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as a service of facility, which creates utilities, time or place, through the physical transfer of goods and persons from one place to another. The need for the conyence of goods arises from the fact that they are often produced in one region and desired in another. The Transportation of persons arises from the need of individuals to go from one place to another to satisfy some needs connected with business, social, cultural or recreational interests. Transport is the vital factor in the advancement of civilization and economic development. It is the life blood of commerce of the state TamilNadu.1 In India rural development is considered as the real development. India is an agriculture country and most of the people are living in rural areas. Due to the increased cost of running a concern in urban areas and some of the entrepreneurs set-up their establishments in rural areas. So, the cheapter transport is essential.

Donald Bower Sox and Others, Transport Management, Macmillan, NewYork, 1981, p.256.

There has been a number of conveyance and transport facilities in use for along time. For example bullock carts, horse carts, cycle-rickshaws, auto rickshaws and auto, etc. Recently new mode of transport namely minibus has been introduced in Tamilnadu in the year 1998. In the present study a genuine attempt has been made to ascertain the level of awareness and utilization of mini bus in Sankari and also to identify the factors influencing the satisfaction of the passengers. RURAL DEVELOPMENT One of the factors influencing rural development is transport. In India most of the villages do not have proper infrastructure like road facilities. In such a situation, there is a slackness in the rural development. Those areas are treated as isolated areas. The bus operators have ignored these areas due to the bad condition of the roads. In case if buses are to be operated, they could not expect the full occupancy of passengers. In addition they have to full a lot of other problems. Hence they hesitate to run the buses in those areas. Moreover they have to invest a huge sum of money in procuring buses but their return on investment would be inadequate. This has been the main reason for bus operator not to run the buses to villages. In recent times, the Govt. at the State as well as but the center including the local authority are concentrating more on the rural

development. They allocate more funds for the provision of basic infrastructural facilities like roads, streetlights, drinking water, etc the Govt. have also taken steps to motivate the entrepreneurs to setup their business units in the rural areas by allowing them to enjoy taxation benefits also in addition to so many other facilities including better roads. This has induced many entrepreneurs to setup their industries in rural areas. As a result there has been a rapid development in rural areas. Further, the road condition of the rural areas have been improved. Also the migration of people from Rural areas to Urban areas has been checked to a considerable extend. However, the rural residents have to depend on urban areas for many a thing. It has increased the movement of more people from rural areas to urban areas and convenient transport facilities. In this context, the government has initiated steps to introduce minibus operation in Tamil Nadu. The investment required for minibus operators is comparatively lesser than that for a mega bus operator. PASSENGER SATISFACTION Satisfaction is a person feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a comparing a perceived performance in relation to his or her expectations.

Satisfaction is a function of perceived performance and expectations. The performance falls short of expectations, the passenger is satisfied. If the performance exceeds expenditure the passenger is highly satisfied. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. The main objective of the study is to analyse the passenger satisfaction. 2. To identify the factors influence the passengers to concerning minibus services. 3. To find the specific reason behind choosing minibus travel. 4. To identify the difficulties faced by the passenger at the time of traveling in minibus. 5. To present a suitable suggestions for improvement of the performance of minibus service. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study has been undertaken to analyse the customer utilization of minibuses, whether one likes them or not, Minibuses has become an integral part of the public transport system today.

They come in handy particularly for those who reside in the suburbs because the transport requirements of the residents here have not been adequately addressed by the state run transport system. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The importance of the transportation is highly recognized in Urban, Rural areas. Huge volume of people comes to cities to make use of their daily work with the help of transportation. In city, public transportation, minibuses, private buses, play an important role in transporting Urban India. Minibuses are small motorized eight wheeled transport vehicles which run on a motorcycle run all over India to wrap the needs of transportation of passengers. Buses have been modified to carry minimum passengers and are called minibus. Small, medium and High family peoples find this version more economical since the face is comparatively cheap. For this purpose, the researcher wants to analyse the passengers utilization and their level of satisfaction with minibus services. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The utilization of minibus is increasing day-by-day. However since there are other cheaper modes of transport like share auto, etc, the level of utilization of minibus facilities is still to be improved. In this context, it si appropriate to

identify the factors influencing the utilization of minibus and also satisfaction of passengers. Moreover, the minibus passengers suffer from a lot of problems connected with the route, timing passengers, etc. PROBLEMS FACED BY MINIBUS PASSENGERS 1. Disturbances from co-passengers 2. Over speed 3. Over load 4. Accident 5. Violation of traffic rules inside town 6. Poor treatment from the drivers and conductors 7. High volume of sound in the audio and video systems.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AREA OF STUDY The area of the study is Sankari town. SAMPLE SIZE The size of the samples selected for the study is 200 passengers of Sankari town. They are selected by simple random sampling method.

SOURCE OF DATA The nature of the study involves both primary and secondary data. For the primary data, the researcher developed a detailed interview schedule after consulting the subject expects, marketing specialist and specialist in minibus services, drivers and owners. First pre-testing was conducted to test the validity of the schedule. After inclusion of necessary changes in the schedule, a fresh schedule was used under survey method to acquire the information from the passengers. TOOLS OF ANALYSIS Mean value, Standard Deviation, Range, Chi-square test and Hendry Garret Ranking were used to analyse the data collected from the sample respondents. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This study is applicable to Sankari town 1. The survey was conducted only is sankari town. Hence the results arrived from the study may not be extended to the other part of the town. 2. The same passengers opinion way vary at different time because of their psychological instincts

3. Due to economic constraints, the sample size is limitated 200 samples only. 4. Services may vary from one bus to another. 5. Only passengers viewpoints have been studied but the view points of mini bus operators and workers have not been studied.

CHAPTER III INTRODUCTION Transport is the life blood of modern civilization and it constitutes an important item of infrastructure for the economic growth and the overall prosperity of the nation. Indeed, industry and transport are the two pillars of progress and they are complementary to each other. An extensive distribution of goods through well organized transport system not only satisfies the users of transport but creates demand and there by stimulates production and growth. Transport also plays a crucial role in transforming the entire world into one organized unit by being the de-facto parameters of social, political, economical and commercial progress. It carries men, mind, and matters to the people across nations overlooking all physical boundary lines. The normal modes of transport services are roadways, airways, railways, and waterways. Among these road transport plays a significant role of being easily accessible, readily available, economical and viable to all sections of people and above all, a vital feeder service to railways, airways and waterways. Road transport service means carrying passengers or goods or both by roads by motor vehicles like lorries, buses, minibuses, van and autorickshaws of these the major means of transport used by passengers for traveling from one place to

another is bus transport. It helps both rural and urban people to move to the desitnations at a cheaper cost and is an easily available mode, especially at ones disposal, at ones door-step. Infrastructural facilities viz., power, transport and communication networks, etc are essential inputs for any countrys economic development. Out of these, transport facility is one of the key indicators required for economic development because there is hardly any activity which is not influenced by transport services. It is also a well-known fact that the socio-economic activity and transportation systems assumes a significant position in the regional development of any state. Roads and road transport are important constituents of any transport system. A well-developed cheap and efficient network of transportation system leads to speedly movement of human beings and material and connects rural people living in the remote areas with the mainstream of socio-economic activities. Hence, the functioning of any state largely depends upon the road transport.


MINI BUS SCHEME The transport services provided by the Tamil Nadu State Government to the public is increasing day by day. More than 18,000 2 buses are operated throughout the state. These facilities are available in rural, semi-urban and urban areas. Apart from this public transport system, recognizing the need to provide transport system, recognizing the need to provide public transport facilities to the people of unserved or inadequately served, semi-urban and rural areas, the Government introduced the Mini bus services scheme Government modified this scheme in 1999 enabling operations of minibuses in the rural areas for a total distance of 20 kms, with an overlapping distance of 4 kms on the served sectors. This modified scheme has been challenged before the court of law and government is taking appropriate steps to have the matter sorted out. Presently 3959 mini buses are playing in Tamil Nadu. The Government is also exploring the possibility of bringing out a New Mini Bus Policy by formulating a State-Wide comprehensive area scheme. MINI BUS OPERATION IN TAMILNADU: Buses are operated throughout Tamil Nadu for the convenience of the rural people. Unlike the regular town buses, mini buses reach the interior areas of the


town and naturally people are willing to avail themselves of the facility more often. However, the operation of the minibuses needs to be properly organized. At present they are run according to the whims and fancies of the drivers and the conductors. They stop the buses at road side tea-shops and go for tea without bothering about the passengers. Even at regular bus stops, the conductors wait for a long time without adhering to the scheduled to scheduled time. This invariably ends in a wordy duel between the passengers and the bus crew and also between the other bus crews. MINI BUSES OPERATION IN SANKARI TALUK Mini bus scheme is very popular among the rural mass. The total number of seats available is 26. During the inception stage the colour of the minibus was Yellow and Red. But now the colour is changed as green. The minibus operators are allowed to operate minibuses in the rural areas for a total distance of 26 kilometers. Out of 26 k.m. the minibuses should cover 18 km in unserved areas and 8km in the approved route. In Sankari these are 7 mini buses.


CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION I. LEVEL OF SATISFACTION In this chapter, the data collected from the primary sources have been analysed and interpreted. For the purpose of the analysis, variables are classified into two important Stratia viz., dependent variables and independent variables. The independent variables used in this study are age, sex, educational status, occupation, and income of the respondents. Size of the family and awareness of the sample respondents. The following are the dependent variables used in this study are stopping points, seating arrangement, accessibility, carriage of goods, time of travel, availability of minibus and fare. The following statistical tools were used for analysis of the above stated demographic variables. 1. Mean Value 2. Standard Deviation


3. Range 4. Chi-square Test 5. Hendy Garret Ranking AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS Age is one of the stages or phases in the life time measured in terms of years, when the age increases, the experience of the individual also increases. The increased experience enables an individual to be more discriminating in his/her choice. Hence age plays an important role in taking a clever decision on important accessions. For the purpose of this study, age has been studies under three heads viz., Young (below 25 years), middle (25-40 years) and old age (above 40 years). Table 4.1 AGE AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION S. Age No. of Respondents Mean Range S.D. No. Min Max 1 Less than 25 Years 103 15.83 8 27 3.678 2 3 25 40 Years Above 40 Years Total 65 32 200

5 17.53 8 19.50 0

9 15

23 25

3.316 2.540

The above table shows that the age and level of satisfaction of the usage of minibus by young aged respondents below 25 years ranges between the minimum of 8.0 and the maximum of 27.0 with an average of 15.835. The level of satisfaction of middle aged (25-40 years) respondents ranges between the minimum of .0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 17.538. The level of satisfaction of above 40 years (old aged) respondents ranges between the minimum of 15.0 and the maximum of 25.0 with an average of 19.500. Thus table gives the result that the respondents of above 10 years (old aged) have the maximum satisfaction than the other respondents in using the mini bus services. In order to verify the result shown in the table 4.1. a two way table was prepared. Table 4.2 AGE AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Two-way table) S. Age No 1 Less than 25 years 2 3 25 40 years Above 40 years Total Level of Satisfaction Low Medium High 46 (72.7) 16 (24.2) 2 (3.0) 66

Total 103 68 32 200

29 (48.3) 21 (35.0) 10 (16.7) 60

26 (35.1) 28 (37.8) 20 (27.0) 74

The above table shows that the age and level of satisfaction of minibus by the respondents. In the case of high level of satisfaction 35% of respondents belonging to less than 25 years have been satisfied to the maximum and the least 27.0% by the respondents with by above 40 years. In the case of medium level of satisfaction 48.3% of the respondents with 25-40 years have been satisfied, the highest and 16.7% is the least by the respondents with above 40 years. In the case of low level satisfaction of 72.7% of the respondents with less than 25 years have been satisfied to the maximum and the least is 3.0% by the respondents with above 40 years. Thus the table reveals that the respondents with less than 25 years have been satisfied in using the minibus to the maximum level among other respondents. To verify the result shown by table 4.2, a chi-square test was applied. The following table shows this: Table 4.3 AGE AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Chi-square Test) Factor Age Calculated 2 value 24.468 Table value D.F. 13.28 4 Remarks Significant at 5% level


It could be seen from the above table no 4.3 that the calculated chi-square value is greater than the table value and the result is significant at 5% level. Hence the hypothesis, Age of the respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus holds good. From this, it can be inferred that there is significant relationship between the age of respondents and their level of satisfaction of mini bus service. GENDER OF THE RESPONDENTS Gender is a physical identity. Gender means either of the two main groups, viz., male or female into which living things are placed according to their reproductive functions. It plays a vital role in any decision making process. Hence gender is considered as an important factor while measuring respondents satisfaction in the usage of mini bus. An attempt is made to analyse the involvement of gender of respondents and their level of satisfaction towards the facilities provided by the minibus. For the purpose of this study, the gender has been studies under these heads viz, male and female. The following table shows distribution of respondents according to gender.


Table 4.4 GENDER AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION S. Age No. of Respondents Mean 110 90 200 16.81 8 17.16 6 Total The above table shows that the level of satisfaction of the male respondents using the minibus ranges between the minimum of 8.0 and the maximum of 27.0 with an average of 16.818. The level of satisfaction of female respondents ranges between the minimum of 9.0 and the maximum of 27.0 with an average of 17.166. Thus the table gives the result that the male respondents have maximum satisfaction that the male respondents in using mini bus. To verify the result shown by table 4.4 a two way table was prepared. Table 4.5 GENDER AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Two-way table) S. Gender No 1 Male 2 Female Level of Satisfaction Low Medium High 39 (59.1) 27 31 (51.7) 29 40 (54.1) 34 Total 110 90 Range Min Max 8 9 27 27 S.D. 3.710 3.573

No. 1 Male 2 Female



(40.9) 66

(48.3) 60

(45.9) 74


The above table shows the gender level of satisfaction of the respondents in using minibus services. In the case of high level of satisfaction, 54% male respondents have been satisfied to the highest and the least 45.9% by female respondents. In the case of medium level of satisfaction, 51.7% of male respondents have been satisfied to the highest and 48.3% is the least by female respondents. In the case of low level of satisfaction, the male respondents have been satisfied to the highest 59.1% and the female respondents are the least by 40.9%. Thus the table shows the result that the male respondents have used the minibus more than the male respondents. In order to verify the result shown by table 4.5 a chi-square test was applied the following table shows this. Table 4.6 GENDER AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Chi-square Test) Factor Gender Calculated 2 value .742 Table value 5.99 D.F. 2 Remarks Not Significant at 5% level

It could be seen from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table value and the result is not significant at 5% level. Hence


the hypothesis, Gender of the respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus holds no good. From this, it can be inferred that there is no significant relationship between Gender of respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus. MARITAL STATUS OF THE RESPONDENTS Marriage is a turning point in any individuals life, the life partner brings cheer, wealth, and adds to the prestige. After marriage, the spouse influences on many occasions relating to the final decision of the couple. An attempt is made to analyse the relationship between the marital status of the respondents and their level of satisfaction. For this purpose, the respondents have been classified into 2 groups to their marital status, viz., married, single. Table 4.7 MARITAL STATUS AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION S. Marital Status No. of Respondents Mean 88 112 200 9 8 Range Min Max 25 27 17.62 5 16.46 4 Total S.D. 3.690 3.541

No. 1 Married 2 Single


The above table shows that the level of satisfaction of the usage of minibus by married respondents ranges between the minimum of 9.0 and the maximum of 25.0 with an average of 17.625. The level of satisfaction of single respondents ranges between the minimum of 8.0 and the maximum of 27.0 with an average 16.464. Thus table gives the result that the married respondents have the maximum satisfaction that the other respondents in using the minibus. To verify the result shown by table 4.7 a two way table was prepared. Table 4.8 MARITAL STATUS AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Two-way table) S. Marital Status No 1 Married 2 Single Total Level of Satisfaction Low Medium High 22 (33.3) 44 (66.7) 66 25 (41.7) 35 (58.3) 60 41 (55.4) 33 (44.6) 74 Total 88 112 200

The above table shows that marital status and the level of satisfaction of the usage of minibus. In the case of high level satisfaction 55.4% married respondents have been satisfied to the highest and the least 44.6% by single respondents. In the case of medium level of satisfaction, 58.3% respondents


single have been satisfied to the highest and the least 41.7% by married respondents. In the case of low level of satisfaction single respondents have been satisfied to the highest 66.7% and the least 33.3% by married respondents. Thus the table reveals that the single respondents have been satisfied in using the minibus to the maximum level among other respondents. In order to verify the result shown by the above table a chi-square test was applied to the following table shown this: Table 4.9 MARITAL STATUS AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Chi-square Test) Factor Marital Status Calculated value 7.087

Table value 5.99

D.F. 2

Remarks Significant at 5% Level

It could be observed from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table value and the result is not significant at 5% level. Hence the hypothesis, Marital Status of the respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus does not hold good. From this, it can be inferred that there is no significant relationship between the marital status of respondents and their level of satisfaction. EDUCATIONAL STATUS OF THE RESPONDENTS


Education plays a crucial role in sharpening the personality and wisdom of an individual. Educational qualification is an important influencing factor of humanbeings to make wise decision. It gives the knowledge, skill and analyzing capacity. An attempt has been made to analyse to educational qualification of the respondents. For this purpose, the respondents have been classified into four categories such as, illiterate, school-level, graduate, post graduate. The following table shows the distribution of respondents according to the educational status of the respondents. Table 4.10 EDUCATIONAL LEVEL AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION S. Educational Level No. of Respondents Mean 30 51 64 55 200 9 11 8 9 Range Min Max 21 23 23 27 16.56 6 16.98 0 16.18 7 18.10 9 Total From the above table it shows that the level of satisfaction of the usage of minibus by illiterate respondents ranges between the minimum of 9.0 and maximum of 21.0 with an average of 16.566. The level of satisfaction of school

S.D. 3.820 3.056 3.255 4.236

No. 1 Illiterate 2 3 4 School level Graduate Post Graduate

level respondents ranges between the minimum of 11.0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 16.980. The level of satisfaction of graduate respondents ranges between the minimum of 8.0 and the maximum of 28.0 with an average of 16.187. The level of satisfaction of post graduate respondents ranges between the minimum of 9.0 and the maximum of 27.0 with an average of 18.109. Thus the table reveals that the respondents at the post graduate level respondents have maximum satisfaction in using the mini bus and among other respondents. To verify the result shown by the above table, a two way table was prepared. The following table shows this: Table 4.11 EDUCATIONAL STATUS AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Two-way table) S. Educational Level No 1 Illiterate 2 3 4 School Level Graduate Post Graduate Total Level of Satisfaction Low Medium High 11 (16.7) 17 (25.7) 25 (37.9) 13 (19.7) 66 5 (8.3) 17 (28.3) 22 (36.7) 16 (26.7) 60 14 (18.9) 17 (23.0) 17 (23.0) 26 (35.1) 74 Total 30 51 64 55 200


The above table shows that the educational status and their level of satisfaction of respondents of using minibus. In the case of high level of satisfaction 35.1% respondents with postgraduate have been satisfied to the highest and the least 18.9% by Graduate respondents. In the case of medium level of satisfaction 36.7% of respondents with graduate level of education have been satisfied to the highest and the least 8.3% by illiterate respondents. In the case of low level of satisfaction, 37.9% post graduate level of education have been satisfied to the highest level of education and the least 16.7% by illiterate respondents. Thus the table reveals that Graduate respondents have maximum level of satisfaction among the other respondents. To verify the result a chi-square test has been applied. The following table shows this:


Table 4.12 EDUCATIONAL STATUS AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Chi-square Test) Factor Educational Status Calculated value 9.084

Table value 12.59

D.F. 6

Remarks Not Significant

It could be seen from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table value and the result is non significant. Hence the hypothesis Educational Status of the respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus does not hold good. From this, it can be inferred that there is no significant relationship between the educational status of the respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus. OCCUPATIONAL STATUS OF THE RESPONDENTS Occupation is a status symbol as well as a basic financial support for humans, in the society. An individual is respected based in the employment. Hence the occupation plays on crucial role in the society for very many occasions. Occupation refers to any job or means through which a person earns a living. Occupation of a person sometimes denotes his/her status or position. For


this purpose, the respondents have been classified into Agriculturist, Businessman, Student, Govt. Employee, Private Employee. The following table shows the distribution of respondents based on occupation. Table 4.13


Occupational Status No. of Respondents Mean 30 28 65 23 54 200 17.43 3 17.34 6 15.93 8 17.95 6 17.29 6 Total

No. 1 Agriculturist 2 3 4 5 Businessman Student Govt. Employee Private Employee

Range Min Max 8 9 10 10 9 23 23 27 23 25

S.D. 3.420 4.032 3.561 3.404 3.600

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction of the usage of minibus by Agriculturist ranges between the minimum of 8.0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 17.433. The level of satisfaction of Businessman respondents ranges between the minimum of 9.0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 17.346. The level of satisfaction of student respondents ranges between minimum 10.0 and the maximum of 27.0 with an average of 15.938.


The level of satisfaction of employed in Government respondents ranges between the minimum of 10.0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 17.956. The level of satisfaction of respondents employed in private ranges between the minimum 9.0 and the maximum of 25.0 with an average of 17.296. Thus the table reveals that the employed in government respondents have been satisfied to the maximum than the other respondents in using minibus. In order to vary the result shown by the above table, a two way table was prepared. The following table shows this: Table 4.14 OCCUPATION AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Two-way table) S. Occupation Level of Satisfaction Low Medium High 7 (10.6) 8 (12.1) 30 (45.5) 4 (6.1) 17 (25.7) 66

Total 30 28 65 23 54 200

No 1 Agriculturist 2 3 4 5 Businessman Student Govt. Employee Private Employee Total

10 (16.7) 5 (8.3) 18 (30.0) 10 (16.7) 17 (28.3) 60

13 (17.6) 15 (20.3) 17 (23.0) 9 (12.2) 20 (27.0) 74

The above table shows that the occupation and level of satisfaction of respondents of using minibus. In the case of high level of satisfaction 27.0% respondents employed in private have been satisfied to the highest and the least 12.1% by respondents employed in government. In the case of medium level of satisfaction 30.0% student respondents have been satisfied to the highest and the least 8.3% by Business man respondents. In the case of low level of satisfaction, the 45.5% student respondents have been satisfied to the highest and, the least 6.1% by respondents employed in Government. Thus the table gives the result that the student respondents have been satisfied to the maximum level among other respondents in using minibus. In order to verify the result shown by the above table, a chi-square test was applied. The following table shows this: Table 4.15 OCCUPATION AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Chi-square Test) Factor Occupation Calculated value 12.693

Table value 15.51

D.F. 8

Remarks Non Significant

It could be seen from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table value and the result is non significant at 5% level. Hence

the hypothesis, Occupation of the respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus does not hold good. From this, it can be inferred that there is no significant relationship between the occupation of respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus. RESIDENTIAL STATUS OF THE RESPONDENTS Permanent residency refers tot a persons permanent living place. An attempt has been made to analyse the residential status of the respondents and their level of satisfaction to use the minibus. Respondents have been classified into three categories Urban, Sub-urban and Rural. Table 4.16 RESIDENTIAL STATUS AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION S. Residential No. of Respondents Mean 42 55 103 200 17.33 3 17.83 6 16.36 8 Total Range Min Max 11 10 8 24 23 27 S.D. 3.228 3.408 3.839

No. Status 1 Rural 2 3 Sub-urban Urban

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction of the usage of minibus by Urban respondents ranges between the minimum 8.0 and the


maximum 27.0 with an average of 16.368. The level of satisfaction of suburban respondent ranges between the minimum of 10.0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 17.333. Thus the table gives the result that the urban respondents have been satisfied to the maximum in using minibus that the other respondents. Table 4.17 RESIDENTIAL STATUS AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Two-way table) S. Residential Status No 1 Rural 2 3 Sub-urban Urban Total Level of Satisfaction Low Medium High 13 (19.7) 11 (16.7) 42 (63.6) 66 14 (23.3) 20 (33.3) 26 (43.4) 60 15 (20.3) 24 (32.4) 35 (47.3) 74 Total 103 55 42 200

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction of the usage of mini bus. In case of high level of satisfaction 47.3% A urban respondents have been satisfied to the highest and the least 20.3 by rural respondents. In the case of medium level of satisfaction. 43.4% of sub-urban respondents have been satisfied to the highest and the least 23.3% by Rural respondents. In case of low


level of satisfaction, the urban respondents have been satisfied to the highest 63.6% and the least 19.7% of rural respondents. Thus the table shows that the urban respondents have been satisfied to the maximum level among other respondents in using minibus. Table 4.18 RESIDENTIAL STATUS AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Chi-square Test) Factor Residential status Calculated value 7.360

Table value 12.59

D.F. 4

Remarks Non Significant

It could be seen from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table and the result is non-significant at 5% level. Hence the hypothesis, Residential status of minibus, does not hold good. From this, it can be inferred that there is no significant relationship between the residential status of respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus.


MONTHLY INCOME OF THE RESPONDENTS Income means any money earned for having done any kind of work or for rendering any kind of service. Monthly income is an important part to service in the society to fulfill ones essential needs. According to their monthly income, respondents are classified into four groups such as those whose income is lessthan Rs.5000, Rs.5000-Rs.10000 and above Rs.10000 and then no income. The following table shows the distribution of respondents based on the monthly income. Table 4.19 MONTHLY INCOME AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION S. Residential No. of Respondents Mean 38 43 53 66 200 17.36 8 17.09 3 17.64 1 16.13 6 Total The above table shows that the level of satisfaction of the respondents with usage of minibus by lessthan Rs.5000 ranges between the minimum of 9 Range Min Max 9 9 9 8 24 23 23 27 S.D. 3.459 3.442 3.497 3.902

No. Status 1 Less than Rs.5000 2 3 4 Rs.5000 Rs.10000 Above Rs.10000 No Income


and the maximum of 24.0 with an average of 17.368. The level of satisfaction of respondents with the monthly income Rs.5000 Rs.10000 ranges between the minimum of 9.0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 17.093. The level of satisfaction of respondents with above Rs.1000 ranges between the minimum of 9.0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 17.641. The level of satisfaction of respondents with no income ranges between the minimum of 8.0 and the maximum of 27.0 with an average of 16.136. Thus the table gives the result that the respondents with above Rs.10000 income have been satisfied to the maximum than the other respondents in using minibus. To verify the result shown by the above table, a two way table was prepared. Table 4.20 MONTHLY INCOME AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Two-way table) S. Monthly Income Level of Satisfaction Low Medium High 10 (15.2) 15 (22.7) 13 (24.5) 28 (42.4) 66

Total 38 43 53 60 200

No 1 Less than Rs.5000 2 3 4 Rs.5000 Rs.10000 Above Rs.10000 No Income Total

12 (20.0) 11 (18.3) 16 (26.7) 21 (35.0) 60

16 (21.6) 17 (23.0) 24 (32.4) 17 (23.0) 74

The above table shows that the monthly income and level of satisfaction of respondents of using minibus. In the case of high level satisfaction 32.4% respondents with above Rs.10000 monthly income have been satisfied to the highest and the least 21.0% by the respondents with less than Rs.5000 income. In the case of medium level of satisfaction, 35.0% respondents with no monthly income have been satisfied to the highest and the least 20.0% by the respondents with the monthly income of less than Rs.5000. In case of low level of satisfaction 42.4% of the respondents with no income have been satisfied to the highest and the respondents with above Rs.10000 are the least with 19.7. Thus the table gives the result that the respondents with no income per month have been satisfied to the maximum level among other respondents in using minibus. In order to verify the result shown by the above table, a chi-square test is applied. The following table shows this: Table 4.21 MONTHLY INCOME AND THEIR LEVEL OF SATISFACTION (Chi-square Test) Factor Monthly Income Calculated value 7.454

Table value 12.59

D.F. 6

Remarks Non Significant at 5% Level


It could be seen from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table value and the result is non significant at 5% level. Hence hypothesis, Monthly Income of the respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus does not hold good. From this, it can be inferred that true is no significant relationship between the monthly income of respondents and their level of satisfaction of mini bus. FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE RESPONDENTS Family means group of persons who form a house hold under the head including parents, children, etc. The number of family members play vital role in preferring the dwelling units and while taking any important decision. Family members have been classified into 3 categories viz., below 4, 4 to 5 and above 5. The following table shows the distribution of no. of family members. Table 4.19


Family members No. of Respondents Mean 63 16.71 4


No. 1 Below 4

Range Min Max 9 27

S.D. 3.824

2 3

4 to 5 Above 5 Total

70 67 200

16.68 5 17.52 2

10 8

23 25

3.294 3.807

The above table shows that the level of satisfaction of the usage of minibus by below 4 members in the family ranges between the minimum of 9.0 and the maximum of 27.0 with an average of 16.714. The level of satisfaction of 4 to 5 members in the family ranges between the minimum of 10.0 and the maximum of 23.0 with an average of 16.685. The level of satisfaction of above 5 members in a family ranges between the minimum of 8.0 and the maximum of 25.0 with an average of 17.522. Thus table gives the result that respondents with above 5 members in the family have been satisfied to the maximum in using mini bus that the other respondents. To verify the result shown by the above table, a two way table was prepared. The following table shows this: Table 4.20

(Two-way table) S. Family Level of Satisfaction Low Medium High 23 18 22 Total 63

No Members 1 Below 4


2 3

4 to 5 Above 5 Total

(34.8) 28 (42.5) 15 (22.7) 66

(30.0) 21 (35.0) 21 (35.0) 60

(29.7) 21 (28.4) 31 (41.4) 74

70 67 200

The above table shows that the no. of members in the family and their level of satisfaction of respondents in using minibus. In the case of high level of satisfaction 41.9% respondents with above 5 members have been satisfied to the highest and least 28.4 by the respondents with 4 to 5 members. In the case of medium level of satisfaction 35.0% of respondents with above 5 members and 4-5 members each have been satisfied to the highest and the least 30.0% by the respondents with below 4 members. In the case of low level of satisfaction 42.5% of respondents with 4-5 members in the family have been satisfied to the highest and the least 22.7% by the respondent with above 5 members in the family. Thus the table shows the result that the respondents with 4-5 members in the family have been satisfied to the maximum level among other respondents in using minibus. In order to verify the result, a chi-square test was applied.


Table 4.21

(Chi-square Test) Factor Calculated


Table value 9.49

D.F. 4

Remarks Non Significant at 5% Level


No. of members in 6.20 the family

It could be seen from the above table that the calculated chi-square value is less than the table value and the result is non significant at 5% level. Hence the hypothesis, No. of members in the family of the respondents and their level of satisfaction of mini bus does not hold good. From this, it can be inferred that there is no significant relationship between the no. of members in the family of respondents and their level of satisfaction of minibus. PURPOSE OF PREFERRING THE MINIBUS Based on the purpose of using minibus respondents has been classified into three categories such as education, personal and then employment. The distribution of respondent according to their purpose of usage is shown in table 4.22


Table No:4.22 PURPOSE OF PREFERRING THE MINIBUS S. No. 1 2 3 Purpose of preferring the minibus No. of respondents Percentage Education Personal Employment Total 71 79 50 200 (%) 35.5 39.5 25.0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table it shows that 35.5% of respondents preferring the minibus service for their purposes followed by personal, 35.5% of respondents preferring the minibus for their education purposes, and the remaining 25.0% of the respondents for the purpose of minibus employment. Thus the table gives the result that majority of 39.5% respondents use of minibus for their personal purposes. REASON FOR USING THE MINIBUS An attempt is made to analyse the relationship between respondents expectation and their level of satisfaction. For this purpose the respondents have been classified to three categories like to convenience, safety, frequency. The distribution of respondents according to their reason for using minibus is shown in table 4.23.

Table No:4.23 REASON FOR USING THE MINIBUS S. No. 1 2 3 Reason for using the minibus No. of respondents Percentage Convenience Safety Frequency Total 67 58 75 200 (%) 33.5 29.0 37.0 100

INTERPRETATION It is observed from the table 4.23 that 37.5% of respondents using the minibus for the reason of frequency, 33.5% of respondents for the reason of convenience, 29.0% of respondents using the minibus for the reason of safety. Thus the table gives the result that majority 37.5% of the respondents use the minibus for the reason of frequency. TIME OF JOURNEY An attempt is made to analyse the relationship between respondents journey and their level of satisfaction. For this purpose the respondents have been classified to four categories like morning, evening, both and atnight. The distribution of respondents according to their time of journey is shown in table 4.24. Table No:4.24


TIME OF JOURNEY S. No. 1 2 3 4 Time of Journey No. of respondents Percentage Morning Evening Both Atnight Total 49 30 90 31 200 (%) 24.5 15.0 45.0 15.5 100

INTERPRETATION The table no.4.24 shown that 45% of respondents travel both in the morning and evening, 24.5% of the respondents traveling in the morning time, 15.5% of the respondents travel at Atnight, and 15% of the respondents travel in the evening time. Thus, the table gives the result that majority 45% of the respondents travel both morning and evening. FREQUENCY OF USING MINIBUS The customer may be regular or irregular to use the minibus. The velocity of usage is an important learning in customer satisfaction. For this purpose the respondents have been classified to three categories like very often, occasional, rarely. The distribution of respondents according to their frequency of using is shown in table 4.25. Table No:4.25 FREQUENCY OF USING

S. No. 1 2 3

Frequency of Using No. of respondents Percentage Very often Occasional Rarely Total 57 53 90 200 (%) 28.5 26.5 45.0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table it shows that 45% of the respondents frequency of using the minibuses is Rarely, 28.5% of the respondents frequency of using is very often, and remaining 26.5% of the respondents frequency of using minibuses is Occasional. Thus the table gives the result that majority 45% of the respondents frequency of using the minibuses is rarely. AVERAGE DISTANCE TRAVELED PER DAY Customer satisfaction is one of the important factors for the success of any business. An attempt has been made to find out the travel distance traveled by them as lessthan 10km, 10.5km, above 15km. The distribution of respondents according to the distance of travel per day is shown in table 4.26. Table No:4.26 AVERAGE DISTANCE TRAVELLED PER DAY S. No. Travelled per day No. of respondents Percentage (%)


1 2 3

Less than 10km 10-15 km Above 15 km Total

73 57 70 200

36.5 28.5 35.0 100

INTERPRETATION It is observed from the table 4.26 that 36.5% of respondents traveled per day of distance is less than 10km, 35% of the respondents traveled per day above 10 km, and the remaining 28.5% of respondents traveled between 10-15 km per day. Thus the table gives the result that majority 36.5% respondents traveled a distance of lessthan 10 km per day. AVERAGE EXPENDITURE PER MONTH Customer satisfaction is one of the important factors for the success of any business. An attempt has been made to find out the average expenditure per month by them as upto Rs.100, Rs.101 to Rs.200, above Rs.200. The distribution of respondents according to the distance of Average distance per month 4.27 Table No:4.27 AVERAGE EXPENDITURE PER MONTH S. No. 1 2 Expenditure per month No. of respondents Percentage Upto Rs.100 Rs.101 to Rs.200

64 54

(%) 32.0 27.0

Above Rs.200 Total

82 200

41.0 100

INTERPRETATION The above table no 4.27 shows that 41% of the respondents spent an average expenditure per month, above Rs.200, 32% of the respondents upto Rs.100 and the remaining 27% of the respondents spent an expenditure per month Rs.101 to 200. Thus the table gives the result that 41% of the respondents spent an average expenditure above Rs.200 per month. OPINION ABOUT FARE Customer opinion is an important factor for analyzing the decision making. For this purpose the consumers may define their opinion about fare in minibus as cheap, reasonable and high. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion about fare is shown in table 4.28. Table No:4.28 OPINION ABOUT FARE S. Fare No. of respondents Percentage 39 90 71 200 (%) 19.5 45.0 35.5 100

No. 1 Cheap 2 Reasonabl 3 e High Total


INTERPRETATION It is observed from the above table that 45% of the respondents opined that fare is reasonable followed by 35.5% of the respondents opined as high and 19.5% of the respondents opined as cheap. Thus the table gives the result that majority of 45% of respondents opined about the fare as reasonable. SEATING The seating is vital component for passenger to travel in all the transport systems. Naturally all the passengers want to travel with comfort and relaxation. Seating also gives the rich appearance to vechicles to show their luxury. For this purpose of respondents opinion have been classified into three categories like convenient, narrowspace, and in adequate. The distribution of respondents according to their satisfaction for seating arrangement of minibus is shown in table 4.29. Table No:4.29 SEATING S. Seating No. of respondents Percentage 74 59 67 200 (%) 37.0 29.5 33.5 100

No. 1 Convenient 2 Narrow Space 3 Inadequate Total


INTERPRETATION From the above table it shows that 37% of respondents felt as the seating arrangement is convenient, 33.5% of the respondents opined that seating arrangement as inadequate, and the remaining 29.5% of the respondents felt that seating arrangement as Narrowspace. Thus the table gives the result that majority 37% of the respondents felt that seating arrangement as convenient. BREAKDOWNS A breakdown is the operational failure of a motor vechicle in such a way that the vehicle cannot be operated. The passengers opinion about breakdowns is categoried as high, low and rare. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion of breakdowns of minibus is shown in table 4.30. Table No:4.30 OPINION TOWARDS BREAKDOWNS S. No. 1 2 3 Source : Primary Data It is observed from the above table that 39% of the respondents opined that breakdowns of the minibus as rare, 31% of the respondents opined as high,

Breakdowns No. of respondents Percentage High Low Rare Total 62 60 78 200 (%) 31 30 39 100

and 30% of the respondents opined as low. Thus the table gives the result that majority 39% of the respondents opined that the breakdown of the minibuses as rare. OPINION ABOUT ACCIDENTS An accident is a specific, unexpected, unusual and unintended external action which occurs in a particular time and place, with no apparent and deliberate cause but with marked effects. It implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented. In this consciousness it is categorised as frequently, less frequently and rarely level on the respondents opinion. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion about accidents of minibus is shown in table 4.31. Table No:4.31 OPINION TOWARDS ACCIDENTS S. No. 1 2 3 Opinion towards Accidents No. of respondents Percentage 46 63 91 200 (%) 23.0 31.5 45.5 100

Frequently Less Frequently Rarely Total Source: Primary data

The above table shows that 45.5% of the respondents opined as the accident were rare, 31.5% of the respondents opined that accident were less

frequent, 23% of the respondents opined that accidents are frequent. Thus the table gives the result that majority 45.5% of the respondents opined that accidents are rare in minibus. OPINION ABOUT AUDIO / VIDEO An attempt is made to analyse the relationship between respondents Audio / Video and their level of satisfaction. For this purpose the respondents have been classified two categories like necessary and not necessary. The distribution of respondents according to their Audio / Video inside is shown in table 4.32. Table No:4.32 OPINION ABOUT AUDIO / VIDEO S. No. 1 2 Opinion about Audio / Video No. of respondents Percentage 117 83 200 (%) 58.5 41.5 100

Necessary Not Necessary Total Source: Primary data

It is observed from the table 4.32 that 58.5% of the respondents opined that Audio / Video inside is necessary, 41.5% of the respondents Audio / Video inside was not necessary. Thus the table gives the result that majority 58.5% of the respondents feel that audio/video is necessary inside the minibus.


OPINION ABOUT OPERATIONS Based on the purpose of using minibus respondents have been classified into two categories such as regular, operate peak hours only. The distribution of respondents according to their purpose of usage is shown in table 4.33.


Table No:4.33 OPINION ABOUT OPERATIONS S. No. 1 2 Reason for using the minibus No. of respondents Percentage 118 82 200 (%) 58.5 41.5 100

Regular Operate Peak hours only Total Source : Primary data

From the table it shows that 58.5% of the respondents opined that operations are regular and 41.5% of the respondents opined that their operate during peak hours only. Thus the table gives the result that majority 58.5% of the respondents opined that their operations are regular. OPERATION AT SCHEDULED HOURS Based on the purpose of using minibus respondents has been classified into three categories such as punctual, regular, not stick to their time. The distribution of respondents according to their purpose of usage is shown in table 4.44.


Table No:4.44 OPERATION AT SCHEDULED HOURS S. No. 1 2 3 Operation at Scheduled hours No. of respondents Percentage 59 67 74 200 (%) 29.5 33.5 37.5 100

Punctual Regular Not stick to their time Total Source : Primary data

It is observed from the table 4.44 that 37.5% of the respondents opined that the minibuses are not stick to their time, 33.5% of the respondents opined about their operation at scheduled hour as regular, 29.5% of the respondents opined that the operation of minibus at scheduled hours was punctual. Opined that the operation of minibus at scheduled hours are not stick to their time. Thus the table gives the result that majority 37.5% of the respondents. OPINION ABOUT OPERATIONS DURING HOLIDAYS Passenger opinion is an important factor for analyzing the decision making. For this purpose the passengers may define their opinion about operation during holidays as regular, operate in peak hours and race. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion about operations during holidays is shown in table 4.45. Table No:4.45

OPINION ABOUT OPERATIONS DURING HOLIDAYS S. No. 1 2 3 Operations During Holidays No. of respondents Percentage 76 57 67 200 (%) 38.0 28.5 33.5 100

Regular Operate in peak hours Race Total Source : Primary data

The table no. 4.45 shows that majority of respondents 38% opined that the operations during holidays is regular, 33.5% of the respondents opined as race, 28.5% of the respondents opined about the operation during holidays was that they operate in peakhours. Thus the table gives the result that majority 38% of the respondents opined about the operation of minibus during holidays as regular. OPINION DIFFICULTY AT THE TIME OF JOURNEY An attempt is made to analyse the relationship between respondents expectation and their level of satisfaction. For this purpose the respondents have been classified to five categories like to Heavy rush, demand for seat, No safety, Noise and Accidents. The distribution of respondents according to their reason for at the time of journey is shown in table 4.46. Table No:4.46 OPINION ABOUT DIFFICULTY AT THE TIME OF JOURNEY

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Difficulty at the time of journey No. of respondents Percentage 26 39 38 57 29 200 (%) 13 19.5 19.0 28.5 14.5 100

Heavy rush Demand for seat No safety Noise Accidents Total Source : Primary data

The table 4.46 shows that the majority 28.5% of the respondents feel noisy at the time of journey, 19.5% of the respondents experienced that difficulty to non-availability of seats. 19% of the respondents feel no safety in their journey and 14.5% of the respondents felt the difficulty of accidents at the time of journey, 13% of the respondents felt the difficulty of heavy rush. Thus the table gives the result the majority 28.5% of the respondents felt the noisy at the time of journey. OPINION ABOUT DEVIATIONS OF ROUTE In case of local festivals, the transport vehicles aim to pickup more passengers at the place of congestion. In a public transport system the deviations of route takes place a lot. It increases the passengers transport time and affect their interest. To identify the passengers opinion about deviations of route in case of minibus, it is categorized like very frequency, Frequency and


Rarely. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion for route deviations of minibus is shown in table 4.47. Table No:4.47 OPINION ABOUT DEVIATIONS OF ROUTE S. Deviations of Route No. of respondents Percentage 40 60 100 200 (%) 20 30 50 100

No. 1 Very Frequently 2 Frequently 3 Rarely Total Source : Primary data

It is observed from the above table 4.47 that 50% of the respondents opined the deviation of route is rare, 30% of the respondents opined as frequently, 20% of the respondents opined that the deviations of route is very frequent. Thus the table gives the result that majority 50% of the respondents opined that deviation of routes is rare.


MAINTENANCE OF THE MINIBUS Maintenance is a vital aspect of public transport system to enhance their quality and capacity. Their opinion is categorized as good, poor and very poor. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the maintenance of minibus is shown in table 4.48. Table No:4.48 OPINION ABOUT MAINTENANCE OF THE MINIBUS S. No. 1 2 3 Maintenance No. of respondents Percentage 94 40 66 200 (%) 47.0 20.0 33.0 100

Good Poor Very Poor Total Source : Primary data

It is clear from the above table 4.48 that 47% of the respondents opined that the maintenance of the minibus is Good, 33% of the respondents opined as very poor, 20% of the respondents opined as poor. Thus the table gives the result that majority of 47% of the respondents opined that the maintenance of minibus as good.


PEAK HOUR TRAVELLING A peak hour traveling is a part of the day during which traffic congestion on roads and crowding on public transport is at the highest. Normally, this happens twice a day. Once in the morning and other in the evening, the times during when most people resume their work and return from their work. In this case the respondents opinion is classified into high crowd, non-stopping, and rarely. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the peak hour traveling in the minibus is shown in table 4.49. Table No:4.49 OPINION ABOUT PEAK HOUR TRAVELLING S. Peak Hour No. of respondents Percentage 86 37 77 200 (%) 43.0 18.5 38.5 100

No. 1 High Crowd 2 Non-Stop 3 Rarely Total Source : Primary data

It is observed from the above table 4.49 that 43% of the respondents opined that peak hour traveling is high crowd, 38.5% of the respondents opined as rarely that travel and 18.5% of the respondents opined that non-stop of the minibus at the appropriate stop. Thus the table gives the result that majority 43% of the respondents opined that peak hour traveling is high crowd.


FREQUENCY OF MINIBUS All the passengers are in search of quick transport means to attend work. For this, the frequency of minibus is imminent to transport the respondents to their particular destination. For this purpose the respondents opinion have been classified into excellent, good, moderate, bad and very bad. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion of frequency of minibus is shown in table 4.50. Table No:4.50 OPINION ABOUT FREQUENCY OF MINIBUS S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency No. of respondents Percentage Excellent Good Moderate Bad Very Bad Total 42 57 50 15 36 200 (%) 21 28.5 25.0 7.5 18.5 100

Source : Primary data It is observed from the table 4.50 that 28.5% of the respondents opined frequecy of minibus is Good, 25% of the respondents opined as moderate, 21%


of the respondents opined as excellent and the 18% of the respondents opined as very bad, 7.5% of the respondents opined as Bad. OPINION ABOUT NIGHT HOUR TRAVELLING Now a days the public transport system provides the services during night hours also. An attempt is made to find out their level of satisfaction during night traveling in minibus. For this purpose the respondents have been calssified into three categories less frequently, less crowd, non-availability. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion of night hour traveling in mini bus is shown in table 4.51. Table No:4.51 OPINION ABOUT NIGHT HOUR TRAVELLING S. Opinion No. of respondents Percentage 58 80 66 200 (%) 27 40 33 100

No. 1 Less Frequency 2 Less Crowd 3 Non Availability Total

Source : Primary data


The table 4.51 shows that the majority 40% of the respondents opined that night hour traveling is less crowd, 33% of the respondents opined as non-availability buses and 27% of the respondents opined that as less frequency. Thus the table gives the result that majority 40% of the respondents opined that peak hour traveling is less crowd. OPINION ABOUT SAFETY Safety in travel is an important aspect for selecting the mode of transport means. An attempt is made to find out the safety level of minibuses. For this purpose the respondents opinions have been classified into excellent, good, moderate, bad, worst. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion of minibuss show in table4.52. Table No:4.52 OPINION ABOUT SAFETY S. Safety No. of respondents Percentage 37 63 54 19 27 200 (%) 18.5 31.5 27.0 9.5 13.5 100

No. 1 Excellent 2 Good 3 Moderat e 4 Bad 5 Worst Total Source : Primary data


It is observed from the above table 4.52 shows that 31.5% of the respondents opined that safety of minibus is Good, 27% of the respondents opined as moderate 18.5% of the respondents opined as excellent and the 13.5% of the respondents opined as worst, 9.5% of the respondents opined as Bad. Thus the table gives the result that 31.5% of the respondents opined that safety of minibus is good. BEHAVIOUR OF BUS CREWS When the behaviour of the drives is very rude, rough and tough, the passengers may neglect that transport. Rather, when they are passionate, it tempts undertake many to travel in that vehicle. An attempt is made to find out the opinion of the respondents of minibus in Sankari town. For this purpose their behaviour is classified as normal tolerable and intolerable. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the behaviour of crews is shown in table 4.53.


Table No:4.53 OPINION ABOUT BEHAVIOUR OF BUS CREWS S. Behaviour No. of respondents Percentage 102 47 51 200 (%) 51 23.5 25.5 100

No. 1 Normal 2 Tolerable 3 Intolerable Total Source : Primary data

It is observed from the table 4.53 that 51% of the respondents opined about behaviour of bus crews is normal, 25.5% of the respondents opined that the behaviour of bus crews as intolerable, 23.5% of the respondents opined that the behaviour of bus crews as tolerable. Thus the table gives the result that majority 51% of the respondents opined that the behaviour of bus crews is good. OPINION ABOUT NATURE OF DRIVING Nature of driving is the way of handling the vehicle some many drive fast, some may drive slowly where as other may drive very slowly. An attempt is made to find out the opinion of the respondents as to the driving of minibus. Their opinion has been classified into fast, slow, and very slow. The distribution of respondents according to their opinion about the nature of driving of minibuses in shown in table 4.54.

Table No:4.54 OPINION ABOUT NATURE OF DRIVING S. No. 1 2 3 Nature of Driving No. of respondents Percentage 91 60 49 200 (%) 45.5 30.0 24.5 100

Fast Slow Very Slow Total Source : Primary data

It is observed from the table 4.54 that 45.5% of the respondents opined the driving nature is fast, 30% of the respondents as slow, and the remaining 24.5% of the respondents as very slow. Thus the table gives the result that 45.5% of the respondents opined that the nature of driving of minibuses as fast.


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