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Spinning Elementary

Comprehensive Plan Report

Student and School Success Principle Indicators Student and School Success Principle 1: Strong leadership

Key Indicators are shown in RED.

The Leadership Team serves as a conduit of communication to the faculty and staff. Tasks: 1. Clean up the Y drive and lead a tour on how to use it. 2. Define clear direction of information 3. Focus staff meetings on fewer issues and go more in depth on the chosen issues. During meetings include time for discussion, reflection, and sharing. Adopt a 10-2 approach for staff meetings. Emphasize our student and school success plan as a focus for topics. 4. Re-assess this goal and add additional tasks as needed.

Student and School Success Principle 2: Staff evaluation and professional development Professional development for the whole faculty includes assessment of strengths and areas in need of improvement from classroom observations of indicators of effective teaching.

Tasks: 1. Staff and administrators will have a common understanding for expectations regarding student learning and this will be accomplished through more systemic and planned professional development. 2. CSIP will be involved in prioritizing aspects of the Danielson Framework, PBIS, GLAD & additional curriculum adoptions for professional development.


Student and School Success Principle 3: Expanded time for student learning and teacher collaboration The school ensures that teachers use extra time effectively when extended learning is implemented within the regular school program by providing targeted professional development. Tasks: 1. Investigate whether funds are available for after school programs or additional ELO to target struggling students. 2. Spinning will investigate which other local schools are implementing a Response to Intervention model (RTI) where data is reviewed every 6-8 weeks and how they are making changes based on that data. 3. Reserving time for review of data to look at progress of students in core subjects.

Student and School Success Principle 4: Rigorous, aligned instruction All teachers re-teach when necessary. Tasks: 1. Re-locate math targeted formative assessments and align these with the current pacing guide and schedule these for formative and diagnostic purposes. 2. Teachers will be trained in the use of various assessments to inform instruction and/or to make fluid groups for re-teaching. 3. We will evaluate our data in collaborative teams including grade level teachers, Title I, Special Education, and District Improvement Specialists. 4. Teachers will collaborate with the Title I, Extended Learning, District Improvement, and Special Education staff to determine supplemental instructional resources for re-teaching based on Read Well, DIBELS, Journeys, Bridges and MBSP. All teachers encourage students to paraphrase, summarize, and relate. Tasks: 1. Strategies to encourage students to paraphrase summarize, and relate will be shared with the staff during a staff meeting. 2. Teachers will share with grade level teams their progress toward this goal at weekly meetings. 3. Teachers will research, develop, and adopt a common structure for higher level questions and thinking for students to summarize, paraphrase and relate to their learning.


Student and School Success Principle 5: Use of data for school improvement and instruction Instructional Teams use student learning data to assess strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum and instructional strategies. Tasks: 1. Teachers will meet monthly (teams will determine monthly date and report date to office manager) to design lesson plans (Reading and Math) after analyzing student data and identifying strengths and weaknesses within the curriculum through use of student data. 2. Staff will use collaboration time to learn how to look at the curriculum and instructional practices to go through the steps of how to plan and implement units. 3. During intervention blocks with small literacy or math groups, differentiated instruction will take place for all students using Read Well and Journeys small guided reading books according to DIBELS and curriculum. Students will be grouped by Bridges Number Corner Check Up and CMP assessments during math intervention blocks using support materials, Work Places, and supplemental materials provided by the curriculum developers. Student and School Success Principle 6: Safety, discipline, and social, emotional, and physical health All school staff demonstrates an understanding of community cultures, customs, and values and model a respect for them. Tasks: 1. 2. 3. 4. PBIS philosophy will be reviewed, explained and goals implemented to the staff. CSIP/PBIS Team and Principal will develop a progressive discipline plan by the end of March and present to staff for input. Teachers will review the four BE with students in their classrooms. Teachers will be trained in the GLAD 10 and 2, and SCOUT strategies to further engage student learning at a monthly staff meeting.


Student and School Success Principle 7: Family and community engagement The schools Parent (Family) Involvement Policy includes a vision statement about the importance of family-school partnership in a school community.

Tasks: 1. Survey and identify and assess current forms of communication. 2. Survey families on preferred types of events, ways to partner with parents, and involvement interest level. 3. As teachers, develop a means to facilitate a celebration of learning and behavior that includes parents.


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