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Lean not on your own understanding

Lean not on your own understanding

on July 26, 2013 / in Worship 8:04 pm / Comments

By Johnson Omomadia We believe that God wants to move your life to a new realm that you have never experienced. As you read this message, please try not to reason it out or rationalize it. Just accept it and you will see Gods manifestation in your life as you begin to apply it. Our main text will be taken from Prov. 3:5. trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. The text started by saying that we should trust in the Lord. To trust means, to believe, to depend on, and to have absolute confidence in someone. This means that the one you trust must be the one that cannot fail. The word Lord implies Master, meaning the one that is in absolute control of circumstances. From this little definition, we can see that, when the bible says that we should trust in the Lord, we are been told that God is trustworthy and that you can depend on Him. He always does what He promises (see I Kings 8:56). The text also says we should trust God with all of our heart because, the heart of man is the spirit of man, and the spirit of man is the life of man. Therefore, it is expected of man to trust God with his whole heart and not part of his heart. God demands a 100% trust. The God, who said you should trust Him, knows you better than you know yourself. He knows all that concerns you and knows your end. Remember that he created you and has a plan for your life. He said His plan for you is of peace and not of evil and to get you to an expected end (Jer. 29:11). God has the solution for your every need and knows exactly what to do in every situation. Ps. 34:19, says many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord, delivereth him out of them all. Who is it then that gives deliverance? The bible says it is the Lord. Unless the Lord builds the city, they that build, builds in vain. No matter how much you try to get delivered from those afflictions on your own, you will find out that the more you try on your own the more difficult it gets, for by strength shall no man prevail. Has God instructed you to do something and it seems to make no sense? Listen, 1Cor. 1:27, says, But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. Know for a surety that God is the Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. Whether Gods word makes sense or not, it is only in your doing it that Gods word can become real. Stop depending on what you think or what your circumstances might be saying or suggesting. Your circumstances are temporary and subject to change while Gods word that is eternal is not subject to change for it is already settled in heaven. In IIKings 5, the bible talks about a man by name Namaan, the Captain of the host of the king of Syria, who the Lord used to give deliverance unto Syria. He was also a mighty man of valour, but he was a 1/2


Lean not on your own understanding

leper. His maid recommended that he meets with Gods Prophet Elisha, who will be able to help him. When he got to the place of Gods prophet, the prophet of God sent a messenger unto him, saying, go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee. But Namaan was wroth and went away and said behold I thought he will surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and strike his hand over the place and recover the leper. You can see from Namaans reaction that Gods instruction usually do not make sense. He wanted things done in a particular way. However, he was persuaded to obey Gods prophet and when he did he got the desired result. What would have happened if he had walked away leaning on his own understanding? He would have remained a leper. Are you leaning on your own understanding right now? No matter what the challenge is, please surrender it to the will of God. Gods victory will manifest as you follow and obey His word. God bless you and bless our great nation Nigeria. Have you given your life to Jesus? If not, please pray this prayer. Father, I come to you as I am. I invite Jesus into my life to be my personal Lord and Saviour. Wash me cleanse with the blood of Jesus and empower me with the power of your Holy Spirit. Thank you Father for saving my soul and making me your child.


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