Halifax Street Angels - Volunteer Policies 2013 PDF

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Halifax Street Angels

This is a Christian led project, which simply means that the foundation and practice of Street Angels is rooted in a common desire among Halifaxs churches to serve the people coming into the heart of Halifax during the evenings on Friday and Saturday night.

Ellis William King


Halifax Street Angels Volunteer Policies and Procedures

Adopted: 13 May 2013

This is a Christian led project, which simply means that the foundation and practice of Street Angels is rooted in a common desire among Halifaxs churches to serve the people coming into the heart of Halifax during the evenings on Friday and Saturday night.

This also means that we welcome those of other faiths and none who also wish to serve the town through this scheme, as long as they are respectful of the Christian traditions on which Street Angels is based. First and foremost, our task is to promote an ethos of friendliness and respect in and around the town centre. Our behaviour and conduct therefore must always be one of tolerance and gentleness with the people we serve and with each other. Secondly, we seek to promote the safety of the town centre users, especially those who become vulnerable due to drink or the behaviour of others. We have a duty to promote harmony between users of the night time economy, the uniformed officers at work in the town, and between ourselves and the general public.

Team Leaders should encourage the team to support each other, and to get to know one another. We are bridging great theological and secular divides through this project, and the challenge of that should be at the front of our minds. Leaders are there to make sure that the many issues that arise from working as a Street Angel are dealt with sensitively and humanely. They should ensure a calm and respectful atmosphere in the Caf and on the patrols. We are striving to be a place where equal opportunities are taken seriously. Sexist, racist, homophobic or any other type of discriminatory language or behaviour is to be challenged by team leaders when appropriate, or reported to the Project Manager or Steering Committee. There is to be no swearing, raising of voices or derogatory language used by volunteers. Team Leaders must preserve the climate of loving respect as their primary duty, and discreetly help all those working to improve their behaviour if it should fall short of what is expected. If that person does not undertake to be respectful of those around them, they can simply be asked to leave, pending a committee meeting review.

Our success is based on our presence in and around the town centre; to ensure that enough people wish to spend their time with us, Team Leaders are to encourage all our members in their personal development, and to check periodically with them to see if they have any problems.

Code of Conduct
Halifax Street Angels is an ecumenical project, encompassing people from all theological backgrounds and none. Volunteers will: Respect each other and any members of the public they encounter Maintain a professional distance with members of the public Operate out of a heart of compassion

Volunteers will not: Swear Blame any person for the situations in which they find themselves Discriminate based on race, gender, class or any other form of inequality, seeking instead to share the love of God with all Tolerate discrimination on the part of other Street Angels Smoke in or around the cafe, or at any time while on patrol Drink alcohol or take illegal drugs while on duty Be under the influence of alcohol or other illegal drugs while on duty Bring alcohol or illegal drugs to the base

Operating Times
Halifax Street Angels operates in the town between 9 pm and 3 am (21:00-03:00) Approximate shifts are made up as follows: First shift is between 9pm and 12 pm (21:00-00:00) Second shift is between 12pm and 3 am (00:00-02:00) Full Night Shift is between 9 pm and 3 am (21:00-03:00)

Role Descriptions
Adopted: 13 May 2013

Project Manager
Has final responsibility for all occurrences on shift. Makes any necessary decisions, in consultation with the Team Leaders. Responsible for contacting late arriving Street Angels. Ensures that a minimum of two Street Angels and one First Aider remain in the caf at all times. Responsible for opening and locking of the cafe. Responsible for seeing that radios are securely passed to the team leaders. Must agree to all expenditure (i.e. taxis/bus fares). Ensures that all kit (jackets, books, etc) are safely stored. Where possible should remain in base if team leaders or any present committee members are on patrol.

Team Leaders

Must have completed a minimum of 6 full night shifts as a Street Angel To be appointed by the Project Manager to lead a patrol Supports Project Manager and provides advice or assistance. Where possible should remain in base if both Project Manager and other team leaders are on patrol. Monitors and liaises with the CCTV radio network. Records all incidents in the Log Book. Responsible for contacting outside agencies. (I.e. Police, fire service, ambulance - if not contacted by First Aiders, social services, etc).

Team First Aider

In charge of the First Aid personnel on shift. Responsible for confirming availability of a radio log, casualty report sheets, and duty report form. Reports to the Street Angels Project Manager for that evening. Completes first aid record sheet. Calls an ambulance or directs First Aiders to scene where required. Has highest authority on the team in cases of Medical emergency.

Street Angel
To patrol the designated route, in a minimum group of three people usually consisting of one other Street Angel and a First Aider To provide assistance to the general public wherever possible To assist the First Aider as necessary. To provide assistance and support to emergency services where required. Demonstrate compassion for people in vulnerable situations. Street Angel must do a minimum of one full night shift, or a combination of two part shifts, every three months (otherwise they must reapply to become a volunteer).

Induction Policy
Adopted: 13 May 2013

New volunteers or visitors are to be made welcome and respected by everyone and to be valued as a team member in the first instance. On the first evening they must be allocated to the Project Manager or a Committee Member for patrol and must not be allowed to go on the first patrol of the evening. The Project Manager will: Introduce the new volunteer during the team briefing Allocate themselves to the last patrol Make the new volunteer aware of fire exits, refreshments, toilets etc Application form must be completed prior to or on their first evening Give the Volunteer Handbook to the new volunteer, to be read during the evening, with priority given to health and safety policy and ethos document, to be read before their first patrol Make the new volunteer aware of the Complaints Procedure Make the new volunteer aware of the patrol route i.e. pubs, clubs notable landmarks etc

Basic First Aid for Street Angels

Adopted: 13 May 2013

The safety of Halifax Street Angels and First Aiders is paramount. Do not place yourself or others in danger. If a casualty becomes violent we will refuse to treat them. Gloves must be worn at all times. Do not attempt to do anything you are not trained or feel comfortable to do. The team First Aider will make the call regarding the treatment, and discharge of the causalty.

If a casualty is unconscious they may need placing in the recovery position. If there are multiple causalities or the First Aider feels it is more appropriate they may ask for assistance. To place someone in the recovery position, follow the direction given. If in doubt ask for a demonstration prior to the start of the evening. Once in the recovery position you may be asked to monitor the situation.

A common injury to be seen on the streets. The priority is to stop bleeding. Easiest way to do this is to get the casualty to put pressure on the wound as long as there is nothing in it. You must wear gloves.

Maintaining Airway
If a casualty is unconscious then there airway may need to be kept open. The First Aider may ask for your assistance in this. All you need to do is help hold the head back whilst the First Aider does their job.

Helping the First Aiders

From time to time you may be asked to help the First Aiders. If you asked to fill the forms in try and get as much detail as possible. Sometimes you may be asked to pass pieces of kit, flag the ambulance down and keep an eye on the crowds that will gather. If a crowd gathers move them back if possible.

Radio Guidelines
Adopted: 13 May 2013

How to use the radios

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Before transmitting a message think about what you are going to say. Listen to the radio before transmitting a message to check no one else is talk on the radio. Press the button on the side of the radio Wait 3 seconds before starting to speak. Identify whom you are calling, i.e. CCTV Identify who you are, i.e. Street angels patrol, and say OVER Wait for the other person to reply. Once they have replied pass your message

Example: SA CCTV this is Street Angels Patrol OVER CCTV Street Angels please pass your message OVER SA CCTV please can you watch a couple arguing by the bus stop in centenary square. OVER CCTV I can see them thank you. OUT DOs Listen for a reply and if none check radio is turned on correctly and call again

Wait 3 seconds after pressing the talk button before starting to speak Remove finger for talk button after you have finished your message.

DO NOTS Never swear or use offensive language over the radio Never sing over the radio Never say OVER AND OUT

REMEMBER OUT = I have finished this conversation and require no reply OVER = I have finished my massage but I require a reply.

Complaint Procedure
Adopted: 13 May 2013

It should be noted as a Christian organisation Halifax Street Angels acknowledges that we all fall short of the LORD. All human beings make mistakes and we endeavour to deal with any complaint in a fair and sensitive manner.

Making a Complaint
If a member of Halifax Street Angels or a member of the public feels they wish to make a complaint about the conduct of a Street Angel who is on duty, in the first instance they should take the matter up with that individual. If they are un-satisfied with the response from the individual, or think their behaviour and safety, reputation of Halifax Street Angels is at stake, the matter should be brought to the Project Manager. If the complaint involves the Project Manager a member of the Steering Committee must be informed. If possible the complaint will be addressed on the evening. If the person making the complaint or the Project Manager feels the matter has not been resolved or requires further action, that person can contact the Chair or in their absence the Vice Chair. The matter will then be addressed as outlined in the disciplinary procedures. If a complaint is of a serious nature a Street Angel can make a complaint, in confidence, to the Chair or any member of the Steering Committee.

Disciplinary Policy
Adopted: 13 May 2013: This document was originally written by John Dinsdale on the 5th May 2008 and amended on the 24th April 2009.

This section is intended to outline disciplinary procedures.

Disciplinary Procedure
If at any time it appears that a Street Angel has failed to comply with any requirement of the Street Angel Volunteer Policies; or a complaint has been made against a Street Angel; or there is any other good reason for Street Angels conduct to be considered then the matter will be investigated and considered by a member of the management team.

Possible Disciplinary Measures

The measures that may be taken are as follows: permanent withdrawal of the Street Angel, specific training and/or formal advice, informal advice, No further action.

Withdrawal of the Street Angel

This means that a Street Angel will be removed from Halifax Street Angels and will not be able to take any further part in the scheme

Specific Training
The Management team may require a Street Angel to complete such additional or further training as is appropriate in the circumstances. The further specific training may be held at a reasonable location specified by the Management team and the Street Angel will be required to attend. Failure to attend for specific training within the agreed timescale will lead to consideration of withdrawal of the Street Angel. A Street Angel may be required to attend further specific training whilst an appeal is being considered. The fact that the Street Angel has been given further specific training, will be recorded on the Street Angel's individual record.

Formal advice
Formal advice will take the form of a letter from or meeting with members of the Management team, and will be recorded on the Street Angel's individual record.

Informal advice

Informal advice will not be recorded by the Management team on the Street Angel's individual record.

Preliminary Investigation procedure

Where problems with the performance of a Street Angel, or the conduct of a Street Angel are identified, a member of the Management team will conduct a Preliminary Investigation within five working days of the complaint being received. The investigating member will contact the Street Angel concerned. Initially, this may be by telephone or correspondence, depending on the nature of the complaint or problem.

Formal Disciplinary Action

In the event of prima face evidence of any incident or circumstance being established a full investigation will be carried out by a member of the Management team in consultation with other Management members. A full investigation may lead to formal disciplinary action. The investigating Management team member will advise the Street Angel in writing if, a full investigation is required. For the purposes of this paragraph formal disciplinary action means any action where, permanent withdrawal of the Street Angel, or temporary withdrawal of the Street Angel, or specific training or formal advice, is a potential outcome. The investigating Management member will seek to obtain a response from the Street Angel concerned. This may be in the form of correspondence and/or an interview. If the Street Angel does not respond to a written request for information, or does not make himself/herself available for interview, within 28 days of the written request at a reasonable location, he/her may be deemed as not cooperating with the investigation, and the investigation may proceed without further response from the Street Angel. At the investigation interview, the Street Angel has the right to a nonparticipating observer. The investigating officer will be accompanied by an observer/minute taker. The minutes will be copied to the Street Angel, by recorded post, and the investigating officer. Any amendments to the minutes must be agreed within 5 working days. Non reply within 5 working days, will be deemed as acceptance as a true reflection of the meeting. The Management team member will make a report on his/her investigation and recommendation to the Chair, in their absence the Vice Chair, of Halifax Street Angels. A report will be presented to the management committee. The recommendation may be, in decreasing order of severity of outcome: permanent withdrawal of the Street Angel, specific training and/or formal advice, informal advice, No further action.

Temporary Withdrawal of Street Angel

The Management team reserves the right to temporarily withdraw a Street Angel during the course of a full investigation where the nature of the problem is such that, in the reasonable opinion of the

investigating management member, it would be inappropriate for the Street Angel to continue to operate. The investigating officer will notify the Street Angel of His/her decision to suspend an accreditation. For example, this may occur in the event of a serious breach of the instructions in the Guide and Means of Compliance or other Management team communication, where permanent withdrawal of accreditation is a potential outcome of the Formal Disciplinary Action.

A Street Angel may appeal against permanent withdrawal of accreditation, a temporary withdrawal, the receipt of formal advice or further specific training, to the Chair, in their absence the Vice Chair. The appeal must be sent to the Management team within 28 days of receipt by the Street Angel of notification. The Street Angel will be responsible for providing any further information within that timescale. A panel of three members Management team of Street Angels, not involved in the initial investigation, will consider the appeal and may reduce the severity of the outcome.

Factors which may lead to withdrawal of Street Angel

Withdrawal may occur in cases where a Street Angel: has acted in a manner which is dangerous or permits dangerous practices to continue; or proves unable to function effectively as a Street Angel; or displays dishonesty; or displays deliberate or continued disregard for instructions; or seriously damages the reputation of the Street Angels does not meet the requirements for a Street Angel

Examples include: not meeting the requirements of an accredited Street Angel; Repeated receipt of formal advice or retraining; Disregarding a specific written instruction, including formal advice, from the Management team. Disregarding a potential Health and Safety instructions; Inappropriate behaviour eg: Physical Contact with member of the public or other Street Angel Making a false declaration on application form; Use, or communication to unauthorised people, of confidential information obtained during the course acting as a Street Angel Being under the influence of Alcohol or drugs

Factors which may lead to formal advice and/or specific training Formal advice and/or further training will be given in cases in which a Street Angel has acted in a manner which: demonstrates poor judgement; or detracts from the effectiveness or reputation of the scheme; or

damages the reputation of the Street Angels; or requires rectification action by the Management team

Examples include: Failure to take note of instructions contained within the Street Angel Volunteer Policies and Means of Compliance, Management team, Street Angels' training, Street Angels' newsletters or other Management team general instructions. Failure to act in a professional manner. Examples of unprofessional behaviour include; o Failure to treat potential members of the public and other Street Angels with courtesy and respect. Repeatedly cancelling or not showing up altogether at very short notice

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