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Hacker Chapter 59 MLA


the article you chose for your summary, create a citation for a works cited page.


to document sources to avoid plagiarism Consult OWL at Purdue for up-to-date formulas Bibliography generators are like Word and dont always catch errors

Demonstrate CCAC citation generator

Entries are arranged alphabetically by author, or by title if there is no author Each entry includes medium of publication of source (Print, Web, DVD, etc) It there is more than one entry per author, works are arranged alphabetically by title For second and all additional entries, type three hyphens and a period in place of the authors name Link to example on Owl at Purdue

Every source on Works Cited must be mentioned in body of paper Every source cited in an in-text citation must be included on Works Cited page First word in each entry of Works Cited must also appear in the in-text citation

The following is an excerpt from an essay: This disenfranchisement over his marginalization in Anglo society [affected] his individual psyche (Delgadillo 99). -----------------------------------------------------------------Stanko 17 Works Cited Delgadillo, Theresa. Forms of Chicana Feminist Resistance: Hybrid Spirituatlity in Ana Castillos So Far From God. Modern Fiction Studies 44.4 (1998):79 102. Print.

In-text citations contain two elements Last name of author Page number of quoted or paraphrased passage Information can be placed in parentheses immediately after the material being cited

The Spanish tried to reduce the status of Filipina women, who had been able to do business, get divorced, and sometimes become village chiefs (Karnow 41).

Or place authors name in an attributive tag at the beginning of the source material and the page number in parentheses at the end
According to Karnow, the Spanish tried to reduce the status of Filipina women, who had been able to do business, get divorced, and sometimes become village chiefs (41).


the article you chose for your summary, create a citation for a works cited page.

Tucker, William. Why I Still Support Nuclear Power, Even After Fukushima. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Ed. Laurence Behrens and Leonard Rosen. New York: Pearson Longman, 2013. 296 - 298. Print.

In groups, use to create a works cited page. Your works cited page should follow MLA format. There are 5 sources Please cite this link as well hicanafeminism/ Email works cited pages to


final copies are due

2-3 pages does NOT mean 1 pages. It means at least 2 FULL pages. You will submit the following items:

Rubric with peer review Final copy Prewrite Planning Rough draft

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