To Begin With

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TO BEGIN WITH:The assignment talks about an organization which is facing the problem of attrition rate whose intensity is very

high. The company thought of looking into this serious issue, attitude and motivation of employees being major source of concern. I have been appointed as a new manager to suggest appropriate tools to identify problems related to motivational and attitude levels of the staff which is affecting the work performance of the organization. WHAT DOES COMPANY MEAN BY ATTRITION RATE? The term ATTRITION RATE is used for decrease in number of employee strength working in an organisation due to one or other cause like retirement of a person from that company or due to resignation of the employee from the company or may be due to death. There may be some more reasons for the attrition rate but some common ones are mentioned over here. Attrition rate is measured in terms of LABOUR TURNOVER, if this percentage is higher then such situations are undesirable for the company. This may pose serious threat too the company. CAUSES FOR ATTRITION RATE: Financial cause Personal issues Some other reasons a) FINANCIAL ISSUS: HIGH SALARY PACKAGE:The employee may be offered with a better salary than the current company. His salary may be 25-30% more than he is earning now. This could be one of the reasons of leaving the current company. LACK OF GROWTH:Growth for an employee is not only in terms of rise in his salary , it also includes growth in position, skills , overall development etc. If the current organisation poses to be a

dead zone for an employee i.e if the employee doesnt get growth hell switch over to another organisation. IMPROPER WAGE STRUCTURE:If the employees dont get proper wages ,hell feel disappointed and will not have passion towards his work as each and every person works to earn and hence, will plan to leave the company.

2.) PERSONAL ISSUES:NO APPRECIATION:Almost all the employees work with a feeling to earn appraisal from their senior officials. Performance appraisal of any employees encourages them to do still more better an work from their heart and hence company will get good productivity. But if there i no performance appraisal the employees will not have enthusiasm towards their work . HIGHER EDUCATION:These days people are going for higher education at an early age and prefer to go for full till course instead of going for company. distant education. This also adds to attrition of a

3.) OTHER REASONS:LACK OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS:If there isnt proper working surrounding for the employee like problems in lighting, restrooms, furniture etc employees will never accept such conditions for a longer period and hence wont be willing to wok. INADEQUATE TRAINING:-

Due to inadequate training , the employees are not able perform well on the field, at the same time the are scolded by senior officials of not doing properly. This creates a feeling of lacking abilities within the employees though its companys fault as it failed in giving proper training to its employees.

HOW TO CHECK HIGH ATTRITION RATE IN TERMS OF MOTIVATIONAL LEVEL WITHIN THE ORGANISATION? Some common causes are mentioned because of which an employee leaves current organisation. High attrition is never good for a company. Following are some tools to measure reducing strength in the organisation:1.) KEEPING PROPER TRACK RECORD OF EMPLOYEES:The company can track :how efficiently employees are working their in and out time problems faced by them during work performance This will tell the manager as to what makes employee to leave the organisation.

2.) QUESTIONARE SESSION:There are two type of questionnaires:QUESTIONARE



The manager can go with either of the two methods i.e by questioning the employees about their job satisfaction, whether they have favourable working conditions or not and many such problems related to company because of which they leave company.

3.) CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS:Through this the manager can know the root cause behind high attrition rate due to lack of motivation. This will provide a proper base for the analysis to enhance over the performance of the organisation. These interviews can be of various types like:-

i) ii) iii) iv)

Focused interviews In-depth interview Repeated interview Research interview etc

4.) COLLECTING EMPLOYEE FEEDBACK: The manager should think of various strategies to collect employee feedback. One of the following may be used:i) ii) iii) By creating employee focused groups By creating supervisory groups Conducting interviews as per the departments as to where exactly the department has scope for improvement. etc HOW TO CHECK HIGH ATTRITION RATE IN TERMS OF ATTITUDE LEVEL WITHIN THE ORGANISATION? Attitude of an employee plays very important role in productivity of the organisation as attitude includes the approach of person in evaluating various issues, tasks etc.The attitude of a person can be positive or negative. But attrition at a higher rate happens only due to negative attitude of the employee towards the organisation. It is but obvious that people come from different places and hence cultural traits do exists. This may lead to some problems or conflicts within the organisation which may force employees to leave the organisation causing high attrition rate. The manager should look into following aspects :-

1.) ANALYSING PERSONALITY DIFFERENCES:Sometimes, conflict may arise due to differences in personality between the

individuals which may turn into big issue and leading to metal dissatisfaction of the employee. At the back of the mind employee may plan to leave the organisation.

2.) LOW MORALE:Most of the employees work with better efficiency when they are being praised for their work and hence this type of work is beneficial for the organisation. Employees will be suffering from low morale if they are not being praised or encouraged

3.) CONTRADICTION BETWEEN EMPLOYEES JOB AND SKILLS:Sometimes it may also happen that there is no link between whatever skills a person has gained and the job which he is assigned. During such situations employee may feel down and discouraged. Employees hired may be under or over qualified for a specific job. This creates an inferiority complex within the employee which forces him to leave the organisation.

4.) NEGATIVE WORKING ENVIRONMENT:The working place and environment plays a very big part in influencing a persons mentality. If the person does not have supportive environment around him, he cant sustain for a longer time as he wont be able to concentrate on his job and may apply for resignation..


1.) The company should give rewards, incentives to the employees and should promote them on time. 2.) Should regularly go for employee feedback to analyse if the employee is satisfied with his job , surrounding environment or not. 3.) The company should plan for developing retention strategy:whether company has sufficient resources and equipments whether employees come on time and leave on time etc 4.) To provide employees with high job security 5.) the company should give chance of growth to the employees within the


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