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Kuiz awal materi: Sifat dan Perambatan Cahaya serta Polarisasi Cahaya

By Hafidh Erry Priyanto in FISDAS DTS'12 (Files) Edit Doc Delete The law of reflection says that Choose one answer. a . light must be reflected into our eyes to be seen. b . light striking a rough surface is scattered in many directions. c . light travels in straight lines. d . the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. e . all of the above. d Correct You see a rainbow from the window of your plane at noon. Where is the rainbow? Choose one answer. a . in front of the plane b . below the plane c . up the plane d . in the east e . in the west b Correct The EM wave that has the smallest wavelength in this list is Choose one answer. a . infrared. b . x rays. c . gamma rays. d . ultraviolet. e . microwave. c Correct Why are optical fibers important for communication? Choose one answer. a . light goes faster than electricity. b . they carry digital information c . none of the above. d . all of the above. e . they can carry thousands of times the information that wires can. d Incorrect Microwave radiation is useful in which of the following? Choose one answer. a . All of the above are valid choices. b . cooking food c . aircraft navigation d . sending phone messages e . medical applications a Correct An ideal transformer is one that:

Choose one answer. a . has an output frequency of 60 Hz. b . has a turn ratio, N2/N1 , equal to 1. c . works with direct current. d . experiences no power loss. e . works with alternating current. b Incorrect If Galileo and his assistant were 15 km apart, how long would it take light to make a round trip? Choose one answer. 10^-4 In the absence of an atmosphere, a star moves across the sky from horizon to horizon at a constant angular speed. In the presence of an atmosphere, the star will appear to move Choose one answer. a . all options are applied. b . faster on rising and slower on setting. c . slower on rising and setting. d . slower on rising and faster on setting. e . slower during the middle of its path. b Incorrect Which recording formats employ magnetism? Choose one answer. a . all of the above. b . DVD. c . CD. d . videotape. e . none of the above. d Correct When a ray of light hits most surfaces, it Choose one answer. a . passes right through the surface. b . scatters off in many directions. c . all of the above. d . bounces off in the same direction. e . reflects off in one specific direction. e Incorrect

The greenhouse effect is occurring because Choose one answer. a . the ionosphere reflects low frequency radiation. b . the ozone layer is being depleted. c . more ultraviolet radiation is penetrating the atmosphere. d . none of the above. e . the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing. e Correct

April 25 at 3:48pm Edited Like

Cecilia Ratna P S The radiation emitted from a small hole in a furnace is Choose one answer. a . infrared. b . blackbody. c . ultraviolet. d . microwave. e . x ray. b Correct April 25 at 3:49pm Like

Cecilia Ratna P S Before light can undergo total internal reflection when incident on material 2 from material 1, what must be true of the indices of refraction? Choose one answer. a . Either or must be equal to 1. b . n1 < n2 c . Neither nor must be equal to 1. d . n1 > n2 e . n1 = n2 d correct April 25 at 3:50pm Like

Cecilia Ratna P S You see a rainbow from the window of your plane at noon. Where is the rainbow? Choose one answer. a . below the plane b . up the plane c . in front of the plane d . in the west e . in the east a Correct April 25 at 3:51pm Like

Cecilia Ratna P S Monochromatic light hits a piece of glass. What happens to the wavelength in the glass as the index of refraction increases? Choose one answer. a . Increases b . remains constant c . approaches 0 m d . Decreases

e . approaches m d Correct April 25 at 3:51pm Like

Cecilia Ratna P S Temperature variation of different parts of a person's body can be detected by analyzing the emission pattern of which type of electromagnetic radiation? Choose one answer. a . x-rays b . Microwave c . Infrared d . Ultraviolet e . Gamma c Correct April 25 at 3:52pm Like

Cecilia Ratna P S Of the various types of electromagnetic radiation, which is the most penetrating through all forms of matter? Choose one answer. a . Gamma b . x-rays c . Infrared d . Ultraviolet e . visible light a Correct April 25 at 3:52pm Like

Cecilia Ratna P S In Huygens's construction, all points on a wavefront: Choose one answer. a . demonstrate the dual nature of light. b . act as point sources for the production of secondary spherical waves. c . act as particles. d . must be sources of secondary photons. e . must be sources of plane waves. b Correct April 25 at 3:53pm Like

Cecilia Ratna P S Two coins are at equal distances from your eye. One is under 40 cm of water, the other under 40 cm of glass. Which coin appears closer? Choose one answer.

a . all options are applied. b . the one under the glass c . Neither, they both appear at the same distance. d . I have no idea. e . the one under the water b Correct April 25 at 3:53pm Like

Fadhil Akbar Siregar Due to the refraction of light, fish in an aquarium appear to be _____ they really are. Choose one answer. a . located where b . all options are applied. c . further from the back of aquarium than d . further away than e . closer than * You are lying on the bottom of a swimming pool filled with water looking at a balloon suspended over the water. The balloon appears to be _____ it actually is. Choose one answer. a . all options are applied. b . further from you than * c . closer to you than d . the same distance away as e . closer to the surface of water than The EM wave that has the smallest wavelength in this list is Choose one answer. a . infrared. b . gamma rays. * c . x rays. d . ultraviolet. e . microwave. The critical angle for total internal reflection at an air-water interface is approximately . In which of the following situations will total internal reflection occur? Choose one answer. a . light incident in air at b . light incident in water at * c . light incident in water at d . light incident in air at e . all options are applied. Why can you usually see the beam of a searchlight pass through the air? Choose one answer. a . The light emitted by your eyes interacts with the beam. b . The vacuum makes its visible. c . Some of the light is scattered into your eyes by particles in the air. * d . The light reacts chemically with the pollutants in the air. e . undecided. April 25 at 4:32pm Like

Muhammad Noer As a monochromatic light ray is transmitted through an air-to-glass boundary, what happens to the wavelength? Choose one answer. a . approaches zero value b . Decreases c . Increases d . tends to infinity e . remains unchanged Correct b April 25 at 5:26pm Like

Muhammad Noer Which of the following statements is NOT true for electromagnetic waves? Choose one answer. a . They are oscillating electric and magnetic fields traveling through space. b . all options are applied. c . They travel in a vacuum at the speed of light. d . Only a restricted range of frequencies can exist. e . They are generated by accelerating electric charges. Incorrect c April 25 at 5:27pm Like

Muhammad Noer You do not see your image when you look at a flat rough aluminum surface because of Choose one answer. a . diffuse reflection. b . interference. c . diffraction. d . specular reflection. e . polarization. Correct a April 25 at 5:27pm Like

Muhammad Noer Mirages are observed when light is bent _____ near the ground. Choose one answer. a . downward by cold air b . downward by warm air c . all options are applied. d . upward by cold air e . upward by warm air Incorrect b April 25 at 5:27pm Like

Muhammad Noer In the absence of an atmosphere, a star moves across the sky from horizon to horizon at a constant angular speed. In the presence of an atmosphere, the star will appear to move Choose one answer. a . faster on rising and slower on setting. b . slower on rising and setting. c . slower on rising and faster on setting. d . slower during the middle of its path. e . all options are applied. Incorrect c April 25 at 5:29pm Like

Muhammad Noer The signal broadcast by an AM radio station Choose one answer. a . is the same as that broadcast by a FM station. b . all options are applied. c . is a direct, electromagnetic replication of the sound. d . has the amplitude of the carrier signal modulated by the sound. e . has the frequency of the carrier signal modulated by the sound. Correct d April 25 at 5:29pm Like

Muhammad Noer Measurements show that the speed of light in glass is _____ than in air as predicted by the _____ theory of light. Choose one answer. a . slower ... wave b . all options are applied. c . slower ... particle d . faster ... wave e . faster ... particle Incorrect c April 25 at 5:31pm Like

Muhammad Noer If Galileo and his assistant were 15 km apart, how long would it take light to make a round trip? Choose one answer. a.s b.s c.s d.s e.s

Correct d April 25 at 5:31pm Like

Muhammad Noer If the Sun is 150 million km away from Earth, how long does it take Sunlight to reach Earth? Choose one answer. a . 500 s b . 0.5 s c . 15 s d . 246 s e . 45 s Correct a April 25 at 5:31pm Like

Muhammad Noer What does "UV" stand for? Choose one answer. a . muon neutrino b . ultraviolet c . none of the above. d . infrared e . high frequency Correct b April 25 at 5:31pm Like

Fadhil Dzulfikar Why would a decrease in the amount of ozone in the atmosphere increase the likelihood of people getting sunburn? Choose one answer. a . global temperatures would rise. b . more ultraviolet radiation would reach the ground. (correct) c . they would be exposed to more infrared radiation. d . the premise is incorrect e . none of the above. If total internal reflection occurs at a glass-air surface: Choose one answer. a . no light is reflected. b . light is leaving the air and hitting the glass with an incident angle greater than the critical angle. c . all the light is absorbed d . no light is refracted. (correct) e . light is leaving the air and hitting the glass with an incident angle less than the critical angle. If particles incident 45 at from the normal strike a frictionless surface that is not completely elastic, the angle of reflection (with respect to the normal) will be Choose one answer. a . equal to 45 (incorrect) b . equal to 40 c . less than .

d . all options are applied. e . greater than . If the Sun is 150 million km away from Earth, how long does it take Sunlight to reach Earth? Choose one answer. a . 246 s b . 500 (correct) c . 0.5 s d . 15 s e . 45 s What is meant by the ``normal'' to a surface? Choose one answer. a . the direction of a reflected ray. b . a line parallel to the surface at a given point. c . the angle between the surface and the light ray. d . a line perpendicular to the surface at a given point. (correct) As an electromagnetic wave travels through free space, its speed can be increased by: Choose one answer. a . decreasing its frequency b . increasing both its energy and momentum. c . None of the above will increase its speed. (correct) d . increasing its frequency. e . increasing its energy only. If Galileo and his assistant were 15 km apart, how long would it take light to make a round trip? Choose one answer. 10^-4 (correct) Which of the following describes what will happen to a light ray incident on a glass-to-air boundary at greater than the critical angle? Choose one answer. a . partial reflection, partial transmission b . total transmission c . Interference d . total reflection (correct) e . partial reflection, total transmission When white light disperses as it passes through a prism, which of the following colors moves at the lowest speed in the prism? Choose one answer. a . Green b . Blue (correct) c . Orange d . Yellow e . Red Which one of the following scientists first built and operated devices that could emit and detect man-made electromagnetic radiation? Choose one answer. a . Hertz (correct) b . Michelson c . Maxwell d . Lenz e . Ampere April 25 at 5:38pm Like

Muhammad Noer You are in a dark room with a 2-foot by 4-foot fluorescent light box in the center of the ceiling. You hold a book directly beneath the light box and begin lowering it toward the floor. As the book is lowered, the size of the umbra

Choose one answer. a . gets smaller. b . can not be determined, it needs more information. c . gets bigger. d . all of the above. e . stays the same size. Incorrect a April 25 at 5:55pm Like

Muhammad Noer At what time of day would you expect to see the top of a rainbow rise? Choose one answer. a . Sunrise b . Sunset c . mid morning d . late at night e . mid afternoon Incorrect a, kemungkinan b April 25 at 5:55pm Like

Muhammad Noer The EM wave that has the lowest frequency in this list is Choose one answer. a . x rays. b . infrared. c . gamma rays. d . ultraviolet. e . microwave. Correct e April 25 at 5:55pm Like

Muhammad Noer The speed of light Choose one answer. a . is about the same as that of sound. b . has never been measured. c . is infinitely fast. d . is very fast, but not infinite. e . all of the above. Correct d April 25 at 5:55pm Like

Muhammad Noer As a monochromatic light ray is transmitted through an air-to-glass boundary, what happens to the wavelength? Choose one answer. a . tends to infinity b . remains unchanged c . approaches zero value d . Increases e . Decreases Correct e April 25 at 5:56pm Like

Muhammad Noer When light from air hits a smooth piece of glass with the ray perpendicular to the glass surface, the part of the light passing into the glass: Choose one answer. a . will not change its wavelength. b . will not change its speed. c . will not change its intensity. d . will not change its wave number. e . will not change its frequency. Correct e April 25 at 5:56pm Like

Muhammad Noer A light ray incident on the interface between air and glass can undergo total internal reflection: Choose one answer. a . in the glass only if the light is monochromatic. b . only in the air. c . in the air only if the index of refraction of the glass is greater than the . d . only in the glass. e . in either the glass or the air. Correct d April 25 at 5:56pm Like

Muhammad Noer The wavelength from an FM station broadcasting at 93.9 megahertz on your radio is Choose one answer. a . 0.313 m. b . none of the above. c . 3.13 m. d . 31.3 m. e . 0.0313 m. Incorrect c April 25 at 5:56pm Like

Muhammad Noer The dispersion of light when it passes through a prism shows that Choose one answer. a . all wavelengths have the same speed in a material. b . the index of refraction is the same for all wavelengths. c . different wavelengths have different speeds in the material. d . all options are applied. e . the prism contains many narrow, equally spaced slits. Correct c April 25 at 5:57pm Like

Muhammad Noer The main form of radiation that our bodies emit is Choose one answer. a . ultraviolet. b . x ray. c . blackbody. d . microwave. e . infrared. Correct e April 25 at 5:57pm Like

Dian Rahayu What is meant by the ``normal'' to a surface? Choose one answer. a . the angle between the surface and the light ray. b . a line parallel to the surface at a given point. c . a line perpendicular to the surface at a given point. d . the direction of a reflected ray. c Correct April 25 at 6:09pm Like

Dian Rahayu You are in a dark room with a 2-foot by 4-foot fluorescent light box in the center of the ceiling. You hold a book directly beneath the light box and begin lowering it toward the floor. As the book is lowered, the size of the umbra Choose one answer. a . all of the above. b . stays the same size. c . can not be determined, it needs more information. d . gets bigger. e . gets smaller. d Correct

April 25 at 6:09pm Like

Dian Rahayu Which one of the following scientists first built and operated devices that could emit and detect manmade electromagnetic radiation? Choose one answer. a . Maxwell b . Hertz c . Michelson d . Ampere e . Lenz b Correct April 25 at 6:10pm Like

Dian Rahayu Where in the sky would you expect to see a rainbow in the evening? Choose one answer. a . northern sky b . western sky c . southern sky d . eastern sky e . south-eastern sky d Correct April 25 at 6:10pm Like

Muhammad Noer According to present theories of light, in some experiments light seems to be: Choose one answer. a . a wave that moves from one place to another if there is material to vibrate. b . deflected due to repulsion from very massive objects. c . none of the above. d . composed of particles which can neither be created nor destroyed. e . a particle whose quantized energy depends on its velocity. Correct c April 25 at 6:23pm Like

Muhammad Noer ow is the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave oriented relative to the associated and fields? Choose one answer. a . parallel to , perpendicular to b . parallel to , perpendicular to c . perpendicular to both and d . parallel to both and

e . Both choices a and c are valid. Incorrect d April 25 at 6:23pm Like

Muhammad Noer The photoelectric effect was discovered by: Choose one answer. a . Hertz. b . Einstein. c . Maxwell. d . Planck. e . Millikan. Incorrect b April 25 at 6:24pm Like

Muhammad Noer A ray of white light, incident upon a glass prism, is dispersed into its various color components. Which one of the following colors experiences the greatest angle of deviation? Choose one answer. a . Red b . Yellow c . Green d . Violet e . Orange Correct d April 25 at 6:24pm Like

Muhammad Noer One phenomenon that demonstrates the wave nature of light is: Choose one answer. a . diffraction of electrons. b . the photoelectric effect. c . absorption of light by an electron. d . quantization effects. e . interference effects. Correct e April 25 at 6:24pm Like

Muhammad Noer When white light passes through a prism, it is spread out into a rainbow of colors. This effect is known as Choose one answer.

a . dispensation. b . diffraction c . dispersion. d . interference. e . complementarity. Correct c April 25 at 6:24pm Like

Muhammad Noer You are in a dark room with a single incandescent 60-watt bulb in the center of the ceiling. You hold a book directly beneath the bulb and begin lowering it toward the floor. As the book is lowered, the size of the umbra Choose one answer. a . can not be determined, it needs more information. b . all of the above. c . stays the same size. d . gets smaller. e . gets bigger. Incorrect e April 25 at 6:25pm Like

Muhammad Noer Choose one answer. a . gets smaller. b . stays the same size. c . all of the above. d . gets bigger. e . can not be determined, it needs more information. Correct d April 25 at 6:25pm Like

Muhammad Noer An ideal transformer is one that: Choose one answer. a . works with direct current. b . has an output frequency of 60 Hz. c . works with alternating current. d . experiences no power loss. e . has a turn ratio, , equal to 1. Incorrect c April 25 at 6:25pm Like

Dita Ayu Dwi Prasanti You hold your hand 3 feet above the ground and look at the shadow cast by the Sun. You repeat this inside using the light from a 2-foot by 4-foot fluorescent light box in the ceiling. In which case will the penumbra be more pronounced? a . It can not be decided. b . all of the above. c . the Sun (incorrect) d . Both will produce the roughly the same penumbra. e . the fluorescent light box The photoelectric effect was discovered by: a . Planck. b . Einstein. c . Millikan. d . Maxwell. e . Hertz. (correct) Of the following gases, which is the most important contributor to the Earth a . nitrogen (incorrect) b . CFCs c . water vapor d . ozone e . methane A light ray in air enters and passes through a block of glass. What can be stated with regard to its speed after it emerges from the block? a . Speed is less than when in glass. b . Speed is greater than before it entered glass. c . Speed is same as that in glass. d . Speed is less than before it entered glass. e . Speed is same as that before it entered glass. (correct) Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the highest frequency? a . microwaves b . X rays (correct) c . radio d . visible light e . ultraviolet light At what time of day would you expect to see the top of a rainbow rise? a . mid morning (incorrect) b . Sunrise c . mid afternoon d . late at night e . Sunset The wave-particle duality of light means that, in the same experiment: a . light always exists as two particles and two waves moving in opposite directions. b . light will not act like either a wave or a particle. c . light will act both like a wave and like a particle. d . light always exists as two waves or as two particles. e . light will act either like a wave or like a particle. (correct) Which of the following will cast a shadow that has an umbra but no penumbra? a . a candle b . the Sun c . an incandescent lamp (incorrect) d . a fluorescent lamp e . a point source of light

April 25 at 6:54pm Like

Dhani Anisa Rachmawati The electromagnetic radiation that causes tanning: Choose one answer. a . is absorbed by ozone. b . is none of the above. c . can produce cancer. d . rarely passes through glass windows. e . is all of the above. Correct e Newton's idea that a light beam consists of tiny particles did NOT correctly predict Choose one answer. a . that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. b . that the speed of light in substances with high refractive indices is lower than that in air. c . all options are applied. d . the law of refraction. e . that light beams travel in straight lines. Correct b Huygens's wave theory requires which of the following with regard to the relative speeds of light in glass and in air? Choose one answer. a . Speed in air equals that in glass. b . Speed in glass equals square root of that in air. c . Speed in air is less than in glass. d . Speed in air is greater than in glass. e . Speed in air is less than in glass and equals 1. Correct d The type of EM wave having the highest frequency is Choose one answer. a . infrared. b . x rays. c . microwave. d . ultraviolet. e . gamma rays. Correct e April 25 at 7:14pm Like

Rohmatun Inayah Maxwell developed his theory of electromagnetism by combining previous discoveries. He added his own original hypothesis that: Choose one answer. a . the net magnetic flux through a closed surface is zero. b . moving electric charges produce magnetic fields. c . changing electric fields produce magnetic fields.* d . electric charges produce electric fields. e . changing magnetic fields produce electric fields. You can see your image in a mirror because of Choose one answer.

a . diffraction. b . specular reflection.* c . interference. d . diffuse reflection. e . polarization. Light from our nearest neighbor star takes 4.4 years to reach Earth. What can we say about what is happening on this star at this moment? Choose one answer. a . It has become a red giant. b . the same thing that happened 4.4 years ago c . all of the above. d . Its surface has gotten cooler. e . nothing* If particles incident at 45 from the normal strike a frictionless surface that is not completely elastic, the angle of reflection (with respect to the normal) will be Choose one answer. a . less than 45 . *incorrect b . all options are applied. c . greater than 45 . d . equal to 45. e . equal to 40. AM radio stations have greater range than FM stations because Choose one answer. a . AM is more efficient than FM. b . they have more powerful transmitters.*incorrect c . none of the above. d . all of the above. e . their lower frequency radio waves reflect off the ionosphere. In order to see a rainbow at noon in the summer, a person must be looking Choose one answer. a . north b . east c . down* d . west e . south The lowest frequency visible light is Choose one answer. a . green. b . yellow. c . blue. d . red.*incorrect e . violet. The type of EM radiation emitted when high speed electrons decelerate as they are smashed into a metal target is Choose one answer. a . infrared. b . gamma ray.*incorrect c . microwave. d . ultraviolet. e . x ray. A beam of monochromatic light goes from material 1 with index of refraction into material 2 with index of refraction . The frequency of light in material 1 is and in material 2 is . What is the ratio of ? Choose one answer.

a. b . The values of and must be known to find the answer. c . 1* d. e. The photoelectric effect was discovered by: Choose one answer. a . Millikan. b . Hertz.* c . Planck. d . Einstein. e . Maxwell. April 25 at 7:57pm Edited Like

Reigina Sandriaty The Doppler shift for electromagnetic radiation from distant galaxies moving away from the observer is called a: Choose one answer. a . radiation shift. b . red shift. c . black shift. d . blue shift. e . vacuum shift. E Incorrect Why are optical fibers important for communication? Choose one answer. a . they carry digital information b . none of the above. c . light goes faster than electricity. d . they can carry thousands of times the information that wires can. e . all of the above. D Correct The wave-particle duality of light means that, in the same experiment: Choose one answer. a . light will act both like a wave and like a particle. b . light will not act like either a wave or a particle. c . light always exists as two waves or as two particles. d . light will act either like a wave or like a particle. e . light always exists as two particles and two waves moving in opposite directions. D Correct When you look at a crescent moon on a clear night, you can often see the rest of the face of the Moon very dimly lit. This occurs because Choose one answer. a . Some of the sunlight passes through the Moon. b . The Moon glows from residual radioactivity in its rocks. c . Some light is reflected form Earth and strikes the Moon. d . The Moon produces its own light. e . undecided. A Incorrect

Of the following gases, which is the most important contributor to the Earth Choose one answer. a . CFCs b . ozone c . methane d . nitrogen e . water vapor E Correct Which of the following describes what will happen to a light ray incident on an air-to-glass boundary? Choose one answer. a . total transmission b . partial reflection, partial transmission c . partial absorption, partial transmission d . total reflection e . partial reflection, total transmission D Incorrect One phenomenon that demonstrates the wave nature of light is: Choose one answer. a . quantization effects. b . diffraction of electrons. c . absorption of light by an electron. d . the photoelectric effect. e . interference effects. E Correct In order to keep its food hot, a restaurant will place it under which type of lamp? Choose one answer. a . Gamma b . x-ray c . Ultraviolet d . Infrared e . visible light D Correct The dispersion of light when it passes through a prism shows that Choose one answer. a . all colors in the light are treated the same. b . the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant. c . all options are applied. d . the prism contains many narrow, equally spaced slits. e . different colors have different indices of refraction. E Correct Which one of the following scientists first built and operated devices that could emit and detect man-made electromagnetic radiation? Choose one answer. a . Lenz b . Michelson c . Hertz d . Ampere e . Maxwell

C Correct April 25 at 7:50pm Like

Annisa Rizkiyani According to the law of reflection, a light ray striking a mirror at an angle of incidence of 30 degrees will leaves the mirror at an angle of Choose one answer. a . 30 degrees* b . none of the above. c . greater than 30 degrees. d . 60 degrees. e . less than 30 degrees. The greenhouse effect occurs because Choose one answer. a . carbon dioxide in the atmosphere absorbs infrared radiation* b . the ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet light. c . low frequency EM waves are reflected from the atmosphere. d . none of the above. e . high frequency EM waves are reflected from the atmosphere. When light of one wavelength from air hits a smooth piece of glass at an angle, which of the following will not occur? Choose one answer. a . Diffraction b . Refraction c . All of the above will occur. d . Dispersion* e . Reflection April 25 at 8:05pm Like

Haura Radhiyyah Khansaa Question 1 | Tanda: 2 If the fundamental frequency for a 2mlong rope fixed at both ends is 10 Hz, the speed of the wave is Choose one answer. a . 20 m/s. b . 40 m/s. c . 10 m/s. d . 5 m/s. e . 30 m/s. Correct April 25 at 8:12pm Like

Haura Radhiyyah Khansaa Question 2 | Tanda: 2 While standing on a dock, you observe water waves passing beneath you. If you observe 20 wave crests passing

directly below you in 2 minutes and judge the crests to be 1 m apart, what is the speed of the waves? Choose one answe...See More April 25 at 8:13pm Like

Haura Radhiyyah Khansaa Question 3 | Tanda: 2 Two water waves meet at the same point, one having a displacement above equilibrium of 60 cm and the other having a displacement above equilibrium of 80 cm. At this moment, what is the resulting displacement above equilibrium? ...See More April 25 at 8:13pm Like

Haura Radhiyyah Khansaa A wave is traveling in a string at 60 m/s. When the tension is then increased 20%, what will be the resulting wave speed? Choose one answer. a . 72 m/s b . 84 m/s c . 66 m/s d . 55 m/s e . also 60 m/s Correct April 25 at 8:13pm Like

Haura Radhiyyah Khansaa If the frequency of a wave is 2 Hz and there are 3 m between adjacent crests, how far does a crest travel in 2 s? Choose one answer. a . 12 m b.6m c . 1.5 m d.3m e.9m Correct April 25 at 8:14pm Like

Adiba Zafrazad The greenhouse effect is occurring because Choose one answer. a . the ionosphere reflects low frequency radiation. b . the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing. * c . none of the above. d . the ozone layer is being depleted. e . more ultraviolet radiation is penetrating the atmosphere.

Why would a decrease in the amount of ozone in the atmosphere increase the likelihood of people getting sunburn? Choose one answer. a . they would be exposed to more infrared radiation. b . global temperatures would rise. c . more ultraviolet radiation would reach the ground.* d . none of the above. e . the premise is incorrect April 25 at 8:22pm Like

Adiba Zafrazad If you see a rainbow near the time of sunset, where in the sky will the rainbow be? Choose one answer. a . toward the eastern horizon.* b . toward the western horizon. c . toward the northern horizon. d . toward the southern horizon. e . overhead. In the absence of an atmosphere, a star moves across the sky from horizon to horizon at a constant angular speed. In the presence of an atmosphere, the star will appear to move Choose one answer. a . slower on rising and setting. b . all options are applied. c . slower on rising and faster on setting.*incorrect d . faster on rising and slower on setting. e . slower during the middle of its path. April 25 at 8:24pm Like

Adiba Zafrazad A light ray in air enters and passes through a block of glass. What can be stated with regard to its speed after it emerges from the block? Choose one answer. a . Speed is same as that before it entered glass.* b . Speed is less than when in glass. c . Speed is same as that in glass. d . Speed is less than before it entered glass. e . Speed is greater than before it entered glass. April 25 at 8:33pm Like

Evelyne Kemal Maxwell guessed that visible light was an electromagnetic wave because of its: d . speed. April 25 at 9:14pm Like

Evelyne Kemal Which of the following describes what will happen to a light ray incident on an air-to-glass boundary at less than the critical angle? c . partial reflection, partial transmission April 25 at 9:14pm Like

Evelyne Kemal Why would a decrease in the amount of ozone in the atmosphere increase the likelihood of people getting sunburn? d . more ultraviolet radiation would reach the ground April 25 at 9:15pm Like

Evelyne Kemal Because of the refraction of light in the atmosphere, the appearance of the Sun or Moon changes as it approaches the horizon. This change can be described as Choose one answer. e . a shortening in the vertical direction. April 25 at 9:15pm Like

Evelyne Kemal Why can you usually see the beam of a searchlight pass through the air? Choose one answer. e . Some of the light is scattered into your eyes by particles in the air April 25 at 9:16pm Like

Evelyne Kemal Because of the refraction of light in the atmosphere, the apparent position of a star is usually _____ its true position. Choose one answer. b . higher than April 25 at 9:16pm Like

Evelyne Kemal An electromagnetic wave is made up of which of the following oscillating quantities? Choose one answer. e . electric and magnetic fields April 25 at 9:16pm Like

Martha Siregar How is it that microwave ovens can heat food more quickly than conventional ovens? Choose one answer. a . all of the above. correct b . none of the above. c . conventional ovens must conduct heat from the surface to the interior of the food. d . microwaves give energy directly to the molecules in the food. e . microwaves heat the inside as well as the surface of the food. If the Moon is 400,000 km away from Earth, how long does it take Moonlight to reach Earth? Choose one answer. a.4s b . 1.3 correct c.8s d . 0.75 s e . 13 s Correct April 25 at 9:28pm Like

Ghozi Naufal Ahmadi While transmitting white light down a fiber-optic cable, you bend the cable too much in one place, and some of the light ``leaks" out. Which is the first color of light to leak out? Choose one answer. a . red* b . green c . cyan d . yellow e . blue Correct Because of the refraction of light in the atmosphere, the appearance of the Sun or Moon changes as it approaches the horizon. This change can be described as Choose one answer. a . an increase in diameter. b . all options are applied. c . a decrease in diameter. d . a shortening in the horizontal direction. e . a shortening in the vertical direction.* Correct As a monochromatic light ray is transmitted through an air-to-glass boundary, what happens to the wavelength? Choose one answer. a . Increases b . tends to infinity c . remains unchanged d . Decreases* e . approaches zero value Correct What's the Big Bang? Choose one answer. a . the creation of the universe.* b . the Hubble relation.

c . none of the above. d . microwave radiation from all directions in the sky. e . a punk rock band. Correct If Galileo and his assistant were 15 km apart, how long would it take light to make a round trip? Choose one answer. a.s b.s c . 10-4s* d.s e.s Correct When a mirage occurs, an image is seen that is _______ the object. Choose one answer. a . lower than b . higher than c . at the same height as d . all options are applied.* e . probably lower and some time higher than Incorrect How is the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave oriented relative to the associated and fields? Choose one answer. a . parallel to , perpendicular to b . parallel to both E and B* c . parallel to , perpendicular to d . Both choices a and c are valid. e . perpendicular to both and Incorrect Newton's idea that a light beam consists of tiny particles did NOT correctly predict Choose one answer. a . that the speed of light in substances with high refractive indices is lower than that in air.* b . that light beams travel in straight lines. c . all options are applied. d . that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. e . the law of refraction. Correct Which of the following statements is NOT true for electromagnetic waves? Choose one answer. a . They are oscillating electric and magnetic fields traveling through space. b . They are generated by accelerating electric charges.* c . Only a restricted range of frequencies can exist. d . all options are applied. e . They travel in a vacuum at the speed of light. Incorrect The electromagnetic radiation that causes tanning: Choose one answer. a . is absorbed by ozone. b . can produce cancer.

c . is none of the above. d . is all of the above.* e . rarely passes through glass windows. April 25 at 10:54pm Like

Yaumil Linahtadya Assume that the following colors of light pass through a prism. Which color ray is bent the most? Choose one answer. a . green b . magenta c . yellow d . red e . blue Correct E FM radio only operates in the frequency range 88 MHz to 108 MHz because Choose one answer. a . The government set those limits. b . all of the above. c . none of the above. d . higher or lower frequencies are blocked by the ionosphere. e . higher and lower frequencies are not radio waves. Correct A The electromagnetic radiation that causes tanning: Choose one answer. a . is none of the above. b . can produce cancer. c . rarely passes through glass windows. d . is all of the above. e . is absorbed by ozone. Correct D The dispersion of light when it passes through a prism shows that Choose one answer. a . different colors have different indices of refraction. b . the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant. c . all colors in the light are treated the same. d . all options are applied. e . the prism contains many narrow, equally spaced slits. Correct A Which one of the following scientists first built and operated devices that could emit and detect man-made electromagnetic radiation? Choose one answer. a . Maxwell b . Michelson c . Hertz d . Lenz e . Ampere Correct C

Measurements show that the speed of light in glass is _____ than in air as predicted by the _____ theory of light. Choose one answer. a . all options are applied. b . faster ... particle c . slower ... wave d . slower ... particle e . faster ... wave Correct C The ozone layer Choose one answer. a . reflects high frequency radio waves. b . absorbs ultraviolet light in sunlight. c . is responsible for the greenhouse effect. d . reflects low frequency radio waves. e . reflects all EM waves. Correct B In the absence of an atmosphere, a star moves across the sky from horizon to horizon at a constant angular speed. In the presence of an atmosphere, the star will appear to move Choose one answer. a . faster on rising and slower on setting. b . slower on rising and setting. c . all options are applied. d . slower on rising and faster on setting. e . slower during the middle of its path. Correct B What does "UV" stand for? Choose one answer. a . high frequency b . muon neutrino c . ultraviolet d . infrared e . none of the above. Correct C When a mirage occurs, an image is seen that is _______ the object. Choose one answer. a . all options are applied. b . higher than c . at the same height as d . probably lower and some time higher than e . lower than Correct E April 25 at 11:17pm Like

Amira Nadhila Zahra Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the highest frequency? Choose one answer. a . visible light

b . microwaves c . X rays* d . ultraviolet light e . radio April 25 at 11:32pm Like

Amira Nadhila Zahra What does "IR" stand for? Choose one answer. a . muon neutrino b . infrared* c . high frequency d . ultraviolet e . none of the above April 25 at 11:33pm Like

Amira Nadhila Zahra How is it that microwave ovens can heat food more quickly than conventional ovens? Choose one answer. a . microwaves heat the inside as well as the surface of the food. b . microwaves give energy directly to the molecules in the food. c . conventional ovens must conduct heat from the surface to the interior of the food. d . all of the above* e . none of the above. April 25 at 11:33pm Like

Lina Lubnah You are lying on the bottom of a swimming pool filled with water looking at a balloon suspended over the water. The balloon appears to be _____ it actually is. Choose one answer. a . all options are applied. b . the same distance away as c . further from you than CORRECT d . closer to you than e . closer to the surface of water than April 25 at 11:52pm Like

Lina Lubnah The Doppler shift for electromagnetic radiation from distant galaxies moving away from the observer is called a: Choose one answer. a . blue shift. INCORRECT b . black shift. c . red shift. d . vacuum shift. e . radiation shift.

April 25 at 11:53pm Like

Lina Lubnah What's the Big Bang? Choose one answer. a . microwave radiation from all directions in the sky. b . none of the above. c . the Hubble relation. d . the creation of the universe. CORRECT e . a punk rock band. April 25 at 11:54pm Like

Ani Marlina Electromagnetic induction is used in the operation of Choose one answer. b . all of the above. EM waves in a vacuum travel at a speed Choose one answer. a . of 299,792,458 m/s. One phenomenon that demonstrates the particle nature of light is: Choose one answer. c . the photoelectric effect. When light reflects and produces a clear image, this reflection is referred to as: Choose one answer. d . specular reflection. April 26 at 8:32am Like

Novita Indraswari The telephone companies are proposing using "light pipes" to carry telephone signals between various locations. The light is contained inside these pipes Choose one answer. a . because laser light does not travel well through air. b . by total internal reflection if the curves are not too sharp. c . as long as they are straight. d . because they are coated with silver. e . all options are applied. Correct b. The property of a light wave that determines its brightness is its Choose one answer. a . amplitude. b . frequency. c . wavelength. d . phase. e . speed. Incorrect b. In order to see a rainbow at noon in the summer, a person must be looking Choose one answer. a . east

b . south c . north d . down e . west Incorrect c. How is the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave oriented relative to the associated and fields? Choose one answer. a . parallel to E , perpendicular to B b . parallel to both and c . perpendicular to both and d . Both choices a and c are valid. e . parallel to , perpendicular to Incorrect a. Looming is observed when light is bent _____ near the ground. Choose one answer. a . downward by warm air b . upward by warm air c . upward by cold air d . downward by cold air e . all options are applied. Correct d. AM radio stations have greater range than FM stations because Choose one answer. a . they have more powerful transmitters. b . none of the above. c . their lower frequency radio waves reflect off the ionosphere. d . AM is more efficient than FM. e . all of the above. Incorrect e. (c.recomended) The wave-particle duality of light means that, in the same experiment: Choose one answer. a . light will not act like either a wave or a particle. b . light always exists as two particles and two waves moving in opposite directions. c . light always exists as two waves or as two particles. d . light will act both like a wave and like a particle. e . light will act either like a wave or like a particle. Incorrect d. Global warming Choose one answer. a . none of the above. b . has not yet been observed. c . has no serious consequences. d . has led to a depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere. e . has been caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Incorrect d. Which of the following will cast a shadow that has an umbra but no penumbra? Choose one answer. a . a point source of light

b . the Sun c . a candle d . an incandescent lamp e . a fluorescent lamp Incorrect c. You are in a dark room with a single incandescent 60-watt bulb in the center of the ceiling. You hold a book directly beneath the bulb and begin lowering it toward the floor. As the book is lowered, the size of the umbra Choose one answer. a . stays the same size. b . gets bigger. c . gets smaller. d . all of the above. e . can not be determined, it needs more information. Correct c. April 26 at 9:00am Like

Sarah Pramiarsih What does "UV" stand for? Choose one answer. a . high frequency b . muon neutrino c . none of the above. d . ultraviolet e . infrared Correct April 26 at 9:52am Like

Anies Labibah You see colors in a rainbow because of Choose one answer. a . interference. b . dispersion. (correct) c . polarization. d . diffraction. e . specular reflection April 26 at 11:02am Like

Anies Labibah A line representing a wave front for a wave should be drawn: Choose one answer. a . from one crest to the preceding crest. b . along one of the crests of the wave. (correct) c . from the source to the receiver. d . in the direction of the electric vector. e . in the direction the wave is moving.

April 26 at 11:03am Like

Dita Ayu Dwi Prasanti Before light can undergo total internal reflection when incident on material 2 from material 1, what must be true of the indices of refraction? a . Neither n1 nor n2 must be equal to 1. b . n1=n2 c . n1<n2 d . Either n1 or n2 must be equal to 1. e . n1>n2 (correct) An ideal transformer is one that: a . has a turn ratio, n2/n1 , equal to 1. b . experiences no power loss. c . works with direct current. (incorrect) d . works with alternating current. e . has an output frequency of 60 Hz. Which condition of motion must be met with regard to a charged particle if it is in the process of emitting electromagnetic radiation? a . moves at the speed of light b . moves opposite the direction of electric field c . Accelerates (correct) d . moves at constant velocity e . moves parallel to a uniform magnetic field When light from air hits a smooth piece of glass (n = 1.5) with the ray perpendicular to the glass surface, which of the following will occur? a . All of the above will occur. b . refraction with c . Interference d . Dispersion e . reflection and transmission with (correct) At what time of day would you expect to see the top of a rainbow set? a . mid afternoon b . Sunrise c . mid morning d . late at night e . Sunset (incorrect) April 26 at 12:12pm Like

Septiyan Eka Wibisana When you look at a crescent moon on a clear night, you can often see the rest of the face of the Moon very dimly lit. This occurs because Choose one answer. a . Some of the sunlight passes through the Moon. b . The Moon glows from residual radioactivity in its rocks. c . The Moon produces its own light. d . Some light is reflected form Earth and strikes the Moon. correct e . undecided. April 26 at 2:23pm Like

Septiyan Eka Wibisana The highest frequency visible light is Choose one answer. a . blue. b . yellow. c . green. d . violet. correct e . red. April 26 at 2:24pm Like

Septiyan Eka Wibisana Making a digital recording of a sound involves Choose one answer. a . electromagnetic waves. b . digital-to-analog conversion. c . analog-to-digital conversion. correct d . none of the above. e . all of the above. April 26 at 2:25pm Like

Septiyan Eka Wibisana Which color is on the outside of the primary rainbow? Choose one answer. a . green b . blue...See More April 26 at 2:25pm Like

Ani Marlina Two coins are at equal distances from your eye. One is under 40 cm of water, the other under 40 cm of glass. Which coin appears closer the one under the glass April 26 at 3:40pm Like

Ani Marlina You are standing at the edge of a swimming pool filled with water looking at a logo painted on the bottom. The logo appears to be _____ it actually is. closer to you than April 26 at 3:41pm Like

Ani Marlina Which recording formats employ magnetism videotape

April 26 at 3:42pm Like

Ani Marlina When a wave crosses a boundary (for example, water waves going from deep to shallow water), the property that remains unchanged is the frequency April 26 at 3:43pm Like

Adian Muhammad Ridho When light reflects and produces a clear image, this reflection is referred to as: Choose one answer. a . retroreflection. b . ideal reflection. c . specular reflection. (correct) d . double reflection. e . diffuse reflection. The electromagnetic radiation that causes tanning: Choose one answer. a . rarely passes through glass windows. b . can produce cancer. c . is none of the above. d . is all of the above. (correct ) e . is absorbed by ozone. When looming occurs, an image is seen that is _______ the object. Choose one answer. a . higher than (correct) b . all options are applied. c . probably lower and some time higher than d . lower than e . at the same height as You hold your hand 3 feet above the ground and look at the shadow cast by the Sun. You repeat this inside using the light from a 2-foot by 4-foot fluorescent light box in the ceiling. In which case will the penumbra be more pronounced? Choose one answer. a . Both will produce the roughly the same penumbra. b . the Sun c . all of the above. d . the fluorescent light box e . It can not be decided. (incorrect) The highest frequency visible light is Choose one answer. a . green. b . blue. c . violet. (correct) d . yellow. e . red. Which of the following describes what will happen to a light ray incident on an air-to-glass boundary at less than the critical angle? Choose one answer. a . partial reflection, partial transmission (correct) b . total reflection c . partial reflection, total transmission d . Interference e . total transmission EM waves in a vacuum travel at a speed

Choose one answer.\ a . that varies with their intensity. b . of 299,792,458 m/s. (correct) c . that varies with their amplitude. d . that varies with their wavelengt(h. e . none of the above. Newton's idea that a light beam consists of tiny particles works for the law of reflection provided that the surface is Choose one answer. a . all options are applied. b . transparent. c . frictionless and perfectly elastic. (correct) d . perfectly elastic. e . frictionless. What's the Big Bang? Choose one answer. a . the Hubble relation. b . a punk rock band. c . the creation of the universe.(correct) d . microwave radiation from all directions in the sky. e . none of the above. The order of the colors in the secondary rainbow is _____ those in the primary one. Choose one answer. a . a little different by one color being removed to b . completely different than c . all options are applied. d . the same as e . the reverse of (correct) April 26 at 6:16pm Like

Yaumil Linahtadya Which of the following will cast a shadow that has an umbra but no penumbra? Choose one answer. a . an incandescent lamp b . the Sun c . a candle d . a point source of light e . a fluorescent lamp Incorrect B When two stars are observed toward the south over the equator, they are separated by 5 along an eastwest arc. When these stars are later observed near the horizon, their separation will be Choose one answer. a . less than 5 . b . undecided. c . more than 5 . d . all options are applied. e . the same. Correct A Glass panes are opaque to a certain type of radiation, which passes through quartz. What type of radiation is it? This radiation is important in ozone layer reactions. Choose one answer. a . Gamma

b . Radio c . x-ray d . Ultraviolet e . Microwave Correct D Rainbows are due to Choose one answer. a . all options are applied. b . refraction and reflection by raindrops. c . refraction and reflection by ice crystals. d . refraction through raindrops. e . reflection from the surface of raindrops. Incorrect D Maxwell guessed that visible light was an electromagnetic wave because of its: Choose one answer. a . energy. b . polarization. c . wavelength. d . speed. e . frequency. Correct D April 26 at 7:23pm Like

Mbak Jq Rainbows are due to Choose one answer. a . refraction through raindrops. b . refraction and reflection by ice crystals. c . reflection from the surface of raindrops. d . all options are applied. e . refraction and reflection by raindrops. (correct) Which one of the following scientists made the theoretical prediction that electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum at the speed of light? Choose one answer. a . Faraday b . Maxwell (correct) c . Lenz d . Gauss e . Hertz April 26 at 9:35pm Edited Like

Yusuf Arya Pratama Of the various types of electromagnetic radiation, which is the most penetrating through all forms of matter? d. Gamma April 26 at 9:45pm Like

Yusuf Arya Pratama Dispersion occurs when b. a material slows down some wavelengths more than others April 26 at 9:46pm Like

Yusuf Arya Pratama In order to keep its food hot, a restaurant will place it under which type of lamp? e. Infrared April 26 at 9:46pm Like

Yusuf Arya Pratama The type of EM radiation that causes your skin to tan is e. ultraviolet April 26 at 9:47pm Like

Yusuf Arya Pratama The critical angle for total internal reflection at an air-water interface is approximately 48. In which of the following situations will total internal reflection occur? d. light incident in water at 55 April 26 at 9:48pm Like

Yusuf Arya Pratama When a ray of light hits most surfaces, it e. scatters off in many directions April 26 at 9:49pm Like

Ukhtiy Afifah At what time of day would you expect to see the top of a rainbow rise? Choose one answer. a . late at night b . Sunset c . mid afternoon d . mid morning e . Sunrise Incorrect e April 26 at 10:54pm Like

Ukhtiy Afifah The dispersion of light when it passes through a prism shows that Choose one answer. a . all wavelengths have the same speed in a material. b . the prism contains many narrow, equally spaced slits. c . the index of refraction is the same for all wavelengths. d . red light has a larger speed in a material than blue light. e . all options are applied. Correct d April 26 at 10:54pm Like

Ukhtiy Afifah Which of the following are NOT electromagnetic waves? Choose one answer. a . sound b . infrared light c . radio d . ultraviolet e . TV Correct a April 26 at 10:54pm Like

Ukhtiy Afifah You hold your hand 3 feet above the ground and look at the shadow cast by the Sun. You repeat this inside using the light from a 2-foot by 4-foot fluorescent light box in the ceiling. In which case will the penumbra be more pronounced? Choose one answer. a . It can not be decided. b . Both will produce the roughly the same penumbra. c . all of the above. d . the Sun e . the fluorescent light box Incorrect b

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