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Team Building

Team building is a philosophy of job design in which employees are viewed as members of interdependent teams instead of as individual workers. Team building refers to a wide range of activities, presented to businesses, schools, and sports teams, religious or non-profit organizations designed for improving team performance. Team building can also be seen in day-to-day operations of an organization and team dynamic can be improved through successful leadership. Team building is an important factor in any environment, its focus is to specialize in bringing out the best in a team to ensure self development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to problem solve. Team building can also refer to the process of selecting or creating a team from scratch.

Team building exercises consist of a variety of tasks designed to develop group members and their ability to work together effectively. There are many types of team building activities that range from games for kids to games and challenges that involve novel and complex tasks that are designed for improving group performance by addressing specific needs. Team building can range from simple social activities - to encourage team members to spend time together- to team development activities -designed to help individuals discover how they approach a problem, how the team works together, and discover better methods of communication. Team interaction involves "soft" interpersonal skills including communication, negotiation, leadership, and motivation - in contrast to technical skills directly involved with the job at hand. Depending on the type of team building, the novel tasks can encourage or specifically teach interpersonal team skills to increase team performance. Whether indoor or outdoor, the purpose of team building exercises is to assist teams in becoming cohesive units of individuals that

can effectively work together to complete tasks. As a matter of fact I would like to thank our Faculty Sir. Dr. Prof. Kalyani, for organising such a nice field activities for various groups. We could experience the practicality about team building as an approach. In our class sec N all the students were divided into several groups and I where I would like to talk about our group as a team of six members Akbar, Nisha, Abhishek, Nakul, Anurag, Varun. All our members were divided into different roles and the roles are as follows: Akbar Nisha as one sub-group, Anurag Nakul as one, and Abhishek was the leader or a instructor, Varun was the observer of the activity. Note Activity on the field was based on team building in which we all members had to perform some task and we had to regulate the

work as per the job given to us. The objective of performing the field activity was to learn how team building can play a major role and affect the work more efficiently and effectively. Job was to draw several maps of different countries like India, Africa, and Australia. Akbar and Nisha as one sub-team had to draw a map of India and Africa as together and Nakul & Anurag as one sub-team had to draw a map of Australia, The communication part and the instructor part was played by Abhishek and Varun was observing all the things done on the field. He was observing what we are doing and how we are doing the given task. Hopefully we could manage to complete the task on time given to us and it was an amazing experience, we could learn hw team building can play a major role in completing the task effectively and efficiently. Coordination is a very important factor in team building activities. So if coordinated

well, the task could be achieved much pretty well in time and perfectly. We could also see the kind of communication we had to develop among our team members so as to perform effectively.

Rules of the game

1. The leader was an instructor who had to guide us to draw maps and he will communicate the course of action on the field. He will act as a leader to make sure that the members are doing their job correctly. 2. Two other members who were drawing the map of India and Africa was Akbar and Nisha and their eyes were fully covered with a cotton cloth and nothing was visible. 3. The other two members Anurag and Nakul also followed the same rule while performing their job of drawing the map of Australia. 4. Other basic rules were like the team of

two-two members who were performing the activities together had to hold their right hands, and we have to use left hand while drawing the map.

Important to know:The reason for conducting this team building exercise by our sir- Dr. Kalyani- was to give us the real experience of how the team building play a major role by achieving a particular target. Remember- When we work together, we work more faster and more effectively and efficiently, only if coordinated and communicated well. And yes, we could manage to do that and yes we had been observed by one of our team member named as Varun and then later was shown to our sir, who saw what we had done in the given activity.

In our team all the members performed well and we actually realised our ability to do things independently. With this activity we could easily configure how the teams work together and this came to be very good activity together. The activity also helped us in developing the soft inter personal skills which includes communication, negotiation, leadership and motivation. It was a simple activity to perform though very interesting and very effective to understand the meaning of team building completely. After the activity was completed , we also had an opportunity to see other groups performing their activities as a team, It was a nice experience to see how others are performing their group tasks.

Hence in the end I would like to say: Coming Together is a beginning....

Keeping Together is a progress.... Working Together is a success...... And we also realised how the team work can inject as a fuel that allows us to attain the desired results effectively and efficiently. Thank You....

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