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How to Complete the Performance Summary Table (PST)

As an initial step, it is important to ensure that all of the required metrics are listed on Table F and the PST. This is done by reviewing the requirements in Category 4.0 Performance (Items 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, Exhibit 1 Requirements and the Exhibits). Protect the worksheet before entering any data. Enter information in columns A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and J only. Entering data in other columnsif the Tool is unprotectedwill interfere with the built-in calculations.

Column B
Cell B-6: Insert the date that performance data was assessed Cell B-7: If this is an initial certification, enter Y (only) Cell B-8: If this is a re-certification, enter Y (only) Cell B-9: Enter S or G (only) to indicate if the entity is seeking certification to either the COPC-2000 CSP Standard or the COPC-2000 CSP Gold Standard. After results for all metrics have been entered, you can compare scores between each of these Standards, by toggling this cell between S and G. The Tool will automatically recalculate the PST score for Item 4.7 Achieving Results and re-label the appropriate cells (rows 11 27) each time this cell is toggled.

Guidelines for Completing Each Column

Column A: Item # Reference. Enter the Item number(s) as required or leave blank. Column B: (rows 30-243) Metric Type. Enter the KCRP metric type or leave blank. Column C: (rows 30-243) Required Metric Name. Enter the name of the Metric as applicable. Column D: (rows 30-243) Actual Metric Used. This is the name of the metric used by the CSP. If it is different than the name listed, enter the correct name here. Column E: (rows 30-243) Metric Label. Each metric is already labeled as one of: Service (S), Quality (Q), Cost/Revenue (C), Client/ End-User Satisfaction (CS), or Revenue Generation (R cell color will automatically change to orange to highlight your selection). These designations are normally used for the COPC-2000 CSP Gold Standard calculations only but it should be used for all metrics-regardless of which Standard is applicable. Column F: (rows 30-243) Number of Months Achieving Target. This is the number of months (or other relevant time period) that the CSP is achieving target.

2004 Customer Operations Performance Center Inc.


Revised 19-Jul-05

Column G: (rows 30-243) Number of Months with Data. This is the number of months (or other relevant time period) for which the entity has collected the data. You must input this figure. Remember that if there is a break in the data (i.e., data is missing for one or more periods), data for periods prior to the break in data may not be considered in determining compliance to Item 4.7 Achieving Results. Column H: (rows 30-243) Are Targets Achieved in at Least 3/4ths of the Periods? Based upon your entries in Columns F and G, the Tool will automatically determine the answer to this question. Column I: (rows 30-243) Is Performance Improvement Expected? A No in Column H will automatically yield a Yes in this column, indicating you would expect performance improvement. Column J: (rows 30-243) Is there Sustained Improvement? An entry should only be made in this column if there is a Yes in column I. This is your assessment of whether or not there has been sustained improvement. The guideline you should use for determining if improvement has been sustained is: Are there three consecutive data points above the previous performance level? Column K: (rows 30-243) Is individual metric compliant? If the answer in either column H or J is Yes, the tool will automatically enter Compliant in this column, otherwise, it will enter Not Compliant. NOTE: Data entries must be revised if an Error message appears in either column H or J because the metric will be automatically scored as Not Compliant and will reduce the overall 50% or 65% score. Column L: (rows 30-243) Error Messages. This column displays any data entry errors (e.g., Check Metric Label, Value in F cannot be > value in G, "Must enter numerical value ONLY in F including 0"). It is important to correct all entries to ensure Tool calculation integrity.

2004 Customer Operations Performance Center Inc.


Revised 19-Jul-05

Guidelines for Interpreting the PST Results

The Results area begins in cell A-11. An explanation of each cell is provided below. Cell I-11 automatically calculates the percentage of metrics meeting/exceeding target. For the COPC-2000 CSP Standard, if this value is greater than or equal to 50%, the Entity is compliant to the 50% rule (displayed as Yes in cell H-11 and the label in cell B-11is displayed as Meets 50% Rule?). For the COPC-2000 CSP Gold Standard, if this value is greater than or equal to 65%, the Entity is compliant to the 65% rule (also displayed as Yes in cell H-11 and the label in cell B-11 changes to Meets 65% Rule?). Cell K-13 automatically calculates the percentage of metrics meeting/exceeding target or exhibiting sustained improvement. If this value is greater than or equal to 75%, the Entity is compliant to the 75% rule (displayed as Yes in cell J-13). For the COPC-2000 CSP Gold Standard (only), cells M-15, M-17, M-19, M-21, and M-23 automatically calculate the percentage of Service, Quality, Cost, Client/End-User Satisfaction and Revenue metrics meeting/exceeding target or exhibiting sustained improvement (displayed as Yes in cells L-15, L-17, L-19, L-21, and L-23). These cells will be blank or displayed as Not Applicable for the COPC-2000 CSP Standard.

COPC-2000 CSP Standard: To be compliant, the entity must achieve at least 50% in
cell I-11 and at least 75% in cell K-13. Cell K-25 indicates overall compliance (displayed as either Yes or No).

COPC-2000 CSP Gold Standard: To be compliant, the entity must achieve at least 65%
in cell I-11, and at least 75% in cell K-13, and at least 50% in each of cells M-15, M-17, M-19, M-21, and M-23. Cell L-27 indicates overall compliance (displayed as either Yes or No).

2004 Customer Operations Performance Center Inc.


Revised 19-Jul-05

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