Bach Flower Remedies For Animals

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Bach Flower Remedies for Animals

This branch of homeopathy was started by Dr Edward Bach, who was also famous for the bowel nosodes. There are 37 remedies made from parts of flowering plants and trees with one made from water. They affect the emotions of animals, including humans, for whom they were originally made. They work in a similar way to Homeopathic remedies but are not proved in the same way. They are used by giving 3 or 4 drops to the animal, dogs and horses directly into the mouth or in drinking water for cats who tend to dislike the taste. They can be used in combination and repeated 2-4 times daily until a change is noted or the stressful situation has passed.
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Rescue Remedy: Contains Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, and Star of
Bethlehem. This is good both for emergency situations, shock, and stress. Helps to stabilise the emotions. Give every minute or so until the shock subsides. Agrimony: For those who hide their troubles from themselves and others, making light of inner difficulties and rarely burdening others with them. The animals do not like his owners arguing. They can develop medical problems when stressed for example diarrhoea, skin problems and arthritis. It can help with urinary incontinence Aspen: This is a remedy for fear of the unfamiliar for example fireworks visits to the vet. It can help with animals that do not like to be left alone. Beech: For intolerance. They do not like animals or people from outside their family or unfamiliar foods. They can also be intolerant of extreme temperatures and insects or pollens. It can help if a new pet is rejected by the old and can help with allergies. Centaury: For those who always try to please others and find it difficult to say no to them, They are subservient, quiet and timid. It can be used for the runt who is being pushed out and for submissive urination and fear of dogs. Cerato: For the easily distracted dog while training and chronic barkers. Cherry Plum: For those who fear losing control for example the cat who dislikes being in the basket. It can help with fear related aggression. Chestnut Bud: For those who repeat the same mistakes over and over again, it helps any animal with his training and prevention of future mistakes. Chicory: Teaches unconditional love. Animals for whom it is indicated include those who are dominant and think they own the house and all in it. They follow the owner around the house watching her every move Clematis: This helps recovery from drugs, trauma, surgery, welping and the like. It may help for distraction and inattention.

Crab Apple: This is an excellent cleansing remedy use for smelly coats, dermatitis and to treat infections. Elm: Used when one feels overwhelmed or over burdened by responsibilities, for example before dog or cat shows or other such trying situations. Gentian: For feelings of discouragement and doubt which may be caused by even small obstacles. Teaches confidence about the ability to overcome problems.Use for an animal who seems depressed after the loss of a friend or other bad experiences. Gorse: For feelings of hopelessness and despair. Slow recovery from chronic disease. Heather: For those who have a need to constantly talk about themselves and their problems, who hate being alone. Teaches the ability to listen sensitively to others. This shows as excessive attention getting barking or yowling. Holly: Teaches one to be truly loving. It is used to treat aggression and jealousy. Honeysuckle: For those who dwell too much in the past, on lost loved ones, or on ambitions which were never realised. Often they never expect happiness again. Use for anxious behaviour on kennel stays or other separations from family. It can also be helpful in weakness caused by blood loss or illness. Hornbeam: For the feeling that one doesn't have the strength to get through the normal activities of the day. Teaches mental liveliness and alertness, an enthusiasm for life. If your pet appears to have lost this then this is a remedy to try. Impatiens: For those who act and think quickly, and have no patience for what they see as the slowness of others. They are irritable nervous animals often anxious during competitions. It can also help with pain. Larch: For lack of self-confidence and the anticipation of failure. Often they make no attempt to succeed. Teaches self-confidence and the determination to take on challenges.Use for the animal who cowers in submission; perhaps the animal who has been abused. Mimulus: For known fears: of the dark, thunder, strangers, noise etc. They can be aggressive when cornered or sometimes urinate. Mustard: For depression of unknown cause, a sudden gloom which descends upon one for no apparent reason. They prefer solitude and give up hope. Oak: For those who never give up, regardless of difficulties. This remedy gives such people joy in their endeavours, and teaches them to take a break from time to time. It is excellent for endurance competitions and rebuilding strength after physical stress.

Olive: For mental and physical exhaustion, caused by illness or ordeals. This remedy assists in giving strength and vitality again after physical exhaustion or illness. It also aids with cleansing. Pine: For those who are never satisfied with themselves and blame themselves for not doing better. For people who suffer from guilt and will even blame themselves for others' mistakes. Attempt to please even the worst owner. Red Chestnut: The animal who is afraid for those he loves; he stands at the window until his master returns, they are over anxious about their young. It is useful for an animal who has to separated from his owner. Rock Rose: For extreme fear, for example when left alone during thunder the dog might destroy the house. Rock Water: For those who adopt repressive, rigid personal regimes, and deny themselves pleasure. Use for stubborn animals. The remedy can also be used for stiffness of the joints. Scleranthus: Use for loss of balance for example strokes and motion sickness. Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. Teaches the ability to recover from traumas and to integrate them into the present life. The animals may appear with-drawn or lose the use of a limb or other function. Sweet Chestnut: For extreme anguish, the feeling that one has reached the limits of one's endurance. Vervain: The remedy can calm the hyperactive, intense animal constantly barking and jumping. It can help with the tendency to roam or escape. Vine: For those who insist that others do things their way. They are strong willed and hard to train. Walnut: This remedy eases all transitions for example moves loss of a limb or a new owner. Water Violet : For those who loners, sometimes proud and aloof. They prefer solitude when ill. The remedy teaches them to interact with others without sacrificing their independence. Many cats fit this remedy well. White Chestnut: For anxious animals. Teaches a balanced state of mind and the ability to use one's thoughts constructively. Wild Oat: They appear depressed from boredom use for instance after retirement from competition. e.g. feather plucking or other destructive activities. Wild Rose: For resignation and apathy, for those who make no effort to find joy in their lives. Teaches enthusiasm and the ability to make life meaningful.

Willow: For resentment, which usually shows as destructive behaviour. Teaches one to take responsibility for one's own life.

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