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COMPETITIVE GAME TARGET LEARNERS: Intermediate-Advance TOPIC: Betting on Grammar Horses GRAMMAR FOCUS: Verb + -ing + infinite / verbs

that tahe either OBJECTIVES: At the end of he lesson sudents wil be able to a. identify the correct grammar listed on the grammer problem sheet b. learn grammar while having fun MATERIAL: Grammar answer sheets Grammar problem sheets PROCEDURES: 1. Ask students to be the 'horses'; as them to come and sit at the front of the class facing the others. Tell them you will shortly give them the first grammar problem sheet. Their task will be to reach a group decision as to which sentences are correct and which are wrong. 2. Give the rest of the class copies of the first grammar answer sheet. Tell the class not to communicate with the 'horses. 3. Ask the students to pair off and prepare to lay bets. Each pair has P1000. They must predict how many sentences the 'horses', as a group, will deal with correctly and which ones. If they predict wrongly they lose their money. If they predict correctly they double their stake. This the first of three rounds so they shouldn't use all their money. They prepare their bet by ticking the sentences they think the 'horses' will make right judgements about. Each pair shouts out the number of sentences they think the 'horses' will make right judgements about and the amount they are betting, e.g. 'Three correct judgements we're betting P250.' 4. Now give the 'horses' copies of the first grammar problem sheet. Their task is to decide, as a group, which sentences are correct and which are wrong. The 'horses' discuss in front of the class so tha everybody can hear. They make their decision within a for minute-limit. One of them announces the group decision about each sentence and the rest of the class tells them if they are right or wrong. The 'punters' check their prediction and calculate whether they have lost their money or doubled it. To double their money the 'horses' must have done exactly what they predicted. With some classes it is good to have them shout out, e.g. Lost P500!' or 'Doubled P300!' 5. Repeat the betting with two or more group of 'horses' using Grammar problem sheet 2 and Grammar problem sheet 3.

GRAMMAR PROBLEM SHEET 1 1. She dreads coming to class. 2. They delayed issuing the press statement as long as they could. 3. He resents to have to report to the police each day. 4. They can't afford to buy a new car. 5. She promised telling me her secret. GRAMMAR PROBLEM SHEET 2 1. She refuses paying up. 2. They enjoyed t be praised. 3. Please avoid to use bad language. 4. He forgot buying a ticket. 5. He failed passing the maths exam. GRAMMAR PROBLEM SHEET 3 1. She threatened to make a fuss. 2. He deserves to be shot. 3. He denied eating the last piece of cake. 4. She wishes to ask you a favour. 5. He missed having somebody to dislike.

GRAMMAR ANSWER SHEET 1 1. She dreads coming to class. 2. They delayed issuing the press statement as long as they could. 3. He resents to have to report to the police each day. Should be: He resents having to report to..... 4. They can't afford to buy a new car. 5. She promised telling me her secret. Should be: She promised to tell...... GRAMMAR ANSWER SHEET 2 1. She refuses paying up. Should be: She refuses to pay. 2. They enjoyed to be praised. Should be: She enjoyed being praised. 3. Please avoid to use bad language. Should be: Please avoid using bad language. 4. He forgot to buy a ticket. 5. He failed passing the maths exam. Should be: He failed to pass the maths exam. WRONG WRONG WRONG CORRECT WRONG CORRECT CORRECT WRONG CORRECT WRONG

GRAMMAR ANSWER SHEET 3 1. She threatened to make a fuss. 2. He deserves to be shot. 3. He denied eating the last piece of cake. 4. She wishes to ask you a favour. 5. He missed having somebody to dislike. CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT

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