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8 Pages Rs: 1.00 Jammu Edition JKENG/2012/41612 Vol. 2 No: 230





US, Russia reach agreement on framework for securing Syria's ...


Advani never said Modi should not be made BJP's PM candidate: Rajnath
ministerial candidate," he said. With NDA having lost several of its allies, JD(U) being the latest, the BJP chief said he would look for new partners but made it clear that existing ones would be taken into confidence before sewing up new alliances. "Our existing allies, including Shiv Sena and Shiromani Akali Dal, supported the decision on Modi. There is the possibility of new pre and postpoll alliances. But before we take a decision on that, our present allies will be taken into confidence," Singh said. He was asked whether Raj Thackeray's MNS Contd p2

Teenager gang-raped, two cops arrested

Judicial probe into Kishtwar violence begins

JAMMU, SEP 14: A judicial probe ordered into the Aug 9 communal clashes in Jammu and Kashmir's Kishtwar town is set to begin on Saturday, a source said. Justice (retired) R.C. Gandhi "will operate from the tourist reception centre in Kishtwar town from today (Saturday)", a source told IANS. Justice Gandhi will visit the places where violence occurred and also ascertain whether there were any administrative lapses in the handling of the violence in Kishtwar that left three dead and properties worth crores of rupees gutted. The probe was ordered by the state government on Aug 23, and the retired judge is expected to submit his report in a month. While police have arrested over 50 people during investigations into the arson and violence in Kishtwar on Aug 9, nobody has so far been arrested for the three deaths that occurred in the communal clashes. Jammu and Kashmir's former minister of state for home Sajjad Ahmad Kichloo, also Contd p2

WASHINGTON, SEP 14: Narendra Modi would still have to apply for a visa "like any other applicant", said the US after the Gujarat chief minister was anointed BJP's prime ministerial candidate. "There's no change in our longstanding visa policy," State Department spokesperson Marie Harf told reporters Friday, while declining to comment on Bharatiya Janata Party's announcement regarding Modi. "Well, I'm not going to comment, as I don't think we ever do, on domestic Indian politics," she said. "These are decisions for the Indian people to make, certainly not for me to make judgments on one way or the other." But Modi Contd p2 NEW DELHI, SEP 14: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is expected to target the UPA government on national security in his first rally Sunday as the BJP's prime ministerial candidate for the 2014 general elections. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Friday anointed Modi as its prime ministerial candidate for the Lok Sabha polls. The ex-servicemen rally will also be addressed by former army chief Gen. V.K. Singh, BJP leaders said. They said Modi would speak on national security and matters concerning ex-servicemen, including challenges faced by them in seeking post-retirement employment. His speech is likely to be watched for any promises he Contd p2

JAMMU, SEP 14: A day after

MUMBAI, SEP 14: As L K Advani continues to sulk over Narendra Modi's anointment as BJP's prime ministerial candidate, party president Rajnath Singh on Saturday said the patriarch had the "right" to be angry but that did not reflect divisions in the party on the issue. He also rejected suggestions that the decision to elevate the Gujarat chief minister, considered a divisive and polarising figure, was taken under pressure from the RSS. "Advani continues to be our leader,

guardian and mentor. He has every right to be angry. I take cognizance of it and would try to address it. Where is the question of his isolation"? Singh told reporters here, a day after the decision to appoint Modi to spearhead BJP's challenge in the 2014 general elections sent Advani into a sulk. "It is not within my capacity to reply back to him (Advani). If a guardian scolds somebody in the family, it does not mean there are differences within the family. Advani never said Modi should not be nominated BJP's prime

a fast-track court in Delhi sentenced to death the four convicts in the Nirbhaya rape and murder case, two Jammu and Kashmir Police (JKP) cops were arrested for allegedly abducting and raping a minor girl in Reasi, 77 kms from Jammu, the winter capital of the state. Police sources said a minor girl from a migrant camp, Talwara in Reasi was allegedly abducted and raped by three police officials, Satvir Singh, personal assistant (PA) of senior superintendent of police (SSP) Reasi, Mahesh Mehta, assistant sub-inspector (ASI) and Karnail Singh special police officer (SPO) on Thursday late evening in village Mari.

The incident sparked protests in Talwara and neighbouring areas. The protesters blocked the main road at Baradari bridge for more than two hours demanding registration of an FIR against all the three accused police officials. Following the protests, police registered an FIR No. 122 under section 366/34 and added section 376 CrPC after the medical examination of the rape survivor was done. The survivor's statement was recorded under section 164 before chief judicial magistrate Reasi, police sources said. The district administration and police also arrested ASI Mahesh Mehta and SPO Karnail Singh. PA to SSP Satvir Singh, however, managed to evade Contd p2

BJP's student wing ABVP sweeps DU polls

NEW DELHI, SEP 14: BJP's student wing ABVP has swept the Delhi University polls, the results for which were declared on Saturday. ABVP bagged three top positions, winning the post of president, vice-president and joint secretary. Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) candidate Aman Awana and Utkarsh Chaudhary were elected as president and vice-president respectively. Raju Rawat, also of ABVP, was elected as joint secretary. We will fight against FYUP and will demand for a complete roll back, Aman Awana said after his win. Contd p2

CJI defends collegium system of appointment of judges Curfew continues in Kashmir towns
NEW DELHI, SEP 14: The Chief Justice of India, P Sathasivam, has defended the collegium system for appointment of judges in higher judiciary but said it is a prerogative of the Centre to bring a bill to change it. "Now as CJI, I am not going into the contents of the bill and how it was passed as it is the prerogative of the government and it is for the people to accept it or not. It is too early for me to say anything on Judicial Appointment Commission or Committee," Justice Sathasivan said on Saturday while inaugurating a seminar on rule of law. His remarks came after the president of Bar Association of India, Anil Divan, raised questions on the way the Centre brought the bill "without" taking members of judicial fraternity into confidence and "rushed" it through in Rajya Sabha. He said they never received any response from the law minister on the letter dated April 17 by top jurists of the country seeking a draft copy of the bill. tive high courts and eminent people like sons of the soil, are taken into consideration. He said judicial function is universally recognised as distinct and separate in the system of government and is the "very heart" of the republic and the "bulwark" of democracy. He said judicial accountability is fostered through the process of selection, discipline and removal found in the Constitution. "...The success of a democracy largely depends upon an impartial strong and independent judiciary endowed with sufficient power to administer justice," the CJI said. "Although both judicial independence and judicial accountability are vital for maintaining the rule of law, they are sometimes projected as conflicting phenomenon. Judicial accountability has become an indispensable counterbalance to judicial independence. "In that connection, accountability is fostered through the process of selection, discipline and Contd p2 SRINAGAR, SEP 14: Curfew continued Saturday in major towns of south Kashmir in Jammu and Kashmir as life was affected by the shutdown called by separatists in Srinagar and other parts of the Kashmir Valley. "Curfew continues on Saturday in Shopian, Kulgam, Pulwama and Khudwani towns of south Kashmir to maintain law and order," a senior police officer .The Valley has been rocked by the killing Sep 7 of four people. One person died Sep 11. The deaths occurred allegedly because of firing by personnel of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), a charge denied by the para military force. The police officer said adequate deployment of police

The CJI said that the government and its agencies have a say in the present collegium system and their views are also taken into consideration for appointment of judges. Justice Sathasivam said that no name is finalised until it gets clearance from the law minister, the Prime Minister and the President and in the whole mechanism, inputs from intelligence bureau, respec-

and CRPF personnel has been made at other places in south Kashmir districts. In a related development, police probing the Sep 7 firing have summoned labourers from outside Shopian district to identity the fourth person. While three people killed that day were civilians, it was reported that the fourth, as yet unidentified person, was a militant.

Locals, however, say all the four were killed at the same place, and were unarmed civilians. Jammu and Kashmir government has ordered the shifting of the CRPF camp from Gagaran and its replacement by the state armed police. Syed Ali Geelani, a hardline separatist leader, has called a shutdown to protest the killings, Contd p2

Army Chief in Ladakh to review security situation PM CONVENES NIC MEET SEP 23 Rajnath Singh confident of BJP victory in 2014
the Ladakh sector, which is the area of responsibility of the Leh-based 14 Corps, Army officials said here. The visit of the Army Chief to Ladakh comes at a time when concerns have been raised over the increasing incidents of intrusions by the PLA in Indian areas and faceoffs between the troops of the two sides. The two countries are also discussing mechanisms to avoid flare ups between the two sides at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) while patrolling. Recently, a Committee Contd p2 NEW DELHI, SEPT 14: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has called a meeting of the National Integration Council (NIC) on Sep 23, a statement said Saturday. The meeting comes in the wake of the recent communal violence in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar in which almost 50 people have died. According to the statement: "The NIC, however, notes with concern the increase in communal incidents in different parts of the country over the last few years." "The council emphasizes that notwithstanding sporadic nalism, casteism, regionalism, linguism and narrowmindedness as a follow up of National Intergration Conference under the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in SeptemberOctober, 1961. The first meeting of NIC was held in 1962. In the last NIC meeting with 148 members held on Sept 10, 2011, the agenda was communal harmony. The NIC comprises union ministers, chief ministers, political leaders and representatives of religion, media and business and other eminent personalities. MUMBAI, SEP 14: A day after the anointment of Narendra Modi as the BJP's prime ministerial nominee, an upbeat party president Rajnath Singh Saturday asserted that it would bag at least 272 seats - the halfway mark - in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. "We are hopeful that with the support of our allies, the National Democratic Alliance will bag more than 272 seats and come to power in the next parliamentary elections," he said at a function to inaugurate the new Bombay Bullion Association headquarters here. Attacking the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government, Singh said that the Congress-led coalition has pushed the country into an economic mess in the past ten years of its rule. He said that considering the strength of the economy during the NDA rule under (prime minister) Atal Bihari Vajpayee, it was expected that the country would become an Contd p2

NEW DELHI, SEP 14: Against the backdrop of increasing incidents of Chinese incursions, Army Chief Gen Bikram Singh is in

Ladakh on Saturday to take stock of the security situation there. During the day-long visit, the Army Chief will take stock of the situation in

occurances of communal and other divisive conflicts, the vast majority of common men and women, irrespective of their religious affiliations, live in peace and harmony and have no interest in violence and disorders," it said. The NIC was constituted to combat the evils of commu-


ROHIT SINGH RANA This is the tale of two stars on the ascendant and also of the other. The other despite his long innings refuses to go away. It reminds us of a king who despite losing, teeth, health and above all credibility still chose to clung to power like a leech. The statement of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on board his special aircraft while returning from St. Petersberg said," I have always maintained that Rahul Gandhi would be an ideal choice for the PM post after 2014 elections (Lok Sabha). I will be very happy to work in the Congress under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi." The political scene in India today is in a great flux with two chief contenders vying with one another, for the PMs post. Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi seem to edge out other aspiring candidates for the top post. Here Modi edges out Rahul by a margin and sentiment that is seen all over the country. With the carefully crafted image of a tough politician and administrator of outstanding ability, Modi is genuinely seen nearer to the PMs post. Despite internal squabbles and some noises here and there within his party, it appears almost certain that he will eventually be declared as the BJPs candidate for the Prime Minister. Rahul Baba is known to have no administrative ability, no matter how much the Congress loudly proclaims that he has all the abilities needed for the post of prime minister. Sadly enough, the Prime Minister material that was in Nehru, Indira, Shastri and Vajpayee seems to have gone with the wind. Rest is left, a son of a dynasty and the other Modi. Rahul has not inspired the nation with his ideas. What he thinks about the problems of the country and how he enunciates them is not his cup of tea. A weak orator, despite his long grooming, he has till date come as a cropper. In this perplexing situation the third candidate who is still the Prime Minister of India is not in a mood to shun power. After his stellar role under Narsimha Rao as Finance Minister, he had two innings as Prime Minister. The first went average but in the second he has brought the nation at the verge of mortgaging its 550 odd tons of gold to reverse the sagging financial situation. With scams almost riding on his shoulders he is only a pale self of himself despite his honest credentials and label of a top economist. Having tasted power and other associated authority with it, he should have felt now completely saturated with satisfaction. But as they say greed and attachment are the biggest enemies of man and same is happening with the PM. He wants to serve under Rahul Gandhi in order to remain in the reckoning. Manmohan is not so simpleton in politics as is ought to be made out. He has perfected the art of silence to such finesse that it has provoked the Opposition to launch a tirade against him. But his silence has helped him save his face at odd many occasions. At the same time it has cost him his reputation. One thought in all fairness that Manmohan will retire as gracefully as Vajpayee did and command some respect. But he has his own script, craftily written for him. His statement to work under Rahul Gandi can also mean that in case Rahul Gandhi with his shortcomings or a deliberate policy to isolate him form the pale of responsibility by becoming President of Congress, in that scenario it leaves Manmohan an outside chance to go for a third term which in past he has not denied. The Gandhi dynasty has of late carved a new art of governing India indirectly without sharing any direct responsibility. Sonia Gandhi as UPA Chairperson is having the cake and eating it too. Same script could be written for Rahul Baba with Manmohan working under him. This way the statement of Prime Minister sound plausible and doable. Fresh from the St. Petrsberg trip with its cool climate and famed gardens, Manmohan Singh feels renewed vigour to serve the country. How gloomy, that he still can not escape the allure of power despite brining country on the brink.


It is chilling to think when those who are meant to save you turn on you and rape your daughters. Leave aside the brutes from the civil society, who is already present in sizable numbers. But when we find such brutes in police department what will happen. It is a chilling prospect. Unfortunately there are many such elements in the police who are not men of character. It means that during recruitment due care is not taken to verify the antecedents of the candidates or they are recruited with some political push or influence. Otherwise how could men of disputed character find job in police department and rise in the ranks. The case of Personal Assistant to SSP, Reasi is a fit case for J&K Police to investigate its own line of thinking and recruitment process. How was he having a dubious past and involved in anti-social activities tolerated in the police department. His presence in the police was finally paid by a minor girl whom he along with two other police officials raped after kidnapping her. Mercifully, she was not killed. The civil society is right if it demands a thorough probe into the number of suspect behaviour in the police department which is meant to safeguard people. Their presence is a threat to the civil population and to the security of the country. This department has become a dumping ground for every Tom, Dick and Harry. Sometimes stone pelters are recruited in police, sometimes men who turn out over ground workers find their way in and many times rapists and brutes also add to the Hall of Shame of Police Department. With such men in uniform, God can only help maintain law and order. RAMASAHIB

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and instances of attack on Indian soldiers. However, a day ahead of the event in Rewari, about 90 km from the national capital, Haryana Power Minister Ajay Singh Yadav targeted Modi while some unidentified people blackened posters of the BJP leader. Yadav said Haryana did not have to take lessons from Modi's model of governance in Gujarat. "Modi should have chosen a state that lags Gujarat. Haryana is ahead of Gujarat in key fields, including social welfare schemes, especially for defence personnel and ex-servicemen," Yadav said. "Gujarat government's incentives and facilities to freedom fighters, defence personnel, exservicemen and their dependents pale in comparison to what the Bhupinder Singh Hooda government has done in Haryana," he added. Dismissing Modi's rally as an "attempt to mislead people and undermine the dignity of sainiks (soldiers) and freedom fighters", Yadav advised Modi to implement Haryana's innovative schemes in Gujarat. Meanwhile, BJP leaders said over a lakh people were expected to take part in the rally, being organised by the Haryana unit of the party and its ex-servicemen's cell. They said over 20 senior retired defence personnel would attend. There is speculation that V.K. Singh may join BJP at the rally. BJP spokesperson Capt Abhimanyu, convenor of the rally, Saturday said the government should have a well-defined welfare policy for defence forces. "This will be the largest rally on issues of national security and welfare of ex-servicemen," he said. PA to SSP Reasi.

Curfew continues ..
disrupting normal life in Srinagar and other towns in the Valley. Curfew was imposed after the Sep 7 firing incident, and withdrawn on Monday. In the wake of the killing of Sep 11, curfew was imposed again. Shops, public transport and educational institutions remained closed in Srinagar city, where government offices, banks and post offices functioned normally. Private vehicles plied on Srinagar roads, but traffic movement was sparse. Contingents of police and CRPF in full riot gear were deployed at sensitive places in the city. Police said no untoward incident has so far been reported. headed by National Security Advisory Board Chairman Shyam Saran had also visited Ladakh to review the border infrastructure and also deal with several aspects relating to the region covering a broad spectrum of activities and requirements. Saran had also filed a report dealing with requirement of air facilities in Ladakh region along with matters relating to land acquisition and environmental and wildlife clearances.

Advani never ..
would be persuaded to join NDA. Raj Thackeray is considered close to Modi but his estrangement with cousin Uddhav, who heads Shiv Sena, continues. Any decision to bring MNS into NDA fold may not go down well with Shiv Sena. Asked if Modi would continue as Gujarat chief minister or contest Lok Sabha polls while spearheading BJP's election campaign, he said,"I don't think there is any bar under the Constitution (prohibiting a chief minister from contesting LS poll). But we have not given it a thought so far. This will be decided after consultations." When asked what exactly had disappointed Advani about his style of functioning, Rajnath said,"I am not aware of it". The BJP president trashed suggestions that RSS had exerted pressure on the party leadership to declare Modi as its prime ministerial candidate. "In my long association with RSS, I have never seen it exert any pressure or issue any directive to BJP. I don't know where this notion stems from," he said. Describing Modi as the "most popular politician in the country today", he said there was never any confusion over the party declaring him its prime ministerial challenger. "Now that we have formally declared him as our prime ministerial candidate, the country wants to know who is the prime ministerial nominee of the Congress," he said, adding the Congress-led government at the Centre had failed "on all fronts". Earlier in the day, the BJP chief exuded confidence that along with allies the party would be able to form the next government at the Centre. "We hope to get 272 plus seats in the 2014 elections. Give us 272 plus seats and we will form a government whose economic policies will restore India's pride globally," he said addressing a

gathering after inaugurating the new building of Bombay Bullion Association at Zaveri Bazaar. The BJP chief said all allies of his party who would contest the general elections together would participate in the next government if the alliance came to power.

Judicial probe ..
the sitting MLA from Kishtwar, resigned as minister after the violence. The state government called in the army to restore order in Kishtwar. The rioting mobs had looted over 40 guns from a shop in the town Aug 9, and the police has so far recovered two dozen stolen weapons.

Rajnath Singh ..
economic power by 2020. However, in the past ten years, the country's economic condition has been destroyed and the people are reeling under heavy inflation, contended the BJP chief. "After coming to power in the next elections, we shall make attempts to again revive and strengthen the economy," he asserted. BBA president Mohit Kamboj said that the gold trading community had great expectations from the BJP and would help the party in all ways to enable it come to achieve its aims in 2014. Maharashtra is special to BJP where it has a nearly two-decade old alliance with the Shiv Sena and the two have shared power once in the state and the centre. Later, Rajnath Singh also visited and prayed at the famous Lalbaugcha Raja Lord Ganesh idol in Parel.

Modi can ..
"is welcome to apply for a visa and await a review like any other applicant", Harf said, adding, "That review will be, of course, grounded in US law. And I just am not going to speculate about what the outcome of that review might be." Asked if there was a problem relating to Modi's visa when several other politicians from various political parties could come to the US freely, she repeated: "Again, we're not involved in domestic Indian politics." "If Mr. Modi would like to apply for a visa and await a review like any other applicant, he's certainly free to do so." Modi has not applied for a US visa since 2005 when he was denied a diplomatic visa for his alleged inaction in controlling the 2002 Godhra riots. In addition, the B-1/B-2 visa that had previously been granted to him was also revoked. The action was taken under a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act which makes any foreign government official who was responsible or "directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom" ineligible for the visa. While there has been no change in the US position officially, the US business has been warming up to the Gujarat leader and the issue is being debated both in the administration and among the lawmakers.

BJP's student .
The NSUI could manage to bag only one post. Karishma Thakur is the only NSUI member in the central panel. She has won the election for the post of secretary.

CJI defends ..
removal found in the Constitution and the statutes in various judicial systems," he said. Stressing the need for an independent judiciary, he said, without it, there is a little hope for the rule of law. "Thus, the need for judicial independence is not for judges or the judiciary per se but for the people," he said.

Army Chief ..

Modi's first ..
makes on issues concerning exservicemen and his attack on the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government for its handling of security issues such as incursions by China, repeated ceasefire violations by Pakistan

Teenager gang-raped, ..
his arrest. Deputy inspector general (DIG) of police UdhampurReasi range, Gareeb Dass told the TOI that the case was being investigated and the police were on a hunt to find and arrest the

Cadets celebrate after a graduation ceremony at Officers Training Academy in Chennai. A total of 350 cadets graduated and will be posted as Lieutenants in the Indian Army.
been unable to win veteran leader L.K. Advani over despite a number of meetings including with RSS chief Mohan Bhagwats intervention. Mr. Advani and the other two formerly naysaying leaders have maintained the announcement must wait till the conclusion of the Assembly elections in Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Mizoram in November, where Mr. Modis pan-India appeal could be put to the test. Mr. Advanis aversion he continues to nurse prime ministerial ambitions to Mr. Modis anointment as PM candidate has been longstanding. For months, even before Mr. Modi was handed over the baton as the election campaign chief, Mr. Advani has been saying people are disappointed that the BJP has not been able tap into the disenchantment of the people with the UPA government. Mr. Advani has contended that the party needs to take a re-look at its political agenda in an era of coalition politics where it has to emerge as the pole to accommodate several colours and hues of political parties. He has been advocating the formula of NDA + to broad base appeal of BJP to non-UPA and non-NDA parties. Right choice: Sukhbir Sarabjit Pandher writes from Chandigarh: Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal congratulated Mr. Modi and assured steadfast support to the Gujarat strongmans campaign to fulfil the desire of the people to oust the directionless UPA government. Earlier in the day, while interacting with reporters on the sidelines of a function, Mr. Badal described Mr. Modi as a capable leader whose remarkable work in the development of Gujarat was being followed by many other States.


MUMBAI/BHOPAL/PATNA, SEP 13: The Bharatiya Janata Party, which was unable to get its own members on board over the nomination of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as its prime ministerial candidate, has been able to easily secure support from the Shiv Sena and the Shiromani Akali Dal two of its longstanding allies. Ahead of the parliamentary board meeting, BJP chief Rajnath Singh had telephoned Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray as well as SAD supremo Sukhbir Singh Badal. By dint of sustained engagement with his party leaders, Mr. Singh was able to bring round Leader of

the Opposition Sushma Swaraj

and former party chief Murli

Manohar Joshi. However, he has

Orange juice can Sleep apnea treatment can make you look better too! keep cancer away
Juice and Cancer Chemoprevention' discusses the putative mechanisms involved in the process and the available data in terms of evidence-based medicine. Despite its potential toxicity (if taken in excess), orange juice has many potential positive effects when it comes to cancer, particularly because it is high in anti-oxidants. Evidence from previous studies has indicated that orange juice can reduce the risk of leukemia in children, as well as aid in chemoprevention against mammary, hepatic, and colon cancers. "Orange juice could contribute to chemoprevention at every stage of cancer initiation and progression," the researchers explained. WASHINGTON: A new study suggests that getting treatment for a common sleep problem may do more than help you sleep better - it may help you look better over the long term, too. The findings from the University of Michigan Health System and Michigan Technological University, aren't just about "looking sleepy" after a late night, or being bright-eyed after a good night's rest. It's the first time researchers have shown specific improvement in facial appearance after at-home treatment for sleep apnea, a condition marked by snoring and breathing interruptions. Sleep apnea affects millions of adults - most undiagnosed -- and puts them at higher risk for heart-related problems and daytime accidents. While the research needs to be confirmed by larger studies, the findings may eventually give apnea patients even more reason to stick with CPAP treatment - a challenge for some because they must wear a breathing mask in bed. CPAP is known to stop snoring, improve daytime alertness and reduce blood pressure. Sleep neurologist Ronald Chervin, M.D., M.S., director of the U-M Sleep Disorders Center, led the study, which was funded by the Covault Memorial Foundation for Sleep Disorders Research. Chervin says the study grew out of the anecdotal evidence that sleep center staff often saw in sleep apnea patients when they came for followup visits after using CPAP. The team, including research

BRASILIA: On reviewing available research on cancer prevention and the benefits of orange, scientists say orange could prove to be crucial in the prevention of cancer. In a forthcoming review article from Nutrition and

Cancer: An International Journal, a publication of Routledge, researchers reviewed available evidence that links orange juice with cancer chemoprevention, reports Science Daily. The review article, 'Orange

Using a sensitive "face mapping" technique usually used by surgeons, and a panel of independent appearance raters, the researchers detected changes in 20 middle-

aged apnea patients just a few months after they began using a system called CPAP to help them breathe better during sleep and overcome chronic sleepiness.

program manager Deborah Ruzicka, R.N., Ph.D., sought a more scientific way to assess appearance before and after sleep treatment. "The common lore, that people 'look sleepy' because they are sleepy, and that they have puffy eyes with dark circles under them, drives people to spend untold dollars on home remedies," Chervin, the Michael S. Aldrich Collegiate Professor of Sleep Medicine and professor of Neurology at the UM Medical School, said. "We perceived that our CPAP patients often looked better, or reported that they'd been told they looked better, after treatment. But no one has ever actually studied this," he added. The findings are published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

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Feroz inaugurates seminar on GM crops at KU

SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 14: The Jammu and Kashmir State Council for Science and Technology and the Department of Botany, University of Kashmir jointly organised a seminar on National Science Day-2013 (NSD) at the Gandhi Bhawan auditorium of Kashmir University on Saturday. The theme for this year NSD was "Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security". Minister of State for Science Technology and Information Technology Mr. Feroz Ahmad Khan inaugurated the daylong seminar. Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial University (JLNMU) New Delhi Prof. Sudhir Kumar Sopori, Head of the Department of Botany Prof Irshad Ahmad Nawchoo, Registrar Kashmir University Dr. Zafar Ahmad Reshi, Joint Director, Jammu and Kashmir State Council for Science and Technology Dr. to rededicate themselves to create high quality scientific research output and make the nation as well as the state proud. The Minister said that a country's development depends on the productivity of its people and the progress is possible only if the health of its population is secured. He said there are many regions in the world where food deprivation persists. Speaking on the occasion the Vice Chancellor said that the National Science Day (NSD) envisages to promote development of scientific temper among the country men by way of inculcating such temper in the public at large and to increase public understanding of science through celebration of days and weeks having scientific significance and importance. Prof. Irshad Ahmad Nawchoo and Dr. Zafar Ahmad Reshi also spoke on the occasion and threw light on the importance of promoting science subjects.

Lone reviews functioning of GWC Parade, inspects under execution works in campus
JAMMU, SEPTEMBER 14:- The Minister for Higher Education, Mohammed Akbar lone on saturday reviewed the pace of progress on under execution works taken up to up-grade the infrastructure in the Government Women College Parade. Accompanied by Prof. Satinder Singh, Nodal Principal, the Minister also chaired a meeting of the college faculty and had a threadbare discussion on various academic issues, besides assessing the infrastructural needs and status of ongoing works. The Minister laid emphasis on maintaining the quality of education, improving the quality of teaching, and effective civic education. He also emphasized the role of teachers to build a healthy and strong nation. He exhorted the faculty to work with

Mushtaq Ahmad, Organising Secretary Dr. Rifat John, Public Relations Officer (PRO) Kashmir University Mr. Showkat Shafi, galaxy of luminaries, scientists, researchers, delegates, experts, professors and distinguished faculty members of Kashmir University and SKUAST-K were present on the occasion. While paying rich tributes to the Nobel Laureate Sir C.V. Raman, a great scientist who

has been awarded Nobel Prize for his contribution in the field of science, the Minister said that the great scientist has shown a landmark discovery which is finding applications today in the field of science. Addressing the gathering in the auditorium, the Minister said that science has played very important role in transforming the society adding that the events of this day remind the importance of sci-

ence which inspire the people of all ages to work in the field of science, engineering and technology. Mr. Feroz said that observance of National Science Day (NSD), brings an opportunity to focus on issues related to science and technology. He said that the celebration of Science Day will attract many young children to take up science as a career. He said that this is the day when our Scientists may like

dedication and assured that the government was keen to maintain the dignity of the Teaching fraternity by resolving all their issues. Mr Lone inspected the development works and lauded the efforts of College Management for sustained pace and quality of work,

besides framing an effective future development plans for the institution. The Minister also interacted with the student participants at the workshop organised by Natrang to hunt the talent in students for the cultural scholarship to be instituted by SMVDU.

Kashmir Law College organizes 2-day National Seminar

Prof. Talat stresses for latest trends in Law practices
SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 14: Kashmir Law College, Nowshera in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research New Delhi organized a 2-day National Seminar on the "Challenges of Globalization to the Legal System in the 21st Century" in the auditorium of college. Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir, Prof. Talat Ahmad inaugurated the seminar while as Vice Chancellor, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Prof. A. K. Koul, former Chairman National Minorities Commission and Member Law Commission of India, Prof. Tahir Mahmood and Former Chairman, J&K Public Service Commission, Mr. M. S. Pandit were the guests of Honour. At the outset, the Principal of the College, Prof. A. S. Bhat presented welcome address and spoke about the objective of organising the seminar. In the inaugural session, Prof. A. K. Koul described globalization a concept as old as human civilization, however,

Taj inaugurates modern Basketball Vikar inaugurates school building at Mangit & lays foundation court at Indoor Stadium stone of Foot Bridge Seeks re activation of aqua sports centre at Nehru Park

SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 14 - Minister for Medical Education, Youth Services & Sports, Mr. Taj Mohi ud Din on Saturday inaugurated an ultra modern basketball court at SK Indoor Stadium on Saturday. The refurbished court is laden with Astroturf and other amenities of national standards. This would be the first such sports field in the Valley of its kind. On the occasion, the Minister also witnessed the inaugural match between

SL Science exhibition being held on 22nd Sept

SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 14: The State Level Science Exhibition under INSPIRE AWARD 2013 is being held at SIE Srinagar at its new campus Bemina on 22nd and 23rd of September 2013. The best emerged models at district level shall be displayed for national level selection. In order to ensure proper registration, all the escort teachers and participants along with models and write-ups are advised to register themselves in Jammu and Kargil on21st September afternoon and in Kashmir Division on the same day from 10 am to 3 pm. Interested persons can call on 9469144921, 9796339942

two teams. Interacting with the officers, coaches and players on the occasion, Mr. Taj impressed upon them to use the infrastructure facilities more often and organise more and more sporting events. He said the Government is extending and strengthening infrastructure all across the State for the benefit of youth. Mr. Taj also visited the aqua sports centre at Nehru Park where coaching to youth in swimming, Kayaking and Canoing and other water sports disciplines is imparted. He directed immediate cleaning of the swimming field and re activation of the centre for training more and

more youth in water sports. He asked the State Sports Council to be in touch with all the associations of water sports and start holding competitions and events. The Minister also visited the multi facility sporting centre at Raj Bagh-Gindun and took stock of the works in progress there. He inspected the spot where a swimming pool is to be built and directed early completion of works. He was informed that a 50 x 20 metre swimming pool would be constructed there in conformity with Olympic standards. The swimming pool would have both deep and shallow patches and it would also be first swimming pool in the Valley.

Sahu reviews arrangements, stresses on coordination

JAMMU, SEPTEMBER 14-Arrangements for the Biometric census which constitutes the second phase of the National Population Register (NPR) were discussed in a meeting held on saturday under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner, Jammu, Ajeet Kumar Sahu. It was informed in the meeting that the enrolment drive will kick start from Bishnah and accordingly sensitization programmes for the various stakeholders will be taken up. Sahu directed the concerned officers to update the list of enumerators and supervisors to be associated with the drive. He has also asked them to ensure that schedules for the training of concerned staff and setting up the biometric camps are made in consultation with the concerned agencies and stressed on working in synergy for better project implementation. DC stressed on involving the panchs and sarpanchs in the exercise to disseminate awareness among the masses. He said that successful project implementation involves coordinated efforts and putting in place all the logistic facilities in time.

BANIHAL, 14 SEPTEMBER 2013: Minister of State for Technical Education, Information, Power and CA&PD, Vikar Rasool Wani Inaugurated the school building at Mangit, laid the foundation stone of foot bridge at upper Mahu and addressed a public meeting in the premises of panchyatghar Mangit on Saturday. Xen PWD, ACD, Engineers and officers of various departments, Sarpanches and Panches attended the function. Vikar inaugurated four new additional rooms at Government High School, Mangit constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 47.40 lakh by the PWD Department under district plan. He also laid the foundation stone of Foot Bridge over Nagandar Nallah at Upper Mahu, which will be completed at a cost of Rs. 15 lakh being constructed by the Rural Development Department under BRGF. As many as 650 families of the area will be benefited with the completion of this bridge.

While addressing a public rally at Mangit, he said that government is committed in imparting quality technical training to the youth of the state so as to make them self reliant. He directed the officers of PHE and Power department to complete the ongoing projects immediately so that people avail benefits of these schemes. Minister assured the public that road from Mangit to Mahu and Bawa to Mangit construction of Dangu bridge, Chulnar bridge, Hijwa and Hargan Sunbal bridge will be completed in shortest possible time. He stressed upon the officers of PWD, PMGSY and RDD to speed up the work on all ongoing construction works and ensure their completion with in prescribed time. He assured the gathering that the area will be developed as a tourist destination and more angainwari centre, solar lights will be provided he assured the people that their genuine demands will be fulfilled in a phased manner.

in today's context it has been defined more or less "a process recognized and defined by the experiences of the latter part of the 20th century and beyond into the 21st century spawned by world revolution". He said globalization also refers to those processes which tend to create and consolidate the world economy, developing a single ecological system and a universal network of communications covering the whole globe. Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir Prof. Talat

Ahmad in his address appreciated the organizers for organising the event and hoped that the 2-day seminar will provide a platform to all students and teachers to get acquainted with latest trends in law practices and an opportunity of interaction. He said that law and economy, the future of Intellectual Property, topics chosen for discussion are very significant and it is need of hour to ponder over such issues and find a solution of various problems confronting the society.

Mian Altaf inaugurates Bio-Park, Eco-Hut at Thajwas

SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 14: Minister for Forest, Ecology and Environment, Mian Altaf Ahmad on saturday said that government has taken various initiatives for the preservation and safeguarding the pristine glory of various health resorts including Sonamarg. He said that Sonamarg is being developed as all-time tourist's destination and in this regard infrastructure is being developed on modern lines and in ecofriendly environment which he hoped would boost the socio-economic conditions of the people of the area besides would help in generating employment avenues. The Minister was interacting with officers after inaugurating Bio-Park Tajwas-Baltal Wild life Sanctuary completed at a cost of Rs. 20 lakh and EcoHut Tajwas-Baltal Wild life Sanctuary completed at a cost of Rs 16 lakh. Mian Altaf said nature has bestowed our State with enormous bounties of beauty and natural resources and preservation and conservation of this treasure is our duty so that these valuable resources sustain for coming generation beside eco balance system is maintained. He urged upon people in general and officers of the department in particular to put in all-out effort for safeguarding such resources. The Minister said the BioPark and Eco-Hut will attract more tourists towards Sonamarg and will prove fascinating for the nature lovers across the globe besides will provide employment avenues for the locals

8th batch of Hajj pilgrims leaves for Madinah

SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 14: The 8th batch of 550 Hajj pilgrims including 295 male and 255 female embarked from Srinagar International Airport in two flights for the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia. As many as 4399 Hajj pilgrims have left for Madinah Munwara till date.

Ramzan reviews stock, supply position in Jammu

Reviews functioning of Transport Deptt
JAMMU, SEPTEMBER 14: Minister for Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution (CAPD), Transport, Chowdhary Mohammad Ramzan on saturday said that the Government has decided to open 6000 new public distribution centres in Jammu region to expand the PDS network to inaccessible areas. The Minister was addressing a meeting of senior officers of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution (CA&PD) and Legal Metrology Department convened to review the stock and supply position in Jammu region. The meeting was attended by Director, CA&PD, G.S. Chib, Managing Director JKSRTC, J.S. Tandon, General Manager, R.S. Jamwal, Deputy Controller, Legal Metrology, Manoj Prabhakar, authorities to conduct random market checks to curb menace of overcharging, adulteration besides putting in place an effective monitoring mechanism to ensure accountability in Public Distribution System. The Minister asked the officers to strictly adhere to the fresh guidelines set to further streamline the public distribution system. He asked the officers to supply adequate food grains and essential commodities to far-off areas of the state as per requirement. The Minister asked the Director CAPD to personally check the quality of ration being received from Food Corporation of India (FCI). He said that the Government of India has also sanctioned sufficient quota for Kashmiri migrants.

Academy's first publication in Shina released

Seminar, mushaira draw Kargil Cultural Festival to a close

KARGIL, SEPTEMBER 14:- On the concluding day of the 2-day Kargil Cultural Festival organized by J&K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages, a day-long seminar was held on local languages of Kargil including Purgi, Shina and Balti. The session also saw the first Shina language publication of the Academy being released on the occasion. In the evening, an Urdu mushaira was held as the closing event. The function, presided over by Secretary Academy, Khalid Bashir Ahmad, was held on Saturday at the seminar hall of the Academy here in presence of a large number of writers, poets and students. Writers Muhammad Jawad Jalib, Muhammad Sadiq Rustam Hardassi and Mukhtar Zahid Badgami presented papers on topics 'The dialects of Tibetan and Dardi languages', The origin, history

Joint Controller, Amar Singh, besides district heads and other officers of the department. The Minister asked Director CA&PD to indentify the places for opening new depots by giving preference to the inaccessible and uncovered areas. He said that the step has been taken to ensure better services to consumers at their

doorsteps adding that it will also help in employment generation. Reviewing the status of home delivery of LPG, the Minister directed the concerned to ensure 100 percent home delivery to eligible household in district headquarters, major towns. Stressing for effective enforcement of laws, the Minister asked the CA&PD

Taj visits Shopian, reviews law & order situation

Appeals people for calm, says Govt. conscious of their needs
and present status of Balti language and Shina language- A historical perspective, respectively. Speaking on the occasion, Secretary Academy, Khalid Bashir Ahmad, spoke about the rich cultural and linguistic diversity of Kargil and said the Academy was committed to promote these. He said seminars and conferences were crucial for the promotion and development of languages and it was important to discuss language issues and find solutions through regular academic and literary interactions. He said that steps were being taken to start regular publications in Balti and Shina languages for which creation of editorial staff is in the offing. He said the Finance Committee of the Academy has cleared one post each of Assistant Editor and Research Assistant both for Shina and Balti and the concurrence of the Central Committee, the highest decision making body of the Academy, would be sought in its next meeting scheduled in October. He said following the approval of the Central Committee language section would be added to Kargil sub-office for taking up the publication programme. He asked the writers of Balti, Shina and Purgi languages to write about rich culture, literature and history of Kargil for the Academy publications. SHOPIAN, SEPTEMBER 14: Minister for Medical Education, Youth Services & Sports, Mr. Taj Mohiud Din on saturday visited Shopian and took stock of the law and order situation in the district. The District administration, comprising Deputy Commissioner, Bashir Ahmad Bhat, Superintendent of Police, Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad and other officers briefed the Minister about the incidents, the pace of inquiry and the situation arising out in the district. Pertinently, he is the first Minister to visit the District since the unfortunate events of last week in which four persons were killed. The Minister reviewed the execution of cabinet decision regarding shifting of CRPF camp from Gagran village and directed the district administration to implement the decision within no time. The SP Shopian informed the Minister that probe into the killings of September 07 is apace. The SP said as regards the identity of fourth youth killed in the incident, the SIM card and SKYPE details of the slain youth will be sent to Forensic Science Laboratory, Chandigrah for technical evaluation. The Minister directed the district administration to work out curfew relaxation mechanism and ensure that people do not suffer any shortage of essential commodities. He asked the district administration to reach out to people and ensure that their difficulties due to curfew are minimised. Mr. Taj appealed people to maintain calm and help Government in restoring order in the district. He said Government is conscious and concerned about the problems, demands and needs of people and appealed them to come forward and help in maintaining law and order in the district.

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out saying considering the obligatory colour, balance, line and other design principles. Good drawing skills are also essential. Aspirants should also possess the foresight to both envisage and adapt to upcoming industry trends. Practice is always essential to develop and hone your craft. As Goa-based self taught designer, Edwin Pinto of 'Janota' brand fame states, "If one is willing to work hard, has an insatiable desire to experiment, and is particular about finishing and quality of each pair then shoe designing is an interesting career option."

Footwear is no longer neglected it is now a style statement. It is the cynosure of all eyes. In the world of fashion, where accessories are as important as your apparel, footwear has acquired large significance, symbolizing one's fashion statement, personal taste as well as sense of comfort. Recently, there is an increase in demand and choice for footwear that has led to a spurt in the number of companies including some international players, dealing with footwear production and export. Now-adays footwear is made from leather, plastic, canvas, jute, rubber and even cloth. The footwear industry has evolved tremendously involving the use of sophisticated machinery and skilled manpower. Thus, footwear designing technology as of today is a lucrative career option. And it is important area of fashion. footwear for wearing while assuring that they are both easy to wear and do not harm the feet. Designers are usually involved in this production stage at some level or the other. It may even involve working hands-on with complex machinery as well as solvents, glues and dyes. Footwear designing has been rated as the most technical of all design careers. Precision is the key - the piece should fit well as there is no scope for alterations. Safety, comfort and quality standards are equally vital. As Sabbah Sharma, footwear designer with her own flagship store in Juhu, Mumbai highlights, "Designing footwear is not merely about aesthetics - one cannot concentrate only on colour and design of footwear, its fit, size, comfort and functionality is most important." Therefore, the creations should be attractive, comfortable and durable all at once!

Names of few Institutes

Footwear Design and Development Institute (FDDI), Noida-, U P Indian Institute of Leather Products, ChennaiAvi School of Fashion and Shoe Technology, Chandigarh, Central Footwear Training Center, Agra, Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai Central Footwear Training Center, Chennai


Leading vocational institutes across the country offer various undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma and certificate courses in Footwear Design, Management and Technology. Any 10+2 or graduate qualification will do for most courses. But B.Tech/M.Tech courses mandate science/engineering backgrounds. These footwear technology courses are also regarded as the most progressive of fashion-related courses in India. Students gain extensive knowledge of materials, patterns, design concepts, design software as well as industry and fashion trends. They also include fine art, anatomy, kinesiology engineering and marketing aspects. Apart from these specialised courses, a broad course in fashion design can also suffice.

India today presents itself as a gold mine for any category, the footwear industry being no different. "In the last decade we have seen an increase in discretionary income, a strong awareness of fashion sense through availability of international fashion media and increase in international travel. All these factors have led to a more fashion conscious customer who considers shoes and accessories as important as clothes. A quick look at numbers substantiates this fact. Today the India footwear industry stands at Rs 24.1 thousand crores, a healthy 20 per cent growth over last year." "If one is willing to work hard, has an insatiable desire to experiment, and is particular about finishing and quality of each pair than shoe designing is an interesting career option," Most shoe designers prefer to work for mass merchandising footwear manufacturing companies, sportswear companies (Nike, Adidas, Reebok, etc.) or even designer houses. Graduates from top institutes are quickly lapped up by international players and global brand houses. Some choose to go the independent route and set up their own design studio crafting exclusive pieces for boutiques, fashion shows or even personalised to individual clients. Footwear design is both a satisfying and lucrative career option. Though the remuneration varies tremendously due to the diverse job prospects, well-trained designers can easily expect to start off with an annual package of Rs. 1 lakh and above.

Footwear designing begins with a plan to sketch patterns and designs in scale drawings (either paper sketches by hand or on computer-aided software or a mix of both). Then it moves to creating sample prototypes and refining the same for both functionality and aesthetics. It can be in leather, canvas, wood, plastic or jute with embroidery, beads, metals or what have you. Once approved, the real work starts - converting the conceptualised design into actual

Footwear designing is an immensely creative field and demands ingenuity and desire to experiment and also a practical bent. An aesthetic flair and eye for detail goes with-

CAT registrations may dip in Mumbai

MUMBAI, SEP 14: The number of CAT 2013 takers in the city might dip compared to last year. The mid-registration trends for CAT 2013 released by IIMs on Friday show that Mumbai is fifth on the list. The city ranked third last year. Delhi NCR region recorded the highest number of registrations followed by Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Lucknow and Ahmedabad. Till 9am on Friday, 97,000 vouchers were sold. Registrations end on September 26. While testing centers in Delhi NCR, Bangalore and Hyderabad are closest to meeting their full capacity, Mumbai is not among the top five cities to have the most-filled capacity. tnn These cities are followed by Surat, Bangalore, Pune, Patna, Kolkata, Udaipur, Jaipur, Mumbai and Ranchi. However, The organizers will release the final trend only after the process is complete. The registration window for CAT 2013 will end on September 26.

BELGAUM, SEP 14: The Visvesvaraya Technological university (VTU) is embarking on 'Mission VTU Empower 10000' programme with an objective of empowering 10,000 engineering graduates of 2012 and 2013 batches for a successful professional career. In this context, a meeting of Training and Placement Officers (TPOs) of engineering colleges affiliated to VTU was held recently. According to vice-chancellor H Maheshappa, the mission has an ambitious plan of embedding industry-relevant skills into VTU's young engineers and enabling them

VTU on a mission to make IIM-A faculty suggests way students industry-ready out of macroeconomic mess
in their pursuit of professional careers. Also, the programme has a lofty agenda of creating 100 next generation academic leaders who can inspire future engineers. On the occasion, Maheshappa announced the introduction of an internship programme for engineering students so that students will be immensely benefitted by way of hands-on experience and skill enhancement opportunities in the industry. He also said an online web portal will be developed where unemployed graduates of 2012 and 2013 batches can upload their details. The details in turn can be used in competency mapping of domain knowledge, soft skills and technical skills so that they augment the industry needs. The graduates will in turn be trained by professional trainers to make them industry-ready, he said. Maheshappa added that U Chandrashekhar, additional director, DRDO, has outlined the 'Mission VTU Empower 10000' programme. D H Rao, dean, faculty of engineering in VTU, executive council member D M Kiran, placement officer Geo D'Silva, registrar K E Prakash and registrar (evaluation) H G Shekharappa were present. AHMEDABAD, SEP 14: There is possibly a way out of the current economic mess if credit can be expanded to close the differential between the low end government bond yields and the repo, says a working paper by faculty of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. The current situation of a large current account deficit (CAD), low growth, and plunging rupee is a result the combination of early withdrawal from the fiscal stimulus and the RBI's monetary conservatism, the paper says. "Since Raguram Rajan's take over as RBI governor one improvement that has come to the macroeconomic situation is his unwillingness to control both the policy rate and the money supply through credit rationing. Over the last two years or more the low end government bond yields have not been collared by the reporeverse repo, which negates the loud claims of the RBI that it has always stepped in to provide liquidity. Now under RR with a commitment to liquidity through the repo window or by raising the repo to eliminate the rationing situation, the repo would collar the low end bond yield rates, allowing the repo to be truly policy rates," says the study. According to the working paper 'The way out of the current macroeconomic mess: A note' by Prof Sebastian Morris, the credit expansion should be accompanied by a large push on investments with an appropriately structured investment tax credit valid for the next twenty four months. It could crowd in investments to attract FDI and portfolio investments and if the RBI does not allow the current rupee to appreciate in real terms then the CAD could close, with reasonable growth as well. On the back of a commitment to liquidity, the finance ministry has a very powerful instrument in instituting an investment tax credit (ITC) to bring the economy back in line. The ideal form the ITC should take would be a 50 % tax credit on all investments (most certainly in manufacturing) made from now on over the next 48 months which can be set off against future taxes to the paid. The biggest mistake made by the RBI was during 20072008 over the year before the global crisis, when instead of keeping the nominal value of the rupee down it allowed nominal appreciation having lost the ability to carry out sterilisation in the wake of large capital inflows during this period.

Ambedkar Institute to get university status

acres of land will be given by the state government and additional budget will be allocated for putting in place necessary infrastructure, he said on. Shah was speaking at a national workshop on "Socio- economic development of small and marginal farmers" at BANISS. The minister later presided over the 47th management committee meeting of the institute. Shah, being the head of the committee, approved the BANISS academic council's decision to reorganise the institute into a university, they added.

Karnatak University will give NET training to students

HUBLI, SEP 14: Karnatak University, Dharwad has set up an equal opportunity cell on its campus to train PG students for the National Eligibility Test conducted by the University Grants Commission. This was done in the wake of low pass percentage of candidates in NET examination and KUD decided to utilize its expertise to prepare students for the exam. NET is held twice a year, in June and December, but many students find it difficult. The cell will train students already studying in various streams in the varsity for one month.KUD invites experts from other universities and those who have passed the test to share their knowledge. The cell coaches students on Saturdays and Sundays for 2-4 hours. A Mulimani, coordinator of the cell, said: "We received about Rs 5 lakh from the UGC in 12th Five Year Plan and started the cell in the existing IAS/IPS centre on KUD premises. We instructed every department director to tell us what time is feasible for them to conduct NET training in their subject. We've already completed one-month training in Economics and Kannada subjects." "Since NET pattern changed to objective-type questions a year ago, most students have found it difficult. Such training will help us understand the questions and how to answer them properly," said Naveen G, a Kannada PG student. An Economics student Ashish Patil said: "The training is quite good and helps us a lot to prepare for the examination. We've asked the authorities to conduct the training regularly instead of only on weekends."

MHOW (MP), SEP 14: The Babasaheb Ambedkar National Institute of Social Sciences (BANISS) will be rechristened, expanded to accommodate more students and given the status

of a university. The institute, currently a deemed university, will soon become Babasaheb Ambedkar University of Social Sciences and Technology, and enjoy status of a full-fledged

varsity, BANISS officials said. Infrastructure will be upgraded in such a manner that 1,000 research students could be accommodated in its hostels, tribal welfare minister Vijay Shah. For this, 200

Health, Education two important pillars of strong nation: Azad

Releases MSER magazine Sankalp Ek Abhiyan
JAMMU, SEP 14: Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad today said that Health and Education are the two important pillars on which edifice of a strong nation rests adding that our future prominence in the world, in fact, hinges on these two vital ingredients of progress. This was stated by the Union Minister at function Healthy India, stronger India function organized by Mahavir Society for Education and Research (MSER) at Vijaypur, here at General Zorawar Singh auditorium in Jammu University. Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Tara Chand, Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla, Minister of State for Health Mr. Shabir Ahmed Khan, Minister of State for Cooperative Dr. Manohar Lal Sharma, Ex-Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Mangat Ram Sharma, Vice Chancellor Central University Mr. S S Bloeria, Vice Chancellor Jammu University Prof. Mohanpal Singh Isher besides Chairman of MSER Mr. Hira Lal Abrol, Principal MSER Mr. B N Sarkar, parents and students in large numbers were present on the occasion. Mr. Azad said UPA Government has positioned health and education at the centre stage of its development strategy. Two core programmes of our development agenda are National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). He informed that centre Government has made massive and unprecedented investments to strengthen and expand health and educational systems across the country. Union Minister informed that under NRHM alone, more than Rs. 96000 crores have been invested into the health systems so far. He said many new initiatives like Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK), Rashtriya Bal country. He said MSER has taken a timely initiative for dissemination of information relating to health and education. Earlier, the students of MSER also presented a colourful cultural programme highlighting the importance of health and education in the society which was highly applauded by the gathering. Later, Union Minister accompanied with Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Tara Chand, Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla, Minister of State for Health Mr. Shabir Ahmed Khan, Minister of State for Cooperative Dr. Manohar Lal Sharma, Ex-Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Mangat Ram Sharma, Vice Chancellor Central University Mr. S S Bloeria, Vice Chancellor Jammu University Prof. Mohanpal Singh Isher and Chairman of MSER Mr. Hira Lal Abrol released a magazine Sankalp Ek Abhiyan published by MSER on dissemination of information relating to health and education.

Swasthya Karyakaram (RBSK) etc have been rolled out to improve maternal and child health. He said vaccine programme has been expanded by introducing Hepatitis-B and Pentavalent vaccines. He further said that Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) has been implemented across the country including Jammu and Kashmir State with a view to encourage all pregnant women to deliver in Public Health Facilities and

fulfill the commitment of achieving cent percent institutional deliveries. Mr. Azad said that six new AIIMS like institutes are soon going to become a reality in the country as the work on these is at very advanced stage. He said we are committed to upscale the expenditure on health during 12th plan and strengthen services to carve out an affordable and robust health care system consistent with our specific needs and requirements as also realize the goal of

health for all. He informed that awareness and information about health schemes played an important role in promotion of health and disease prevention as also their treatment. He said more than 10,000 experts have been empanelled across the country to take part in these programmes to spread awareness about the health issues. So far more than 17000 editions of this programme have been telecast and broadcast across the

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A Delhi trial court has done well to sentence to death the four men convicted of raping a 23-year old woman in a moving bus in the city on December 16 last year; the victim died a few days later. This is the punishment the brutes deserved. Anything less would have been a travesty of justice, given that the court found them guilty on all the charges, including murder, that Delhi Police had slapped on them. The verdict came relatively fast - in nine months because the case had been fast-tracked and the police did its work to perfection. Both the promptness of the judiciary and the effectiveness of the police in handling the trial and the investigation relatively should be credited to the constant and persistent pressure which the media, activists and the politicians maintained throughout, from the time the rape came to public attention till the end of the trial. The ruling demonstrates that the police can be extremely effective if it is allowed a free hand in probing crimes. The flip side is that such freedom comes rarely and only when public pressure bears upon the higher-ups to the extent that it cannot be fobbed off. The convicts will surely now approach the higher courts including the Supreme Court and seek reduction in the sentence or even plead innocence. This could turn out to be a long-drawn process. It is to be hoped that the higher courts will deal with alacrity as and when the matter comes before them, because there is no reason why these four men should play hide and seek with the gallows for too long. The speed and the toughness of the verdict should serve as an effective deterrent to wayward elements in society. It is not the case here that harsh punishments alone will reform society and change the mindset that considers women as objects of pleasure and exploitation. Several factors such as lack of education and mass awareness, gender inequality and social inequity too have contributed to a chasm that helps criminals, including rapists, thrive. These have all to be addressed. But the efforts have to be matched with stringent laws and effective implementation. Rape is not an issue where humanitarian considerations for the criminal should be a priority. Instead, the gravity of the crime should determine the course of justice. Friday's sentencing brings some closure to the tragic case, and a sense of satisfaction to the family of the victim and the latter's friend who witnessed the horrific incident and was badly assaulted too. But the closure is only to an extent - the juvenile rapist who was an equal partner in the crime has got away with three years in a reform home, because the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, shields juvenile criminals from the process of law and trial that adult criminals face. Many activists and politicians cutting across party lines, not to mention the vast number of outraged people, have been demanding a change in the Juvenile Justice Act so that this anomaly is done away with. The age limit of 18 years that the Union Government has determined for juveniles has been decided upon rather arbitrarily without taking into account the nature of the crime and the emotional and intellectual maturity of the criminal. The matter is before the Supreme Court, and one hopes that the court will quickly apply its mind and set right the wrong. Meanwhile, the Government must take a fresh look at the Juvenile Justice Act and propose amendments to adequately punish juvenile rapists. The announcement by BJP president Rajnath Singh that Gujarat chief minister NarendraModi will be the party's prime ministerial candidate in the 2014 LokSabha elections should put an end to feverish speculation in this regard, though, the acrimonious debate whether he is 'fit' to be considered for the post will probably continue both within and outside the BJP. Modi's nomination earlier as the chief of the BJP's election campaign was a clear indication that a majority view in the party as well as the RSS was that, after losing two consecutive general elections, the party had to revert to its 'core values' and project a hardliner like Modi to regain public support. Party patriarch L K Advani's stiff opposition to Modi's nomination merely delayed the inevitable, but the juggernaut had travelled far too long to be reversed. The BJP is obviously taking a huge gamble by projecting Modi as its prime ministerial candidate as he carries the stigma of being a divisive figure who 'presided' over the 2002 Gujarat riots. In several cases that are being pursued or in other cases where convictions have been awarded so far, Modi's direct involvement has not been established. But his detractors point out that he has not even expressed remorse at causing so much pain to a minority community and he cannot be made the prime minister of a country as diverse as India. Despite winning three consecutive elections in Gujarat, Modi's track record as chief minister is a mixed bag. But he has successfully projected himself as a good, no-nonsense administrator, who has a vision beyond his state. The Congress-led UPA government's humongous corruption scandals, the listless performance of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the projection of a clueless Rahul Gandhi as future prime minister have given the BJP and Modi enough ammunition to go after the Congress and the UPA government. Many opinion polls show that despite being a controversial figure, Modi has far greater acceptance among the public than Rahul Gandhi for the prime minister's post. The BJP is aware that in this era of coalition politics, Modi is less likely to attract more allies, but it is hoping that polarisation of voters will actually give it more seats than it could otherwise hope for and make it a credible contender for power. It's a gamble which could either work spectacularly or backfire completely.

Appropriate verdict

Indian Ocean Region: Can New Delhi Guarantee Regional Stability?

With the recent launch of its first indigenously-developed aircraft carrier, India has announced its entry into yet another elite club. Historically, developing naval power projection has been seen as a major indicator of 'great power' status; the launch of INS Vikraant underscored India's intention. Beyond the prestige factor, it is worthwhile considering how such burgeoning strategic capabilities impinge India's role within the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). With its growing economic and military clout, strategic analysts discuss India's increasingly capable of playing an effective role as a guarantor of peace and stability within the IOR. What are the enabling factors and obstacles for New Delhi in meeting the challenge? Firstly, it must be emphasised that, India is the only country in the IOR possessing adequate resources and, more importantly, a central strategic location, to effectively provide a security umbrella for the region. As underscored by reputed historian like K.M. Panikkar - the Indian subcontinent, juts out by a thousand miles into the Indian Ocean, placing India in a strategically advantageous within the IOR than, say, the USA in relation to the Atlantic Ocean or China in relation to the Pacific Ocean. India could most definitely perform this role with greater technical proficiency and at a lower cost than the USA (which has faced substantial costs in deploying forces and combating piracy in the IOR, with dubious results). Therefore, geopolitical circumstances make a strong case for India being the nation to provide a comprehensive security umbrella for the region. Internal political structure should also be considered while discussing the Indian capabilities regard is its. Being a democracy, and having a foreign policy that (despite recent pro-US tilts) is generally

Firstly, it must be emphasised that, India is the only country in the IOR possessing adequate resources and, more importantly, a central strategic location, to effectively provide a security umbrella for the region. As underscored by reputed historian like K.M. Panikkar - the Indian subcontinent, juts out by a thousand miles into the Indian Ocean, placing India in a strategically advantageous within the IOR than, say, the USA in relation to the Atlantic Ocean or China in relation to the Pacific Ocean. India could most definitely perform this role with greater technical proficiency and at a lower cost than the USA (which has faced substantial costs in deploying forces and combating piracy in the IOR, with dubious results). Therefore, geopolitical circumstances make a strong case for India being the nation to provide a comprehensive security umbrella for the region.
non-aligned and non-aggressive, India can be trusted to use its burgeoning military capabilities in the region in a responsible manner without engaging in unilateral adventurism. It is worth drawing a contrast in this regard with China; its launch of its first aircraft carrier was greeted with a significant amount of anxious speculation among its neighbours in the Asia-Pacific, due to the opaque nature of its political structure and its generally aggressive foreign policy within its immediate neighbourhood. Therefore, Indian soft power (supported by its democratic structure and relatively benign foreign policy) are major factors that will assuage any concerns that its IOR neighbours might have about its strategic intentions; this, in fact, would be a good working example of what Joseph Nye termed 'smart power'. All this makes a strong case for India's ability to effectively guarantee regional security. When considering strategic naval doctrine, India again displays strengths that mark it out as a good candidate for ensuring security in the IOR. The Indian navy's doctrine encompasses a very broad understanding of security, taking into consideration the importance of the IOR as a region through which two-thirds of the world's oil shipments and half of its container trade passes; it also highlights new security threats emerging from piracy and maritime terrorism. Therefore, it could plausibly be argued that the Indian navy possesses a comprehensive strategic vision that accurately captures the emerging security needs of the IOR. Furthermore, it goes without saying that the development of carrier fleets significantly increases the Indian navy's capability to conduct surveillance over larger parts of the IOR, and also reduces the response time against various maritime threats (piracy naturally comes to mind). Besides, India's strategic doctrine for the IOR highlights its willingness to enter into cooperative security in policing the region. To this end, India appears prepared to engage in 'a broad spectrum of cooperative and inclusive endeavours [which] encompass coordinated operations, bilateral exercises, security assistance and military-tomilitary dialogue', as stated by Admiral D.K. Joshi, Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy. Initiatives such as the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) and the biennial MILAN gathering of regional navies could arguably increase the confidence of India's neighbours that peace in the IOR is not based on Indian hegemony, and that they too are important stakeholders in ensuring stability in the region. While all these factors strongly indicate that India could play an effective role in guaranteeing IOR stability, it is also worth mentioning a major obstacle that it faces in this regard, especially concerning its immediate neighbours: the pressure of domestic electoral considerations in determining Indian foreign policy towards these countries. Given India's heterogeneous population, federal governance structure and the trans-border nature of some of its major ethnic communities, foreign policy towards some of its close neighbours becomes closely bound up with the imperatives of maintaining domestic political coalitions with state-based (ethnic) parties. This, admittedly, prevents Indian neighbourhood policy from being consistent, and thereby from inducing confidence in its neighbours about Indian strategic behaviour in the IOR. Nevertheless, on balance, India seems quite capable of providing an effective security umbrella for the IOR.

When considering strategic naval doctrine, India again displays strengths that mark it out as a good candidate for ensuring security in the IOR. The Indian navy's doctrine encompasses a very broad understanding of security, taking into consideration the importance of the IOR as a region through which two-thirds of the world's oil shipments and half of its container trade passes; it also highlights new security threats emerging from piracy and maritime terrorism. Therefore, it could plausibly be argued that the Indian navy possesses a comprehensive strategic vision that accurately captures the emerging security needs of the IOR. Furthermore, it goes without saying that the development of carrier fleets significantly increases the Indian navy's capability to conduct surveillance over larger parts of the IOR, and also reduces the response time against various maritime threats (piracy naturally comes to mind).

India & China: Looking Beyond Border Incursions

Jayadeva Ranade
Any evaluation of India-China relations over the longer term needs to factor in Beijing's views. In this context worth recall is Mao Zedong's telegram to Stalin around 1950 when he conveyed Zhou Enlai's very unfavourable opinion of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and observed implicitly that this would guide the tenor of the relationship for a very long time. In recent conversations with foreign diplomats and analysts their Chinese interlocutors list three main issues as responsible for the strain in India-China bilateral relations. These are: the Dalai Lama's presence and activities in India; the unresolved border dispute; and India's international aspirations. Viewed along with the statements publicized by China's official media that 'limits have been imposed by history on the extent to which China can develop relations with India', it is clear that tensions will exist in India-China relations for the forseeable future. Two other major issues, in addition to the unresolved border or shrinking export markets sought by both countries and competition for scarce energy, natural and mineral resources, have a real potential to erupt into serious confrontation between India and China. Water is the most important. Much of north China faces severe water shortages and as this gets increasingly accentuated it will probably accelerate Beijing's ambitious plans to divert waters from the south to the north. Diversion of the Brahmaputra River to the north at a currently estimated cost of US$ 66 billion is a major part of these plans. Chinese engineers are going ahead with the construction of a series of dams along the course of the Tsangpo (Brahmaputra) and the project is presently under the direct supervision of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. Thus far Beijing has exhibited marked insensitivity to either India's concerns or those of other lower riparian nations as in the case of the Mekong River. The deleterious effects of diversion of the river will be heightened by the quickening retreat of the snow-fed glaciers in Tibet caused by warming and the rise in temperatures because of the new dams and development projects undertaken by China in Tibet. Together this will affect the 40 crore people residing in the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins. The other area of likely competition is food. At a time when global population is rising, both China and India, according to analysts, will move from their current selfsufficiency in food to become food grain deficient nations between 2045-50. Global warming has an adverse impact on food production which registers a decline for each degree Celsius rise in temperature above the norm. During the growing season, farmers can expect a 10 per cent decline in wheat, rice, and corn yields. Four countries namely the US, Canada, Russia and Australia will remain the main sources of food grain supply for the world. China and India will compete for the limited supplies and grain prices will soar. China will also try and enhance food production by using the large tracts of arable land in its water starved north, thus accelerating implementation of the south-north water diversion project. If India is to persuade China to cooperate, it must accelerate efforts to, at least in asymmetric terms, acquire the ability to impose costs and deter China. The growing restiveness among China's minorities and increasing societal discontent, are vulnerabilities that will potentially constrain Chinese leaders in the not too distant future. Meanwhile, India should build the capacity to frustrate Chinese ambitions and ensure a calibrated enhancement of resistance to Chinese pressure. For this India will need to recast its strategic foreign policy objectives to enable it to urgently find and attract good sources of large scale capital investments, advanced technology and hi-tech joint manufacturing ventures. India will simultaneously have to upgrade the skills of its workers; favour establishment and growth of a manufacturing industry especially in the hi-precision and advanced technology sectors; and, put in place the back-bone for a secure, modern telecommunication and global navigation systems. China's entry into the Indian economy will require to be controlled and India's indigenous critical industries safeguarded.

Modi in hot seat

At a time when global population is rising, both China and India, according to analysts, will move from their current selfsufficiency in food to become food grain deficient nations between 2045-50. Global warming has an adverse impact on food production which registers a decline for each degree Celsius rise in temperature above the norm. During the growing season, farmers can expect a 10 per cent decline in wheat, rice, and corn yields. Four countries namely the US, Canada, Russia and Australia will remain the main sources of food grain supply for the world. China and India will compete for the limited supplies and grain prices will soar. China will also try and enhance food production by using the large tracts of arable land in its water starved north, thus accelerating implementation of the southnorth water diversion project.
protg does not speak well of the senior statesman. People and the BJP want a young, bold and dynamic person at the helm. Mr. Advani built the party from scratch and should not be seen as the destroyer of his own legacy. He should make way for younger leadership.The treatment meted out to Mr. Advani and the pressure on other senior leaders to toe the line of the Modi supporters do not auger well for the party. Mr. Advani did not ask the party to declare him the prime ministerial candidate. He only advised his party not to be in a hurry to declare Mr. Modi the candidate till the conclusion of the Assembly elections. The senior leader knows that Mr. Modi can act as a polarising force which will be detrimental to the party's prospects. Yours Etc. Sanha Khan, Udhampur

Welcome initiative
Dear Sir Despite unrelenting efforts by voluntary organisations and laws to eradicate the practice, lifting human excreta with hands is still a reality in our nation. As early as 2007, the annual report of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination expressed serious concern over the deplorable conditions of manual scavengers in India. It is heartening to learn that manual scavenging will soon come to an end. As manual scavenging is an offshoot of untouchability, persons or institutions that employ manual scavengers should be booked under the SC, ST Prevention of Atrocities Act. Corporations must be made accountable and prosecuted for

their failure to eliminate manual scavenging. The implementation of the law should include rehabilitation of manual scavengers. They should be trained for other livelihood options, given subsidy and concessional loans. Yours Etc. Bhawna Thakur, Nanak Nagar, Jammu

Defunct Institutions
Dear Sir, Paradoxically, while Omar Abdullah and his government have been loudest in talking about making the governance accountable and bringing transparency in its functioning, during the past five years of the NC-Congress coalition government even the existing institutions set up for this purpose have been virtually made defunct. With total absence of transparency and

accountability in governance coupled with arbitrariness in appointments, promotions, postings and allotment of works and the sphere of government purchases the corruption has reached new high. The State continues to enjoy the inglorious distinction of being the most corrupt state in the country. It also enjoys the reputation of being the most poorly governed state. The process of ensuring good governance in the State was initiated when following the round table conferences called by the Prime Minister working groups were constituted to interalia suggest measures for ensuring good governance. The State's Public Service Commission lacks independence and autonomy due to the manner in which its chairman and members are selected by the government. Then the Commission is being

denied cooperation by the government in many ways. Those at the helm have a vested interests to perpetuate arbitrariness and corruption and subvert any process of providing credible and autonomous institutions for making polity and governance accountable, transparent, health and responsive to people's needs and demands. Yours Etc. Narinder Singh Trikuta Nagar

Modi as PM candidate
Dear Sir What was a matter of speculation is now official. NarendraModi, poster boy of Hindutva forces, is the BJP's prime ministerial candidate for the 2014 election. The party has overruled its tallest leader's objections on the timing of the announcement. Mr. Advani's opposition to his own

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Manmohan predicts more pressure on urban infrastructure

which Rs. 41,000 crore had been earmarked. That such projects were the cornerstones for India progress towards becoming into a developed Nation, Dr Singh said that the Union government had launched Rajiv Awas Yojana to resolve the problem of slums, while another scheme for the urban poor involved private sector investment which would help economically weaker and lower income group category people build their houses. In his address, Governor of Punjab, Shivraj V. Patil in his capacity as Administrator of the Union Territory of Chandigarh detailed that 25,000 such dwellings had been planned for the city, in its endeavour to provide basic amenties to all its citizens. He announced that in the next phase of such dwellings provision will be made for two rooms instead of the present one room. He thanked the Union Minister for Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Girija Vyas, who assured adequate financial support to construct the next phase of such housing projects. Earlier, the Dr Singh handed over possession of the 267 sq ft dweeling units to 10 couples, while the Haryana Governor, Jagannath Pahadia, Punjab and Haryana Chief Ministers, Parkash Singh Badal and Bhupinder Singh Hooda, respectively looked on along with Mr Patil and Ms Vyas. The housing complex which shall accommodate slum dwellers from Colony No 5, also provides necessary social infrastructure, police post, dispensary, primary school, anganwari, play grounds and parks, along with proper water supply, electricity connections and sewerage. The beneficiaries would pay a monthly rent of Rs 800 for the next 20 years, after which ownership rights would be transferred if they established continued possession of the dwelling unit allotted to them. There were quite a few red faces in the Chandigarh administration, as arrangements for the event fell short, which were evident from the fact that most part of the Prime Minister's speech was not even audible to the gathering, which had been braving sweltering weather conditions. While Dr Singh was addressing a considerable number of people, including some beneficiaries left the pandal. Meanwhile the visit by the Prime Minister, whose cavalcade crisscrossed the length of the city from the airport to Dhanas village, caused major amount to inconvenience to the people. Despite being a non-working day in government offices on account of Saturday, traffic snarls were reported from various parts of the city.

CHANDIGARH, SEP 14: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday predicted a major pressure on infrastructure as at the present pace of urbanisation at least 60 crore Indians would be living in urban areas by 2033, while the population in slums would have increased to nearly 10.4 crores by 2017. Dr. Singh was addressing a gathering after initiating the process of handing over possession to beneficiaries of the

"Slum rehabilitation scheme of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)" a housing project completed for 8000 families at a cost of about Rs. 2400 crore near Dhanas village on the outskirts of the city. He said that while Chandigarh was expected to become "slum-free" within the next few years, the Union government had planned to construct at least 15 lakh such houses and dwelling units, for

Activists of Communist Party of India (Marxist) burn an effigy representing India`s ruling United Progressive Alliance government in Hyderabad. The activists were protesting hike in fuel prices. ENSURE SPEEDY JUSTICE TO SURVIVORS OF VIOLENCE: UN WOMEN
NEW DELHI, SEP 14: Taking note of the sentencing of the four accused found guilty in the ghastly attack on the 23-yearold Delhi Student in December 2012, UN Women has asked the government to adopt a comprehensive approach to end violence against women. "While the United Nations does not support capital punishment, perpetrators of crimes against women must be brought to justice. Evidence from across the world suggests that higher conviction rates serve as deterrents to violence. We, therefore, call on the Government of India to do everything in its power to ensure speedy justice for survivors of violence, especially those from marginalized communities, Rebecca Reichmann Tavares, Representative, UN Womens Office for India, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka said here on Friday. The December attack was the tipping point that has brought attention to violence against women not only in India but globally. Many progressive reforms and changes have resulted for example the historic Justice Verma Committee, which informed the subsequent approval by Parliament of the Criminal Amendment Act 2011, she said. The Act called for an end to impunity, and recognized a broad range of sexual crimes against women. The Law acknowledges that lesser crimes often escalate to graver ones and deterrence is important.

Advani first injected communalism in Indian politics: Congress
NEW DELHI, SEP 14: Congress on Saturday showed no sympathy for a sulking L.K. Advani as Narendra Modi was declared BJPs Prime Ministerial candidate despite his opposition and said Modi was the symptom of disease of communalism brought by Advani in national politics. Congress general secretary in-charge for Haryana Shakeel Ahmed also said Mr. Modi will have no impact outside his state. He was asked about the Gujarat Chief Ministers rally in Rewari, Haryana, on Sunday. Every political party is free to hold rallies anywhere. It will have no impact. He had addressed rallies earlier also. We had seen what impact it had in Karnataka, Mr. Ahmed said. Asked about the elevation of Mr. Modi brushing aside Mr. Advanis objections, Mr. Ahmed said we have no sympathy of Mr. Advani. It was he who had first injected the poison of communalism in Indian politics. Mr. Modi is a strong symptom of the disease of communalism brought by Mr. Advani in national politics. BJP leaders Sushma Swaraj, Ananth Kumar and Balbir Punj on Saturday met Mr. Advani a day after Mr. Modi chosen as the partys prime ministerial candidate. Irked over Mr. Modi being made the prime ministerial candidate, Mr. Advani had written a letter to BJP President Rajnath Singh expressing disappointment over his style of functioning. Asked about Rajnath Singhs role in the whole episode, Mr. Ahmed said the game plan of the BJP president is something else. He also tweeted is Rajnathji, with the help of RSS, using Modiji to sideline Advaniji & Sushmaji for his own chance when Modiji will be rejected in 2014?

Delhi gangrape defence lawyer sparks row with comments in pre-marital sex
NEW DELHI, SEP 14: One of the defence lawyers in the December 16 gangrape case has courted trouble with his remarks that he would have burnt alive her daughter had she been having premarital sex and moving around at night with her boyfriend. The Delhi Bar Council has taken a serious view of A.P. Singh, lawyer for two of the convicts, after it received many complaints from NGOs and other organisations condemning the statement made by him. Apparently referring to the 23-year-old victim in the December 16 incident, Mr. Singh had told the media in reply to a question, ...if my daughter was having preMr. Singhs statement. I have asked the complainants to give their complaints to us in writing. In case we dont receive any complaint in writing, then the DBC would suo motu take up the issue at its September 20 meeting. Agenda of the meeting will be prepared soon and circulated among the 45 members, he said. Mr. Tiwari also said Mr. Singhs statement comes under professional misconduct and the lawyers body can take action against him. DBCs president Surya Prakash Khatri also condemned the statement and said it doesnt call for any advocate to make such a statement.

marital sex and moving around at night with her boyfriend, I would have burnt her alive. I would not have let this situation happen. All parents should adopt such

an attitude. Murari Tiwari, Secretary of the lawyers body said he has been receiving verbal complaints from NGOs and various other organisations condemning

Poll papers liable to be rejected Death verdict not under political for blank affidavit: Supreme Court pressure: victims father
NEW DELHI, SEP 14: Knowing about a candidate is the voters natural right in a democracy, and non- disclosure of information by a contestant in his/her affidavit, leaving the relevant columns blank, will result in rejection of the nomination by the Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled on Friday. (At present, the EC has no power to reject nominations if candidates either leave some columns blank or give false information. However, a case can be registered against them under the Indian Penal Code for providing false information.) Allowing a writ petition by Resurgence India, a Bench of Chief Justice P. Sathasivam and Justices Ranjana Desai and Ranjan Gogoi said: The voter has the elementary right to know full particulars of a candidate who is to represent him in Pa rliament/Ass emblie s and such right to get information is universally recognised. Writing the judgment, Justice Sathasivam said: The ultimate purpose of filing an affidavit along with the nomination paper is to effectuate the fundamental right of the citizens under Article 19(1) (a) of the Constitution. The Returning Officer could very well compel a candidate to furnish the relevant information. Leaving the affidavit blank will in fact make it impossible for the Returning Officer to verify whether the candidate is qualified or disqualified which will indeed frustrate the object behind filing the same, the Bench said. If a candidate fails to fill the blanks even after a reminder by the Returning Officer, the nomination paper is fit to be rejected. We do comprehend that the power of Returning Officer to reject the nomination paper must be exercised very sparingly but the bar should not be laid so high that justice itself is prejudiced. The candidate must take the minimum effort to explicitly mention NIL or Not Applicable or Not known in the columns, and should not leave them blank. Filing of affidavit with blanks will be directly hit by Section 125 A (i) of the Representation of the People Act. However, as the nomination itself is rejected by the Returning Officer, we find no reason why the candidate must again be penalised for the same act by prosecuting him/her, the Bench said.
BALLIA, SEP 14: The father of the Delhi gangrape victim has taken a strong exception to the defence counsels contention that death penalty was awarded to the four convicts under political pressure and termed the statement as an insult to the judiciary. The defence counsel is terming the death penalty awarded to those responsible for the ghastly act as taken under political pressure and it appears as if he is challenging the judiciary. This is an insult of the judiciary, the father of the girl told PTI on phone. If something as gruesome as this had happened with his daughter or a relative, had he said the same thing, he said. The court has given its verdict not under political pressure, but on the basis of the evidences, he said, adding that he had full confidence that if challenged in higher courts, the High Court and

NIA takes Yasin Bhatkal to Darbhanga

DARBHANGA (BIHAR), SEP 14: In a highly covert operation, a team of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), on Saturday, brought Indian Mujahideen co-founder Yasin Bhatkal to Bihars Darbhanga district where he stayed and reportedly cultivated a local module. The team led by the agencys Deputy Inspector General and Superintendent of Police Vikas Vaibhav, in charge of the Bodh Gaya blast case, took Yasin to the place he had visited and stayed in, back in 2008, the police said. He [Yasin] was taken to the Jamalchak village. Basically they just wanted to verify his statement and the location where he said he was staying at. As per my information the NIA took him to just one place, a police official told The Hindu. The NIA flew Yasin on a chartered plane to Darbhanga, landing at an Air Force base there. It was a covert operation that lasted about three to four hours, sources said. Although the police said the NIA made no arrest, a local resident told The Hindu that one person was picked up for questioning from the Rahamkhan mohalla behind the Quila Ghat madrassa. The Leheria Sarai police station under which the mohalla falls said no one was arrested. They are just questioning. Had they arrested anyone he would have to be produced before the court, they said. The Bihar police provided a photographer and vehicles to the NIA team. About eight vehicles reportedly arrived at the mohalla. The investigators left Darbhanga by evening. According to official sources, they are expected to take Yasin to Ranchi next, before returning to Delhi. Between 2008 and 2013, several youths have been arrested from Madhubani and Darbhanga district by the NIA reportedly for terror links. In January this year, the NIA arrested Mohammad Danish Ansari, allegedly a top IM operative, from Dabhanga. He was said to be a close associate of Yasin.

the Supreme Court would also uphold the death sentence. After a fast track court announced the death sentence yesterday, defence counsel A.P. Singh termed it as an order taken under political pressure and stated that if the country wanted this case to be a deterrent, I will wait for two months to see the crime scene. If no rape takes place due to death being given in the instant

case, I will give in writing that my clients be hanged, he had said. The father said that now his family is waiting for the day when those who wronged his daughter would be hanged. He said that after the incident, there is a major awareness in the country with regard to incidents of rape and there is a need to keep the fight against this ghastly crime against women alive.

CJI defends collegium system of appointment of judges

NEW DELHI, SEP 14: The Chief Justice of India, P Sathasivam, on Saturday defended the collegium system for appointment of judges in higher judiciary but said it is a prerogative of the Centre to bring a bill to change it. Now as CJI, I am not going into the contents of the bill and how it was passed as it is the prerogative of the government and it is for the people to accept it or not. It is too early for me to say anything on Judicial Appointment Commission or Committee, Justice Sathasivan said while inaugurating a seminar on Rule of Law. His remarks came after the President of Bar Association of India, Anil Divan, raised questions on the way the Centre brought the bill without taking members of judicial fraternity into confidence and rushed it through in Rajya Sabha. He said they never received any response from the Law Minister on the letter dated April 17 by top jurists of the country seeking a draft copy of the bill. No name is finalised until clearance The CJI said that the government and its agencies have a say in the present collegium system and their views are also taken into consideration for appointment of judges. Justice Sathasivam said that no name is finalised until it gets clearance from the Law Minister, the Prime Minister and the President and in the whole mechanism, inputs from intelligence bureau, respective high courts and eminent people like sons of the soil, are taken into consideration. He said Judicial function is universally recognised as distinct and separate in the system of government and is the very heart of the republic and the bulwark of democracy. Judicial accountability He said judicial accountability is fostered through the process of selection, discipline and removal found in the Constitution. ...The success of a democracy largely depends upon an impartial strong and independent judiciary Justice Sathasivam said It is the trust and confidence of the people in this great institution to deliver true, fearless and impartial justice that keeps the system thriving irrespective of shortcomings like backlog of cases which is fast growing. While admitting that courts are struggling to clear a large number of pending cases, he added, We need not take these arrears as barriers. He said all sorts of cases are coming in courts because people have become more aware of their rights and instead of approaching the executive, they are taking path of judiciary to get their grievances redressed. So dont be afraid of backlogs, he said while emphasising the need for adopting technology to reduce the pendency. He said institutions are the bloodline of a democracy which include the elected legislatures, functional executives, vigilant judiciary, free press and specialised bodies like Election Commission, NHRC, CAG. Democratic system

Swaraj, Ananth Kumar meet Advani

NEW DELHI, SEP 14: BJP leaders Sushma Swaraj, Ananth Kumar and Balbir Punj on Saturday met a sulking L.K. Advani to discuss the elevation of Narendra Modi as Prime Ministerial candidate, a move the party patriarch is opposed to. Irked over Modi being made the Prime Ministerial candidate, Advani had written a scathing letter to BJP president Rajnath Singh expressing disappointment over his style of functioning. Sources said the issue was discussed by Swaraj, Kumar and Punj with Advani who is still unhappy with the decision on Modi. However, when Swaraj was asked about Advanis stand after the meeting, she said, Nobody is upset. She denied that Advanis letter to Singh was discussed. Soon after the Parliamentary Board anointed him as the Prime Ministerial candidate, Modi had visited Advani and spent around 30 minutes with him. This was after Advani had written to Singh. Interestingly, though Advani wrote the letter in the wake of Modis elevation as PM candidate, he attacked Rajnath Singh and chose not to mention the Gujarat Chief Minister.

endowed with sufficient power to administer justice, the CJI said. Although both judicial independence and judicial accountability are vital for maintaining the rule of law, they are sometimes projected as conflicting phenomenon. Judicial accountability has become an indispensable counterbalance to judicial independence. In that connection, accountability is fostered through the process of

selection, discipline and removal found in the Constitution and the statutes in various judicial systems, he said. Stressing the need for an independent judiciary, he said, without it, there is a little hope for the rule of law. . Thus, the need for judicial independence is not for judges or the judiciary per se but for the people, he said. Confidence in judiciary is growing

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Terror charge: 56 Indians held in UK since 2001
LONDON: Britain has been on an overdrive when it comes to arresting people on charges of terrorism. Data released by UK Home Office on Thursday revealed that as many as 2,419 people have been arrested for terrorism-related offences since September 11, 2001. A break up revealed that as many as 56 of them were Indians. Of the remaining persons arrested for terrorism related offences, the frequent selfdeclared nationalities were Algeria (152), Pakistan (125), Iraq (115), Afghanistan (74), Iran (63), Turkey (45) and Somalia (44). There were 249 persons arrested for terrorism-related offences in 2012/13, up from 206 in 2011/12. Forty-two per cent of terrorism arrests in 2012/13 resulted in a charge. In 2012-13, 105 people arrested for terrorism offences were charged, though only 37 of those charges were for terror-related offences. The other 68 were charged under other legislation, Home Office figures show. In all, 249 arrests were made - up 21% on the previous year and the most since 200506, when there were 284. As at 31 March 2013, there were 121 terrorist/extremist prisoners in Great Britain, either on remand or following conviction. In total 102 prisoners were terrorism-related, of whom 64 were in custody for offences under terrorism legislation, 33 for terrorismrelated offences not under terrorism legislation and a further 5 were held in relation to deportations and extraditions. Eighteen prisoners were classified as domestic extremists/separatists, 13 of whom were in custody following conviction. Sixty-seven of the 121 prisoners in Great Britain remanded or convicted for terrorism-related offences defined themselves as of Asian (or Asian British) ethnic origin at the time of reception into custody. Eighteen defined themselves as Black (or Black British). The nationalities of the 121 terrorist/extremist prisoners in Great Britain were spread over 15 countries. Ninety were recorded as being UK nationals, 11 were from the African continent (including 4 from Somalia and 2 from each of Algeria and Morocco), 5 were from non-UK European countries, 11 were from Asian countries (including 6 from Bangladesh) and 2 were from the Middle East (1 from Jordan and 1 from Kuwait). In terms of the self-declared religions of the 103 terrorism-related and historic prisoners, 100 defined themselves as Muslim. The most frequent principal charges for persons convicted since 11 September 2001 under terrorism legislation were preparation for terrorist acts (26% of persons convicted), collection of information useful for a terrorism act (16%), failing to comply with an examination at a port or border controls (10%), possession of an article for terrorist purposes (9%). Of the persons arrested for terrorism-related offences since 11 September 2001, 93% were male. This is similarly reflected in terrorismrelated charges and convictions, with males making up 94% and 95% of the total respectively. Since 11 September 2001, the age group with the highest proportion of persons arrested, charged, and convicted for a terrorism-related offence was the 30 and over age group, comprising 47% of persons arrested, 42% of persons charged and 41% of persons convicted. Over a third (37%) of of all persons arrested since September, 11, 2001 arre8sted people were recorded by police as being of Asian ethnic appearance.

US, Russia reach agreement on framework for securing Syria's chemical weapons
WA S H I N G T O N : T h e United States and Russia agreed on Saturday on a proposal to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons arsenal, averting the possibility of any immediate military action against President Bashar alAssad's government. Secretary of state John Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov announced the agreement after nearly three days of talks in Geneva. Kerry said that under the pact, Syria must submit a "comprehensive listing" of its chemical weapons stockpiles within one week. He told a news conference with Lavrov that UN weapons inspectors must be on the ground in Syria no later than November. The goal, he said, was the complete destruction of Syria's chemical weapons by the middle of 2014. Kerry said that if Syria did not comply with the agreement, which must be finalised by the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons, it would face consequences under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, the part that covers sanctions use of force in response to an August 21 chemical weapons attack in Syria that officials say killed about 1,400 peothe ground, he told Reuters. But another military council official, Qassim Saadeddine, said the opposite. forces clashed with rebels on the frontlines, according to residents. The residents and opposition activists asked about the deal said that it would not benefit normal Syrians. "The regime has been killing people for more than two years with all types of weapons. Assad has used chemical weapons six or seven times. The killing will continue. No change will happen. That is it," said an opposition activist in a rebelheld suburb of Damascus who uses the name Tariq alDimashqi. "The most important point is the act of killing, no matter what is the weapon," he said. Syrian state media broadcast the Kerry and Lavrov news conference live, indicating that Damascus is satisfied with the deal. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said earlier that a report by UN chemical weapons experts would confirm that poison gas was used in the August 21 attack.

Indonesians hold 'Islam's answer to Miss World'

and military action. There was no agreement on what those measures would be. President Barack Obama reserves the right to use military force in Syria, Kerry said. "There's no diminution of options," Kerry said. Lavrov said of the agreement: "There (is) nothing said about the use of force and not about any automatic sanctions." Obama had threatened the

ple. The United States has blamed Assad's government for the attack, while Russia and Assad say it was the work of rebel forces. In Istanbul, the head of the opposition Syrian Supreme Military Council, General Selim Idris, said the rebels regarded the deal as a blow to their struggle to oust Assad. But they would cooperate to facilitate the work of any international inspectors on

"Let the Kerry-Lavrov plan go to hell. We reject it and we will not protect the inspectors or let them enter Syria." Despite the diplomatic breakthrough, chemical weapons only account for around 2 percent of deaths in a civil war in which 100,000 people have been killed. On Saturday, Syrian warplanes struck against rebelheld suburbs of the capital Damascus and government

JAKARTA: The Miss World beauty contest, which has attracted fierce opposition by hardline Islamic groups in host country Indonesia, is now facing another challenge -- a rival pageant exclusively for Muslims. The Muslimah World contest to be held on Wednesday in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, is "Islam's answer to Miss World", the pageant's founder Eka Shanti said Saturday. "Muslimah World is a beauty pageant, but the requirements are very different from Miss World -- you have to be pious, be a positive role model and show how you balance a life of spirituality in today's modernised world," Shanti told AFP. The pageant is the latest backlash against Miss World, which has already dropped the

Egypt's Mubarak waves, grins as his trial resumes

CAIRO: Egypt's ousted longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak was back in court on Saturday, grinning and waving as his trial resumed on charges related to the killings of some 900 protesters during the 2011 uprising that led to his ouster. The 85-year-old former president was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for failing to stop the killings, but his sentence was overturned on appeal earlier this year and a retrial was ordered. The retrial comes against the backdrop of continued turmoil in Egypt. Unrest has spiked after the popularly backed July 3 military coup that toppled Mubarak's successor, Mohammed Morsi. The interim, military-backed government has targeted members of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood

Mass anti-government protest gears up in Poland

WARSAW: Tens of thousands of Polish trade unionists kicked off a march through the capital on Saturday in the finale of a four-day protest against the unpopular and increasingly fragile centre-right government. The protest reflects widespread public gloom over this year's sharp economic slowdown in Poland, which has been dragged down by the eurozone crisis. The disillusionment has plunged the coalition government's popularity to its lowest level since Prime Minister Donald Tusk took office in 2007. Marek Lewandowski, spokesman for the Polish

bikini from its beach fashion round and has attracted more than a month of protests by Muslim hardliners demanding the show be scrapped. Radicals have set effigies of the organisers alight and deemed the contest "smut" and "pornographic". The 20 Muslimah World finalists were chosen from more than 500, who took part in online rounds, reciting Koranic verses and telling sto-

ries of how they came to wear the Islamic headscarf, a requirement for the pageant. The finalists, from Iran, Malaysia, Brunei, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Indonesia, will parade Islamic fashions in what Shanti says is an opportunity to show young Muslim women they do not need to show their "immodest" parts -- including their hair and bare shoulders -- to be beautiful.S

group and arrested hundreds on charges of inciting violence. Morsi himself is detained at an unknown location and a state of emergency was imposed following a deadly crackdown on his supporters last month. Morsi, who was Egypt's first freely elected president, faces accusations of conspiring with Palestinian gunmen from neighboring Gaza Strip in his escape from prison during the anti-Mubarak uprising.

trade union federation Solidarity, told AFP,"We want the departure of Donald Tusk. This is the only way to change social policy in Poland." Since dawn, hundreds of buses with protesters have

descended on Warsaw. Lewandowski said the rightof-centre Solidarity was expecting 100,000 of its members to join the protest, with two other unions also expected on the streets Saturday.


TRAI to take up TV channels pricing issue

NEW DELHI: Broadcast regulator TRAI is considering initiating a dialogue on issues related to the present mechanism of pricing TV channels after broadcasters raised their concerns about "flaws" in the system. "Broadcasters spoke to me last week. We are trying to start a dialogue. Devise a solution," TRAI Chairman Rahul Khullar said, adding that he could not give any assurance to them on this issue for now. He said the issue of pricing mechanism is still subjudice. On the recent recommendation on guidelines for TV rating agencies, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India chairman said that the present system was "broken" and it is getting fixed now. "There were things which were broken like the TRP system, which is getting fixed and also the underreporting of consumers which too is getting fixed with digitization," he said. However, TRAI has supported self regulation and has stuck to its guns on its latest recommendations on rating agencies for television channels. Khullar said there are some other issues like monopolies in cable sectors in some states, aggregators etc and they were being looked into. "The pricing of channels was fixed several years ago and it is a fundamentally flawed concept that you say that the pricing of all channels in the same category should be similar," Shankar told PTI. Shankar, who was speaking on the sidelines of the CII Big Picture Summit, said the cost incurred by a movie channel that shows new movies is more than a channel that shows old movies. He also questioned why the prices of channels were fixed when competition itself could keep prices low. Earlier, Khullar said that new technologies are affecting the way content is being delivered and received adding that he felt that in India there is a long road ahead before the sort of convergence that has happened in US, Japan or Korea is witnessed. He said that non-availability of spectrum in the broadcast sector could hamper many ambitious plans. "There are technological constraints which hamper those related to availability of spectrum," he said.

PM panel pegs FY14 GDP growth at 5.3%

NEW DELHI: The Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday slashed its growth forecast for 2013-14 but signalled that the economy may pick up pace in the second half on the back of a rebound in the farm sector and impact of reform measures. The council headed by former RBI governor C Rangarajan said the economy is expected to grow 5.3% in 2013-14, sharply below the previous estimate of 6.4%. He said the recent expansion of the automobile sector and pick-up in exports would have a positive impact on the manufacturing sector. "Taking these factors into account, the forecast growth rate appears reasonable," said Rangarajan, adding that the farm sector would post a 4.9% growth, which would aid overall expansion. The Indian economy, Asia's third-largest, grew 4.4% in the June quarter, prompting several economists and brokerages to downgrade their growth forecast. Apart from agriculture, the

Gold slides for fourth day on lower demand, global cues

On the issue of cross holding in the media, he said, "I think it's a very difficult area but its something which needs to be tackled because we simply cannot carry on in the manner in which we have in the past." Meanwhile, Star India CEO Uday Shankar said that current pricing of channels was uneconomical and not viable for channels beaming quality contents.

other sectors of the economy would also perform better in the second half of 2013-14 on the back of impact of measures unveiled in the past six months and emphasis on getting infrastructure projects going. Rangarajan, who released the advisory council's economic outlook for 201314, said the robust performance of the farm sector would have a moderating effect on food inflation. He estimated wholesale inflation at 5.5% by March-end 2014. The veteran policymaker also signalled that the current monetary stance would have

to stay due to the sharp fluctuation in the value of the rupee against the dollar. He expects stability to return to the foreign exchange market once capital inflows return and the current account deficit is contained. "The current stance of monetary policy has to continue until stability in the rupee is achieved. Thereafter, if the current trend in the moderation of wholesale price inflation continues, which is in fact expected, the monetary authorities can switch to a policy of easing," Rangarajan said.

NEW DELHI, SEPT 14: Gold prices fell for the fourth straight day in the national capital today by falling Rs 450 to Rs 30,300 per ten grams on sustained selling amid a weak global trend. However, silver recovered by Rs 450 to Rs 50,750 per kg on increased offtake by industrial units. Traders said continued selling by stockists driven by sluggish demand and a weak global trend mainly kept pressure on gold prices. Gold in New York, which normally set price trend on the domestic front, fell by 1.7 per cent to USD 1,308.60. On the domestic front, gold

of 99.9 and 99.5 per cent purity tumbled by Rs 450 each to Rs 30,300 and Rs 30,100 per ten grams, respectively. The yellow metal had lost Rs 620 in last three sessions. Sovereign held steady at Rs 25,000 per piece of eight grams in restricted buying. On the other hand, silver ready recovered by Rs 450 to Rs 50,750 per kg and weekly-based delivery by Rs 410 to Rs 50,500 per kg. The white metal had lost Rs 4,000 in the previous four sessions. Silver coins continued to be asked around previous level of Rs 85,000 for buying and Rs 86,000 for selling of 100 pieces.

CHENNAI: When Tuticorin collector Ashish Kumar raised the issue of illegal mining of beach sand last month, the spotlight quickly turned on him, as the state government immediately transferred Kumar while also announcing an investigation into his allegations. But there has been only fleeting attention towards the man behind VV Minerals, the company Kumar had accused of illegal mining. One month on, with the result of the investigations awaited, the focus has finally shifted to S Vaikundarajan, the low-profile chairman and managing director of VV Minerals, India's top exporter of industrial minerals garnet and ilmenite. There are two main reasons for this. One, critics such as former IAS officer V Sundaram accuse Vaikundarajan, 58, of engaging in illegal mining to the tune of Rs 96,000 crore and more in the last decade. That's more than two-thirds of the state's accumulated debt. Two, the mining baron's perceived closeness to power. The loyalists have blamed business rivals for such allegations. Vaikundarajan's spokesman could not be reached for this story.

VV Minerals chairman Vaikundarajan under scan- 70% of MFIs show increase Kingfisher Airlines gets four weeks time for submitting revival plan in gross loan portfolio ner for illegal mining to the tune of Rs 96,000 crore KOLKATA: The creditors argued that they More than 70% accounted for 60% of clients BANGALORE:
CBI director, Central Vigilance Commissioner and even the chairman of Atomic Energy Commission. Sundaram says he hasn't received even an acknowledgement from any of them. G Victor Rajamanickam, the mineralogist who worked with Sundaram, says, "We have taken into account the legally authorised tonnage they are allowed to mine and the transport permits they have applied for over 10 years. The transport permits exceed the production capacity." Vaikundarajan, based out of Tisayanvilai town in Tirunelveli district in south Tamil Nadu, is someone who keeps out of the media glare. People who know him say he's comfortable in his shirt-veshti (dhoti). So reclusive is he that there are no publicly-available photographs of the man. He is self-made, but there are scant details about how he built his business, or his family. He is no stranger to controversy, though. One of the ongoing cases against him, filed by rival businessman D Dhaya Devadas, is based on an allegation that Vaikundarajan openly admitted at a meeting of the ore panel that he bribed officials to get environmental clearance for beach sand mining in Tuticorin. of microfinance institutions have witnessed increase in gross loan portfolio in the first quarter of this fiscal. Microfinance Institutions Network (MFIN) released the sixth issue of the MicroMeter on the status of the Indian microfinance industry, as of 30 June 2013. This report provides a comparative analysis with the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal year (Q1 FY 12-13) and previous quarter of the last fiscal year (Q4 FY 12-13). The aggregate Gross Loan Portfolio (GLP) of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) stood at Rs.213.32 billion, a growth of over 17% over Q1 FY 12-13. The top 5 states Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra and 59% of the portfolio of MFIs. Alok Prasad, CEO, MFIN, said, "As institutions that primarily provide micro-credit to low income households, it is heartening to see that the GLP growth has been fairly broad based with 70% of MFIs showing an increase in GLP over Q1 FY 12-13. Significant increase in lending has been observed in states such as West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Bihar, Assam and Uttar Pradesh. This proves that we are inching close to our mission of facilitating access to finance to the millions of unserved/underserved people in India." The data also reflects the growing confidence of investors in the industry. Karnataka high court has granted four weeks time to the defunctKingfisher Airlines Ltd (KFA) for submitting its plans/proposals for reviving the company. This was after the counsel for the beleagured company told the court that some proposals have been received and they are working out a scheme for reviving the airliner by having talks with investoors. The company also placed before the court in a sealed cover, some of the documents relating to the revival plan. At this juncture, the counsels for the eomployees of the company and some of the have not been paid their dues by the company . "Wait. You may get some good news.Any way you have waited for so long.You can wait for four more weeks" Justice S Abdul Nazeer advised them before adjourning the hearing on batch of company petitions seeking initiation of winding up proceedings under the Companies Act. While the employees are seeking for a direction to settle their salary dues, which they claim to have not been paid since last one year, some of the companies have filed petitions seeking recovery of dues/service charges from the airliner.

The political class, save for the Communists, has largely kept mum on this issue. The Left parties (they are part of the alliance headed by the ruling AIADMK) have even criticised the government probe for limiting its purview to Tuticorin, where only a minor part of the illegal mining takes place. Sundaram says "Vaikundology" (a pun on the baron's name and geology) is a huge problem. He has been sending letters since January 2013, much before the Kumar expose, to everyone from the industries secretary to the chief secretary,

MISC 8 All eyes on Yuvraj Singh as India A take on West Indies A Zimbabwe shock Pakistan in second Test
BANGALORE: Yuvraj Singh would be the cynosure of all eyes when he captains India A, a team on a roll after the clean sweep against New Zealand A, in an ODI series against the West Indies A starting on Sunday. The glory of thrashing New Zealand A 3-0 was achieved under the captaincy of Unmukt Chand, who perfectly marshalled his team to victory. All eyes, however, will be trained on how Yuvraj, who has been out of favour in the recent times, handles the team as a captain against the West Indians. The left-hander, who battled and won over cancer, would be aiming to get back into the reckoning. Yuvraj is more often seen as a brutal force in limited overs cricket than in Tests with his ability to hit the ball clean and long. Yuvraj aside, India A has its share of stars. Unmukt has scored 164 runs at an average of 48 with 94 being his highest in the three ODIs against New Zealand A, while Robin Uthappa has also scored a century in the lung-opener. right-handed batsman and a right-arm off-break bowler. Pacers Praveen Kumar and Irfan Pathan have been ruled out due to injuries. Praveen and Irfan will be replaced by 23-year-old Punjab fast bowler Siddharth Kaul and Karnataka's Vinay Kumar. "PK and Irfan ruled out of the India A team for the one-day games vs WI 'A', due to injuries. Replacements are Siddharth Kaul and Vinay Kumar," BCCI tweeted. BCCI also tweeted that Kerala cricketer V.A. Jagadeesh has been added to the India A squad for the second and third four-day games. "Jagadeesh has been added to the India 'A' squad for the second and third fourday games against West Indies 'A'," added BCCI. Jaydev Unadkat, who did well during India's tour of Zimbabwe, will aim to continue using this series to put out his best and make a strong case for himself in the senior team. He has the fire in his belly and an uncanny knack to up the ante with his deceptive pace.

Pakistan's loss to Zimbabwe is 'shameful':Ramiz

KARACHI: Pakistan's captain Misbah-ul-Haq and his players came under fire after losing the second Test to Zimbabwe on Saturday and dropping to sixth in the International Cricket Council (ICC) rankings. "Misbah has given all he could to Pakistan cricket as captain. There is now a predictability and staleness in his captaincy and our brand of cricket," former captain Ramiz Raja said after the unexpected, 24-run defeat in Harare. "This is the right time now to have a new captain and introduce some new players. The defeat is embarrassing, frustrating and shameful. "No one likes to back a losing side," Ramiz added. "We have hit rock bottom as a cricket nation," former fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar said, new ball, which was taken with 26 runs needed. Chatara had Junaid caught at gully with the fourth delivery. Last batsman Rahat Ali edged a single off the next delivery. Seeking to retain the strike, Misbah pushed the last ball of while Mushtaq Ahmed said he feared for the team in the Test and one-day series against number one Test nation South Africa starting next month in Abu Dhabi. "If we can't beat Zimbabwe then we are going to face a torrid time against South Africa," former Test leg-spinner Mushtaq said. The win allowed cash-strapped Zimbabwe, who had not beaten a top Test-playing nation in more than a decade, to square the two-match series. "We played our worst cricket against a nation that is struggling with internal problems and whose players were not even in the right frame of mind for this series because of their pay dispute with their board," former wicketkeeperbatsman Rashid Latif said. the over into the covers but sent Rahat back as Hamilton Masakadza swooped to pick up the ball. Rahat was unable to regain his crease and was run out comfortably, sparking exuberant celebrations by the Zimbabwe players.

The Under-19 World Cupwinning captain would look for another good show from his bat to help his team get a good start. Uthappa, who is in ODI exile, would be hoping to produce another sparkling show after the opening ODI ton to catch the eyes of national selectors given that a limited overs series against West Indies and South Africa is in sight. Yuvraj will be hoping for Uthappa and Chand to dazzle in the opening ODI to give a boost to the middle-order,

which came good in the last two ODIs against New Zealand A with the likes of Kedar Jadhav and Mandeep Singh rising to the occasion. Jadhav has delivered consistently, making unbeaten 30, 37 and 57, respectively in the last series. The Maharashtra batsman will be hoping to get a chance to go up the order to showcase his talent. Yusuf Pathan, who has been provided another lifeline by selectors, will hope to recover from his steep fall since the 2011 World Cup. He is a powerful and aggressive

HARARE: Fast bowler Tendai Chatara took five wickets as Zimbabwe pulled off a dramatic 24-run win on the fifth day of the second and final Test against Pakistan at the Harare Sports Club on Saturday. Chatara's Test-best figures of five for 61 proved the crucial difference despite an unbeaten 79 by Pakistan captain Misbah-ul-Haq. The two-match series finished tied at 1-1 after Pakistan won the first Test at the same venue by 221 runs. Resuming at 158 for five, Pakistan suffered an early blow when Chatara trapped Adnan Akmal leg before wicket with only five runs added. Akmal, who made 20, went back to a ball which

angled in towards his stumps. Abdur Rehman scored 16 in a seventh wicket partnership of 34 with Misbah, who was content to continue to bat watchfully, as he had done on the fourth afternoon, before Rehman was caught behind off Tinashe Panyangara. Misbah faced 161 balls in reaching 58 at lunch. He stepped up the pace after the interval, keeping the strike with singles in the first two overs from Chatara and Brian Vitori, then taking 11 runs off an over from Chatara, including two boundaries. Two more fours came from Vitori's next over. The second four off Vitori meant, however, that Junaid had to face the second

Modalities of 2014 Asia Cup discussed in ACC meet

CHENNAI: Top members of the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) on Saturday discussed the modalities of the 2014 Asia Cup tournament, which is to be hosted by Bangladesh for a second straight time, in F e br ua r y March next year. The tournament, to be held from February 24 to March 8, has gone to Bangladesh after India, who had earlier agreed to host it, backed out citing a packed international schedule. Bangladesh had hosted the last edition of the tournament in 2012. The tournament host was announced during ACC's meeting in April and the details were discussed in Saturday's meeting, according to ACC sources. In the meeting, the BCCI also explored the possibility of hosting an ODI tri-series involving Pakistan and Sri Lanka later this year as backup plan for India's trouble-hit tour of S o u t h Africa in November a n d December. A more clearer picture on this will emerge a f t e r Monday's meeting between BCCI's secretary Sanjay Patel and South Africa Cricket chief Haroon Lorgat in Dubai. "In principle they have decided to hold the tri-series with Pakistan and Sri Lanka in December, but this will depend on Monday's meet between BCCI's secretary Sanjay Patel and South Africa Cricket chief Haroon Lorgat in Dubai," the source said.

Australia's Clint McKay takes hat trick in 4th ODI vs England

CARDIFF: Australia paceman Clint McKay has taken a hat trick in the fourth one-day international against England in Cardiff. (Match scorecard | Match report) McKay trapped Kevin Pietersen for 5, then enticed edges to the slip cordon from Jonathan Trott and Joe Root to reduce England to 8-3 at Sophia Gardens on Saturday. He became only the fifth Australian to take three wickets in successive balls in ODIs, and the 34th player in the history of the format. For the statistically minded, the previous four Australians to take an ODI hat-trick were B Beid (1986), Anthony Stuart (1997), Brett Lee (2003) and Daniel Christian

Sportstar Trophy from September 17

MUMBAI: The 28th edition of the Sportstar Trophy under-19 tournament, a basis for the selection of Mumbai colts' team for BCCI tournaments, will be played from September 17. The tourney, played on a round-robin league, has thrown up future cricket stars and is a keenly followed one. Four teams - Vijay Merchant XI, Vijay Manjrekar XI, Dattu Phadkar XI and Khandu Rangnekar XI - will contest for the title and will be chosen by MCA's junior selection panel headed by former India wicket-keeper Chandrakant Pandit. The first round of the threeday ties will have a break on the second day Sept 18 being Ganpati immersion day and resume the next day.

Rashtriya Rifles organises Wrestling Competition at Gundo

(2012). McKay's rise as an ODI bowler is also highlighted by another stat - he is now the seventh successful bowler after playing 49 games in ODI cricket. Former New Zealand speed-

ster Shane Bond leads the tally with 93 wickets in his first 49 ODIs. Saqlain Mushtaq (91 wickets), Brett Lee (91), Waqar Younis (89), Nathan Bracken (88), Curtly Ambrose (86) and McKay (so far 86 wickets) follow.

Chowrasia, Jeev miss cut in Djokovic win sends Serbia to 1-0 Davis Cup lead against Canada KLM Open; Spaniards take lead

Ferrari pairing 'explosive', says Michael Schumacher

Finland's Raikkonen was presented as the team-mate of Spain's Alonso for next season and will return to Ferrari having driven for Lotus for the last two seasons. Raikkonen, who is reported to earn around 20 million euros ($26.6 million) under his Ferrari contract, will replace Brazil's Felipe Massa, who is leaving Ferrari at the end of the current season. The 33-year-old Finn won his only world title with Ferrari in 2007 during three seasons with the Italian team, while Alonso, the 2005 and 2006 world champion, joined the Italian outfit in 2010. Raikkonen is currently fourth in the world drivers' championships behind secondplaced Alonso and leader Sebastian Vettel, who is on course to claim his fourth straight world title and is 53 points clear with seven of the 19 races left. Schumacher, 44, won the last of his world titles back in 2004 and retired last year after spending the last three years of his career with German team Mercedes.

BERLIN: Seven-time world champion Michael Schumacher is pleased to see Kimi Raikkonen link up with Fernando Alonso at Ferrari for next season but believes it will be a volatile pairing. "Ferrari with Fernando and Kimi, that sounds like an explosive mixture," Germany's Schumacher, who won five of his seven Formula One world titles with Ferrari, told German daily Bild. "For motor sport fans, it will certainly mean fireworks and for their rivals, a tough pairing to overcome."It will be exciting to watch."On Wednesday,

PARIS: Radek Stepanek gave defending champion Czech Republic a 1-0 lead over Argentina after breezing past Juan Monaco in straight sets. Novak Djokovic wasted no time in sending Serbia into a 1-0 lead in the Davis Cup World Group semi-final with Canada, as he dispatched Vasek Pospisil 6-2, 6-0, 6-4 in the opening single rubber on Friday. The world number one - who is fighting jetlag after arriving in Europe only 48 hours earlier following Monday's US Open final - spent just one hour, 40 minutes in pounding out the win against the rookie semi-finalist side from North America. Djokovic broke six times

and fired 33 winners, winning the opening set with a five-game sweep at the Belgrade arena in the firsttime meeting between the two countries. Vasek committed nearly 50 unforced errors. "I did really well, considering I had oneand-a-half practices since getting here, said Djokovic. "I'm lacking freshness, so I tried to be extra committed from the start. "Return of serve was key, I made him play another shot and the result was really, really good. Janko Tipsarevic was trying to hand his 2010 champion nation a bigger lead as he faced Milos Raonic after losing three times to the Canadian on the ATP.

AMSTERDAM: SSP Chowrasia and Jeev Milkha Singh crashed out at the halfway stage, as the pair missed the cut at the KLM Open on Friday. Chowrasia, a two-time winner on European Tour, carded 69 in the second round, but still missed the cut by as it fell at one-under 139. Jeev carded 71 and 70 and missed the cut by two. Fellow Spaniards Miguel Angel Jimenez and Pablo Larrazabal took a one-shot lead into the weekend as they

aim to emulate Seve Spaniards Ballesteros and Jose Maria Olazabal by winning at Kennemer Golf and Country Club. Simon Dyson (63) and Oliver Fisher (65) and Frenchman Julien Quesne (65), who all climbed to eight under par are tied for third place. Dyson is aiming to claim a record fourth KLM Open title, whilst Fisher - celebrating his 25th birthday - is in need of a big week as he bids to retain his playing privileges on The European Tour.

DODA,SEPT 14: Sohanda 26 Rashtriya Rifles of Suigarh Sector, Delta Force facilitated Wrestling Competition at Gundo over a period of two days in coordination with Bhallessa Wrestling Association. Wrestling is a favorite game in the region. It gave people chance to carry on with old tradition and keep physically and mentally fit. 45 to 50 wrestlers from J&K, Punjab, Harayana, Delhi and Uttranchal participated in the competitions, which was witnessed by large number of spectators from Bhallessa region (Gundo) with great enthusiasm, The Commanding Officer, Sohanda Rashtriya Rifles was the Chief Guest on the occasion. In the final bout, wrestler Raham Ali from

Punjab defeated wrestler Biniya Bin of Jammu & Kashmir and was awarded the first prize (Rs 30,000). Second prize of Rs 20,000 was awarded to the runners up. Commanding Officer, Sohanda 26 Rashtriya Rifles J S Tewari complimented the organizers and local population for successful conduct of wrestling competition and said that such events promotes healthy body and mind in the society. This joint efforts of the civil and Army has once again provided youths and locals a platform for entertainment and peaceful environment. Ch Noor Mohammad, President of Chenab Valley Wrestling Association, Bhallessa conveyed thanks to Army, Police, SSB and locals.

Mumbai Tigers, Mohammedan to lock horns in Durand semis

NEW DELHI: Mumbai Tigers set a semifinal date with Mohammedan Sporting after dismantling Sikkim United 62 in a Group 1 Durand Cup football encounter at the Ambedkar Stadium on Saturday. Mohammedan had to toil hard to beat Kalighat Milan Sangha 3-1 in an earlier match of the day. Mumbai Tigers, on the other hand, were on a rampage from the outset. Striker Bikash Jairu had a field day scoring four of the six goals. Substitute Chhangte Malswmkima and Zeeshan Rahman contributed a goal each to complete the rout. They came out hammer and tongs at the Sikkim United defence, repeatedly making their way into the opposition box. For all their chances, it was Sikkim United that opened the scoring, much against the run of play in the 17th minute. Amrit Pal Singh headed in a corner to give his team the lead.

Davis Cup: Rafael Nadal puts Spain on brink of victory

PARIS: Rafael Nadal showed no hint of a US Open hangover as he crushed Sergiy Stakhovsky 6-0, 6-0, 6-4 to put Spain 2-0 up on Ukraine in their Davis Cup World Group play-off in Madrid on Friday. The world number two and new US Open champion returned to action less than four days after securing a second success at Flushing Meadows, and a 13th Grand Slam in total. Yet he showed no signs of fatigue as he mastered his favourite clay surface and in so doing inflicted a humiliating defeat on the world 92nd ranked player who dumped Roger Federer out of Wimbledon in July. "It is a positive moment and a very special year for me, arguably the best," Nadal said. "I have played in 11 finals and won 10 tournaments so I tennis lesson was Britain's Andy Murray, who thumped 16-year-old Borna Coric 6-3, 6-0, 6-3 as Croatia and Britain finished the day tied at 1-1 in Umag. The US Open junior champion initially caused Britain's world number three problems but from 3-3 in the first set, Murray won nine games in a row to take complete control. "I played ... to exhaust him since I knew it would be difficult for him to play senior tennis given that until yesterday he was in junior tennis," said the 26-year-old Wimbledon and Olympic champion. "He is very talented and it was not easy to play against him." However, his British teammate Daniel Evans was then well beaten 6-3, 6-2, 6-3 by Ivan Dodig as Croatia drew level.

Chiragh Kumar drops to tied fifth in Taipei

TAIPEI: An unwell Chiragh Kumar shot a disappointing two-over 74 to slip to tied fifth spot at the end of the third round of the Yeangder Tournament Players Championship (TPC) golf tournament. Chiragh, lying tied second overnight, is now five-under 211 for 54 holes and is five shots behind the new leader, Korean-American Chan Kim, who shot 68 to move to 10under at the Linkou International Golf and Country Club. Defending champion Gaganjeet Bhullar (74) also slipped from overnight tied ninth to 22nd, while Rahil Gangjee (76) had even bigger fall from overnight 22nd to tied 47th. Chan, an Asian Tour rookie, 16th to finish with a 74. "The golf course is really tough today. It has been tough for the past few days. The greens seem to be getter harder by the day. I just couldn't get around my game today. I am still down with a cold and cough but getting better. I'll stick to the same game plan and try to repeat the same like I played in the first two rounds." Jaako Makitalo of Finland carded a 65, the lowest round of the week, to share fifth place with Korea's Baek Seuk-hyun (69) and Chiragh. The 23-year-old Kim, who has one top-10 result this season, stole the limelight with a refined swing which he worked on with his coach Scott Adland during the offseason.s

who won the Qualifying School in January, is one shot clear of reigning Order of Merit winner Thaworn Wiratchant of Thailand (71) and Chinese Taipei's Yeh Weitze (67). The Asian Development Tour (ADT) graduate Hsu Mong-nan was a further shot back.

For the third day in a row, Chiragh, who is suferring from cold and cough, birdied the first hole and looked set for another good round. However, he quickly dropped shots on second and sixth and turned in one-over. On the back nine, he birdied 10th, but bogeyed 12th and

can't ask for more. "I feel comfortable, I feel like I am playing well but from experience I know they are moments that come and go and I have to enjoy them." Earlier, Fernando Verdasco had battled back from a set down to beat world number 40 Alexandr Dolgopolov 3-6, 6-4, 6-4, 6-2 to put Spain firmly in command. And such is Nadal's desire to

kill the tie off that he has chosen to pair up with Marc Lopez for Saturday's doubles clash. "I am here to try and help the team. Once I have made the effort to come here, to play the doubles is only a small extra effort. "Hopefully we can finish the match tomorrow and then I can rest on Sunday." Another player to dish out a

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