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TEST PAPER 1p)1. Fill in with do or does. Completeaza cu DO sau DOES; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. cats eat mice?

your friend go to school by bus? When he do his homework? Sarah have a pet? What they usually have for breakfast?

1p)2.Add s or es to the verb. Adauga terminatia -S sau ES verbului; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She take_ piano lessons. Kevin listen_ to music every day. My sister always finish_ her homework faster than I do. The little boy watch_ Cartoon Network a lot. She catch- an early bus to get to school in time.

1p)3. Write the following sentences in the negative.Scrie propozitiile la negativpres.simple: Example: I eat fruit every day. I dont eat fruit every day. 1.She goes to school. 2.John likes surprises. 3.I wash my car. .. 4.We read a book. . 5.They finish their homework. ----------------------------------------------1p) 4.Pune verbele din paranteza la present simple:
1. My father _____________ (read) two newspapers every day. 2. I _____________ (visit) my grandmother every weekend. 3. My uncle usually _____________ (drink) two glasses of orange juice after dinner. 4. My uncle _____________ (always /run) three kilometers every morning 5. My teacher Mrs. Harrison _____________ (give/usually) us tests.

1p) 5. True(T )or false(F)Adevarat sau fals?Tradu apoi propozitiile:

1.The teacher is standing at the blackboard. 2.The girl is sitting between two boys. 3.The teacher is sitting in front of the class. 4.The blackboard is behind the teacher. 5.The door is near the table. 1P)6.Kevin is very ill so he cant go to school today. Write what he must or mustnt do.

1.He..stay in bed. 2.He. go out. 3.He drink hot tea. 4.He .eat ice cream. 5.He.. go to school. 1p) 7.Here is a list of some actions. Write the things that you must do in the first column and the things that you mustnt do in the second.: clean your shoes, wear dirty clothes, play on the computer at night, eat vegetables, go to school, write your homework, arrive late to school, be noisy during the classes, drink coffee, play loud music after 11. MUST MUSTNT __________________ ____________________________ __________________ ____________________________ ___________________ ____________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------

1p).8.Completeaza cu CAN/ CANT:

1. She 2. No,she 3. No,I'm sorry you 4. Yes , I fly but she can run. watch TV,it is too late. have this cake. It's too sweet . see a bird in the tree. read !

5. She can't write but she

1p) 9.Tradu numerele: 4578; 376 ; 37; 290; 9843;

+ 1p oficiu

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