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1. This Sahaba came to Islam after witnessing the murder of Khubayb ibn

'Abi Al-Ansari who when the Quraiysh had captured him had been allowed to pray two rakat before he was brutally killed. A.Abu Bakr al-Siddiq B.Zaid ibn Harith C.Sa'eed ibn Amir D.Suhayl ibn Amr 2. This Sabaha was the son of a man who hated Islam and was killed at the Battle of Badr. The Sahaba had fought against the Muslims in the Battle of Uhud and Khandaq (Trench). When the Muslims conquered and he fled to Yemen. However his wife accepted Islam and traveled to Yemen to retrive him. When he was brought back to Makkah he became a Muslim and vowed to fight twice as hard and spend twice as much for the victory of Islam A.Ikrimah ibn Abu Bakr B.Suhayb Ar Rumi C.Ikrimah ibn Abi Jahl D.Abu Hurrairah 3. This Sahab was one of the child companions of the Prophet (pbuh) and was 13 years old when the Prophet died. He was also the cousin of the Prophet (pbuh) and at the age of 13 he had already narrated 1666 ahadeeth. A.Jafar ibn Abi Talib B.Abdullah Ibn Abbas C.Abdullah ibn Umar D.Umayr ibn Wahab 4. This Sahab is known as Abul Masakin and Dhul-Janahain A.Jafar bin Abi Talib B.Ali bin Abi Talib C.Anas bin Malik D.Salman al-Farisi 5. This Sahaba was married to Abu Sufyan's daughter. He fought in the Battle of Badr and Uhud. It was in Uhud that Allah (swt) granted him martyrdom and he was buried in the same grave as Hamza (ra). A.Uthman bin Affan B.Umar ibn Al Khatab C.Abu Jahl D.Abdullah ibn Jahsh 6. his Sahaba was among the first group of Muslims to migrate to Abyssina. It was during the Caliphate of Umar the he was made governer of Basra but he fear for his faith when faced with all the riches. So he travel to Umar and asked him to be relieve of his duty. He was denied this so he begged Allah not to allow him to return to the city and it was on his journey back to Basra that he passed away. A.Utbah inb Ghazwan

B.Zayd ibn Thabit C.Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum 7. This Sahaba fought in all the battles with the Prophet except for Badr because of an agreement he was bound to made with the Quraysh. He was very trustable with sensitive information and it was for that reason the Prophet of Allah (s.w.t) had given him a list of hypocrites in order to track their movements. He also was picked by the Prophet (s.w.t) to inflitrate the enemy camp during the battle of Khandaq (Trench). A.Salim Mawla Abi Hudayfah B.Mus'ab ibn Umayr C.Abu Dhar D.Hudhayfah ibn Al Yaman 8. This Sahaba first reject Islam when it first came to his area. It wasn't until his friend who was a Muslim secretly came into his house and smashed his idol. He was only anger for a little bit because he quickly realized the weakness of the idol and soon after he accepted Islam. A.Abu Darda B.Abu Ayyub Al Ansari C.Talib ibn Abi Talib D.Aqeel ibn Abi Talib 9. This Sahaba was known as the beauty of Quraysh. He came from rich and noble family. When his mother found out about his conversion to Islam she locked him up in her house. He also was the flag bearer in the Battle of Uhud where he died as martyr. A.Hassan ibn Ali B.Mus'ab ibn Umayr C.Hussein ibn Ali D.Ubay ibn Ka'b 10. This Sahaba had once heard his step-father speak out against the Prophet (pbuh). Pained by what his step-father had said he reported it to the Prophet (pbuh). When his step-father was confronted he denied ever saying such a thing. It was only after a revelation was sent down in favor of that Sahaba was it proven that he was not lying as his step-father had accusd him of. A.Umayr ibn Sa'd B.An Nu'man ibn Maqarrin C.Khabbab Ibn Al Arat D.Abu Hurayrah

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