiled and edited by SANA ANJUM with inputs from SARANJIT KAUR, GSS

odrej Appliances ventured into this category to provide an affordable gaming to adults and children as gaming today is seen in a completely different light with researches showing it being a potential teaching tool for children. The Game LCD TV featuring Motion Sensing Technology combines the features of an interactive gaming console along with an LCD TV, introducing this technology for the first time in India. It was test launched in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh on 6th September, 2010.

motion sensor allows one to experience gaming technology at its very best. It requires no separate device and the product has all the usual features of an LCD TV. To answer why Godrej Appliances entered into the gaming category, Kamal Nandi, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Godrej Appliances said, With our expertise in high technology manufacturing, we are well poised to give the Indian consumer a revolution in TV and gaming experience. The combination of advanced interface and engaging game play with motion sensing broadens our appeal to all members of the family. This product will also help our brand to establish an early connect with children.

Unique benefits of the Godrej Eon Game LCD TV : Cost-effective as it comes with 25 in-built interactive games and more can be added - Offers greater value for money Energy-efficient as it is designed in such a way that it automatically controls backlight for optimum performance of an image based on the contentLow usage cost Easy to operate as it has a well aligned 2.4 GHz Wireless Joystick which provides a trouble-free sync between TV and JoystickFun to use High quality picture as it has a HDMI X 2 High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) Makes it highly enjoyable Directly play movies/videos without an external player with the USB 2.0 Movie X 1- Hence, more versatile, fun unlimited

ubli and Dharwad will now monitor crime and traffic via city surveillance ClosedCircuit-Television (CCTV) based on a wireless system.

Inaugurated on 1st August, 2010 by Dr. V. S. Acharya, Home Minister & Mr. Jagdish Shettar, Minister for Panchayats, Karnataka.

The Game TV has a huge variety of 25 pre-loaded games. The TV also allows loading extra games. The Joysticks unique gyroscopic

GSS has introduced technology into traffic surveillance and crime detection in the city of Hubli and Dharwad with the support from the city Police force. This is Indias first Wireless City Surveillance System. This system was inaugurated on 1st August, 2010 by Dr. V. S. Acharya, Home Minister and Mr. Jagdish Shettar, Minister for Panchayats, Karnataka.

Mr. Vinay Salastekar, General Manager, Premises Security Solutions said, This is the first time that we have deployed a wireless network solution in a tough environment. We are confident that this will give our CCTV business the necessary boost and propel us towards implementing it in other cities. On this occasion, Mr. Dara Byramjee, Vice President and Business Head, GSS said, Godrej Security Solutions today is the Nations leading comprehensive Security Solutions provider. Our initiative of successfully executing Indias first City Surveillance System in Hubli-Dharwad is a milestone towards our vision of being the first choice for total security solutions.

The Home Minister was extremely impressed with the solution and was appreciative of the detailed presentation made by Mr. S. S. Kashyap, GSS. Several dignitaries from the Police force also attended the event. This city surveillance Closed-Circuit-Television (CCTV) system works on a wireless network. The system has digital video camera commonly employed for surveillance, with pan tilt zoom facility and supported by Milestone, a software enabling video surveillance. At present, it has been installed at six junctions in Hubli provided with two cameras at each junction and three in Dharwad again provided with two cameras at each junction. Last month, during the trial run, two independent crimes were traced down with the help of the recorded images generated by the City Surveillance System. This gives a boost to the confidence reposed by the Police Force in the new technology adopted.

With our expertise in high technology manufacturing, we are well poised to give the Indian consumer a revolution in TV and gaming experience
TV has transformed into an interactive medium and such innovations enhance entertainment choices for the consumers...




The Power of Collaborative Relationships Godrej Material Handling

By NEVILLE WANKADIA, Godrej Material Handling

ittle pleases us more than our customers acknowledgement of the role we play in their success. And nothing pleases us more than living that role. UB Group is one of Indias oldest and most reputed companies in the brewery and distillery industry. Way back in 1971, at their facility at Shertally, Kochi, they scored an industry first by investing in a Godrej 1-tonne Electric Forklift and became Indias first brewery to use mechanised material handling. This one-truck sale grew into a fleet of trucks and a national account. Today, more than 80 Godrej Electric Forklifts move materials at 30 facilities of the UB Group. The 1-tonner supplied in 1971 is still in service at the Shertally facility. Over the last four decades, UB have used every type of Electric Forklift developed by Godrej in the 1 and 2 tonne class, be it the earliest resistor control type or the later carbon pile technology, or the decade old electronically controlled SePex DC motors or the very latest models with AC technology. Godrej is proud to be the sole Lift Truck supplier to the UB Group ever since the inception of this association. Since 1985, when capital equipment decisions were centralised at the UB Group headquarters in Bangalore, our Bangalore branch has managed this national account. So what has kept UB Group loyal to Godrej Lift Trucks? Trust built through service in terms of product, after sales and pricing has kept UB Group loyal to Godrej says Mr. Suryanarayanan S, Asst. Vice President (Engineering) at United Spirits Ltd. Many of our customers would echo the same sentiments.

Godrej is proud to be the sole Lift Truck supplier to the UB Group ever since the inception of this association

UB Spirits Ltd. (the group company) recently crossed the milestone of shipping their 100 millionth case. On this landmark occasion, Mr. P. N. Poddar, Sr. Vice President (Manufacturing) and Mr. Suryanarayanan S, Asst. Vice President (Engineering) invited our Bangalore team members Mr. M. V. Sivdas (Regional Manager) and Mr. Indumohan (Service Manager) to their corporate office. Our team was presented with a statuette and an appreciation certificate. A letter from Mr. Vijay Rekhi, President & Managing Director of United Spirits Ltd, acknowledging and appreciating the role played by Godrej Material Handling in contributing to this milestone was handed over to Mr. Sivdas. The letter also carried a forwardlooking message: Rely on the power of your ideas and not your credentials. The long association with the UB Group and its recognition are a testimony not only of our products and services but of the relationship that comes with each Godrej Lift Truck.

L-R : Mr. Suryanarayanan, Asst. Vice President (Engineering), Mr. Indumohan (Service Manager), Mr. M.V. Sivdas (Regional Head) and Mr. P. N. Poddar (Regional Head)

Trust built through service in terms of product, after sales and pricing has kept UB Group loyal to Godrej.
32 33


Godrej Precision Systems successfully creates PYLON

Capability for advanced radar cross-section measurements
By S. M. VAIDYA, Business Head and V. P., Godrej Precision Systems

Pylons are manufactured with great accuracy and have special contours which are difficult to achieve...
To accomplish the above, Pylons are manufactured with great accuracy and have special contours which are difficult to achieve. Pylons are used in quiet zones, created in laboratories. On the face of it, the above requirements do not appear to be greatly demanding. However, in practice it is not the case. The structure of Pylon appears deceptively simple but it is an outcome of using of many advanced production processes such as - 5 Axis CNC Milling, and Surface Polishing of 0.8 of micronsAlso Ogive shaped cross-section of Pylons gives rise to many challenges in machining. The machining accuracy has to be of the highest order to ensure that pointing error is 0.01 degrees in Rotation and Tilt axis. The speed to be maintained is between 0 and 6 degrees per second. The structure consists of Ogive shaped Base Pylon with leaning blades fitted onto swiveling wheels. The blades as well as the Base Pylon are accurately machined. The Pylon has three heads: Head A, B and C. These heads provide tilt and rotational motions. The task of integrating various systems becomes extremely challenging. Godrej Precision Systems has successfully learnt the craft of System Integration whilst executing this order. Robust manufacturing design is one of the most critical factors. The design of sub-assemblies has to be compact so that they can be fitted into a small cylindrical space measuring 110 mm height X 120 mm diameter. The complex design was successfully accomplished with the help of an external consultant and our own design team.

Many high-precision bought out items were sourced from reputed suppliers in budget and time by our Business and Corporate Purchase team. Likewise accurate machining for the system was welltaken care of by our manufacturing engineers and thoughtfully selected vendors. Electronic control systems and assembly were supplied by vendors. The final assembly was tested rigorously at Godrej and a high-level of pointing accuracy of 0.01 degree was observed in all the Axis which was greatly appreciated by the Defence Scientists. The final assembly was carried out by our own team of engineers. The client team was so pleased with our execution that they have promised a repeat order in the near future This accomplishment is first of its kind in the country! Godrej Precision Systems deeply appreciates the unstinted continuous support of the team of Defence Scientists. They deserve our heartfelt thanks. CHANGE congratulates the team of Defence Scientists and Team GPS for the successful realisation of this advanced, indigenously conceived, one of its kind equipment. Our GPS team had a stupendous task on their hands which they successfully accomplished with great lan notwithstanding many challenges faced during the execution

ndias Aerospace agencies are developing many advanced combat aircrafts and airborne systems for enhancing the countrys strategic capabilities of air warfare.

For dominating the air-space, our combat aircrafts should be difficult to detect and intercept as opposed to being visibly easy targets. Therefore, it is essential that our aircrafts have a radar signature as small as possible. Small signatures on radars are difficult to achieve without extensive experimentation and simulations as relating to the design of the aircrafts. Pylon is a mechanical structure that is meant for mounting models of aircrafts under development and measuring the radar cross-section signature under different conditions. To simulate flying conditions the Pylons must be capable of yielding different orientations in varying positions. Also they should be rigid, should have minimal radar imprint and adequate versatility.

A Pylon is a mechanical structure that is meant for mounting models of aircrafts under development and measuring the radar crosssection signature under different conditions.




Blood Donation Drive 2010

Every drop is worth a smile... Your blood can save lives.
he purpose of this years Blood Donation Drive was to support the children suffering from Thalassemia who are undergoing treatment at KEM Hospital, Mumbai. It was 26 years ago, in 1984, when Godrej employees took their initial steps in organising Blood Donation Camp. In 1992, this initiative was transformed to a larger drive across Pirojshanagar Industrial Township. Since 1984, every year in the first week of August, Godrej & Boyce Shramik Sangh (GBSS) along with KEM Hospital has been organising the Blood Donation Drive in Vikhroli in the fond memory of Shri N. P. Godrej and Dr. B. P. Godrej. It began as a small initiative but now it has become a large cause and branches also take an active participation in the same. This year the Blood Donation Drive was held on 6th and 7th of August at Pragati Kendra in Vikhroli. Branches that undertook this drive were Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kochi, Pune, Ranchi, Ahmedabad, Guwahati, Mohali, Ambattur, Bhopal, Raipur, and Lawkims Shindewadi factory. The drive was inaugurated by Navroze Godrej at Godrej Memorial Hospital and by Smita Godrej Crishna at Pragati Kendra. Others present included Dr. Sanjay Oak, Dr. Ganshyam D. Bhatia and Mrs. Meena G. Bhatia, GBSS members, Business Heads, DPHs and the members of the organising committee.

One unit of blood helps in saving 3 lives...

...a noble cause as for the donor giving blood is a rewarding experience and for the receiver it can be a veritable gift of life.

Navroze Godrej through his message urged Godrejites to come forward and donate blood. We at Godrej have made it a mission not only to generate awareness of the importance of blood donations but also to organise blood donation drive every year. Donating blood is a beautiful gift. Consider how important it is, when it makes a difference between life and death. There is no substitute So make the choice to donate, he stated. 1205 units of blood were collected at Pragati Kendra & GMH and 861 units of blood were collected across branches. One unit of blood helps in saving 3 lives. Therefore, the total units of blood collected were 2066 units enabling a total of 6198 lives being saved. Mr. Nariman Bacha and Mr. Mohan Ghadge ensured that the drive percolated to every level at G&B and pulled as many donors as possible. Blood Donation is a noble cause as for the donor giving blood is a rewarding experience and for the receiver it can be a veritable gift of life.

1. Navroze Godrej lighting the lamp and inaugurating the Blood Donation Drive 2010 at Godrej Memorial Hospital 2. Smita Godrej Crishna inaugurating the Blood Donation Drive 2010 at Pragati Kendra 3. The first donor, Mr. Suhas Gokhale - He has donated blood a 100 times before

Mr. M.T. Sawant who donated blood for the 75th time this year

Blood Donation Drive 2010 across India




By PARAMPAL SINGH, Strategic Marketing Group By NARIMAN BACHA, Administration, Godrej & Boyce
26th September - 2nd October was celebrated as the Joy of Giving week at Godrej & Boyce with an aim to bring a smile on the faces of the less fortunate.

ne thing I strongly believe is The Joy of GIVING is more than the Joy of RECEIVING, which in turn is HEALING oneself from Stress, Frustration, Ego, Anger, Jealousy, Fear, Pride, Greed and freedom from mental blocks and patterns, which finally transforms into inner Happiness and Creativity. Living is in giving, not in having. When one gives, one grows and evolves. Not giving charity, but giving or sharing oneself out of joy. Celebrate in giving; do not give to celebrate. Khalil Gibran, Lebanese poet, philosopher and artist, beautifully describes Giving in his best selling book, The Prophet: You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. There are those who give little of the much which they have-- and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their giving unwholesome. And there are those who have little and give it all. These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty. Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth. The fortunate lot is blessed with so much to give to the less fortunate - The time, care, compassion, help in cash or kind. By giving time to the less fortunate, we always remain happy and blessed. I firmly believe that young minds in their formative years of development should be encouraged by parents and teachers, to give and experience the Power of Giving; this in turn will help them become responsible, caring and confident individuals. As Godrejites we should contribute our bit for Alert India, an NGO specialised in multifaceted approach to leprosy control; Vatsalya Trust, an NGO working with and for destitute & orphan children in crisis and Bombay Republican Sports Club, an NGO working towards teaching underprivileged children play Hockey. These Non-government organisations are working for a noble cause to help the less fortunate and GODREJ is supporting them for Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon in January 2011. Remember the needy - It costs us nothing. GIVE to make someone LIVE. Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege.

Nariman Bacha, is a certified Master REIKI-Level 3 practitioner. He has helped many people of all age groups to overcome anxiety and stress through REIKI with positive results. Those interested can contact him at nari042003@ yahoo.co.in




know your mangroves

Do you see and learn from nature and animal behaviour around your own neighbourhood? This section aims at educating you about the different species of plant and animal life in our Mangroves.

Curlew (Numenius arquata)

Curlew is a migratory bird which doesnt breed in India. It is a mid-sized wetland bird found in both the hemispheres. It is easily recognizable by its large size and distinctive, downward curving beak and mainly brown plumage with little seasonal change. They feed on worms, insects, shell-fish and other spineless animals found generally in very soft ground with their long beaks. Curlews have similar appearances for both males and females and can be spotted both in solitary and in flocks. The Curlew breeds further inland in fields and large forest clearings, where a nest can be made on the ground. Between three and five chicks are fed initially by both parents and then by just the male before the chicks fly away. The call of the Curlew is an unmistakable and lonely cour-leee from which the Curlew actually derives its name. The Curlews visit our Mangroves in good numbers during the winter. Outside the summer breeding season, it is found along the coast where it gathers together in large flocks. The best time to spot Curlews in our very own Mangroves is winters. So, do fix up a date with the Curlews this winter!

Image courtesy - Dr. Maya Mahajan

- Dr. Maya Mahajan, Soonabai Pirojsha Godrej Marine Ecology Centre For more information, visit www.mangroves.godrej.com

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