Grace Attenborough - Writing Matrix

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Age/Year Level: YEAR 6

Date: MAY 2013

End TERM 2

OTJ: N/A (3M)

AT (3A)


Adding detail and personal comment

Next Learning Steps:

Complex sentences

Sentence Structure

National Standard by the end of Year 4

Creates texts in order to meet the writing demands across the NZ Curriculum

By the end of Year 6, students are required to write more complex texts than students in Year 5.

National Standard by the end of Year 5 &Year 6

(Increasing Independence & Complexity)

1. AUDIENCE, PURPOSE, AND VOICE Purpose: a. I independently write texts using language and a simple text structure that suits my audience and purpose (recounting, describing, narrating, reporting, arguing or explaining). e.g. an orientation, sequenced events described in the past tense and linking words to show sequence (for a recount). b. I independently create a variety of texts in a range of print and electronic media.. Ideas & Voice: a. I write about several experiences or ideas including mostly relevant detail or personal comment. b. I use mostly relevant information that often includes detail and/or comment supporting the main points. c. I demonstrate an awareness of my audience through appropriate choice of content, language, and text form. Vocabulary: a. I use a variety of adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs that clearly convey ideas, experiences or information. b. I expand my writing vocabulary by using reference resources to check the meanings of words and to find new words. c. I apply my knowledge of the meaning of most common prefixes and suffixes. Written Language Features: I use written language features to support meaning. e.g. similes, onomatopoeia. Publishing: I make choices, when appropriate, for publishing in a variety of media, including digital and visual media.

By the end of Year 8, students are required to write with greater control and independence than students in Year 7. (Increasing Accuracy & Fluency)
Creates texts in order to meet the writing demands across the NZ Curriculum AT

National Standard by the end of Year 7 & Year 8

Creates texts in order to meet the writing demands across the NZ Curriculum AT







4. 5.

4. 5.

AUDIENCE, PURPOSE, AND VOICE Purpose: I apply a process and write texts choosing language and overall text structures that suit my audience and purpose (recounting, describing, narrating, reporting, arguing or explaining) e.g. an orientation, a problem, a climax, and a satisfying resolution (for a narrative), or an introduction, a series of main points, and a logical conclusion (for a report). Ideas, Voice, & Impact: a. I write about several experiences or ideas including detail or personal comment. b. I use content that is relevant to the curriculum task or items of information and include detail and/or comment supporting the main points. c. I use written language features (such as emotive vocab) to extend or clarify meaning and to engage my audience. Vocabulary: a. I use words and phrases that are appropriate to the topic, register, and purpose, including subject-specific vocabulary. b. I use a wide variety of precise and effective descriptive words (adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs) and adjectival and adverbial phrases that clearly convey ideas, experiences, or information Written Language Features: I use similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, and imagery to support meaning and for effect (to create a mental image). Publishing: I choose appropriate media for creating text or publishing, including visual and digital.



4. 5.

AUDIENCE, PURPOSE, AND VOICE Purpose: a. I select and apply a process and write texts choosing language and a clear and logical text structure to suit my purpose and audience (sometimes innovating) and to meet the requirements of the curriculum task (personal narratives, poems, arguments, feature articles, character profiles, research reports, essays, responses to literature, and short answers). b. I confidently and deliberately choose the most appropriate processes and strategies for writing in different learning areas. Ideas, Voice, & Impact: a. I communicate experiences, ideas, and information to meet specific purposes across the curriculum. b. I use content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task and that often includes detail and/ or comment supporting or elaborating on the main points. Vocabulary: a. I use words and phrases that are appropriate to the topic, register, tone, and purpose, including expressive, academic, and subject-specific vocabulary. b. I can discuss the language choices that I make, using the appropriate terms e.g. register and tone. Written Language Features: I deliberately use written language features to engage the audience and convey meaning e.g. rhetorical questions and metaphors. Publishing: I choose appropriate media for creating text or publishing, including visual and digital.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

STRUCTURE Sentences & Grammar: a. Sentences: i. I write mainly simple and compound sentences that vary in their beginnings, structures and lengths. ii. I attempt complex sentences using connectives such as when, how, because, although, with, as. b. Grammar: I use the correct tense, pronouns and sentences that are mostly grammatically correct. (**see LLP for further details.) Planning: I plan and organise ideas and information using tools (e.g. graphic organisers) and strategies (e.g. headings). Structure: I am aware that writers organise their ideas into paragraphs. Visual Language Features: I use visual language features to support meaning. e.g. illustrations and diagrams. Punctuation: I use capital letters, full stops, question marks, and exclamation marks correctly, and use commas for lists, speech marks, and apostrophes for contractions correctly most of the time. Spelling: a. I use my visual memory to correctly write most Spell-Write Essential List 1-4 words and many Spell-Write Essential List 5-7 words, correctly. b. I attempt unfamiliar words by using my knowledge of how words work. (**see LLP for further details.)


2. 3. 4. 5.


STRUCTURE Sentences & Grammar: I write simple and compound sentences that vary in their beginnings, structures, and lengths and are correct grammatically, and complex sentences that are mostly grammatically correct (using conjunctions such as when, how, because, although). Planning: I plan and organise rich language, ideas, and information using a variety of planning tools. Structure: a. I organise my ideas into paragraphs. b. I group ideas in paragraphs using related links within (and sometimes between) paragraphs. Visual Language Features: I use visual language features to extend or clarify meaning and to engage my audience. e.g. headings, titles, subheadings, labelled diagrams, charts, maps, and illustrations. Punctuation: a. I use basic punctuation that is mostly correct. e.g. punctuating dialogue. b. I attempt some complex punctuation such as possessive apostrophes for possession, commas for clauses, or semicolons. Spelling: a. I spell most high frequency words correctly (all of Spell-Write Essential List 1-7 words) b. I write most unfamiliar words, including words of many syllables, by applying common spelling patterns and using my knowledge of how words work. (**see LLP for further details.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

STRUCTURE Sentences & Grammar: a. I write grammatically correct sentences (including complex sentences). b. I use a variety of sentence structures, beginnings, and lengths for effect. Planning: I plan effectively, where appropriate, by using specific strategies. e.g. mind-mapping, or information-literacy skills to find and record information needed for writing. Structure: I write in paragraphs within which the ideas are clearly related and links within and between paragraphs. Visual Language Features: I deliberately use visual language features to engage the audience and convey meaning. Punctuation: a. I use basic punctuation correctly. b. I attempt some complex punctuation e.g. colons, semicolons, parentheses. Spelling: I fluently and correctly encode most unfamiliar words, including words of many syllables, by drawing on my knowledge of how words work, and my knowledge of word derivations. (**see LLP for further details.)

1. 2.

PROOFREADING AND EDITING Proofreading: a. I proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. b. I reread my writing at various stages to check for meaning and purpose. Editing/Recrafting: a. I revise my writing (from a readers perspective) and edit it for clarity, purpose and impact. b. I reread, discuss and respond to feedback by making changes to my writing.

1. 2.

PROOFREADING AND EDITING Proofreading: I proofread to correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, using appropriate resources. Editing/Recrafting: I review and revise my writing to clarify meaning and add impact, often in response to feedback.

1. 2.

PROOFREADING AND EDITING Proofreading: I proofread the text to check the grammar, spelling, and punctuation Editing/Recrafting: a. I craft and recraft text by revising and editing, checking that the text meets its purpose and is likely to engage my intended audience. b. I actively seek and respond to feedback on my writing.

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