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8 Reasons to plan study MS in USA 2 years before graduating B.Tech/BS ?

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8 Reasons to plan study MS in USA 2 years before graduating B.Tech/BS ?

Home > Decide MS - MBA in US > 8 Reasons to plan study MS in USA 2 years before graduating B.Tech/BS ? One of the things that I have noticed with international students is NOT planning ahead of time. Students decide to study MS in US in the eleventh hour and say I do not have time. They start googling How to prepare for GRE in 15 days ? One month or Two months. You can see the screen shot as google suggests the most commonly asked questions. Lets face it, do you think you can prepare for GRE in 15 days ? You are not trying to cram a bunch of words and vomit in the GRE. I am just giving an instance of GRE, there are so many things. Let me share some of my thoughts.

Why Should you plan 2 years before graduating from B.S or ?
Many students are not sure what they want to do until final year of Graduation, they tend to rush at everything. The chances are some succeed and some failthere is very less margin for error. Here are the top 10 reasons to plan before 2 years. 1. Passport Name issues : Many students underestimate the issues of mistakes of names in Passport. Though it seems minor, it is important to apply ahead of time. If you do at last minute and you get mistakes, you cannot even book GRE date. It just creates more pressure on you. Read Apply for Passport, Issues 2. Preparing for GRE / TOEFL : GRE is not about cramming bunch of wordsIt is about learning the language, complex vocabulary that hones your skills, and increasing your ability to read more and grasp the gist of it. The whole point of GRE is to make sure you have the abilities for Graduate school life and career. If you start late, you have no idea what to do and you just Google, some survivebut not the optimal choice. Same is the case with TOEFL, listening skills, language, etc. You need time. The sooner you realize, the more time you have to digest the things and learn good things. 3. Preparing for Statement of Purpose(SOP): Significant number of students do not spend time on writing SOP. They do not realize the importance of SOP. You need to have a goal for MS or MBA. Take time to review your goals and then write SOP. If you do not have time, you write a bad SOP or copy it, which is NOT good. Read: What is SOP ? Importance and Why NOT to Copy SOP 1/5







8 Reasons to plan study MS in USA 2 years before graduating B.Tech/BS ? is SOP ? Importance and Why NOT to Copy SOP Research About Grad Schools in US : This is probably the most important part. If you do decide in the last minute, the chances are you do not have time to look up schools, their programs, life at school and interact with current students and ask their opinion, funding, etc. The chances are you either go to education consultants or seek advice from someone, which may or not may be the bestSo, decision early and planning will give you sufficient time for researching schools and validating others opinion. Funding like TA, RA, GA or Scholarships: If you decide and apply in the last minute, you do not have time to communicate with professors for funding. You may miss the Scholarship deadlinesif you can plan ahead, you know whom to contact and when to apply to reap the benefits. Read : How to Email Professors for Funding and Scholarship Deadlines Recommendations, Transcripts, Bank Statement : Many of the students underestimate the time it takes to get transcripts, recommendations and Bank statements. You need to plan for these things ahead of timeYou cannot do these things in last minute. If it is a small University and you have full knowledge of system, you may get away, but most of the times you need time for these things. Re-take GRE, TOFEL- NOT good scores : Sometimes, you may not do very well during first time, you may need to re-take the test GRE and TOEFL. You cannot do this if you do it at last minuteI have seen students waste one year just because they did not had time to re-take the test. Remember, this is very critical piece of your application for admission and funding decisions. You should give some buffer time to retake test if needed. 8. Unforeseen Issues : All of us hope to get everything done without having any issues.but unfortunately, in real world, it does not work that waysome things are unavoidableyour application process can be impacted by many things like issues in family, your health issuesanything that is unforeseen, you need some buffer time or backup time to deal with these.

Recommendations for Planning to Study MS in US :

Take some time, when you are two years away from graduating from or B.S, and decide what direction you want to go in your life. Put everything on paper: your goals, vision, what you want to do. Seek a Mentor : ask your seniors, friends, family, cousins, and professors for advice. Talking to someone about your thoughts is the best idea. Formulate a rough plan and think through it, share it with family, friends and seek their advice The reality is, everyone will support you if you tell then what you want to do in career. It is best for you to have a good plan rather than rushing in last minute and betting on something like lottery. In upcoming days, I will an article on how to create a sample plan for studying in US for MS or MBA. Do you think planning 2 years ahead of time is important ? Should it be 3 years ? 2/5


8 Reasons to plan study MS in USA 2 years before graduating B.Tech/BS ?

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Home > Decide MS - MBA in US > Should I study/apply MS or MBA in US after B.Tech/ B.Com ? MBA vs MS fees, degree focus, funding ? Which is better ? Part 2

Fees MBA vs MS ? Which is cheap ? State University Vs Private Schools

This article is continuation of Should I study/apply for MS or MBA in US after B.Tech/ B.Com ? MBA vs MS fees, degree focus, and funding issues explained Part 1 , please read the previous article before you read part 2. MS fee is typically much cheaper than MBA fees. You might ask, why is it ? Simple answer, because MBA is typically done by people who are working and for significant number of them their companies pay for the fee. Why do companies pay for education ? Well, they want their employees to grow and become elite managers to sustain the growth and boost their organization. Also, people can get paid lot more after MBA because their designation changes if they are good ! With recession it is tough these days. Will everyone make high salary ? Nope, it depends on your talent and University you go toeconomy too L . Again, it depends on every University. State schools fee is always cheaper than Private Schools. For instance, MBA at private school like University of Chicago will cost you ONLY the tuition for NINE MONTHS is $49,000 and MBA at state school like University of Wisconsin will cost you $13,348 for a SEMESTER or around $26,800 for two semesters. For masters it is same typically in terms of state or private schools, it is cheaper to study in state schools. For instance, fees at University of Houston Masters program is around $600 per credit, that comes to $5400 per semester if you take 9 credits. Again, in state schools fees for MBA and MS might be pretty much very close or same with exception of special fee they charge for MBA. But private schools it is much different.

Funding for MBA and MS ?

Funding is a big thing for students and most common types of funding as I explained are in form of TA, RA and GA. Check the post about what are TA, GA and RA for more info if you do not know with funding info. Lets think logically first, MS is more technical and research oriented, logically speaking if the University has more research funding then, there is more funding for MS. On the other hand, MBA, it is not tied very much to research, where do funds come from ? Only source for MBA funding is Fellowships, scholarships or TAs for Undergrad Business students. If you notice, for MBA, research part is almost not there unless you are in PhD. Guess what, if you are MBA and applying for funding in Business 3/5


8 Reasons to plan study MS in USA 2 years before graduating B.Tech/BS ?

school, MS people of Marketing or Finance are competition to you for that too. So, your option is to work in other departments or no funding at all. But for MS, you have many options like working as RA, TA or GA in your department or other department based on your background. Not only logically, in reality too, there is less funding for MBA than MS due to the research focus and other related aspects. You may get in-state tuition in state universities if you stay long enough like year or so and pay taxes in that states, but in private schools forget about funding

Confused?? Here is my piece of advice.

I know most of you want to be managers and entrepreneurs in future by jumping into MBA right after B.Tech, B.A or B.Com Let me tell you the truth folks, You will learn very little if you go to MBA without two to three years of work experience. You have to work in an organization setting to fully comprehend and appreciate the full potential of MBA. For this reason, most of the business schools have requirement of 3 to 5 years of work experience as a major factor. Think about this, if you were never a team member, how will you understand the team members problems and their perspective if you were never a team member and directly have become a manager. So, start at the base and then climb up ! My recommendation is if you are starting your career, then do not go for MBA, work and then go. Check this article for more info on this. As of MS is concerned, as I said in previous posts there are many types of students who would like to come to US for education and some for Job only. If you coming to US, just for job sake and make money, just go for MS. If you want to do PhD some day and be professor, then MS and PhD integrated program. If you worked for two years, and have Money to support your MBA financially, then MBA If you are not sure what you want to do, then MS. You can always do MBA like me after MS. To be clear, these are just my personal suggestions. It is your decision, plan well and shoot the bulls eye I am not trying to discourage anyone to do MBA right after B.Tech, but just telling you the facts I have learnt. If you have any questions, post a comment under this, I will respond ! Good Luck ! Make a Wise Decision.It is your future ! If you like the information on website, please subscribe ! Spread the word about website to your friends who need this kind of information!

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8 Reasons to plan study MS in USA 2 years before graduating B.Tech/BS ?

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