Base Systems

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Base system

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Base system by Total Gadha - Tue sday, 20 Fe bruary 2007, 11:59 PM

Suppose you have a 1 000 L tank to be fille d with wate r. The buck e ts that are available to you all have size s that are powe rs of 3, i.e . 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, and 729 L. W hich buck e ts do you use to fill the tank in the m inim um possible tim e ? You will ce rtainly te ll m e that the first buck e t you will use is of 729 L. That will le ave 271 L of the tank still e m pty. The ne x t fe w buck e ts you will use will 243 L, 27 L and 1 L. The use of buck e ts can be shown as be low

W e can say that 1 000 = 729 + 243 + 27 + 1 = 1 3


+ 1 3

+ 0 3

+ 1 3

+ 0 3

+ 0 3

+ 0 3

The num be r 1 000 has be e n writte n in incre asing powe rs of 3. The re fore , 3 is k nown as the base in which we are e x pre ssing 1 000. For e x am ple , The num be r 7368 can be writte n as 8 + 6 10 + 3 (10) The num be r 10 is calle d the 'base ' in which this num be r was writte n. Le t a num be r abcde be writte n in base p, whe re a, b, c, d and e are single digits le ss than p. T he value of the num be r abcde = e + d p + c p 2 + b p 3 + a p 4 For e x am ple , i f the num be r 7368 is writte n in base 9, The value of (7368)
9 2

+ 7 (10)

= 8 + 6 9 + 3 9

+ 7 9

= 5408 (this value is in base 10)

The re are two k inds of ope rations associate d with conve rsion of base s: 1.7A conversion from any base to base ten The num be r (pqrstu) Example 38. C onve rt (21344) Answe r: (21344)
5 5 b

is conve rte d to base 10 by finding the value of the num be r. i.e . (pqrstu)

= u + tb + sb

+ rb

+ qb

+ pb

to base 10.

= 4 + 4 5 + 3 25 + 1 125 + 2 625 = 1474

1.7b conversion from base 10 to any base A num be r writte n in base 10 can be conve rte d to any base 'b' by first dividing the num be r by 'b', and the n succe ssive ly dividing the quotie nts by 'b'. The re m ainde rs, writte n in re ve rse orde r, give the e quivale nt num be r in base 'b'. Example 39. W rite the num be r 25 in base 4.



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W riting the re m ainde rs in re ve rse orde r the num be r 25 in base 10 is the num be r 121 in base 4. 1.7c A ddition, subtraction and multiplication in bases: Example 40. Add the num be rs (4235)

and (2354)

Answe rs: The num be rs are writte n as

The addition of 5 and 4 (at the units place ) is 9, which be ing m ore than 7 would be writte n as 9 = 7 1 + 2. The Q uotie nt is 1 and writte n is 2. The R e m ainde r is place d at the units place of the answe r and the Q uotie nt ge ts carrie d ove r to the te n's place . W e obtain

At the te ns place : 3 + 5 + 1 (carry) = 9 Sim ilar proce dure is to be followe d whe n m ultiply num be rs in the sam e base Example 41. Multiply (43) Answe r: 7 3 = 21 = 8 2 + 5 7 4 + 2 = 30 = 8 3 + 6 6 3 = 18 = 8 2 + 2 6 4 + 2 = 26 = 8 3 + 2


For subtraction the proce dure is sam e for any ordinary subtraction in base 10 e x ce pt for the fact that whe ne ve r we ne e d to carry to the right we carry the value e qual to the base . EXA MPLE 42. Subtract 45026 from 51231 in base 7. Answe r:

In the units colum n since 1 is sm alle r than 6, we carry the value e qual to the base from the num be r on the le ft. Since the base is 7 we carry 7. Now, 1 + 7 = 8 and 8 6 = 2. He nce we write 2 in the units colum n. W e proce e d the sam e way in the re st of the colum ns. 1.7D IMPORTA NT RULES A BOUT BA SES Rule1. A num be r in base N whe n writte n in base 10 is divisible by N 1 whe n the sum of the digits of the num be r in base N is divisible by N 1. EXA MPLE 43. The num be r 35A246772 is in base 9. This num be r whe n writte n in base 10 is divisible by 8. Find the value of digit A. Answe r: The num be r writte n in base 10 will be divisible by 8 whe n the sum of the digits in base 9 is divisible by 8. Sum of digits = 3 + 5 + A + 2 + 4 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 2 = 36 + A. The sum will be divisible by 8 whe n A = 4. Rule2. W he n the digits of a k -digits num be r writte n in base N are re arrange d in any orde r to form a ne w k -digits num be r, the diffe re nce of the



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two num be rs, whe n writte n in base 10, is divisible by N 1.

44. A four-digit num be r N1 is writte n in base 13. A ne w four-digit num be r N2 is form e d by re arranging the digits of N1 in any orde r. The n the diffe re nce N1 N2 whe n calculate d in base 10 is divisible by (a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 13 Answe r: c

Re: Base system by Mite sh C haturve di - Friday, 6 April 2007, 12:18 PM Hi TG, i had not gone through this le sson of yours.It is worth re ading.The last two rule s are ve ry use ful. Thank s, Mite sh
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Re: Base system by m oham m e d jave d - Tue sday, 15 May 2007, 06:14 PM Kudos!...For a use ful article ....The last two rule s are re ally gud!
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Re: Base system by Anand Kishore - Friday, 18 May 2007, 03:58 PM Thank s for the prom pt e x planation. e arlie r i was scare d by de se horre ndous base probs.
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Re: Base system by Anand Kishore - Friday, 18 May 2007, 04:00 PM Thank s for the prom pt e x planation. e arlie r i was scare d by de se horre ndous base probs.
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Re: Base system by priyank daga - Tue sday, 22 May 2007, 10:31 AM the article was gre at ...can u e x plain m ultiplication in base s m ore cle arly
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Re: Base system by shiwa k - W e dne sday, 23 May 2007, 05:54 PM hi .. plz clarify 41. Multiply (43) Answe r: 7 3 = 21 = 8 2 + 5 7 4 + 2 = 30 = 8 3 + 6 6 3 = 18 = 8 2 + 2 6 4 + 2 = 26 = 8 3 + 2




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in the last ste p plz clarify

365+ 322 = 3707??? 5+2= 7 ok . 6+2=0 ok . but couldnot unde rstand 3+3 =37...

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Re: Base system by Total Gadha - Saturday, 26 May 2007, 07:47 AM Hi Shiwa, Have corre cte d the m istak e . C he ck now. Total Gadha
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Re: Base system by gaurav k um ar - Monday, 28 May 2007, 06:18 PM Hi TG, C an you ple ase e x plain the m ultiplication in base s m ore cle arly. Thank you for this wonde rful article R e gards, Gaurav
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Re: Base system by Gane sh Iye r - Monday, 28 May 2007, 06:34 PM he y Tg, Good fundas...Also good way of calculating in diff base s. Ke e p up the good work

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Re: Base system by Gaurav Malhotra - Tue sday, 29 May 2007, 02:57 PM He llo sir, Base syste m has always give n m e a tough tim e ......this article prove d to be of im m e nse he lp....thnx a lot
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Re: Base system by Gaurav Malhotra - Tue sday, 29 May 2007, 03:22 PM Sir, C an u plz e laborate on the application part of the two rule s.....
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Re: Base system by papai 2007 - Thursday, 7 June 2007, 01:07 PM hi tg; could u plz x plain da subtraction bit m ore cle arly!?!
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Re: Base system by TG Te am - W e dne sday, 20 June 2007, 07:37 PM Hi TG Example


41. Multiply (43) Answe r:

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7 3 = 21 = 8 2 + 5 7 4 + 2 = 30 = 8 3 + 6 6 3 = 18 = 8 2 + 2 6 4 + 2 = 26 = 8 3 + 2

As you have m ultiplie d (43)


= 3605.

My que stion is if 3605 in the base of 8 or not. If ye s the n its e x pansion in the base 10 m ust give the sam e re sult as the m ultiplication of 43 and 67 yie ld. but this is not the case . As, (3605) 8 = 3*8 3 + 6*8 2 + 0*8 + 5 =1925, but 43*67 = 2881. Ple ase He lp......
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Re: Base system by Total Gadha - W e dne sday, 20 June 2007, 11:39 PM Hi Kam al, 43 and 67 are also in base 8. 43 in base 8 = 35 in base 10. 67 in base 8 = 55 in base 10. 35 55 = 1925 Total Gadha
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Re: Base system by TG Te am - Thursday, 21 June 2007, 04:53 AM thank s TG for cle aring the obstacle on the path to succe ss.
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Re: Base system by R abia Zare e n - Friday, 20 July 2007, 04:16 PM Hi TG, C ould u plz solve the following proble m : How m any 4 digit positive inte gral num be rs are the re in base 7 if you are counting the num be rs in the sam e base syste m . Thank s, R abia
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Re: Base system by Total Gadha - Saturday, 21 July 2007, 01:52 AM Hi R abia, In base 7, you can have digits from 0 to 6. The lowe st 4-digit num be r in base 7 would be 1000 and the highe st 4-digit num be r in base 7 would be 6666. The se are 5667 num be rs in all. Total Gadha
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Re: Base system by R abia Zare e n - Saturday, 21 July 2007, 09:15 AM Hi TG The ans to the proble m is 6000 in base 7.



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5666 in base 7 whe n adde d to 1 in base 7 will give 6000 in base 7. Thank s for the prom pt re ply. R abia
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Re: Base system by R abia Zare e n - Saturday, 21 July 2007, 09:30 AM Hi TG, have anothe r proble m . don't k now how but once i post m y doubt i am sudde nly able to solve the que s m yse lf. anyway he re 's the que s: Bill & C linton tak e the square of a ce rtain no. in de cim al syste m and e x pre ss it in base 5 and 6 re spe ctive ly. The n Bush com e s and he tak e s the two re pre se ntations and assum ing that the e x pre ssions are in base 10 adds the nos. W hich of the following cannot be the value of the unit's digit of the sum obtaine d? a) 0 Thank s, R abia
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b) 2

c) 8

d) 6

e) 3

Re: Base system by Total Gadha - Saturday, 21 July 2007, 01:26 PM ne e d the answe r in base 7. I m isre ad the que stion.
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Re: Base system by Total Gadha - Saturday, 21 July 2007, 01:52 PM The unit digits of the num be rs in base 5 and 6 will be the 1st re m ainde rs with 5 and 6. The square s ofnum be rs give re m ainde r 0, 1 and 4 with 5, and 0, 1, 3 and 4 with 6. The re fore unit digits of one num be r can be 0, 1 and 4, and unit digits of the othe r num be r can be 0, 1, 3 and 4. The unit digit of the sum can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. It cannot be 6.
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Re: Base system by Software Engine e r - W e dne sday, 25 July 2007, 04:21 PM hi TG uncle Ex a. 40 would be writte n as 9 = 7 1 + 2. The Q uotie nt is 1 and written is 2. its Remainder i love (typin) m istak e s be com pute r06@gm
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Re: Base system by Ak on C onvict - Thursday, 2 August 2007, 08:09 PM Hi Tg what if we add (6789) base 8 + (2354) base 8

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Re: Base system by R anvijay Singh - Thursday, 2 August 2007, 10:01 PM Hi Ak on C onvict, How can you have digits 8 and 9 in base 8? Possibly a typo R e placing 8 and 9 with large st possible digit in base 8, which is 7 and continuing with the addition: +1 +1 +1


6 7 7 7 2 3 5 4 ----------------1 1 3 5 3

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So, (6777)8 + (2354)8 = (11353)8 [Ex planation: 7 + 4 = 11 = 8 * 1 + 3, so write 3 as the rightm ost digit and tak e 1 as carry. Proce e d the sam e way from right to le ft and finally whe n the re is no pair to add the carry with, sim ply write the sum of the final pair of digits first and the n the carry as the le ftm ost digit of the total sum (O f course , if the re is a carry le ft afte r the addition of the le ftm ost pair of digits. It's quite the sam e as we do standard addition in base 10, isn't it? Vijay
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Re: Base system by ashish tyagi - Friday, 3 August 2007, 06:25 AM hi t g gre at work dude , i want to k now tht i have som e proble m so whe re i can post the se pls te ll m e , now i'm posting one proble m he re ............. A pie ce of e quipm e nt cost a ce rtain factory R s. 600,000. If it de pre ciate s in value , 15% the first ye ar, 13.5 % the ne x t ye ar, 12% the third ye ar, and so on, what will be its value at the e nd of 10 ye ars, how we will solve such type que stions............
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Re: Base system by Ak on C onvict - Friday, 3 August 2007, 09:20 AM O h thank s R anvijay..... u cle are d m y conce pt
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Re: Base system by R anvijay Singh - Friday, 3 August 2007, 11:34 AM Hi Ashish, There is a forum named 'CAT Quant-D.I. Forum' on TG. You may think of posting QA/DI questions there. Ple ase find be low the solution to your que stion: Using form ula for nth te rm of an AP, Tn = a + (n - 1) * d He re a = 15, d = -1.5, n = 10 % de pre ciation at the e nd of 10th ye ar = 15 + (10 - 1) * (-1.5) = 1.5 Using form ula for Sum of n te rm s of an AP, Sn = n/2(a + l) total de pre ciation % at the e nd of 10th ye ar = 15 + 13.5 + ... + 1.5 = 10/2(15 + 1.5) = 5 * 16.5 = 82.5 He nce , cost of the e quipm e nt afte r 10 ye ars = 100 - 82.5 = 17.5 % of the original C P = 17.5 * 600000 / 100 = R s. 105000.00 Vijay
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Re: Base system by rm m ozhi prathiba - Sunday, 2 Se pte m be r 2007, 12:06 AM

hi tg.. i have a doubt how to solve the following problem: if the numbers 2^218 and 3^109 are both evaluated converted into base 12 and written one beside the other, how many digits are there, on the whole, in the result??
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Re: Base system by unbre ak able be lie f !!!!! - W e dne sday, 5 Se pte m be r 2007, 09:33 AM The unit digits of the num be rs in base 5 and 6 will be the 1st re m ainde rs with 5 and 6. The square s ofnum be rs give re m ainde r 0, 1 and 4 with 5, and 0, 1, 3 and 4 with 6. The re fore unit digits of one num be r can be 0, 1 and 4, and unit digits of the othe r num be r can be 0, 1, 3 and 4. The unit digit of the sum can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. It cannot be 6.



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sir i m not ge tting it .ple ase cle arify it.why can"tthe square of a num be r can give 5 as a re m inde r in base 6?
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Re: Base system by sange e th aloysius - W e dne sday, 5 Se pte m be r 2007, 05:51 PM Hi TG,

He re is what I thought about this proble m . Kindly ve rify The units digits of a square can be 0,1,4,5,6,9 For the se nos the last digit in the two base s upon conve rsion are as follows Unit Digit Base :5 Base :6 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 4 4 5 0 5 6 1 0 9 4 3 He nce whe n the se no are conside re d as base 10 nos and adde d units digit can be 0,2,8,5,1,7 O nly the se be cause it is the sam e num be r that is re pre se nte d in two base s. He nce Answe r is 6,3
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Re: Base system by ashish bhardwaj - Saturday, 15 Se pte m be r 2007, 11:14 PM Hi prathiba , I think answe r will be 110.I have done as follows. 2^218 => 4^109 so it has be com e 3^109*4^109 ==> 12^109 be want it in base 12. so if you want to write N^n in base N answe r will be n+1 . .

Ne e d not to re m e m be r this the orm as it strik e d just now

for e .g. 2^2 in the base 2 => 4 in the base 2 => 110 so 2+1 =3 10^2 in the base 10 => 100 => 2+1 / 2^4 in the base 2 it will be 10000 ...

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Re: Base system by rm m ozhi prathiba - Sunday, 16 Se pte m be r 2007, 07:00 AM hi ashish thank you it was a ve ry cle ar solution and the answe r is right thank u..
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Re: Base system by Vinod Param asivan - Sunday, 16 Se pte m be r 2007, 08:08 PM Hi TG/R abia, C an anyone e x plain how u got 6000 as the answe r? 5666 in base 7 give s 22343. So 5667 would be 22344. Thank s, Vinod
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Re: Base system by naga k iran k osuru - Tue sday, 16 O ctobe r 2007, 12:34 PM hi TG : This is Naga Kiran in ur e x planation for the no of four digit num be rs in base 7, u did a sm all m istak e . ok the lowe st 4 digit no in base 7 is 1000 n highe st is 6666 , so, the total nos is not the diffe re nce of 6666 n 1000 but the diffe re nce be twe e n the ir conve rte d nos in base 10 ie 2400-343 = 2058.......or u can e ve n do it as :



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4 digit nos in base 7 = ---- 6*7*7*7 = 2058
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Re: Base system by ishan ishu - Tue sday, 29 April 2008, 02:50 PM Hi TG, Jus wante d to clarify one thing. In the above que stion I use d som e diffe re nt logic. My logic was: For 4 digit no. 1st place can be fille d by 6 digits (1,2,3,4,5,6) as we are calculating in base 7. sim ilarly for 2,3 and 4th place we can use 7 digits. Thus in all the re are 6*7*7*7=2058 num be rs.. and 2058 in base 7 is 6000. But the logic you e x plaine d is by tak ing 1000 and 6000 as lowe st and highe st no and the n calculating the total no's but the se will also consist of no's lik e 1800, 1900 which doe snt e x ist in base 7. So is this logic corre ct or I am at som e fault. Ple ase C larify. Thank s Ishan
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Re: Base system by Total Gadha - W e dne sday, 30 April 2008, 09:42 AM The lowe st num be r is (1000) 7 and the highe st is (6666) 7. Since you want to calculate the num be r of num be rs (you rightly pointe d out that (1800) 7 will not e x ist) you ne e d to subtract in base 7 itse lf. The re fore the num be r of num be rs = (6666) 7 - (1000) 7 + (1) 7 = (6000) 7 = 2058.
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Re: Base system by ishan ishu - W e dne sday, 30 April 2008, 01:53 PM O k .. Thank s TG. Got it now. That was what I was think ing that how can u be wrong. R e gards Ishan
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Re: Base system by ishan ishu - Friday, 16 May 2008, 12:13 AM Hi TG, TG, if you have tim e can you ple ase post one le sson on C ube s too. I dont find it that e asy while solving que stions as I dont k now the approach to solve it. R e gards Ishan
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Re: Base system by shashi bhushan ve rm a - Friday, 16 May 2008, 12:56 PM Hi Ple ase confirm the answe r. The solution as pe r m e is : the unit digit of the square num be r in base 10 can be 0,1,4,5,6,9. The re m ainde r for the sam e in the base 5 is 0,1,4,0,1,4 and in base 6 is 0,1,4,5,0,3. adding in se que nce . the possible value of the unit digit can be 0,2,8,5,1,7. So the value s that can not be unit's digit is 6,3. Ple ase le t m e k now if m y solution is corre ct or not.
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Re: Base system by sunil garg - Tue sday, 20 May 2008, 04:54 PM

zero could'nt come in unit place am i right???????? or die for CAT08 SKGARG
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Re: Base system by R ohan Agarwal - Thursday, 29 May 2008, 06:59 PM He llo TG and Ashish.... this is 9 m oths old prob ...but i re ad it today...and didn't ge t the solution...can you ple ase he lp m e out......
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Re: Base system by ATO M ANT - Sunday, 1 June 2008, 08:50 AM How many 4 digit positive integral numbers are there in base 7 if you are counting the numbers in the same base system. what is the logic be twe e n 6*7*7*7 = 2058 is it not 7*7*7*7 as re pe tition is allowe d... Kindly e x plain.
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Re: Base system by ATO M ANT - Sunday, 1 June 2008, 08:53 PM

if the numbers 2^218 and 3^109 are both evaluated converted into base 12 and written one beside the other They are not multiplied, but written along each other... how can we get 12^109.. Kindly clarify thanks TG
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Re: Base system by ATO M ANT - Saturday, 7 June 2008, 07:36 PM Pls..Som e one clarify m y doubt...
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Re: Base system by Total Gadha - Saturday, 7 June 2008, 11:06 PM Hi Atom , You cant ge t. W ork with sm all powe rs and che ck . Total Gadha
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Re: Base system by vijay k um ar - Tue sday, 10 June 2008, 11:24 AM Hi all, C an som e body e x plain m e how TG arrive d at rule 2 in the above le sson. Any he lp would be gre atly appre ciate d.

re gards, Vijay.
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Re: Base system by ATO M ANT - Friday, 13 June 2008, 10:20 PM Thank s TG. I got it. I will do pe rm utations and com binations to unde rstand m y first doubt.If I still do not ge t that i ll ask you.
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Re: Base system by srinivasa re ddy - Saturday, 14 June 2008, 04:16 PM 12^n1 = 4^109 12^n2=3^109 n1=109 (log4)12 n2=109 (log3)12

no of digits n1+n2= 109 (log12)12=109 individually how to de te rm ine the digits??is it 107
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Re: Base system by Total Donk e y - Thursday, 26 June 2008, 05:05 PM @vijay The basic funda is sone thing i can e x plain to you for sim plicity le t us tak e a num be r having 4 digits (abcd)base n now, m showing the re sult for a fe w ram dom pe rm utation (re arrange m e nt), i hope you can ge ne ralize it: le ts tak e dbac abcd = a.n^3 + b.n^2 + c.n^1 + d.n^0 dbac = d.n^3 + b.n^2 + a.n^1 + c.n^0 now abcd - dbac = a(n^3 - n^1) + b(n^2 - n^2) + c(n^1 - n^0) + d(n^0 - n^1) = (n-1) [ a(n^2 + n^1 + 1) + c - d] so we can ge t (n-1) as the com m on factor If you m ight be wonde ring that it work e d in case of m y pe rm utation.. le t m e e x plain without loss of ge ne rality ... we can tak e one of the te rm of abcd - (pe rm utation of abcd) = a[n^x - n^y] = a.n^y.[n^(x -y) - 1] and (n-1) will sure ly be a factor of [n^(x -y) - 1] (unle ss x -y=0 which m ak e s the whole te rm Ze ro) He nce , for e ach of the te rm we can tak e (n-1) safe ly as the com m on factor. So, the num be r obtaine d afte r subtracting would be divisible by (n-1) and its factors .. @Total Gadha the num be r in base n is not ne ce ssarily divisible by (n-1) [whe n the sum of digits is divisible by (n-1)] in base 10 only ... it is divisible by (n-1) in any base .... isn't it? Kindly clarify

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Re: Base system by Ank ur B - Thursday, 7 August 2008, 01:43 PM

I think we will have to add 2 to it....Ans should be 109 + 2 = 111

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Re: Base system by Partha D - Thursday, 7 August 2008, 04:56 PM

12^n1 = 4^109 n1=109 (log4)12 12^n2=3^109 n2=109 (log3)12

n1+n2= 109 (log12)12=109 The answ er is 109+1=110



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Let's take the number s 2^7=128 and 5^7=78125 in base=10. If we place these number s side by side, total no. of digits will be 8. Now, log(2^7)10 + log (5^7)10 =7* log(2*5)10 =7 So, we have to add 1 to get the no. of digits. But I could not der ive any gener al for mula for it.
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Re: Base system by Prate e k Agarwal - Thursday, 7 August 2008, 08:45 PM How many 4 digit positive integral numbers are there in base 7 if you are counting the numbers in the same base system. what is the logic be twe e n 6*7*7*7 = 2058 is it not 7*7*7*7 as re pe tition is allowe d... Kindly e x plain. Hi Atom , The first digit cant be ze ro so we cant tak e 7 for first place . ( possible digits for thousands place are 1,2,3,4,5,6)if wwe tak e 0 he re it will be a thre e digit no
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Re: Base system by ravi m r. - Monday, 6 O ctobe r 2008, 04:25 PM the proble m re quire s one to write the digit side by side and ne e d not m ultiply it as u have done think for som e othe r solution......... by rsn
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Re: Base system by ravi m r. - Monday, 6 O ctobe r 2008, 04:59 PM the proble m re quire s one to write the digit side by side and ne e d not m ultiply it as u have done think for som e othe r solution......... by rsn
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Re: Base system by Ne e le sh Se thi - Sunday, 26 O ctobe r 2008, 12:10 AM he re s a prob if binary nos from 100 to 1000000 are writte n find the no of 1s in it
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Re: Base system by ATO M ANT - Sunday, 26 O ctobe r 2008, 06:26 PM Hi Ne e le sh, The answe r is 124. In a n-digit num be r the first num be r is always 1.Each digit-place can be fille d in 2 ways... so the no:of ways for a n-git no = 2 n-1 ways...
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Re: Base system by Ne e le sh Se thi - Monday, 27 O ctobe r 2008, 12:53 PM he y thnx for trying but the ans is 189.I have the solution but cannot unde rstand it.

Total num be r of 1s on first position = 61. total num be r of 1s afte r 1st position =128 Since total num be r of 1s = 128 + 61 = 189



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Re: Base system by ATO M ANT - Tue sday, 28 O ctobe r 2008, 08:04 AM Hi Ne e le sh.. Its inde e d 189... I did not re ad the que stion care fully... For any n-digit num be r find the no:of arrange m e nts and in turn the no:of one s... for e x am ple from 1000 to 1111 [Fix the first digit as 1.It is not going to change ] 1000 - 1*1 =1 1100 - 3!/2! ways of writing the nos with first digit as 1 So no:of Xone s= 3!/2! * 2 = 6 1110 - 3!/2! * 3 = 9 1111 - 1*4 = 4 So total no:of one s in a 4-digit no = 20 Lik e wise do for othe r case s...
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Re: Base system by Ne e le sh Se thi - Tue sday, 28 O ctobe r 2008, 01:21 PM he y thnx got it now
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Re: Base system by ravin ve rm a - W e dne sday, 5 Nove m be r 2008, 12:09 AM

] ok e e not to m uch e ffe ctivvvvve e e e

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Re: Base system by aashish biala - W e dne sday, 12 August 2009, 11:32 AM hi TG, thank s a lot. be fore this i did not k now how to add in base s. thank you. che e rs aashish biala
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Re: Base system by vik as tiwari - W e dne sday, 6 O ctobe r 2010, 10:57 AM He llo Sir, ne w to totalgadha, one doubt re garding d e x pre ssion (7368)base 9= 8+6A-9+3A-81+7A-729. what is A ove r he re .....havin difficulty in unde rstanding how to conve rt to othe rbase and what shud be the value of A? Ple ase e x plain.....
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Re: Base system by Manas Padhi - W e dne sday, 13 O ctobe r 2010, 01:21 PM Hi TG Sir, Your rule 1 says a num be r in base n is divisible by n-1 in base 10 if sum of the digits is divisible by n-1. W he re as SE Sir unde r R ule 1 of Division and Base s se ction has e x plaine d lucidly that a num be r in base n is divisible by n-1 in base n if sum of the digits is divisible by n-1. Ple ase he lp us with the corre ct rule . R e gards, Manas



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Re: Base system by nitish m ayawala - Monday, 8 Nove m be r 2010, 12:22 PM Q :The product of two num be rs 231 and ABA is BA4AA in a ce rtain base syste m (whe re base is le ss than 10), whe re A and B are distinct digits. W hat is the base of that syste m ?
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Re: Base system by nitish m ayawala - Monday, 8 Nove m be r 2010, 12:31 PM He y shashi can u plz te l m e what about 4 and 9 coz we r ge tting sum as 0,1,2,5,7,8 ..he re 3,6,4,9 are m issing??

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Re: Base system by am it k he te rpal - Monday, 8 Nove m be r 2010, 04:10 PM C onve rting into de cim al base syste m Le t a be the base (231) a * (ABA) a=(BA4AA) a Final e quation Iam ge tting is a^3(2A-B)+a^2(A+B)+2a(A+B+2)+ 2A+B=0 Not able to find value of a Ple ase e x plain.

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Re: Base system by Nik hil Sinha - Friday, 12 Nove m be r 2010, 01:33 AM He y Am it, This one is a tough proble m , ofte n discusse d in various forum s.. (Hope such probs dont com e m y way :D) P.S.: U got the start for this one though.. He re is the soln to the proble m : (231)n * (ABA)n=(BA4AA)n (2n+1)(n+1)(An^2 + Bn + A) = BA4AA BA4AA is divisible by n+1, he nce (A+4+B) - (A+A) = 0 or (n+1)*k ,whe re k is an inte ge r. O R (anothe r way of saying the sam e thing) 231 = 11*21 (in any base syste m ) so we k now that BA4AA has 11 as a factor applying divisibility rule of 11 we ge t B+4-A= 0 or n+1(he re n is the base of the syste m ) so B+4-A= n+1 ---------(1) now tak e the product we ge t 231*ABA= 2An^4+(2B+3A)n^3+(3A+3B)n^2+(3A+B)n+A R e place all Bs with n+A-3 (from (1)) the n com pare it with BA4AA so we ge t 2A+2= B com paring powe r of n^4 and 4A-3=A so A=1 and B =4 the re fore , n =B-A+3 =6

Nik hil
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