English Test

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Name:_________________________________________Date: _____________ Grade level:___Parents signature:_____________Teacher: __________________ I. Puzzle

Identify the words being asked from the elements and kinds of story. Complete the puzzle below. (10 points)

ACROSS 1.The time and location in which a 5 story takes place 3 4 3.The highest point of event in the story or the most exciting part 6.A story passed 6 from one person to 7 another by word of mouth. 7.The final outcome or untangling of events in the story. 8.The part/ events where conflict 9 begins to be solved 9.Story that tells about something that is true and real. DOWN 3.It is the person, animal or other creature in the story. 4.The beginning of the story where the characters and setting is revealed. 5.Story that is made up or make believe like Harry Potter. II. TRUE OR FALSE Write T- the statement is true about the story and F- if it is false. Write your answer on the blanks.
1 2

______1.Yasuris husband died before Kamatari was born. ______2.Yasuri trained her son to fight like a warrior. ______3.Kamatari complained about being trained by her mother. ______4.Yasuri believed that her son would become an emperor. ______5.The emperors crystal ball was stolen from the ship. ______6.A boat bringing the gift for the emperor sunk into the ocean. ______7.Only the divers were allowed to look for the crystal ball. ______8.Yasuri feared that her son would not be able to stay long underwater. ______9.Kamatari was only 16 years old when he searched for the crystal ball. ______10.Kamatari found the crystal ball and was made a Samurai.

III. Multiple Choice Directions: Encircle the correct details about the selections. (10points) 1. How did the family help Mark? a. They supported him. b. They prepared a speech for him c. They treat him to eat in a restaurant 2. Who won the pretend election? a. Joshua Del Rosario b. Christian Ramos c. Ramon Villo 3. What was Marks worried about? a. Attending a meeting b. Presiding a meeting c. Talking to his father 4. What important reminder in running the election did the parents give Mark? a. To be polite b. To stay focused c. To show authority 5. What did Mr. Villo suggested to the family to help his son? a. To ask others about running an election b. To have a dry run about the election c. To join the election to be conducted in school 6. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. a. Do not compare yourself with others because you are different from them. b. Look at others achievements and youll be sorry for yourself. c. Try to achieve more so you can be better than others 7. As far as possible, without surrender, be in good terms with all persons. a. Do not surrender to enemies and you will be blessed b. Try your best to establish good relationship with other people c. Go as far as you can go to find good friends 8. Whatever you conceived him to be. And whatever your work and aspirations, keep peace in your soul. a. Be faithful to the God you know b. Do not believe what others say about your God c. Have a good relationship with the God you believe in. 9. You are a child , no less than trees and stars. a. You are more valuable than anything else because you belong here. b. Your value is less than the trees and stars c. Your universe is more than the trees and the stars 10. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have story. a. Say only what is right and true, and listen to what other say b. Do not say anything when somebody is talking. c. Listen to people and hear their stories

IV. Fiction and Nonfiction Directions: Identifying fiction and nonfiction. Write A if it is a fiction and B if it is Non-fiction. (10points) ______1. Courtesy begets Courtesy ______2. Balloons and Boxes ______3. Making A Difference ______4. The Crystal Ball ______5. The Happy Mirror ______6. The Monkey and the turtle ______7. Cinderellas story ______8. The Peter Pan ______9. The Life of Thomas Edison ______10. State of the Nation Address of Philippine Presidents V. Fill in the blanks Fill in the necessary blanks to complete the details of this poem. (10points) 1.______________ - BY MAX EHRMANN c.1920 Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without 2.______________, be in good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your 3.______________ as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Beyond a wholesome 4.______________, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the 5.______________, no less than trees and the stars; You have the 6.______________ to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with 7.______________, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your work and 8.______________, keep peace in your soul. It is a 9.______________ world. Be cheerful. Strive to be 10.______________.
God achievements happy Discipline aspirations surrender Desiderata right beautiful Universe


Directions: Read the selection very carefully and answer the questions below. (10 points) Matthew gets ready to go to work early every morning. After he wakes up, he makes himself some coffee, he reads the newspaper, shaves and showers, and he has breakfast. This morning Matthew is running late, so he only has enough time to shave before he leaves his apartment.

Matthew turns on the water. The water from the faucet is cold, so he lets the water run for a minute before cupping his hands together and splashing water on his face. The warm water feels good on his skin, and it helps him wake up a little. He puts on the shaving cream and he begins to shave. Matthew is careful when he shaves because he doesn't want to cut himself. First he shaves under his nose, then he shaves from the right side of his face to the left side of his face. When he's finished shaving, Matthew rinses his face with water to get the shaving cream off. He dries his face off with a towel, gets dressed, and heads to work. Once he arrives at work, he'll get some coffee from the coffee shop near his office.

1A: Why doesn't Matthew make coffee for himself this morning? 1B: He is ______________ late. 2A: Does Matthew usually watch TV in the morning? 2B: No, he ____________ . 3A: What does he __________ on his face? 3B: He ___________ on some shaving cream. 4A: Why is he careful when he shaves? 4B: He doesn't want to cut _____________. 5A: What does he use to dry off his face? 5B: He uses a _______________ .

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