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My Name: ______________________________________ Score: ___________ / 80

Placement Test

Grammar and language

1 Choose the correct answer.
0 My name __________ Alfonso. a be b is c are 15 There are lots of people __________ outside the house! a wait b to wait c waiting

1 I think Lisbons __________ excellent city. a a b an c the

2 A: Are you Mike? B: Yes, __________. a I am. b Im. c am.

16 A: How much exercise do you do? B: __________. a None b No c Not some

17 It was __________ hot that we just stayed in the hotel. a enough b so c such

3 A: What __________ you do? B: Im a chef. a is b are c do

18 It was the __________ week of my life! a bad b worse c worst

4 My flights __________ Wednesday. a at b in c on

19 Marseilles isnt as big __________ Paris. a as b like c than

5 They invited __________ to Germany. a our b us c we

20 Oh no! Weve run __________ of milk. a away b out c through

6 Frank __________ at university. a studies b studys c study

21 We enjoyed __________ your friends yesterday. a meeting b to meet c meet

7 Valeria __________ English. a c dont speak speaks not b doesnt speak

22 If you give me your phone number, __________ you tomorrow. a Id call b Ill call c I call

8 I __________ drive. a cant b dont can c can no

23 Ben __________ to eat vegetables at all! a c not used didnt used b didnt use

9 The kids __________ watching TV at the moment. a not b arent c dont

24 Ive lived here for __________. a c five years last year b January

10 We dont have __________ credit cards. a any b no c some

11 Theres a chemists __________ the station. a near b near from c near of

25 Wait a minute! I havent finished my dessert __________. a already b just c yet

12 Toni __________ in the office yesterday. a didnt b isnt c wasnt

26 Come on! Everybody __________ for you! a are waiting b is waiting c waiting

13 We __________ to get the train, but it left before we got to the station. a hurry b hurried c hurryed

27 A: I dont like mushrooms. B: __________ do I. A Neither b No c Not

14 Did the teacher __________ you the homework? a gave b gived c give

28 Members of the public __________ enter this room. Its prohibited. a c dont have to mustnt b might not

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Placement Test
didnt you b wouldnt you hadnt you 36 Oh no! I forgot __________ that letter this morning! a post b posting c to post

29 Youd met Alison before the party, __________? a c

30 A: Where was that man from? B:  Im not sure, but I think he __________ be Scottish because of his accent. a might b should c must

37 By the beginning of January, __________ here for over a decade. a c well work b well be working well have worked

31 Take your mobile in case __________ to call you. a I need b Id need c Ill need

38 A:  Do you mind if I check my emails on your computer? B: __________. Go ahead. a c No, I dont mind. I mind it. b Yes, I mind.

32 The policeman told me __________ out of my car. a dont get b not to get c not get

33 A: What does this word mean? B: I dont know. Look __________ in the dictionary. a it up b up it c up

39 A: Kais really angry about your email. B:  Oh, I know. Im so sorry. If only I __________ it! a c didnt send b wouldnt send hadnt sent

34 I feel awful all the time. __________ this hot weather. a c I not used to Im not used to b I dont get used to

40 The film was awful. If youd been there, you __________ home. a c had gone b would go would have gone

35 If I __________ you, Id buy my ferry tickets online. a am b will be c were

Score [____/40]

Listen to a phone call between two people. Complete the information. You will hear the conversation twice.
Isabella Niro phones the 0Green Garden Hotel. She wants a 1__________ room for two nights. Shes arriving with her 2__________. Her first night in the hotel will be 3__________ The room is 4__________ more expensive than on the website. She is coming to the town for a 5__________. The receptionist asks her for a fax with her 6__________. The fax number is 7__________ Isabella asks about two hotel facilities, which are 8__________. The rooms at the back of the hotel are quiet because they are on a 9__________. The receptionist suggests getting 10__________ from the airport.

Score [____/10]
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Placement Test
Now do a speaking test with your teacher. Answer the questions. You will need these pictures in the speaking test.

Your teacher sent you this email. Write a reply. Write a maximum of 100 words.

Hi! Welcome to the course! I want to know all about your language learning. Please send me an email, and tell me about:

your lessons/teachers in the past why you are doing this course what you want to do with English in the future.

Dear Teacher Thank you for your email. You asked me about my English lessons. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Score [____/15]

Score [____/15]

Photocopiable Richmond Essential English Course Richmond Publishing 2010


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